Paul, Brian

officia]^oj^e,pwm.«h;rt of criminal APPEALS OF TEXAS p.iaMisfcMa&'Sj:CAPi?bl station, Austin, texas 787 i 1. Tg/;;jjiii.'!ifa penalty tost " . 02 1R 2/11/2015 0006557458 FEB 13 ,'.• MAILED FROM Zlf,CODE JAW\ „ PAUL, BRIAN Tr. Ct. No. 114-1*456-0^ WR-82,299-01 This is to advise that the Court has denied without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus. • "* ~ - Abel Acosta, Clerk BRIAN PAUL TELFORD UNIT - TDC # 1646997 t