Mr. Tommy R. Burkes 3872 FM 350 s. Polunsky Livingston,Texas 77351 Troy c. Bennett,JR. Clerk COURT OF CRIMIN~L APPEALS p,o, Bo~.l2308,Capitol ' . ~ .;.: . Station AUSTCtN,TEXAS ,,.,. 78711 Dear i-t' Mr. Bennett, My deepest apologies are~~xstended for having taken liberties in as much as to disrupt the normal operati~as and functions of your very busy schedule, I do forgive please,without any futher delay ill be as I brief as possible in conveyi~~ my need to enlist ypur services,would you please provide me with a complete copy of the Direct Appeal/a com~lete copy of the police reports/a complete copy of the state$ response Brief. in Case No. 05-03-00580-CR/W02-71429-K. Thanking you in advance,your time assistance and consideration is definitely appreciated. '-~. . . ., Respectfully, l RECEIVED ~N COORT OF CAIM1NAl APPEALS MAR 13 2015 LYVingst'n,Texas _ K_ B 77351 8 64