State v. Joseph Losoya

Received:830 Feb 2 2015 09:38am P001 02-02-'15 09:35 FROM- Atascosa Stat Judge 830 T-741 P0001/0001 F-989 m Jfourtl) Court of CO ro -o 3: NOTIFICATION OF LATE RECORD Court ofAppeals No., ifknown: Q4~15-00017-CR Trial Court stvie:The State of Texas v. Joseph Losoya Trial Court No.: 29941 I am the official responsible for preparing the clerk's record/reporter's record [circle one] in the above- referenced appeal. The approximate date of trial was: n-21 -2104 The record was originally due: 1-21-2015 (not sure if this is correct) I anticipate the length of the record to be: I am unable to file the record by the date such record is due because [check one]: □ the appellant is not entitled to appeal without paying the fee, and the appellant has railed to pay the fee or make arrangements to pay the fee for preparing such record. D my other duties or activities preclude working on the record and include the following [attach additional pages if needed]: 0 Other. Explain [attach additional pages ifneeded]: Have been OUt SJCk With SJnUS infection, flu and bronchitis for an extended period. 1 anticipate the record will be completed by: 3-2-2015 1, as the undersigned court official, certify that a copy ofthis Notification of Late Record has been served by first class mail of fax to the parties to thejudgment or order being appealed. Date: 2-2-2015 • Printed Name: Cynthia D, Lewis, CSR Titie: official court reporter Rev. 1.8.14