March 20, 2015 No. PD-1360-14 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS CHARLES DEVO WASSERMAN « 1843164 petitioner V. THE STATE OF TEXAS respondent On Appeal From The 13th District Court of Appeals ct Corpus Christ! PETITIONER"- MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Per T.R.A.P. rule 44.2 and other relavant rules, the petitioner hereby requests this Honorable Court to reconsider the refusal to review his P.D.R without written order/ and in support thereof would show the Court as follows; 1. T.R.A.P. rule 44.2 states that an appellate court must reverse any case that reveals a constitutional error subject to harmless error review. The petitioner has revealed ineffective assistance of counsel constituting an Sixth Amendment violation to right to counsel, as well as other errors which require affidavits and hearings. 2. Tne errors exposed were not resolved and will therefore be reversed at the next state appellate procedure to exhaust all state relief efforts •in compliance with art. 11.07 and 22.54/ furfhurmore these grounds could be resolved now if this Court reviews said P.D.R. RECEIVED IN COURTOFCBMNRLAPPEAI "HAR19 2015 AWAsesia,Clark WHEREFORE the petitioner prays this Honorable Court to grant reco nsideration of P.D.R. and any other relief deemed appropiate Respectfully submitt Charles Wasserman * 18433/^ Telford Unit 3899 State Hwy 98 New Boston,TX.75570 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the petitioner do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Motion was served by placing same in the U.S Mail on this 1^'th day of March addressed to Michael ^heppard Dewitt County Court house Cuero Texas 77954. Charles Wasserman # tflMlMGH Telford Unit 3899 State Hwy 98 New Boston,TX.75570 Off -4^ ft, c?° O -+• (/> Oj It* ~^ —f- c c- ^ 3 03 3 0" K. ' O • . IS O C^5 (J Q5 !-•• pi M fa} O Q5 t"'i a) 01 H1 > m JO 5^ Ft' h1 V fcO O CD -J • oo — •.0> LA
Wasserman, Charles Devon
Combined Opinion