ZItU&S-oi Abel Acosta, Clerk £ourt"of Criminal Appeals P.O.Box 123.08 Capital Station Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Writ of Habeas Corpus (11.07) Mr.Acosta, I had recieved a copy of ray 11.07 .from the District Court, on 1/5/15 and I am inquiring if a copy has been sent to the Court of Criminal Appeals as well? I have not recieved any kind of notification, and would like to know if you have recieved it. It was two forms, and a 37 pg. memorandum in support of the writ. I greatly appreciate your time and assistance in this matter. Thanks! Respectfully, Mr.Billy W.Haynes #1723231-Clements H/S 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo, Texas 79107 JA^ 20 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk