OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 OFFICIAL BUSINESS STATE ©F TEXAS 2 \L<* * SEfe'SK^j,^i.^'^efjsn- PEMALTY FOR So 02 1M _ 3/4/2015 PK8V^EWSE 0004279596 MAR06 2015 Tiy Ct.rNt>. 6*309PfAs MAILED FROM 3/VRs82,8f73)-01 PERKINS, WINSTON This'is'to advise that"the Court has denied without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus on the findings of the trial court without a hearing. Abel Acosta, Clerk WINST©pPERKINS . BRAZOR Aqp.UNnTyr JAIL , 3602 CO^NJI^RJ ANGLET||s\m(| AVRS3B" 775i5 n>',ni!'iii,''-i'iiiph,liii,Mi',lii!',iliiiii