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C?€r/Z Swd/sue d/ie/n Yde So/^e^ doru- r^e^/sd/) Copy offlff/dai/irfronnyoAAj Co/uer/j?, olS/C dAa/you f//e T^ese c/ocu/^?caj?s S2A>d Su6rr)7//~ ~Mesn *do -//]£ Cour/tT^^/u/Cyou //Q advance, for your ass/s7c\/u£:<^_, C^z/Oc^r^/^, ./ Z>/s£~ £/er/G C&use.Ax>; do -£ox £ 7?oo3 : 7>/~Dc-//-3oo/y//ooo/)oq f /\vt//n/?es&dJ?. /r?e dsso Crooyi/yfesuf yoA/u Co/vcr/y -? os/C /dhod hoot /vYo /diese r/ocasnGods Udi:d your CoQrdr77?u/o/C /dr your1 yzss/sdssuc^ yd £a//&A££-L S?/VCertr/&, yd^d/Z frddd Try/dr CVFs/^C'Of. \NR-l%a& /$e/rtQ Ssfdr/3,20//. £>r> 0oa>^ F//aa/ Ad r^^y-PAid ^A/zAcrA A/iad AAe de/&*/~ OAT~d /AVOd/OAifTP^JS /y/as yuecessa.^, F&rA/ry? fr> a?ia?/a?~ -f/yj /Co/r?&>>?esJCH oavo/'ydadAz c:oaa/?'aju€c/'/& A^T- \ydces W/'r rd^rr.ssa^ FjqaJAt u;as Utq^a- dr&drd /bud Cdmj/q/aisuF AoSAa^d Ar/k/dc #Asz> rSo/d ddad Ado AdefoAQoAaAyArd/A/yod Au/Ccz Ad A)aqA/ -ys^rdodc /y?rd/CodbAJS aaj Ad^ fee- /jjorAd. ddd sdAo/rieAAdsAeuAdAavr Aood CouaascAdz> Aayr dAo rdofcAudAiAAA OiyoAuAdodfr Sa/stfy ad ddz d/7ne. of dAo Cr/d^ dsyrf^A/y S/dre Act /yyos /vod Qa\J Ass mrd/c^A/o^s riAxduw#s yAJSOAje frj/f/j AAr Cr/Awrs '/Mes Corr?Ay?//Acd WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANTAPPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 -ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) • WX-7%A £**>*? FA/as/ Ah rry^A-a/Jc/ ^ForA AAaF AAe de/o^*- Fat/sj /Co/jv/fcTfesJcv oavoAyAad Aaj OoaaAAaju€c/^ A&>t» l/0/ces OAurAas o/^rr.ssc^ F/odAo usas Utqa/a>a- A-reoAoA-J Afxf Cornyo/rsud Ao S/z^d Ard/do &Asz> ^o/rAddaA Ado Adefo^oAaAArdAdavoA AuFd A/s AaoA/-ys^rAoAAJ Avyrd/OoA/bAOS aa) AAe- fe^/jjorAd' d7?d sAuAorr/CAAAsAouAdAaiAA', Aood Coua/soAAo Aoyr ddr^ rAoAJAvrJAiAiAd omuAuaiAoaA' Avr So^d^ azA -tAal d//nz of AAc Cr/de^ dSyrf^A/yS/dce AAt /aims aaoA Qa\J A/s rrJod/caAAAisus r}Axdwas yAyso/oe /ydfAj AAr Cr/Ar/CS /'mats: CoynAyi/A/cd WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANTAPPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. !0 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) WR-1% 997'-05 G ^f^f/yy/rou)67S wi/p/uAjdj/yAirm/yse C.QUA)ze//jxx /Toerr- fr/ii/f, frrj/AoLOwy/Ay? /o kx?/iAc hh rj^i//dtyp^ta/cr//ie.isfaece^ FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND:^ __ ,/ / . . / < . A/fArr FAo At/a./ rourFo/eAV/eAy AArfAyoAowAs /?7AdyA)/0 Fd AArvuj ouFAAc- AcAoaoAAFag- Fat\ao. Course./ rxAAo/Mod AAe rAoFoArdoAyAAoyAecig/ odd/y ACoo/^aA^ AAoAAe ruos Aavaqa>asO r)AoA uAejQ- /die- CourAeAAd /voA Suyyress AAFousoseA aAAo^ed AAe tAe/a*/ fajA aAa uaqAia^ Ad r/c,AA7d> ay/ye^A' /fa>u>A/og dAoA Add /yjo/jAo/Ae A/s OA^Ay uyyiy Aoyroyr A/s AAyAOorA-AjzA<~. Av/tAQ Af FruA/s^A AeAAAFiydezo/ au/A/dAe sAouAe/f/yeyer Aoy/'AnAA/d um/iaaj A/s rAzAA Ad O/yyoQisA Ado ycAeAyAfo^ArkAQ Ae/yrAAvy, AAe AAefAodA^FAs y^AJAoc^yFoaoaAooaj Frove^ AA AAroue,A OajqAA^ JAg^A^cd/d^sy ACursami. WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANTAPPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) WR-7%W7-0£. 95^ GROUND.:/*2 Tffy/Fy/eofj^s dyp/uAodirybemuse CoujozeZ/Axx //oefF- rcytoaiT'AiatJ'/Fs^ooqsat/ FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND:^ _ ,/ , , , / < , A/FAazT FAo Fr/A,/ rourFe/eAV/eoA AAeFkAvoAoisyAs Ay/sdro/D Ab AArvuj ouFAA<^ AdoAoAAfAx- Faaa). Cocasosz/ rxAAof^od AAe rAoFoArFuAd~FoyAecig/ gddAy ACajo/^aAv AAoAAe rugs Aavaja>aa^sjFofAA<^ Cr/rve. rJAvd /Ae OourA^AouAdAuyo Suy^resscA/ dAe ydeA>dAfcaAd^AO rjAioA UpA^a/ T^Ae CourAoAAd ruo)A Suyyress AAFo'^AQseA aAAo^erA AAe oAeAb^A fa/A 7d> poo/ye. Ad rAyAA /d ayFe&A /Ooa)i^Aao^ dAuA Ad/s /yjo/jAoAAe A/s OAyAy uyyiy Aoyroye. A/s /dAorrAAjzA^. Ayoyo Af Faxm/s^/' reAAAFiyde^A Ou/A7dAe^ sAouAcdAVO^yer AatoA AroAA/d oaz/i/e A/s r/yAA do O/yeotsA Ade ycAeAyAfeoiA/A>AO Aeotr/Avy, AAe AAefAodeJfAs /AAJAyccyyFoaoqAooaJ Frove^ AA AArouzA OA/oAA^r dAe^A^cd/A^Ay AeursA/a> . WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANTAPPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) W^79/9?7-oS ^7 ROUND:/51 GROUND: /S , G-ui/F y/ea /uas //oiadFajF,aj jbrrausc Cou/qSc/amajs /jo&rr^ ec/jVe Forava>Ay^fcAAyz A/s /py^y'or ////to a T77A//o*>/e>AA>eoo/rL/ FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND AFAAAouA Ae/d Pad A7s fAd-yspr/M /7ieA/aiA/c>Aos FouAysed aAAouJ<^ Aef/izAoAyF/^^Aood QpdAy QaqqAruy/iAQ Aas F/yAA A Fyye&A Couavz&A /yyos: OcUAorr. aAoA AAe rAefAydAyisAA/eedrfteoAAca- F/oa^s A^ Ae CoAAyycAe/jfAAr: Cqq/os CoAn^eAb/ocy ryAiA^cd/AAQ sAaAesyA^AuS AAe^ rAof/yAFz/dds/s- Aer AoAqA Co/jAOSrAAe Su/CrepAZAAf/isn aa/pau^A yAAAAoss ouao/'Auoed^Fyr/eoAAeoTA'OAS. A?yyuy/7oAr a Aveoo Ar/W Ao y//?ye^ Ad //v/yooo^ce- WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANT APPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) W- n V97-OC rRpUND:/J GROUND: /S , (rut/fan y/eAc avaIS /a/IAdFaFa,aj /brrausc Cou/oSeAtuas /soer-r- ecdj Ve Fbrava>A/Ter/££?/*>? A/s Fyy^/'orTy/fa u /^;^/W^t>w FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND IVAAAouA Ae/d Oav A7s ///jfiy&rAM rneeA/OAiddAus Cou/x/seA' QLAAooo&d deAo/udoyyFFoFAooAA GpdAy QaqqAruy/tAe A/s F/yAA A /7yys /d Ae CoArycAe/d- Z?F Cqq/os COAn/?eAb/oc^ FVAiA/^QAyAAO sAuAesyA^AuS Ade. cAe/^Aab^P'-s/s- Aor AoAoA Co/jTOSedAe FoFy^ereFAta?^ /neAtf&A /AAaaoss QsaoA' Avoed^F rr/OAAAeodroA^s* A?yyyyA/oAz Ae otAos AdoAAy, FFf CopA/seAoUouAdAaye yd- lAesAyoAavA c7/veA ACoeAiA rAoA^e/OAdoAAApupSaAAoa/ A/s A/yvAA-y/sycAodc rA/erAAooAyoAos AiAsdry#s Ayy~ OoAvyeAosyA A? QAyAer otyAen. PpAAA AAas /Cuooy- Aedoe CouAvseA sAou/dApyeyerAec/oduAuoAAA^ ofFy/PeAdPAvAefAVAAtAsAs deAoAfor fAeo/g /t/d- A/y^ Adr a F>e<^ Ar/W Ao yp$ye^ Ad /AAA/oye^ce* WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANT APPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) \7VR-1% V97-00 -4A h/A/Try?y/ea /Fc.s //o/y»//s/u/frrc, Aca^/jsc, cou/use/ ooas iT\)rFFrrfT'\Ac f?r /Vd/~oj///)/aj//oc, rAefAsoc/#^r 7v yFyeV/r/A/oc^ FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND Ar/k/ Fo/aajscA Fcr/evecriA/r. /d/srovery) FacF. From AAe,yPos&ruAor'k o)Ffr^ OavpA AA/s cf/'scouery foctC OOFS/'s? jkuA aVaiA A/rr/ AcA Ao AAe FdAAocAiAAAy:FFvcrAA/ y/rAen Aayc^s Adorn cA/'ffeeFFApAAery? Cases O/UeA TdyyF FFOPFAAeoApAoA\ye CQAyyerspyAyAyyPs, A/u dproe Vo/unie, Afov/s FniJA/^yyad As/A/da FfcdfoAs /mAAAfA^qq AAaA A~FdA\CoufAeAaAfc A/rr?c uM/Ae Af FrpFe.^F/jAccA AAe pAo/CeAyo/oAyAF/oApf- Fd' /A^ce f p / , I(F/S/AaVG ~y Fpoof op/Ad Osyta / ~/ zp^ i doy Fa'aAfpi 'a\y Foyy of 7oy< TAfff 7S F Apryp Urdu/re. ofd/deo PAJoAFay^ FacaMf^. WHEREFORE, APPLICANT PRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANT APPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING. 10 Misc. Docket No. 06-103 Page 11 of 13 ATC 11.07 (Rev. 03-05-07) W/f- 7£ V97-OC Cruuryy?ea yjys //v/y/ytzA/vFyc, /?cr^/ysc, cou/vse/czJqs ja)aFFaF/'\a<^ f?r —y FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND Ar/a/ FpuajscA FecAcycd FAc pA/srovery)yac.F. From AAe FFosi&ruAor's F)fF7r.e. OaVpA AA/s cf/scoiAcry facte OOFs/st jbuA /vy)/ A/rr/ AcA Ao AAe AyoAAoooAAjy:FFverA>,/ V/rAen Aayes Adorn pAAfAeeeFFAoAAer%? Cases O/PoA Aex/Qc FfopfaA^aA fApapc FFAV\yersooAyA?yOs, A/u dproe AoJurr)e, Affv/s CQuAJ-f-y) f?p/ As/A/Aa FfoofpAs /maAAfA/>uq AAaA F/F CPUfFeAaAfC A/ry?c odd/Ae Aeod AAe pAFfeAvpFoAsAF/oAeF- •>rt Adt CF' iF/sAAyp rfpor>y 7F0 yp// u/^/t/aVG pop?? opAAA u oyy dp Apy, iF/rAeyo of Apyii-«00144 count i Incident Nojtrn: 907S833892 The State of Texas FltedinTh«Ol_rictCowtJ In The 390™ District ofTrivli County, Twu»§ V. Couet APR* KEITH TAYLOR TRAVIS County, Texas STATE ID NO.:TX08725042 JUDGMENT OF CONVICTION BY COURT—WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL Date Judgment 4/27/2012 Judge Presiding: HON. JUUB KOCUREK Entered: Attorney for Attorney for State: STEVE BRAND Defendant: MARK SAMPSON Offims* for wfrktl T>ffpd»nt Convicted: j AGGRAVATED ROBBERY WITH A DEADLYWEAPON-ENHANCED Purging Instrument: Statute for Offense: INDICTMENT 29.08 Penal Code n«te of Offense: 9/4/2010 Plea to Offense: Findings on Deadly Weapon: GUILTY YES, A FIREARM 1ST DEGREE FELONY FOTTOrTOM» YEARS-IN THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Plea to 1* Enhancement I Plea to^ Enhancement/Habitual Paragraph: TRUE Paragraph: N/A—- Findings on 1*Enhancement I Findings on 2nd Paragraph: TRUE Enhancement/Habitual Paragraph: N/A DataSentence Imposed: 4/27/2012. Date Sentence to Commence: 4/27/2012 Punishment and Place of Confinement: FORTY-FIVJE (45) YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION, TDCJ TW8isENTENCE 8HALL BUN CONCURRENTLY. D 3ENTENCB OF CONFINEMENT 9USPENDEP, DEFENDANT PLACED ON COMMUNITY SUPERVISION FOB N/A . pine. : Court Costa; Restitution; Restitution P.ttY«ble V>i ~ . J_JyA $279.00 $N/A DVICTIM (aec below) DACENCT/AGBNT (see below) [X] Attachment A. Order to Withdraw Panda, b incorporated into nb judgment and aiade apart hereof. Ses Offender Registration «———j•"•™T"""^^"T*""" .. Raqalrwnente do not. apply •1T™—"T""^?Tj^"j" tothe Defendant. Tbt .__i_»_.Ii!Tiv!7....4>aa» Tgx. Codk Caw. Pnnr: m to Prom to Time Prom to From to F*°m to Credited Ifj>fendiiB>»tn ~™ «?«n«iL incounty tail or is givencrfidit toward finti and mta.ealnt^MageditediteJaa. DAYS NOTES: N/A cat* uidkBted above are taoocporatad into the iaagnaysafuw jadsvust belowby ratopwee. All perttoaat tatormatfoa, oamM and i This cause waa called for trial inTravis County, Teaae. The State appeared byher District Attorney. r-ouimol / Waivnr of Counsel (select one) 12 Defendant appeared in person with Counsel. , _,__ D Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel inwnting in open «««*• Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right oftrial by jury and entered the plea indicated above. The Court then admonished Defendant as required by Uw. It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent to stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and waa aware ofthe consequences ofthis plea. The Court received tho plea and Credit ofrecord. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Cow found Defendant guilty ofthe offense mdwated above. In the presence ofDefendant, tho Court pronounced sentence against Defendant ll-JOOIfiite PiplrfZ • TheCWFlNMDefendantcomaittU^ GUILTY of the above offense. The Court Finds the Presentence Investigation, ifso ordered. w«* done according to the applicable§9. w' «•* '_ . j The Court Orders Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court coats, and restitution as indicated above. I BCaJHSHSli sSffjlil ffin^SLal Division. The CourtOrders the anthemed agentofthe StateofT^sc*the Sharif!of misCounty to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional DiWidon, JDCJ. The.Court .!^*f*-s£Li(T»fthia «,„ntv until the Sheriffcan obey the directions ofthis sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release ^^^^T^^^^^^X^COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK'S OFFICE, 609 WEST 11THST SUITE 1400 . Once thero. the Court ORDERS Defendant to nay. or make arrangements to pay. any remaining unpaidjfincs. court ta> custody ofthe SheriffofTravis County. Texas on the date the sentence isto commence. Defendant sr^ be confuied ui the ^nvlfSunly Jail farttie period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement. Defendant]shall proceed ^^Zi^^^icS^SHimFFS^OlfDimOTnCE, 509WEST UTH ST. SUITE 1.600 . Once thjre.^ Court ORDERS Defendant to pay. or make arrangements to pay. any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the nTine^Only Payment. The puniahment assessed against Defendant ie far aFWE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed immediately* theOffice ofthe Travis Counlty Sheriff. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered bytheCourt inthis cause. Execution / Spftftontion erf Sentence (select one) El The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence EXECUTED. n The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence ofconfinement stBPENDED. The Court Orders Defendant placed on community supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long ae Defendant abides by and does not violate the terras and conditions of community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions ofcommunity supervision is incorporated into this judgment by reference. . . , j TheCourt Orders that Defendant is given credit noted above onthis sentence for the tunespent incarcerated. furthermore the following special finding* or orders apply; ! Deadly Weapon. The Court FINDS Defendant used orexhibited adeadly weapon, nanmly.TO WIT: AFIREARM ,dorjng.the commission ofa felony offense orduring Immediate flight there, from orwas a party to the offense and knew thatm deadly weapon would be used orexhibited. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 42.12 (3g. Signed and entered on April 30,2012 tydjiiM. bwvL* SflOTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT JUDGE PRESIDING Clerk: GR Right Thumbprint UJOOl+Mtat Vm<tl \NR-1% 997-OS GENERAL AFFADAVIT STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF SAGINAW PERSONNALLY came and appeared before me, the undersigned Notary, the within named Melissa Taylor-Crompton, who is resident of Saginaw County, State of Michigan, and makes this his statement and General Affidavit upon oath and affirmation of belief and personal knowledge that the following matters, facts, and things set forth are true and correct to the best of my knowledge: 1) My name is Melissa Taylor-Crompton, sister of Keith Taylor. I reside in Saginaw, Michigan 2) On or about Jan 2012,1 received a phone call from attorney Mark Sampson and or an investigator; he asked if I would come to Texas and testify on Keith's behalf. I agreed to come down and do so. 3) He asked for information about Keith's mental health history, and I informed attorney since the death of our mother in 1993, Keith has suffered from mental illness and needed medications to maintain stability. 4) Keith Taylor also has suffered from Sickle Cell Anemia his whole life. Dated this the iq^iavoMJiirrh . 2015 J- Signature of Affiant Sworn to and before me, this the _H_ day of t MflfCH , 2015. l\ nrj/lkfc- (/jEi^C NOTARY PU SANDRA Y.BELL Notary Public, State of Michigan County of Saginaw My Commission Expires Nov. 10,2021 Acting in the County otlXLQ l(\Ci I^ WR-7% lic, State of Michigan Coi mtyof Saginaw My Commjs Ion Expires Nov. 10,2021 Acting inthe C( unty otlY^liVU^ ( WR- 7% "797-05 GENERAL AFFADAVIT STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF SAGINAW PETISOJMNALLY, came PERSONNALLY ca and appeared before me, the undersigned Notary, the within named dud/it-usu . __.., who is resident of Saginaw County, State of Michigan, and makes this his statement and General Affidavit upon oath and affirmation ofbelief and personal knowledge that the following matters, facts, and things set forth are true and correct to the best of my knowledge: i) iCiLo/i^? A^ny^f?^ sided in Austin, Texas in April 27, 2012. 2) oApril 27. 2012. I. F/yi/(^u, Q0~x.£-4-O-^2-ie\at\ve of Keith Taylor was at the Court proceeding of which was held at the 390* District Court. 3) As Keith Taylor entered the court room dressed in an orange and white uniform, wearing leg irons and belly chains, he made a statement "Theyjust want the land my daddy left me." 4) He stood in front of the Judge; he often looked up and to the side mumbling to his self. 5) When being escorted out of the courtroom he was still mumbling to himself. 6) After court proceedings, Italked to'Keith's lawyer and stated.Keith did.not look the same. Something seemed to be wrong with him. 7) I have known Keith Taylor to suffer from Mental Illness. I have witnessed him with medications and without. Clearly he appeared no to be in his right state of mind. . Dated this the l^davof^fl.rch .2015 v Signature of Affiant Ay Sworn to and before me, this the \_\_ day of iMdiTh.. 2015. _ KRISTIN E PRINCE Notary Public, State ofMichigan County of Saginaw My Commission Expires Dec. 03 2019 . I Actnp in the County of Sfi fir Aft (jO NOTARYPUBLIC \A/H'7% W7*ot> GENERAL AFFADAVIT STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF SAGINAW PERSOJMNALLYcame and appea.r?d before me, the undersigned Notary, the within named JFaI Co/ejh •wh0is •esident of Saginaw County, State of Michigan, and makes this hi statement and General Affidavit upon oath and affirmation of belief and personal knowledge tha the following matters, facts, and thirjigs setforth are true and correct to the best of my knowledge 1) 7LotFsi A^yiyAj** sided in Austin, Texas in April 27, 2012 2) oApril27, 2012. I, Z^ )^in ^^Kl'-Z^'^a-relative of Keith Taylor was atthe Col rt proceeding of which Wa: held at the 3901 DistKct Court. 3) As Keith Taylor entered he court room dressed in an orange and white uniform, wearing leg irons and belly chains, hi: made a statement "They just want the land my daddy left me. 4) He stood in front of the . udge; he often looked up and to the side mumbling to his self. 5) When being escorted o ut of the courtroom he was still mumbling to himself. 6) After court proceedings, I talked to Keith's lawyer and stated Keith did not look the same Something seemed to wrong with him. 7) I have known Keith Tayl r to suffer from Mental Illness. I have witnessed him with medications and without. Clearly he ppeared no to be in his right state of mind. . Dated this the yb davof\Y\(irch .2015 / Signature of Affiant // Sworn to and before me , this the J |_day of mcirrti. 2015. KRISTIN E PRINCE Notary Public. State ofMichigan County ofSaginaw My Commission Expli Acting In theCounty of iSjjlA NOTARYPUBLIC
Taylor, Keith
Combined Opinion