January 27, 2015 CGOfU OF /\PPe/VlS AJUA\?)£R, O3-rt-O03A5-Gv/ CTM4L CouR.1 CAS£ /UU/n&fcft. Afe»-afe3-0) XM TH£ COUR.1 OF APPEALS FOR. THt STAlfc OF 1£MS (TW\r<} Wferv\£ 3uc)\G 4 F/^ J. 054 Tennessee Colony TV\£ UoAocc^bU tV\£ HoAor^Me A\qi4Uj Coor+Uou3e P.O. Box -j*n fcetton T> 15513 TA&Lt OF Qo/OT^l^ PA 6GS TTE/v\S idieaiiVv op P^ies <^d Counsel \ TsVAe of (LoaWVs }\ Index. oT- AuiUoriVieS 'W S\q\e^\enV oP ^Ke e^vS€ * Lssues Presented 2. S^VemeoV of 4V»et 3,Ll6 ?>omm oP-VU^. Awme>aV &{\A it UUteX o? /\0THoftlTl£S (LAS6S 3*wVe eA5e ?/\&&S ftV\AUeZ v Housing AoiU.of (fL pAJo Ml5.Wi0«f503 ** Ckern£ Tr\du3j InS V/^s\\w3 iCS $,b,giJl6h Po2>e|»er 5&5,, AwciUo £ooa} LifMOooJ V MHAJfe 1&, 6oci Cie*M* »» KQmoo3 i> Riewdic/^ aas- «fcw, 3c-/ 67i (re?, /ssa *a vieicerv v eowm\5Sn,n fw^ Ly^^r Proline w Pel* demise* tO^Vrn^t- v 6lrt33 13.5 S,W»3 ^65/ (*7Y»# 4tfc>sl) '*» HtfuHu^ V LrteiC 4J1 0>3%U(>iZl(> I* 108- S.fl.. ^57S | Jol MhjicJl&HSOrtt ~r/3 ciVii procedure faid an /c>, 11,13, IV Rule 3ot 10 J2. ft/le *S£ *!/ / Ti 1/ 13,1 «f »a ij B, IH ,tf ^i/le Mo ^c/m/ V Ilk VTATEMeAn of iue £as£ On ^}£Jienr\V)er \%^ 3.o\o. fKe Origins! PefiV\ovn For ftiv- Oree Ce^-I~5 -Vhrou^h f) u<\*> Piled, ^om^od^ Mused s Alo\to»n To Reeuse Vobe PtlecJ^e Ke^rmc happened on "3uij H, Aoii Ce^-I-31^ Honorable ^odc^ fcielc Atoms presided over fKe progeedi'K on "3oluy*V Signed-H\e FirKi beeree op Dworce CC^-i-St mrou^K ^^c Appe)kA\- P\\ed q premat ure ''ReaoesV for Fi^dmc oP FAeV *aJ ^OAeluSian oy> Uu " CCR-I-tf\ +Wro^h 61} °OA I3L-3-IS, AppeU^ P>\ecf <; +\me\>/ "Atofree oP PasV Due Fi*dme oP-1 F^eV q^J in clusion of1 Uhj C CR,-I-\01 VkftfUch \0%} on /YWeh n,ao!<-| ^xtencJioc Qppelkfe +Irnei*V>\e vo Pi\e AJottee oP Appeal k> A14-| \a^Kj AoiA. AppellQAt- Piled ^ timely note oP Appeal CC^I- UO A^13 , loiq 5»vinc \^\\$ tourf J^rfad fe Hon issues ? Re seated I. Did Appe\knVs premq\ure\y Piledt Ru\e A%*'Kequesi for Findmc op Fnei Qnd Conclusion oP L/Ho" Followed ^ \\rv\e\i Piled ^C3-\>Wj "AJote oP pnsi Due (Wins oP F^et ^/ Conclusion oP Lau" expend deadline wi+U»n U)K\eK 4o perPeei- QppeO +o ^0 clnys QPter FiaqI Dceree op Divoree ions Signed ^-i?-H qUoomc +tmely C5-13-I4 AJo+\>e oP Appeal a. Did ^ric;\ Court abuse fVs di$<*re+\on bv P«i\ii£to Pile "Fiodine oF F/^d Qnd Conclusion oP U*u/'"ions Piled co\VK eleVK 3 Gfvose number ifc^a&S-t) is void because Afpe\\ee'S trfcl Counsel eom^niV drnPV\nv: treve ta\| dfftfhat fV>e Rr\*l beeree oP tV\vor four}- b^ rvoh ctttftomj k>be ptsje/it by Phone 1 e/yuse number 2£i, a63~D vmJ PooAot-m^ms. (WwA oP tub*vF %0ftOS€ numW atl, 463-D V/crfd Fbr nop m^kvns PWmS o^ tohere 4V Aio*n>y ,!5 * SIAieA^ATr op fa err ^ X?>sue Or^e, in *H\e. clerk's ReeorJ CaQ is> qa f\?P\^- ViV ooc ° (CR-X-13 iVau^ i»y u)Hl\ia itase doeo/^enis Appe^QnV ^uoKed qppelUfe jurisdiction low reve<;\m<; hi3 P\nq^^vq\ SUtos \\ SiMemV/i\-a under penqlty aP perjury \>| ^P^essinc no 3ouree OP ineo^e Qad no flaoAey on K^d CCfc-X- 14 q*\J 153.Appellant expressed Ke tad no "^oney \o pwJe i> pre nature loop FtmeW \)erbM -tKe Finql Deeree oP bivo- fee Ukich UMs Piled QnJ SiWd A-I«-IH CCft-X-K Hvroixh %)>j\ Seeor\Jl4Findin« op F*er Q^d Conclusion oP La\i App^lUnt plqcinc \\ in ^ AWKqel Unites Out^oin^ pruon P^ntlboxl The ~A1\ch*el Onips Zntern^l AiAiTinj: sysk^ hn$ up \o {too LoorKioc cUyS io process Ou^olnc / ineonnioc mnil^e^ loje Second "Find- iinc op ^Fqet ^^J ^Conclusion opt/no'' reeewed law ^e Aietael UniVi Internal Aniline XNMe"\ on 3-10-14 (See gx^tiVsAOQndt^but^ CoSrV 'Piled ft 3-IVI4 C^I' ^ grouch \5feii A"AJoftee OP Pnst bue Finding op Ket QaJ Conclusion oP LauT'Oas Piled 3-W14 u>^en Appe llant plnced it io tUe yHieMel OniV's oukofnc prison mail box drxd, the MieKnel UniV^ Internal AW\li<\X or u\\m M\e^e\ (Jnips XnVern^l Alqilinc s^S^e^ '°55ed +l^is ^3 bevnc reeeiueer 5-i3-H Csee exUbit^J buV VUe Court Piled tUis ./UoViee oP Appeql 5-im C^-I^liOibuV VUe dleqdline fo Pile AJohee oP Apped U)^3 5-\MM. l 3 Issue Two, Appe\kAVs first "Request For F\Vj»n$ Of Unit's outcjomc prison VnW\boX'TW\s m^cie it premsture but TWeVJ WVok Ue F\ncv\ beeree oP Divorce CoKieh tops Piled <;nd '^KAed J-|fr-i«j CCR.-I-86 FnroocK 1 AppVlknt p^eio^ >V ^ T*e /%Ue! Units £uW>in<: pHsb^ mrtUb&^.TkJs ^Ade it wiV^n The.Twe<\Ff d*y flme iWt k> request"FvnamcoP FAet tnJ eoAcMioiA o^> Law," sHrtiAf Fro^n H>e 9^- \%--m FmcrDeeree oP Oivo toorlCin$ d*>p 1© protf&S OuV/goW / ineoiin^ irmil, ikes lo«ecTH»e Seeonrd "Findinc oV FAtt <^d Contoi'on op ' Uty" „ reeeiued b>j tne AhehWel Unit's Ir\; _ Tern/*! Al Ailing intern or\ 3-lo-H ('see £xtaVfS-tyWA. ) but +Ue Couo|- PiWd it 3->S-l4 Ceft-I-^HUroAh 106), \We e\e<*Kv £oont QaJ Appellee over looked &*• prem<;iure\y Filed ReQueSt For FiQinC oP FAet ^nd Condition oP Uu'CCfc-X-S*) wo- uch 6~6 bA 03ed +ke eot>f+i Fi\e JaK oP 3-13-H wWeK L>nS ^ SeeonJ "fteauest For RndwcoP F<\et ^nd (?one|u3ioo of- LaO Qnd S4id"TK.S cWu/nent u;W PiWd on nweh i3^,4«>H/ TWi?> UjaS. We^Vf-tWee cUw3 q(He<* -H\& \udwent um3 Si^nec/ C£(*.-£-lo<0»The 3-&-H file Bnte co^s use ^uSViPieAti^o Act Vo Conduct Findinc oP FAet Qnd (?one|u5io/i oP Lao b^ \Ut eoorf- Qnd Appellee. CiHWin So dn>p CiH&-i*0 ^PV +Ae fi^sv pre- M^ureW P»\ed ReQunt for FmdkoP FAdt W epnel«>JiV\er\ Appeal P\Aeed iV in iKe A»»eUel Un.V OuKoinQ OrVSon ^Ailbox WiKe A»eKrtel Unit's Interna) /v»AihV siste^Trl(X«e^+Kii qs beinc reeled 3-n-H CJ<« gAkib.vFiAlD^d^ ^Ke toorkPilecP-to doeomcM 3rahHCjft -I-lol +Uoch |oV).ApP<;\|cte Knd until 3-11-H 4o file 'AMiee of W bue F»ndm^oP fact W Concision oP LAto'wA^ P»\ed 3-nHH^otife c/ Appeal LoaS PAed5-l5-H(?ee fxUitS^tKe Je^hne uas 5-i?-H H LSSue \WeMoFbe clef's Reeord iss FinO Weetee op bootee Ce/i-r-K FWm£ «J C^R-1-^O ,s ^ proposed 3«cWit request kw FKe judrc uWVeh u^ exhibit H3 ibe removed propc^oT F»^i D^W or- Cmv- or-aS Se^t Fo /lppell<^ti /4\i ecJAnmunie^vhon beUu<><*i .AppelW^F Crv(j 4ppe|jee t^s under 5.AweU^V /V3K iPbe e^o\6 hit Lft Okie 010*3 CW-I-aS) biA-Hxe SuoVe Kept inter«>pf)Y>c UWe. ke Jl&>« .Appellor''ibnve not Finished t*™ obAeehun-I don>F j Th«nK yoy h$ue^uW3djehon?3ee C^-t-^} »«*'X AeF* A>o SFp. Yoo cplon't. AM Gofo&VI fcrvwV ob\e<* or* vori&Jieta/i? > .• 2>u/n/nAf^ op Art60A\£An "TV*e Tr\q\ tovrY Should Ivtue qlloioed ^e premcforeiy Piled"ft,eQue^V for F^cW oP PacV qwc) Cor\e\uz\oW &P- Lmj» \o be ePPeeFiv/e on FebrowW 1^, 3loH buf Sob^eQue/vt-fo 4ke \\rr\e. oP ^^mi 4^e Febru/ww \\fa £0iH F»»^l Divc/f^e decree, The -\-ricu tfourV 3>k>^)cl ^Uato tye eUFe Appeal" depMiW hiS Piling in 4ke A)\cKy?el CtoiVs ouicdM pc\ioy\ r**ilbc?v <;s his Pile d&e. iss^e one, ° ° I SUA1A1AR1 OF Af&OAleMT The "Trtel ftourl- 3Wouid noY overlook H\e Orfainsi premqV^relvj P\\ed "Request- For Finely oP F^c}- QnJ \!onolu3ion OP L/Ho buV Improperly eon$fderecJ fke 3eeond "fteQuesi- par F^diocoP F^A\ and tor\e\ui\on op L/HJ" QS \u^+iPi^hon nol- fo pAe \\% p,*chn$ oP PneY Qnd, (to/\£iu$\un oP Lao Cnd improperly (?c;n$idereJ |iv? Coupps Atftrehi'S £om Pile cUp? inSVewl 0p FWe SmW MfleQue5)" fkr Finding OP F^eh Cad (?on £0iM Pi\e el^e* issoe 7u;ok 7 So,/y\/K\AR1 °f AdwmAn T^t fiouAl- %Kouicl km/e Qlkxoeei ^inotedteVVon tfb^eeilo/) % AfcM>A\£/OT Ad^resSioc issue one. tW. ruling (r'hqvei v Uoosmc Au+Vx. OF EL^P^SO 8TI S^. ad 533 0£x.App.-£L PqSo fft%} SiM€ "TtwsRoles oP AppeAkAe ^ro^dre (iRA?^ R0\e HO qrwHl establish \Ue process For QerpeetmC qn appeal- ic) Q-l50S,TV>e, r\orrY\<^ &ro ceSS for ^k.perpectton of c; CaviI APpe^l is Vbe PiW oPs Cost looncfy (Lqsln deposit, or CvPPiJq'viV oP inQoiliFvj V^ pAv/ co-3F tf^ Gppeq\, qnd^iv/mc noV\e^ VWeoP^o qll otW vWh'rScIt is Phe lirneMjfe For Vbe Pi\\n0 oP H\e$e doWk beeOmes ermVl in VKtS CASgr''Id Q\ 595*. token SectunVj Pop costs oa qpp- 3\\*\\ be FileJ lo-VU VUe a\t<% LOiVUin ^hirfy Jims sfter \uck- ry\eA\ is *>\or\ecJ Of. COi\Uvn ninety dw/S qfW '" ii^neW Piled s refifuert for Kndinr of P*CT w* tondcttfon of Ifeto in q c#^e 4r»ed> (Oi^o^P^Ojyry/'^^pUsiS QeUtJ^Id<;(--5a6, CT(UjO GbqnceJ. Rule -H-l s-VM-es, "The notice oP \lou>s*00 *H ^ohef op qppe SttiUd if ^Z PArty lively FilrJ: S filed: q reQuest request Por P^d^C of P*et For P^ywt Paet &J ConcWJidn oF\w if flodioc <;nd Conclusions eitbe^r qre reQoireJ bu H\£ l^le ^1 CU/il ^PfOflftk**"* CTRAP3,Ro»€ X% St^d/'ln ^ <**S3 tried1 in the ciisWe} c?^ ftou/Hy Coort loitUoot qJuH j$*i Pn-<4y \ ^A\J reQoe^st the gou^t-W 3tot£ \v\ tontine rtvs rindiocof f^et ir\ caJ 0o^eli?3ion oP lflto*r-«* Stall be PAecPwiHvin 4u>e>rly d*fi qfHer^udcme^} \S Si^necJ Co»H\H\t cleric op-\Ue Court"" Tn tbe GlerKsS ReeorJ q Joec;menV ujaS» P^leJ b^j Appellee ^qt S^iJ Lu^ier U). Cobb.Sr Ineome qnc? Sout«e 7ero Joe k> Tn(?/vr(?emVion Cc^-1-43^0'AppelUo-t invoked'Wrisdiehon upon t^e Cour^ op Appeqls bs q APPid^^!Vt,C0 oPlA^bihiy to p*y -° CcP^I-^Vtbroufhlx3^\iHvin Vhei-e doeov^e^s Appeil- qnp expreS3ecJ rvo Source oP in^n^e QnJ ao ry\OAf-j qy\ \rvmJ CtPv-3rlH^ndlS^Appe\kM expressed he W) no money Vo pA^I Coor^t CoSt*ccr orq^ pek OC Cost qS^oe^ted lOitb this LPiled W^ Cle^lt ^P Hf Viql coua^ invoke 4W\omd\ebbln oP cv &xrVo£ qppeql^Id^53tt, These "bioriq Pick c^Ve^pV'cqses qll involved! instruments LohieK qehxlly woie, qppelkHWtecUekmi$ce LirOODod VAdfiAJft TexAS ^5 3»uLAd 109.) 103C b^\dmc f\o\u>edP cppecl Fled When r\0\ qo-\Worued IoaS q bonq Pide q\te»ifT te> invoke qppellq^e jurbdieWovO): LJqlKer, 1% 3,0, Ac) qt5S| Cbcldinc ccpfidqvtfoP ir\q5i\\Vy Vo pAv| ^ oa qppeql S^b3tcn4)'qliy J Complied loitk requirement qAJ umS Suf-P^^l* Vo invoice qppellqK \orisd leKoY^. App^Uqnt incorporate- Qll Qboje qncl me^HoneJ doey hi- w^tU* mcoffoM^ibe/APPidqW-^oP Inability To P*y • -. t£^l-1-13 tbroo^h-^)' Apeell^ extends the qppelUie 4nr)eVM)\e bvj PU\nc q PrWWWreW Filed WomM . Me 1% JRfiQueS* Pic FinalmC oP FAet Qnd Conclusions of U^fAecJ Filed iVI-lsO^-I- 5S tU^K 44).TKe Fmql beeree of bworee to^s P\\ed qnd Sij- r\td a-\?-ri Wt Rule 304c.CPremqtuce\v Filed Uo^mentsj ^y,no> request For Pipeline of ffleV ^d 0on'elv;3\on| of |/\io Stall be beiJ inePPeet^ue^be^cse pt>ennqW€ly P^ed^'but every Sueb motion stall be defied k> tave been ?\\ea on ^\ P\\e Hmety pioJioti^oP P^et Qa£? Conclusions op Ulo-Appellant lS\% in ^bi^y d*WS qPter PiW tbe oricmql revest f\\ak Rule AST TUofafi.of ftst . Oue°ftncW2> oP F*et <\n<) (delusions oF Uu/j TWiS extaw the V\rv\e WVt\e c notice oPqppeql Vo 5-liMH. Atimely /Jchee of Appeql Ioas seroeJjreeewet)b>| ibta m^ernqV m*i\i»c s^em S~\3>-H< io leq\ Vd'\U oP l^osenVierc n s.io.3c)3%5 CTeX'Apf^Am- qri\\o ^ooo3 Weld thn\ p\q\nt\PPls motion Pbr new tml ext ended deadline U)\tWn WPerfect qppe<;\ \<> io d*y3 cPt^ jodp- en\ U3fvs signed despiVe FAet VUnt it Wvd umwa^ e^use number a^d Ioas Piled in LorOAc (V*se.In the LeqV Sopfti q hootw^ Por neu) teiO u-ms p^ej Cobieln Fleered the orovi%o^ of- Te*/*5 Rule oP Appelkte Procedure 56.I tLecA Rp3t&. ihe Leql Supr^ SA\d/'So lew c^1 the qppellovVS ePfrrt tonsteteteJq bdnq Pide qtleKopt Vo ia voKB1 qppell^le jurisdieh^ we %\u>vw Construe tbe^ <$ SueeeSSfU. Le^l Suft<\ c{ 3^4 cit^C Mueller Fitac q PremqtureH Filed Rule A%"KeQue3t For F^diAvS. oP Fqet q$d ConeWSiOnS of Lqu)'''CCP>s-l-5ci t^ru^ 6TJ Filed l&-VI3.U)tVh\n Vb\rW d^sS follotJinC the FincA Deere^ oP Oworee tohieb u^v^s Fi\eJ c;nd Signed {HV-N Af(>\iee*\\ Filed q R^e a^l 'VUotiee oP Pnst Due Fmdw^oF F^et <;nJ £e;nek;- Sion oP L/ao* CC£rI>lo1 tbru^hiDV) on 3~n~h ttws Cua-S ren ewed b>( "Tbe3 internal ^^ilm^jhe deadline far Pibn^ the above'.Motive of- PasF boe FVaJim oP F^et ^;nd tfan^ CSee g%M»V 6W0), AppelkVe;^ cloove ePPoH3VJeon3tit^ted ^ Mbonq P\de//qtVelnpt to invoke qppelkK Surisdiehon 1 See Ueql Soprq qt ns.u*3d3«s.3^0ex.App.-A^4nllo AppelUnt ftUws the prison m*\\V>oX ru\e or\ q\\ ft\ed documents* LJqrner v 6Lq£s 1SS S.U.aJ a\ C'Tex-looH^/'The Supreme Court beldtb^l q, pro 3e inmate's GivAl petition, thAl- \% plAtWin e£ VlouSton v b^eic ^1 U«Si 3Xb pJUt 10? S.Cb 2311,101 L>B}5£d ^45^1^;'"/;uiArner Suprq qt fc*5 snd &Sfc, The court in lonme^, "decline to penqlue qn inmate iobo timely delwered cq do^un-i^h ho the prison mni\buX^LOqrner qt USS.Uiid qf 684i .In Hqmob v R\ehArdson £3^ S.iO 3d 6ii (Tex* ioo-]). "ike Supreme Court held th^t plqi^tiPPs Sqti^Pied their burden oP pro^dm^ SOr^ne l^eqSur^ oP pr^uP th/vt their notice o/* ed m United 3tMe AWil on or bePore deqdlme For pibnc notiee op qppecl qs element For qppiyM mAilbc)> ruie/'l^ til .TexX App.f, IdCbXA^ "PetlV\oner, b^iue the burden oP prouidm^ some measure oP proof- ftay tW\r notice oP qppeql Uere placed in the United St^te3 mnd On or bePorfe1 AlAreh a\, Aoo^T R-Amo^ 3uprAqt613< "SueK tirooP ts present in Vhe reeorj in the Por/n of1 the P;p ln\ letter qeeompn^vji^ Vhe petitioners notiee oP qppec) qnd the teArtieti* oP Service/U)Web both sUVe H>e not\ce cP qppeql loere Pineal mthe ol*«joi/i$ prison mail box on /A+ceh^^oOS* ID St 615 AppelknV'S F\>st"ReQuest far FmcHn^oP FAet snd (Wl- OSuM'dP Lau) u)aS premqturely piled CCd-J-5^ through 61 ) 13-3-tt bs Appellant plAemc |V Pa the /^ictael Unit's 01*501*5 v^^Son mAilbox^ WWouston v UeK. 4Sri U.3.Atf,«« , /^ S.ej- tail, Pursuit \o TexAS Rules oP &v,\ Procedure; fiuie Jot e B\4$ document stall be ^emec\ \o taue Wen fried on 12_ oP ^be C^"1%"IH^ Vjdcrnent/'id. Xncorpor^e exhibit A rfi Cr*d l.Tlve (LourVai^Jrvrt Pile c; FindwoP F^e* Qnd Con clusion oP Uio loiV^in 3.0 d»vf5 sF\er ^Ue Qbov/e ^\meV| pr^ry^turelvj PeQUes\ Urns P>\ed 3,-Wr-W* Wi\V\in 50 dxvp Polio- w»n£ £-i$-|^ Applies Fi%dq~fa4S Rules oP divi\ procedure, ft4e adm<\ op F^et vj pmemQ iF in ^e Aliah*^ UoiVs ou-y- 5©inC prison nW\\box'Crtd The AUeWl Unix's InFern^l *V\*iV- 1^5 sVsie^n Wed +Us <3 be\n$ reeewe-d 3-F1-H CSee eA" ibiVs AOand C) plus exhibit fo CorfobonvFe Fbe recrements oP-TeCilt App. P. S'Jv^CcO/lppek^t tave burden op provid ing 2>cne measure oP proof* Fb*V \v\t "ReQuest For FindioC prFftcF^dfioneluSiOA op UW'Ioas Filed 10.-3-15/The .tatf- ioe oP P3-'S«lr\eofpomt€ Exbibfts A,G £r,cl 0 Shoto Tn& SeconcT"Request For FmdmcoP FAet C^d Conclusion op Uw''U)ns Piled 3-i-ih U)HW 5lo divjs q(Her+Ue ^udcrneat CPiVI Dee^e oP Bwor^Uns skr\ed. /toPelknF Friwrea TRAP, Rule %>\ C<0 qttocotnt JVoFipe oV Appeql -Fo^be Rlw loiyWn 1o ota^S ^p\er a-lS-li uWe^\ tV lament CFmql beeree OP bwor<>e}uw5 Svjnecfi £3$ue Tioo: c, \r\q\ Couv-t causes iV discretion toWi it set it set "srbitcfilvj or unreqson^bj, without reference Fo Suidms rules or'principles" BtPP VWiPP,^ SM'Zdl1!, 1% CTex.aoil^.A rtquesf For Find\n< oP FnetS Qnd (JoneloSionS oP Wo ^usF be P-iled^ LJ»tF\\n ao d*v^S QPVer -tbe \udcme^t IS SKnecf. Civ Proc ^6..A,pftAi IS not inWKttN reau\recf -Fo pre^ot \Ue reQuesF Fo+l^e jud^/ (Ineme IndoS ,Ins. v AlAj^lUnei 163 S.u). ad 168- CTeX \WS ^ bft^e-bone^ request Complies u)rH* WyC ^i^j C p«rtv I^S not reou»red Fo 3pee\pv| FUe Pindme tUe p^A^J '3 cUs\res* 2>ee. Victert v Comm\s$von 9or \Aiovje/r b\$e\- p\m<> 6 S.id.Sd am 15^ CTQC. App» - Houston D4 DiSbT VJTI, ret« demedOlF the yjdce Pmls to novice, on Pmdine Untkw lod»vj qPter tbe inHtqr reQoest, q not\ee oP pASt due £\ndin$ op PacF Cnd &melusion oP Imo must be Piled uvp- tvtm 30 dt^S Z£{er the initial peaueSh fcuie ^ .AppellqAt incorporate iSSoe one ml-o fssue kuO/ Append qsKthe eoort to t*>£ judical notiee th*V he 4nV qered TRAP, Rul* a&«>CO extendi^ deadline CoiVb\n lohieWto perPeet qppeql Vo °\o d>vp qPW* 4he Finql beereeop Divo rce b>j Pilm^ pr^mqture "Request ?or Fmdvn^of FHet ^ Contusion oP Lqu>j Vime^/'AJoViee oP PiASt Due Fvndm^ oP F^et Qrvd tor\e\oS\ur\ oP lAKJ^qAd t\mel>/ A^oHee oP Appeal, Appellq^vt's Firsi/^eQuest Por FiAchnc oP F*et q*vd ton- dlus\civA oP Lau)'' Um*> premAtorelj Piled Ccfc-I- 5^ t^rou^h 61^ U-3-13 by Appevlcnt pl^em^tn tbe AlieMe) unit's Oukotn^ ornon ta^Wbox '([See exhibits A,e ^nd t() This mnde it premqfore b>^t ttwe\y beeftuse the Flnc\ beeree of b\vore<2 tons Piled qwd Styv^ 3H&-H Ce«.-t«fe tW$h/s ^P^ c, \-\*r\e\j request ts P\led« See (?iv. proe* aq-j, Tbe :iodc€ Cn\\ to mnk^-^c^d- Qnvj F\ndi^ UitUvn ^^ dA^j% qPter^-hi W\\\q\ reQuest. See &\\jt Proe< ari.AuAM- \ee oP DASt bue Fmdm$ oP FAeV end Conclusions oP Uu* ions Piled lu\tb\n 3od^Ms qPter Abn^ tb^ Onqm^l ^Reao- esV For F\nd\nc oP FneV end Conclusion oP Uq)''U)bieb Went into eP^eet ^-IHHi Appellant V\^d unVil VH-Wto n^Ake "/Ootiee oP P^st tiue Find\n^oP FAet s™l CoAeluSiOAS, H op Uu)'' 2>ee Exhib,\ A.£,<^& %lAlo\\ee op Past bue F^din^s op FAeV QaJ Gon*Cwi-I- loi through IffO was P\\ed 3-il-H tohen Appeknt ptaeeJ ft in 4he Ahebqel On/t Oukoinc pp)3on mailbox CncHbe AiehAe) Units Internql MqtlmQ ^S^jSkm \ocjceJ 4b\S qs bemc received. Incorporate exhibits Aid Snd D* Also HiiS meetsHW re.f. %9iCfcL>00/>^ppeUarvV W/< 3Wa Some '^eqsure op prooP tb^i tbe "AM\ee oP PASt b^e F\ndm^op FAet q^c? (LonfeluSion of LWtjiAS p\ftteJ in the United St*Ves ^Ail On or before 3-iVlMi 3>ee R/woS v RiehArdson aftj&owdfril Clex*a0O~O' The COOot abused iV discretion For qctme £rb>Vcri\>/ op unPeqSonq.bW UiHaouV Peferenee \o the-quiav»nQ rules or principles oP Qw ?ro& 'X% qnJ AST InSieqd oP°PoUocoi^ Hbe qbov/e principles tbe Court r"Cfi«.-I~Tl thresh iofc), Civ Proe. asi SA^'the Court Should Pile VvmeV^ ftodtnt oP FAet q:A' See £xbibits Aje, rnc)D. Tbe ori^inql request Loent iaFo ePPeet JH%-N but Subsequent to the time op 3i<;Ayn$ oPtke ^ud^e^ CFiAqt beeree op bivoree^ -yhe tetter l-o 3udee bvj ^Arb^j Ce*t"^""'0. Tnkl qttorAey combed d^Pfw$ err^y* b^ draPt^ w Final bivcrree deeree under 0au$€ number ft^ £63-0* Wo Out^e oP motion to C^rreettbe mvs^ Aumb^r VvnS ent-eirac' in fbe reeor<) pur^oAAl- to Tex^S £ole oP Civil proeedur* {iu\t 316 Appellcrvt bwS pried to o^ect joAur^d^ehcn , See flft-I-92/ AH, 615 ^^ Cnd 5r|oni CcmSerAvn^ t^e FiaaI decree oP bivorv>3<)j6l XSSu£ Fcu< ? Tr\Q\ ftoort- lAeK ~3uYn3dhetic/n be&k^e Me trVqV CouaI- didn*t bAvejtKM^diehc^ ou^the. p^riu>n . AlArilL6>u6# AppeUc^vV oVjy?et to t^S m-the peeoiH)t5ee ft.M> IS.fi x9jo QrJi $\jkW VU trM &>ut4 3A>d T fcMcUl- c%?ct c*> jiMSclfeHc/w SeG C^^I-0?)' Pletfd Consider £*h>kuhl it Shoufi yUAfeSLGi/tf b*h3 O^v^r £xilsW Ovd IS rvoY q perjun buh SoAie buto Showed vyo cm £*h»bit 3 rY\tvrr\fi$e fiontmeP The trfci fiouMdic! fvot bm/e junidrettc^ t>v<^ the pe/rso^t.tee Da^uJcai - Avstm ^g- 3.^^ Qb3&aCTex ffi&i APp^Krt trfe^ Po tfumat/ef b>j the tourbi Cao5^ yUumb^r ftGl|063-D is VuiJ e$ \{ Zhote th^l-He eour-\ rmdt k Pn^^ ^P AppeUiwl cbiUF/ to p^y <5hild Sufp^^b i3*« ^-X-3^ 1^ tSSue Six;5 The tnq,l ftoovV Cbu^d it dvser^hov^ by rvof Q\louin^bi^ Fo /wAlce q, qppe^nee qt tbe £-lHM Heqrin^ I/vt^ee\e^K peeord q,tni ^nd^lr Appellor £/vue no-tiee Hv>t H\e tfdu^t Cbcsed itdiSCflehoi m denying h»rvi the Pi^hl-f^ Cppecr m person or b^ tofitkn CnJqje/**" \c\ephcme, jee££- 1-11 CaJ 79' Jftppelknt C\\eJ In re Z.L.T. iiH S»k»3c//63, l& Cley,* ixHfbb -The tourt CuAS put on notice CnJ-fae 3uc/f€ Ha^ n©au?^W -HaaF A1r &>bk pfw4ye/p*|e by telephone' Jee £!> The eo^nt (?cneell^/tbiS da-y qnd rejeW^0' the Itew/vj k» tnfer c?rd»r,>e C/t-i-fS but did Aot f^ejeheduie fiftieWfoV Ve ^elgvcni )3 void beenvse X cute pe3#li&*u tfonuieW oP tbere need ^ be^ P)nJm of the Aief c^J dc/vifUsJivy) ofiltruj Cx$ Vo f-alje 31-A^^^fS' enUreA mk> Hit pteorel res^ehn^ A?y Vl\3itA+lfn of »ny d^k\^r„ X3Jue &shF Full qeeounft^ of the wsjmj />vun*/ fsep*A*K prcp«nt/^'CrvJ &w)iooAit/ property bwS nop been W*ount<«/ Pbr Pe^oeit Fmdnu oP- pAet c^J GoA^&un oY3 |Atu or-cji /nvn*y tohetvr Sep/)f#k un &wnu/hty P^perty, The S5uc?i? u//}£ Sep/FrAVe p^^yvW bi/pHl^l- cr|- to 6bneli/ef Fmd»nj oP Pnet c^vd toltf/t/Sicn a/1 L/&u< Reverse th\S wd^me^ 01J Find thnV the triql cause) eomm\\teJ drnPtm^ error, m^Ke Pindwj |W the (Joorh hAS no jurisdiction on the person t^' pCfJon Al nftlL6/YC- c;nJ -jAitf the 3udcryieaV i"5 WiJ fofnjr- Seeing if Appe|lc/\}- Ut\J \hz cfcihty fo p*y t'K>lH\£ c^ourf- ty no\-c\\cx**l\ h\nn fo be prr.wif <\{ +n'<:r. F^iw^-H^^f th& reeortf Km^e j^g/n 0ii **£«-*/ cvxjjhrj- COAclt;Ct PtncJi»n^ on e^.vi/vi cniFy pr<;p^rh/ Cr\d Jpp^^fe prope^h/ vnoney c^J ^^Jce. ^ deVermi/\/)fUin, Ovo e6/W)l ol|ViS)t.Ki oA^C pA-'p^/nf-y, n Appe\lc*V prAfS for qddiliuncil relief, pursuit- Vo IRAP, fate 4 result tke sdspenSvon of rule c<;}C0)O& QnJCrtOXW reQu- innc orKincJ endtbree (?op\e
qaJ ori$mci ctad ttoo Copied requ est permission to Pile one eopy, Ple^e 3en/e qli Concern* Pu/*Su be on^hie fo fhe other P^ets ml-otAe )or qnct^n exf<"Stc^ Request other relief it Hr Po^gy cnJ on the AV*n4 >Ue>Me! Unit q^d L Um$nit- <;i|oujed to c0 hj the m«i\boy ec-nl^ in the morYw^ beenvse the lOesther e^mse re3i-riermP mVo t^e yHi'ehnel Omttf Outjow^ prison mrtilhox on Pao-H 2'^ elrti^iij the pyij^cn m*ilbu/ Me I,LMTtten U). Curie) |#iH3ol,beinc presently ineAreemW In the AlcrK Co. Aliehoel Om t, ia A/idersan CouAty reMJ hereby Certify +h*t porsuc/vh to FRAP asCO'^il &ox Rule'qrvJ or- Tf^VP ^Ithe'VWoa- last's bftiep Co^3 pi/w>ec0 ia the Akrk (j, Aliens' UniHs in^^k J>$hi- otion m^ilb^y an t^e d>9k li'slcd betau^e Te*.(?iv\f™e \ /^^\ I3£«oo/- l3a.OU3 Ovd 48rO.S,£§/746 Signed l-jo-H um+etf. (oa^c- #'6iS 3 6^vrec? 1VUUTI^H UAyA>e eoftft la^M^oV decide UrscXtr p*n<;lP/o/* perjWy thnt the cloove U^hS plAe^J in th£ AeMet Oa> J>/"n4e J>3kfuWi rvirt.lbox postvue prepn>ci hy Pirst elAS3 J"1**! te> be porwvtirel Vo #,£ beloU <;Jclre£S On p£cH$ T*W$ i\S pn/e <:>^ Correct, Pe/, £i'v prce lj /fc*n. iSa.ooi -133*03 / D, kyie,CleHC MW U &bb Gregory k» ^imKhon p.& fou/vh op Afpec\$ |M43o) kilieen TX 1S6HI P*ot Buy 135^7, ^#in 366M F/n %0S<{ T* 7?7fi~a^7 Ten/\ess^ Solon/ lob-^giSr-asi/ 1°) £xhibiV A X neeJ t^te f^r ^wer mmlmc pn tke, Yoyounn^ ounn{ cMeS dA^eS or on or cbau cbauV t^yrl 1^ /Wfthnf floH AteO I ioooid l>He ta po.^eU^e those, ^s toca mcyw p^g{^ /kjct/^iJr LAP offipe. of ul&nct glerlt Sbeliq rlorrr\crs lit0a) VMb^eeb Distrtet (Wt 6)Jc 13P1 Itoey (loc;J killeen TexAS 165M1 f.O, &OX?D'i &eYton Tx 7^13-0^0^ Name: bother Vobh No: )flflH3cM Unit: yMje^eJ Living Quarters: -*. t J Work Assignment: /v\e<* S^ I DISPOSITION: (Inmate will notwrite in thisspace) f&ULujvHuk My (Y\fi I'dJ4j(5 V/o//f QxdM usps J/'f//f ^ h- ^l-60 (Rev. 11-90) TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE — INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION V INMATE REQUESTTO OFFICIAL REASON FOR REQUEST: (Please check one) PLEASE ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION. THIS WILL SAVE TIME, GET YOUR REQUEST TO THE PROPER PERSON, AND GET AN ANSWER TO YOU MORE QUICKLY. 1. • Unit Assignment, Transfer (Chairman of Classification, 5. • Visiting List (Asst. Director ofclassification, Administration Administration Building) Building) 2. • Restoration ofLost overtime (Unit Warden-if approved, it 6. • Parole requirements and related information (Unit Parole will be forwarded to the State Disciplinary Committee) Counselor) 3. • Request for Promotion in Class or to Trusty Class 7. • Inmate Prison Record (Request for copy ofrecord, infor (Unit Warden- ifapproved, will be forwarded to the Director mation on paroleeligibility, discharge date, detainers-Unit of Classification) Administration) 4. • Clemency-Pardon, parole, earlyout-mandatorysupervision 8. • Personal Interview with a representative of an outside (Board of Pardons and Paroles, 8610 Shoal Creek Blvd. agency (Treatment Division, Administration Building) Austin, Texas 78757) TO: Jslrfl)fDdrTS) ^^^^oM^ DATE:OoA2^ AQiy (Name and title of official) ADDRESS: £xbib\t & SUBJECT: State briefly the problem on which you desire assistance. Thi& nis gn. Aeeess \o the fouHr l&sue I ^eeJ the daVe L^firm Vhc M9C/ me k> eo^tom U)#t I Wj^'W *k|| on or cboA \U. po\iou^{ JAeS t foggember 3^ 3o>^ ' ,Al/Wh 1 4Q1H y Lau) oPP\ee oP bi'atriet C\erlC Gregory K> Simmon ft& She\ik A)orm<^ HH A), H* Sheet thStnet fa** Side too) Ik^ /tej Hi'lleen Te*4S 7^HI P.O. Bux^ ftelten TJC T45J3 -0 1 OFFICE USE ONLY Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance # QTFP t OFFENDER Date Received i 5 znw S 1 MLr 1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due Grievance Code 'la Offender Name: LutUer U> Lobb TDCJ # ISVfeO/ Investigator ID # LSfe±I£^? Unit: AheWtel Housing Assignment: \% f "?^ Extension Date: Unit where incident occurred: AnfeV^flel U_Q Date Retd to Offender: mm ?7aiM You must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results of a disciplinary hearing. . in Who did you talk to (name, title)? JCTWffiBfetefafc (IfttyU /Injie. M Ql€^K I When? 0°^ h 3Q)H What was their response? SW fooulcfr Send me fc, pUleS jU*\- ni.sSV What action was taken? A)0"\g State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate "Ttis c:p\ev;gwe is f^ftiftSr the, yn^ilroo^vv fW W\\ \o wu^ m^ 1~GQ ?ei3. '• : .i J™ .' > ;"v W 5o/?e/v>ScV _ •>/?< 0/ #\e wo^tVoJ/v^ / j njrkrj he*rcited £.,idUYcJ, k> forehssc the If^l y )o\.ol UP 4ho^e cMcVS bgft^je T AceJecJ ¥^esy\ PoS k(/)\ e>eee$S U> JV ^cwr )i ft'^hoo cy^J Ski hlcH Uhe*^ J t^^c my X^kQ /T6?^sf ^ -Kl |/**> jlbrar/j u;as verbally Jr^f^J c„J Ujcv- /*>y l-fe>0 Wj JenieJ Vj 3to-HJT rvtShs, V go \f, ^ik. 3>k> S/3»^ these J>^S n/r n 2 ioJ)<$*>r yufGUffiSc •&**»' lell wig, htfu h? pureh^$e these lec/»\ 1^ cJg> J> Qf^ \o c^q -\V\f0ush \\on\sviWe., 7e\\ mc tW VroerSS I yiee^ ^> \o t^^^sU ^ pur&k>Ht ¥)eSC doto»i**Ht DlMriet filer K Iqio oCPfgg of Shell's A3o^rv> Gfe^or^ kt SiWviato 9-.^ oistrVet CooM Slcl^ 13101 IWvj goer) 114 A)« 4t^ street p»o, Rox lo^ pelton ry k>llpe«q T> 76^Mf 1C6I3 - 010*1 I-l 27 Front (Revised 11 -2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F \ 1 •^/InSwcr ft i> ixc&ibic ¥> purtVwje-the lej^V let pf»~ -toe, wnjir^/-^ oA ite brV*-> d»>tcS Action Requested to resolve your Complamt0 _ 3ef\cX, d^ks • . . ouVjoim "M»l., feW ,% . , , Sent- ifi jo i^c „ i , /£Qoe£k~l \ l^r.r ee&vtber 3rc*foia ^Al^eU 7, Jt^Ht w*k&v\ i7t aaH-j m*y 13/ flo Juki's \S Wyl m»\\ Offender Signature: ~JmMsi (day** M^ Date: Joh H& Mi Grievance Response: An investigation was conducted into your complaint regarding legal letters being mailed. Ms. Cargill, Mailroom Supervisor, reportsthat on 12/4/13 and 3/10/14you had two legal letters mailed out: oneto District Clerk and the other to Attorney Gregory Simmon. On on3/11/14 you had ongoing to Texas Child Support andon 3/17/14 you had two letters going to District C irk Sheila Norman and Attorney Gregory Simmon. There is no evidence found to substantiate your claims. AUG 2 2 2014 Signature Authority ,£ If you are dissatisfied with the Step 1 response, EE2B SB ** Date may submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit Grievance Investigator within 15 days from the date of the Step 1 response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. Returned because: ^Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. [*"11. Grievable timeperiod has expired. n 2. Submission in excess of 1every 7 days. * OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission UGI Initials: [~] 3. Originals notsubmitted. * Grievance #: Q 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. * Screening Criteria Used: Q 5. Nodocumented attempt atinformal resolution. * Date Reed from Offender: Q6. Norequested reliefis stated. * Date Returned to Offender: ^ 7. Malicious useof vulgar, indecent, orphysically threatening language. * ^Submission UGi initials: 3] 8. Theissue presented is notgrievable. Grievance #: ^ 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # Screening Criteria Used: _ ^ 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Reed from Offender: ^3 11. Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: JGI Printed Name/Signature: Wubmjssipn UGI Initials: Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Effect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender:. fledical Signature Authority:. Date Returned to Offender: -127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F AFFIDAVIT OF AUTr\£/UTlCATlOAJ OF AVm&AV. be<*uAI60TS B1 Mfe&4*7 Ia PePerenee to tUe Soople^e^Wci Joa;/nenf ttat soe Wi^ SobwrtW STAT6 Of T&X4S § V. AVu a^me. \s LoiHGft. U>a7a>£ Co6fo^*y?3-lb/0o. IW3oi ,i <^ Ov/e^ Is-^e^S oP Ace of Sound wind ^nj ^pqble tf/1 Kh*fc)VK this <;Wickfit. "TV Pac\o 2>Wd ia VWis qPPkWiV are LOv-tUtv^ vnn per3onc,\ k»ao bwtSioAjC^J bou.s?rJ <^+the ^.I.^ffKAt, attest to tbe P/^et tbtf^t^e rvMeml docu ments eybib^S X'snJ'fc" CoM^a measure oP prooP tU*V he plAee3 the. t\t\ec\ documents »a the tands oP the AlicUel Unit's rY\n\\roorv\ oa or before the cMe it ioaS due to be P»leJ. £*h- \Wl\fcX" 3bou>3 tbe cWe of q pcemqtore^ P\\ed "l\eQoeSr For F'mdinc oP FAet <^cl CoagIuSiw oP Uaco" uVmeK lms received lo^j tb£ A\eW\ OmV's IA\emq\ /A/V\W 5>|sVe^ on ia-H-13. TW\s doeo/nent ConW^ed Wfc-3-H3fertiPi>*le of Service combine-J LOiVh q nnnAbox P'A'iac veriPic^VvDn dAted 11-3-H6& H txWOniV Vsbows t^e cUVe 3-i-iS oP q Second, "Request For FmcW of Fqet end C'oneluSion oP LAio"Dbi?K l>as rev ived! b^j the /li'eWI Unit's Inters! /Iqilinc Sy$t^ on 3-V-I7 buV is Shoto io tbe Cleric fte^rd qs P.l^ci 3- 13- iH C^'I-^ thr ough \ofe\.TV\\$ document contained s 3-1-H OerttP\ev*Ye oP 3^rv/irt^ ^ mmlbox Pilinc verification oMe 3-FHM* Q £>b\bit u£" lOnieh 15 Gneuc^e tfc ioiH\Sq7M* ^AieK iS q Step I, Corroborate the qbove cMes q$ beinc \a Aiehnel Units I^erncJ AlqiVmc S^3tenA.Th\5 \S qcJeQunte orouP oPMe date tbe qbove ds MAG.*! U)./Iiebqel UniY, In/Inder^on K>uniy|Tex4S deek^ unds ^e ^ tonrvpe^-. See leMS Cix/il PrceMe J Re^eJ»<°<3 5 \&9i.oo\~i3a.ooz end A% u*?.e. § \1% LuTHe/l U)a7a;c- &>i3ft wmaat Tennessee CoWn y TV 7$%bQ> £xhibit5 ZJANUAIVI 3lO^,^0\5 APPeULAWl* &RT6F DA16 Xr\ reference CA$e /vomber 03-IH-oD3as-ev ApptiLAAn BRI6F 5TAT6 OF T£>AS 5 law rvwe is unvten ua^g com -y^ea-id a)o. IM4301. I qnn over ft Njeqrs op c^e, oP Sound mme.Qnd (topqfcie o/2 ^Kinc -VVm's qpPidsvit, Tke Paets Stnted \n fe qW?JSvit Af£ Uu\Vun »*w per3onql Knouled^e qnol n^e t™£ ^nd twceeY* A, X. {cPPiq^vt ,qnA incarcerated in tUe TexA!> bep^ytm^t o^ t^winal 'St/st^^-lnst^uttons biviSion qrvd boused ^ tbe M(\r)^ 10, Al\6hir>el Unit, in Tennessee &)lon>j ^ex^S 7S8£6' ZTb\S te <\c\ a brieP. tjQpftent IS aW\^mc +be "Prison Akil- bo* R^e' for tbe Qrrwine Appellc/vVs feneP dWv q me*fcer*ted pro se inm/vV^ cWWnt^be Appellees Rn^ filed tj»H\ ^k Cleric oP-rbe (!ount oP A^qIs to be l-3>o-iS beeAose \V>\% i% \le cMH tbe /HiehAei Unit's Internql AUiVinc SvjSkm received 41^ Appe\lc,ntls &rieP +0 be Porionrded ttf tbe eie^oPAtxe too^ryf Appeals* TjOA\AfYe2> UAJSluofW bGfiLAfLATIOAJ X.UaTHen lo, to&& IWo^beW presently ine^re^4+eol in tke Ar^K Lo Alietae! Unit in Andera^CoiMty, Tex^S, bereby ftertiP^tn^ punuqotto FfcAP JlS Ce^"A»qi| Box £ule"cnior Tfc/vP >£ tbe "APPEfLuwrs e>Rjc»CM^»P^»tR^^rJilUo\-i39i.Oo3qAcA &St>«Sie § 174b UjTVt^rt. L)rY\/06 C0B6 WH^ A\\eKne| ontF 3LC4.4 fm aos^ Tennessee Colony 103-14$--231/ T \_0T\\^ ^A^foe ftofcfe \U.o\ ciee^e Under penqlVY oP peY\ur| \V\/vV VW c.V>ove Uj^s pWed mVWe /VUehaer UniVi T^S »S W^ c;nd CoffedV' See Te*A2> C\ui\ Proeliee ^ Remedies %1aa.0ot-tea.oo3 Qrul 3L*u.s»e.|iHt. L<;u> ofPipfe Of Courf of APf«I«S iMMioi Gregory ^ Simeon r.t. , 0,st;,Uo^. TexAf MiaW Record The record of testimony was duly reported by the court reporter for the 264th Judicial District Jurisdiction The Court finds that the pleadings of Petitioner are in due form and contain all the allegations, information, and prerequisites required by law. The Court, after receiving evidence, finds that it has jurisdiction over this cause of action and the parties and that at least sixty days have elapsed since the date the suit was filed. The Court finds Petitioner has been a domiciliary of this state for at least a six- month period preceding the filing of this action and a resident of the county in which this suit is filed for at least a 90-day period preceding the filing of this action. All persons entitled to citation were properly cited. • Jury A jury was waived, and all questions of fact and of law were submitted to P~ Divorce IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that MARILENE COBB, Petitioner, and LUTHER W. COBB SR., Respondent, are divorced and that the marriage between them is dissolved on the grounds of insupportable. Information Regarding Parties and Child The information required for each party by section 105.006(a) of the Texas Family Code is as follows: Name of Mother: MARILENE COBB Social Security #: xxx-xx-x835 Driver's License #: xxxxxxxxll3 Issuing State: Texas Current Address: Home Telephone #: Employer: Tri-Sun Health Care Work Address: Harker Heights, Texas 76548 Work Telephone #: (254) 699-5051 Name of Father: LUTHER W. COBB SR. Social Security #: xxx-xx-x563 Driver's License #: xxxxxxxx Issuing State: Current Address: Michael Unit, 2664 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas Home Telephone #: ( ) Employer: Work Address: Work Telephone #: The Court finds that Petitionerand Respondent are the parents of the following children: Name: Sex: Birthplace: Birth date: No property is owned or possessed by the children. Conservatorship The Court, having considered the circumstances of the parents and of the children, finds the following orders are in the best interest of the children: Divorce IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that MARILENE COBB, Petitioner, and LUTHER W. COBB SR., Respondent, are divorced and that the marriage between them is dissolved on the grounds of insupportable. Information Regarding Parties and Child The information required for each party by section 105.006(a) of the Texas Family Code is as follows: Name of Mother: MARILENE COBB Social Security #: xxx-xx-x835 Driver's License #: xxxxxxxxll3 Issuing State: Texas Current Address: Home Telephone #: Employer: Tri-Sun Health Care Work Address: Harker Heights, Texas 76548 Work Telephone #: (254) 699-5051 Name of Father: LUTHER W. COBB SR. Social Security #: xxx-xx-x563 Driver's License #: xxxxxxxx Issuing State: Current Address: Michael Unit, 2664 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas Home Telephone #: ( ) Employer: Work Address: Work Telephone #: The Court finds that Petitioner and Respondent are the parents of the following children: Name: Sex: Female Birthplace: Birth date: No property is owned or possessed by the children. Conservatorship The Court, having considered the circumstances of the parents and of the children, finds the following orders are in the best interest of the children: IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that MARILENE COBB is appointed Sole Managing Conservator and LUTHER W. COBB SR., is appointed Possessory Conservator of the children. IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that MARILENE COBB as Sole Managing Conservator and LUTHER W. COBB SR., as Possessory Conservator, shall each retain the right to receive information from the other concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children and, to the extent possible, the right to confer with the other before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, MARILENE COBB, as sole managing conservator, shall have the following rights: 1. the right to receive information from any other conservator of the children concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children; 2. the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the education, and welfare of the children; 3. the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the children; 4. the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the children; 5. the right to consult with school officials concerning the children's welfare and educational status, including school activities; 6. the right to attend school activities; 7. the right to be designated on the children's records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; 8. the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the children; 9. the right to manage the estate of the children to the extent the estate has been created by MARILENE COBB. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, LUTHER W. COBB SR., as possessory conservator, shall have the following rights: 1. the right to receive information from any other conservator of the children concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children; 2. the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children; 3. the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the children; 4. the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the children; 5. the right to consult with school officials concerning the children's welfare and educational status, including school activities; 6. the right to attend school activities; 7. the right to be designated on the children's records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; 8. the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the children; 9. the right to manage the estate of the children to the extent the estate has been created by LUTHER W. COBB SR. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, MARILENE COBB, as sole managing conservator shall have the following duties: 1. the duty to inform the other conservator of the children in a timely manner of significant information concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children; and 2. the duty to inform the other conservator of the children if the conservator resides with for at least thirty days, marries, or intends to marry a person who the conservator knows is registered as a sex offender under chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure or is currently charged with an offense for which on conviction the person would be required to register under that chapter. IT IS ORDERED that this information shall be tendered in theform of a notice made as soonas practicable, but not laterthan the fortieth day after the date the conservator of the children begins to reside with the person or on the tenth day after the date the marriage occurs, as appropriate. IT IS ORDERED that the notice must include a description of the offense that is the basis of the person's requirement to register as a sex offender or of the offense with which the person is charged. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, LUTHER W. COBB SR., as possessory managing conservator, shall have the following duties: 1. the duty to inform the other conservator of the children in a timely manner of significant information concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children; and 2. the duty to inform the other conservator of the children if the conservator resides with for at least thirty days, marries, or intends to marry a person who the conservator knows is registered as a sex offender under chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure or is currently charged with an offense for which on conviction the person would be required to register under that chapter. IT IS ORDERED that this information shall be tendered in the form of a notice made as soon as practicable, but not later than the fortieth day after the date the conservator of the children begins to reside with the person or on the tenth day after the date the marriage occurs, as appropriate. IT IS ORDERED that the notice must include a description of the offense that is the basis of the person's requirement to register as a sex offender or of the offense with which the person is charged. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE. IT IS ORDERED that, during her periods of possession, MARILENE COBB, as sole managing conservator, shall have the following rights and duties: 1. the duty of care, control, protection, and reasonable discipline of the children; 2. the duty to support the children, including providing the children with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasiveprocedure; 3. the right to consent for the children to receive medical and dental care involving an invasive procedure; 4. the right to direct the moral and religious training of the children. IT IS ORDERED that, during his periods ofpossession, LUTHER W. COBB SR., asPossessory conservator, shall have the following rights and duties: 1. the duty of care, control,protection, and reasonable discipline of the children; 2. the duty to support the children, including providing the children with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; 3. the right to direct the moral and religious training of the children. IT IS ORDERED that MARILENE COBB, as sole managing conservator, shall have the following exclusive rights and duty: 1. the right to designate the primary residence of the children without regard to geographical restriction; 2. the independent right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures; 3. the right to consent to psychiatric and psychological treatment of the children; 4. the right to receive and give receipt for periodic payments for the support of the children and to hold or disburse these funds for the benefit of the children; 5. the right to represent the children in legal action and to make other decisions of substantial legal significance concerning the children; 6. the right to consent to marriage and to enlistment in the armed forces of the United States; 7. the right to make decisions concerning the children's education; 8. except as provided by section 264.0111 of the Texas Family Code, the right to the services and earnings of the children; 9. except when a guardian of the children's estate or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been appointed for the children, the right to act as an agent of the children in relation to the children's estate if the children's action is required by a state, the United States, or a foreign government; 10. the duty to manage the estate of the children to the extent the estate has been created by MARILENE COBB. Supervised Visitation The Court finds that credible evidence has been presented thai LUTHER W. COBB, SR., has a history of sexualmisconduct and has beenincarcerated in the Michael Unit,2664FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas since February 2005. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that visitation after the release of LUTHERW. COBB, SR., shall be under the supervision of MARILENE COBB on the following days and times to be set and determined byMARILENE COBB on the days and times prescribed by MARILENE COBB. Child Support IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that LUTHER W. COBB, SR. is obligated to child support in the amount of $203.00 per month, with the first payment being due and payable on the 1st day of January 2014 and a like payment being due and payable on the same day of each month thereafter until the first month following the earliest occurrence of one of the events specified below: (1) the marriage of the child; (2) the removal of the child's disabilities for general purposes; (3) the death of the child; (4) a finding by the court that the child: a. is 18 years of age or older; and b. has failed to comply with the enrollment or attendance requirements described by Section 154.002(a); or (5) if the child enlists in the armed forces of the United States, the date on which the child begins active services as defined by 10 U.S.C. Section 101. Unless a nonparent or agency has been appointed conservator of the child under Chapter 153, the order for current child support and any provision relating to conservatorship, possession, or access terminates on the marriage or remarriage of the obligor and obligee to each other. Division ofMarital Estate The Court finds that the following is a just and right division of the parties' marital estate, having due regard of the rights of each party and the child of the marriage. IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED the estate of the parties is divided as follows: MARILENE COBB is awarded the following as MARILENE COBB'S sole and separate property, and LUTHER W. COBB SR., is divested of all right, title, interest, and claim in and to such property: 1. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the sole control of MARILENE COBB. 2. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of or subject to the sole control of MARILENE COBB. 3. Any and all sums of cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of MARILENE COBB, including money on account in banks, savings institutions, or other financial institutions, which accounts stand in MARILENE COBB'S sole name or from which MARILENE COBB has the sole right to withdraw funds or which are subject to MARILENE COBB'S sole control. 7 4. Any and all policies of life insurance (including cash values), insuring the life of MARILENE COBB. 5. 1998 Nissan Altima motor vehicle with vehicle identification number 1N4DL01D7WC195084, together with all prepaid insurance, keys, and title documents LUTHER W. COBB SR., is awarded the following as LUTHER W. COBB SR'S sole and separate property, and MARILENE COBB is hereby divested of all right, title, interest, and claim in and to such property: 1. All household furniture, furnishings, fixtures, goods, appliances, and equipment in the possession of or subject to the sole control of LUTHER W. COBB SR. 2. All clothing, jewelry, and other personal effects in the possession of or subject to the sole control of LUTHER W. COBB SR. 3. Any and all sums of cash in the possession of or subject to the sole control of LUTHER W. COBB SR., including money on account in banks, savings institutions, or other financial institutions, which accounts stand in LUTHER W. COBB SR'S sole name or from which LUTHER W. COBB SR., has the sole right to withdraw funds or which are subject to LUTHER W. COBB SR'S sole control. 4. Any and all sums, whether matured or unmatured, accrued or unaccrued, vested or otherwise, together with all increases thereof, the proceeds therefrom, and any other rights related to any profit-sharing plan, retirement plan, pension plan, employee stock option plan, employee savings plan, accrued unpaid bonuses, or other benefit program existing by reason of LUTHER W. COBB SR'S past, present or future employment. 5. Any and all policies of life insurance (including cash values), insuring the life of LUTHER W. COBB SR. Division ofDebts IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED MARILENE COBB shall pay, as a part of the division of the estate of the parties, the following debts and obligations and shall indemnify and hold LUTHER W. COBB SR. and LUTHER W. COBB SR'S property harmless from any failure to so discharge these debts and obligations: 1. Any and all debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by MARILENE COBB from and after February 2005, unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary. 2. All encumbrances, ad valorem taxes, liens, assessments, or other charges due or to become due on the real and personal property awarded to MARILENE COBB in this decree unless express provision is made herein to the contrary. IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED LUTHER W. COBB SR., shall pay, as a part of the division of the estate of the parties the following debts and obligations and shall indemnify and hold MARILENE COBB and MARILENE COBB'S property harmless from any failure to so discharge the debts and obligations: 1. Any and all debts, charges, liabilities, and other obligations incurred solely by LUTHER W. COBB SR., from and after February 2005, unless express provision is made in this decree to the contrary. 2. All encumbrances, ad valorem taxes, liens, assessments, or other charges due or to become due on the real and personal property awarded to LUTHER W. COBB SR., in this decree unless express provision is made herein to the contrary. Judgment IT IS ORDERED that LUTHER W.COBB, SR., be awarded a judgment in the amount of $5,000.00(Five Thousand Dollars) to be paid by MARIELENE COBB, for a division of the community property which represents a portion of the parties community property and funds deposited into an account from LUTHER W.COBB's military separation pay. MARILENE COBB is ORDERED to submit payment directly to LUTHER W. COBB, SR., at his current address of Michael Unit # 1294301, 2664 FM 2054, Tennessee Colony, Texas 75886 or any other address directed by the Respondent. Without affecting the finality of the Final Decree of Divorce, this Court expressly reserves the right pursuant to section 9.101 et seq. of the Texas Family Code to make orders necessary to clarify and enforce this decree. Division of UndisclosedAssets and Liabilities Division of Liabilities Not Provided for in Decree. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED, as part of the division of the estate of the parties, that any community liability not expressly assumed by a party under this decree is to be paid by the party incurring the liability. Attorney's Fees To effect an equitable division of the estate of the parties and as a part of the division of the estate of the parties and as part of the division, and for the services rendered in connection with conservatorship and support of the child, each party shall be responsible for his or her own attorney's fees incurred as a result of legal representation in this case. Attorney's Fees are to be paid by respective clients and all costs of court are to be borne by the party by whom such costs were incurred. Court Costs IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that costs of the court are to be paid by the party by whom such costs were incurred. Clarifying Orders Without affecting the finality of this Decree of Divorce, this Court expressly reserves the right to make orders necessary to clarify and enforce this decree. ReliefNot Granted IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that all relief requested in this cause and not expressly granted is denied. n in ;av A Signed on this ID day C^ ^sfijr^ 2014. Original Signed by Judge Martha J. Trudo JUDGE PRESIDING CERTIFIED COPY DOCUMENT ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE 10 APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Law Office of Gregory K Simmons, P.C. 714 N. 4th Street Killeen, Texas 76541 Tel: (254) 616-2529 Fax: (254) 616-6529 By: ^ X~ ^ ^ •^— *?T- -fcfL TVBft&tat/fFfO 33?" GREGOR¥-K. SIMMONS Attorney for Petitioner State Bar No. 18367800 APPROVED AND CONSENTED TO AS TO BOTH FORM AND SUBSTANCE: MARILENE COBB, Petitioner LUTHER W. COBB SR., Respondent 11 £*U>»t \t CAUSE NUMBER: 266,263-D ith IN THE MATTER OF § IN THE 264in JUDICIAL THE MARRIAGE OF § § MARILENE COBB § DISTRICT COURT OF AND § LUTHER W. COBB SR. § § AND IN THE INTEREST § § BELL COUNTY, TEXAS FINAL DECREE OF DIVORCE On the 14 day of November2013, this case came on for hearing. Appearances Petitioner, MARILENE COBB, Social Security Number xxx-xx-x835, appeared in person and through attorney of record, Gregory K Simmons and announced ready for trial. Respondent, LUTHER W. COBB SR., Social Security Number xxx-xx-x563, waived issuance and service of citation by waiver duly filed and consented to the terms herein evidenced by his signature below. Record The record of testimonywas duly reported by the court reporter for the 264th Judicial District. Jurisdiction The Court finds that the pleadings of Petitioner are in due form and contain all the allegations, information, and prerequisites required by law. The Court, after receiving evidence, finds that it has jurisdiction over this cause of action and the parties and that at least sixty days have elapsed since the date the suit was filed. The Court finds Petitioner has been a domiciliary of this state for at least a six- month period preceding the filing of this action and a resident of the county in which this suit is filed for at least a 90-day period preceding the filing of this action. All persons entitled to citation were properly cited. Jury A jury was waived, and all questions of fact and of law were submitted to the Court. APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Law Office of Gregory K Simmons, P.C. 714 N. 4th Street Killcen, Texas 76541 Tel: (254) 616-2529 Fax: (254) 616-6529 By: GREGORY K. SIMMONS Attorney for Petitioner State Bar No. 18367800 APPROVED AND CONSENTED TO AS TO BOTH FORM AND SUBSTANCE: MARILENE COBB, Petitioner LUTHER W. COBB SR., Respondent n (r>TTifeiTr Wowcwa* Toot No, xa*—CBvrtaod On X, X9SS)^ , ,. , . _«» --. ,„„„.,... ••..«.•• • • o. •, r, . tie>^^.fg^COFTHEfmiygIMES "* "* .*" ' * ' OJKiKiUbuCATE 0ELTO1 BIRTH ggft OPT COMFT.yTKT.-g, ACCURATELY. LEGIBLE ZR ZSg OS TCTSTOman ';.•"•••• ..... r." ..1. . *~ Ttnt..—7" i+ v.: -j^- •. • ^sister Number: r ' »» '".: «« »i'-^T City or Mumcijxrtity':'^ SPfikZB^rftfriy "1?~~ {fly ft. Aca (At cima of r- q: 1 21a. UsBAX. OCCOPAXtON ' Mm. Cob birth) XZSw IdsoorBoBiKssaoBlH. r Yeaxa 35 dcszkt 22. MUDEKllAMa SftlflSleg^o Dagupan City I PrivatA Empln^ -1.0. g;' Xtsuctoa 13. Na 123s. Each R* G% • X«.Acn(AttImaot 15» BlBTUt*L£g» ttbbfrti) 16. P&SVI009 DSXJVSBZE3 SO M/»rpy% (Doaot fadadetfcb Urt£> jr Dalcmgue Sta, ^Jarr*, Pqn? 7 itow many o. Bow sacs' otber I c. How many fetal 17a. iKFOBiEANl'SSlCKATTO» children oro po^ Jivingt cctldrea were | deaths (fetttaca bom all7e bet I bom d«td oay C AB08ESS Esthes? Tamayo^ erosovdead} ( CimQ after coo* >7 cans Mnmlwr R h m f r r t n ^ i r u^oJTi ^^ 15'«««. ^nno It Unsafe:UuuiOAbogbbs (Nambar.Stoeafc.aiyofuSdpimy.PtaS^' i9i •" a ATTEJiDANT AT B1B3H X BSBSB7CERTIBTCtotZ Chobirth ofthia dtSd wfcowag bom «n»«aS fllQQo** ^gtesa. .los.. -Oz. 1D20 23YE3 O No 84. Dact «o l^tAcaoi'MiBBttonorBfiEBKia (Forkgltimatobirti) 25. 'SOB CE2X1FICATB Z3 Pfffg', ^pgll 21 1953 (Month) "35735553 ! _ .. » Wanda Jean Cobb V/are Trinidad T. Ferrer Mnlhcr •'...',. :;k>j American Filipino Nationality Ronilo Cruz Leonida C. Cruz • . - r 1 -« cr rr ,* 5 Andres Sison Sulpicia Sison Krsw|.*n.-r .... •tii' v |i" r-H r c(iii".rni ot advice MOTE: ( 1) I'.r'ii'lnuT Both pnrties are of legkl age.... (b) P.clnii'in In contracting pnily Office of tlir /'/tut- of marriage Climch of LITTLE QUIAFO DILIMAN QUEZON CITY fli'tisr of flirrrio of . DECEMBER 20, 1992 • /'.•/r fi/ maiiiiigc . Vhiniauc udemnizeti hy . . . ^EV... ROGEL.lp T. SUMA^O!) (a) TO'ISTER ._ fb) .978. .J -: LUNA ST,-, .TONPO MANILA . . fPosition) {AddressJ THIS IS TO CI-RTIFY: That I *V?????. ^YNE COBB and I.. . . V.A^IT'F^F. T .. .FERRER on the date and at the {dace above given, of our own free will and accord, and in the presence of the person solemnizing this marriage and of the two witnesses named Iw/ow. hvth of age. take each other as husband and wife. ij,,!/ 1 REV. ROGELIO T, SITMATCP MINISTER (Position) -, (TRTIFY: That on the date and at theplace above written the aforesaid . LUTHER WAYNE COBB and . . MARILENE. ,T.. . FERRER "'ere with their mutual consent lawfully joined together in holy matrimony by me fn (he I>*ySffKg of said witnesses, both of age: and I further certify that the Marriage License No. . . .Q59p.9.21 ' issiied'df -.-:'^%aX*.-rCi.ty on .Pe.G. .28.r .., 19 .$2. in favor ofsaid parties, was Inhibited to mc or no marriage license was exhibited to n&if/iistiihtrifafflJkdijitfv. of an exceptional character performed under Ar(r* .*. *. *. *.* of Rep. Act 386/ iffitfiat t/iecoMiiifSlfi) advice to such marriage \ias duly given, as required-by Ia\i-. by the person c/^erjgjffi fifrfh't-rncn- \\\ tinned. -Wfcr". IN WITNESS WHRREpP, we signed, for marked with our fingerprintJ this eVFfiTlcate in triplicate tlus . RQth . (]ay of ;• DECEMBER J9 92 ... '. ."/{-.'-/yj.. /(,' < ^-1 n> C/1 Hi l 09 > s " o -£ 3 =• IT" O (O x o 3~ ^ re .J I? _1 >< 09 {7 -3 1 £ CA _J O J ^> C Go 7^ B
Luther W. Cobb, Sr. v. Marilene F. Cobb
Combined Opinion