§ i Appellate Docket Number: 490 - (/€ 6 ,, Af`, 050 ,‘?d-% Appellate Case Style: Style: \. ` ' ~ ' " ‘ VS' State ofTexas F{FCP wch lN The'.' u~r~k uf bn eals §i`§m §".§m§§ FH_ED m - _ 1 1 1 1 __ The CCU\"[ 31 Appc'q|; Companion Case: | 1555 5 low Sixth DiSm-Ct i’¢‘¥'uu':r»~ Ta_v_g¢_: .~.' EEB 4 n' 291|: D§§r§ AL,:`. §y, C!'§`rk` - " ' ~’ “” Amended/corrected statement |:] ` Texarkana1 T@X;__LS Debra K. Au'lr~§y, _C!erk DOCKETING STATEMENT (Criminal) Appellate Court'. §§ .' 7'%/” /}}’F!?L 1 (to be flled in the court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32) " 1 1011 Appella‘n\t MRD?UXM§D [:’]:ead Attorney First Name: Middle Name: First Name: Last Name: Middle Name: Last Name: ._,, , 1 111' ’ Suff`lx: gym Amount of Bond : 1 v 1 1 IE/Appointed m District/County Attorney Pro Se~_ @/ , E] Retained m Public Defender Firm Name: ' ' ’ Address 1: Addre$s 21 City: l State: Fax: Email: \ ` ;' Page l of 5 Hl]la First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Suff`ix: Appellee lncarcerated? Amount ofBond: 1 Pro Se; 0 Nature of Case (Subject matter or type of case): 5 \:]Yes E/I§§a§§@ I:] Yes No Motion in Arrest of Judgrnent: IE’{es [] No Ifye, Other: Wes \:] No l\/Iotion for New Trial: . Ifye Motion and affidavit Hled: Date ofhearing_; v l ' |:]Yes |:|No ,, . . WA M MA by Date of order: Ruling on motion: [:] Granted |:] Denied If guilty, does defendant have the trial court's certificate to appeal? 536 ' .EK% mpn§§§m§m§y@ . IZ/L/ead Attorney First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Sufflx: [:| Appointed [:] Retained E’§strict/County Attorney I:] Public Defender Firm Name: Address l: Address 2: wasth§trialby; l:] jury orMn-jury? = ls the appeal from a pre-trial order? [:} Y€S E¢NO Does,the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity of a statute, rule or ordinance? ' Mes [:]No s, date filed: s date f`iled: 5 If yes, date filed: If granted or denied, date of ruling: w Page 2 of 5 Clerk's Record: Trial Court Clerk: istrict |:] County ] Trlal Court DOCkei Numb€r (Cau$€ HO) F gary Fg/7 §§ Was clerk's record requested? Mes l:| No Trial Court Judge (who tried or disposed of the case): If’yes, date requested: f , j,¢>/ If no, date it will be requested: Were payment arrangements made with clerk? First Name: Middle Name: [:] Yes [:] No [E»I'ndigent Last Name: Sufflx: Address l: Address 2: City: State: Telephone: Fax: Email: Reporter's or Recorder's Record: Is there a reporter's record? Mes [:\ No Was reporter's record requested? [:]Yes E'N€ Was the reporter' s record lelectronically recorded? {:_] Yes lNo lf yes, date requested: Mj ` Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? l:] Yes mo [:l Indigent [Q/Court Reporter [:] Court Recorder g Oft`icial l:l Substit_ute .1 v `“ FirstName: Middle‘Name: Last Name:_ Address l : Address 21 City: State: Fax: Email: Page 3 of5 l 0 AI./ Signature of counsel (0r Pro Se Party) Mt_g/€V~,z"/ F'€#/‘/’e %A£L State Bar No; " l Printed Name: Name: 11 Electronic Signature: (Optional) The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court's order orjudgment as follows on md Signature of counsel (0r pro se party) Electronic Signature: (Optional) State Bar No.: \ Person Served: Certit`icate of Service Requirernents (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must State: (l) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served, and (3) if the person served is a party's attorney, the name of the party represented by that attorney Page 4 of 5 Plea,se enterc'the following for each person served: Date Served: ij ; ~ Manner Served: .1 Middle Name: w Lasf Name: _ Suft`ix; Law Firm Name: . ., Address l: Address'Z: City'. State Telephone: Fax: Email'. Page`$ 0f5
Marvin Frank Hall v. State
Combined Opinion