Adam K. Golden v. State

FILED COURT OF APPEALS k *)ti& N°* 02-15-°0223-CV; 02-15-00224-CV; SECOND DISTRICT OF TEXAS k\\6 ^ k\S 02-15-00225-CV; 02-15-00226-CV AUG 1h 20)5 rtf^rie^*^ 02-15-00227-CV; 02-15-00228-CV cO^crt^ GV1^ 02-15-00233-CV; 02-15-00234-CV DEBRA SPISAK, CLERK *rn^°V|p\S^ 02-15-00235-CV; 02-15-00236-CV ADAM K. GOLDEN § IN THE SECOND Appellant § COURT OF APPEALS v vs § FORT WORTH/ TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee APPELLANT'S AMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL COMES NOW, Adam K. Golden, Appellant and files this Amended Notice of Appeal'and states the following: 1. Under Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 25, Appellant, Adam K- Golden desires to appeal from the Order denying the Motion to Consolidate Costs siqned by Ruben .Gonzales Jr., 432nd Judicial District Court, Tarrant County/ Texas on February 17, 2015, in Cause Number 1293989D, The State of Texas vs. Adam Golden 2. Appellant/ Adam K. Golden appeals to the Second Court of Appeals. 3. This is an amended notice of appeal filed in this Court to correct the ommissions of the Court of Appeals appellant intends to appeal to and the cause number (2). '. Respectfully submitted Adam K. Golden 1100 HWY 1807 Venus, Texas 76084 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Adam K. Golden hereby certify that on the date indicated below/ I sent a true and correct copy of the Appellant's Amended Notice of Appeal to the Appellee's attorney below by placinq such in the United States mail, postaqe prepaid addressed to the following: Debra A. Windsor Assistant District Attorney 401 W. Belknap St. Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0201 Dated this/# day of August, 2015 Adam K. Golden 1100 HWY 1807 Venus, Texas 76084 RECEIVED AUG 1 h 2015 COURT OF APPEALS SECOND DISTRICT OF TEXAS DEBRASF1SAK, CLERK August 10/ 2015 Second Court of Appeals ATTN: Clerk 201 W. Belknap/ Suite 9000 Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0211 RE: Filing Clerk, Please find the enclosed to be filed with the Court this date. I thank you in advance. Sincerely Adam K. Golden