Coronel, Israel

     -.                                                                          CZ61a'37 -o1
                             WRIT NOcWOq--b(':He\-T(f\) st~te.d             tx PMkl5ra.el GJtotttel
. ·rrl'al     C~uf>e AJo~~   F-0 1-00 18{ - T
                                             FrtJm: Israel Cof,VLel#/'780501
                                                    RQmoes {)ne- Umt
                                                     II 00 F-"N~ 66~ fl.J a
                                                     fuskvovt~TX. 77s~ECEIVEO ~~-~
      r        _      ·                      .       _                  \     CQJJRTOFCRIM!i\1~1 BIPPEALS
  To a A~e\ Aros1Q, CLE\?..\{ o(. -~ CcxJAo~ Cr\~~\10.11\ppoo s-                  b   MAY 06 ~~.
        ~~~ t5oi. \~OS 1 CQ~r\o \ Sta.-t\o\1\
        Aus~\\1\,TeXas 781 \\                                                    Ab&~Acosta.CI@rtt
                               BRI~G 'THlSMAITERTl>"T"£- f\TI~t\lTtoN ro 1HrCDVIU ilti\-T lAM
   REQOESittJG FOR HEl-P Tt> Hit\-\t D/\l\1\s cOO~l'( CLERK CMt~ r\17.5\ HttONS Tq St.N~ N~
   /\~PUU\1\DN FOR WN\ Of HM~H\S CDiWUS 0~~£\lAR\tCLt \l.01 PRD SE NO. wDC(- ~1J l9l-T(A)
                                                                    •                   '1:~-

   TO 1\\t C.OOR\ OF CR.lMl~l\L AQPt.l\\.S \D BE \(f.~lEWf-~ To 0&/\\~ REL-l~f~~-tASE"~~~.;,
         Dea.r CLER~ Abe\ 1\costct,
        -r, fsvae/ w;tJnel TDC-JV:fl= J'190SfJ~, Ftl«f an qppllca.hoYI 11~0 7. Th~qppltatft~YI
   FOf cvn't ofmbeas {()YfU~ s~ltd fx Park Jsrael Cb1lJnel /w; beeVJ relerrelto fJ1t
   Jodict4.1 'JBJ rJ Pl'6frkfCoort,JAI/a.s Covn~iTexa>;; tht4ppliadtbn tvU-& pta.ced t'ftfltt.t-
    mal/ kJx o11 PeceiYiher ~ ~otq, The..-5faJ~rnade.-a. Re5(»~ dertJJlnJ rY!j ttfJ\tf)loiJHls,
    but Sfate reqtJesfedfo fhe.fna/ Courf- ForanorrJu dt5J~na.~'n9 i65Ues ifans1 awf94~
   1her f.ll/dena hs r-tl!leWh19 +Jte D~uffJ owv1 records ·fo delermJ'III-l- ·fht mer/ Hci qppl-[ cla/ms, Th-e Courts-hfJ inan~rJe;r '- HctvlVJJ const'dered fJ1e q_ppltJcrlYt f i -
    qplh'caivon Pot (J)nJ 1- of h.aka.s corpv s tVJ 11tt Sfttte-s Resfn>t'-1-h~ Cou rl-ffnJ~
  ~hurt coYJ-froVtftd, prevtbu~ hunresolved Facfvct I { 5JUes tJI1t'oh rettv/r~add/tv4na;(
    evJdevu1 ~/or tesftrMJ1rj fo Jx,. re.solved:"Tke. Covtf. qpplnl-et/ Jrpril LS.~dthftJ
   'fe&alvt +he 1~u~ 4Y2d ftptlre hnd/ngs ofFMftlH-d ~J1C/vslot1 s tJ{/cuJ fov-lltc Cootf           '1

   lhen fhe 514. fe maJ~ a_Suppltm&rd41 re-Sfdi1Je fo f'he. appllC4h~V1.1 5/nce ftuh,I

   d;J ntJf kve, recet'vJ all} ofhei leQe r5 frtf}I,JOV fhe clerk l!J ~ fke (ootto f{rlml'flA'l

  }rpptal> ~ fJn Mttrch I~ 2tJI5: I Sefid a.letfetfo fke Clerk of Pctf/o._), LtJ(fflb lftas

                                                                           Pa.s~ \ of 1-
<·      fe1VtS~hj Frrr IVLforma/hbn oF wrr~- A/tJ, wo q- ''0 181--T{/t). I The ~a/la_s Counq CLerk
     .~ d;~ nof ansWered cuyih'Yy• TJteJ11 [ ~:JeJ t1J1 /tfpltmh~V1 fo, wr/~of~~ f-~
        +ltt ~ 3rJ Jvdtc/a) ~115-l-nct (outf /)q//as Coo» &ITexas,lTht qp p/lCafM\11 (J F}Jl4fl~            .
        damtr5 WetS pla.c.ed p\ttfke Ma)/ box 011 Apr/1 {,fh,I)JJ/5'; iv(L5 des~no.fedfo +Lte clerk
         e ~ Pctl~s CouVIf:J ba.vy 'h}zslmW[()nsl4YJ() Ju nevu ans~, +o fhts rkft +ua}, ~«s
        k-en se louj, Qwfhe tklkd Cot!YJf-tt CfetAdt~ notsevuJiktqpplvetifitln J/.01 Wr/f
        JJO, Woq- 00181-T64) as J's t~~JveJ, fa -~ e. Lolfff o ? Cr,'m/wd Appeol' +o k reVIeweJ.
               Pa./la.s {oun!J C!e.rft dM rP1tdJ'l5We>retl h,tlflJ lel/ep -li1ccf lseJd hiM requtsh~g
     \' fur Jn (orl'lahdVi qb,ut "YYIJ .o '1 appiN.ahoV~; or neif~ u fo IYI}j app h'ccdtul1 ~1
        w11+ l) f MaYtda.ww-s • cW~-\- fs f'lUj ne ~ t s-\-er ? ~ W\t.ctl-· CctVt I J6 vtex+ ~­
              ! ne.ed -l-o 'fe-so\vt- t\tt 1s rrutll-u bUQv~~1\.tefLO!L o-t\tQ.J t~ru~s +o b~ tesoluwl
       about~ uv-tfa~r tn'a.,\, a_~ lYl~ \tlegaJ cJeprtval1a-vt ~c~ llbet~( bmwse 1m
       M~.. 9vl\+-~ o~~~} aLS-LtuJ fV\St~~'lfaf,10V\   far M.~ rel;' eJ=-
                                       \~\utnL{   you Vif9 Much·~
                                                             .    !lespal(rJio/ suhmt~r/
                                                              /]t9;;t: Pe~ Se
                                                                TIJCJ#: I 180fiOft