_ l ' U`Z|”|O]L/°()§ TEXAS EUURT UF ERIMINAL APPEALS ‘ DATEh 2/18/15 ELERK, ABEL ACUSTA P.U. BUX 12308 AUSTIN, TEXAS 79711-2303 EX PARTE EILMURE FRANKLIN CUX PER, MRIT NU. UR h2,794-05 EAUSE NU. ER-2993B-A Dear Clerk, I'm asking for a 20 day extension of time to File my Final response due to the - fact I've been in transit and the Trial Court's response and Finding of Faot and. Conolusions of Law just caught up to me, also because I have to send out for copy's. Thank you for your time and trouble in this matter. GILMQRE FRANKLIN cox 356901 chFIELD uNIT 2561 F.M. 2054 secevaz aN coum‘ <)F chM\NAL APPEALS FEB 25 ‘20\5,- .
Cox, Gilmore Franklin
Combined Opinion