PD-0194-15 NO. WILLIAM PAUL LANGRUM,II § IN THE TEXAS COURT V. s OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FILED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS § AT AggT^N Q? Qmml Appr.v ~ MOTION TO SUSPEND RULE 9.3.(b) OF Tp|Eg20^-'J TEXAS RULE OF APPELLANT PROCEDURE TO THE HONORABLE JJiUDGE OF SAID COURT: Abel ACOSta, Petitioner respectfully presents this motion to the court requesting the~.honorable court to suspend rule 9.3(b) because petitioner is unable to send to required number of copies to the court as required, and in support of this motion petitioner presents the following in support thereof; I !'• Petitioner is seeking to file a PDR challenging the fifth Court of appeals decision of his appeal in cause No .Q5-13t-01489-CR ^Petitioner does not have access to any copier machine, nor does he have access to any family members that will make copies. Because of the facts stated here petitioner ask that this Honorable court grant this motion, and allow his to send only the original copy to the court. WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, petitioner pray that the court grant this motion, and allow hira to send only the original copy. WILLIAM PAUL LANGRUf!,II CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE PETITIONER CERTIFY THAT A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THIS MOTION , WAS SENT TO THE ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE ON THE JO DAY OF FEBRUARY 2015. UMluyn raid Mjyo/fon JjL WILLIAM PAUL LANGRUmTTi (1) WILLIAM PAUL LANGRUM,II ALLEN POLUNSKY UNIT 3872 F.M.350 SOUTH LIVINGSTON, TEXAS77351 (2)
Langrum, William Paul
Combined Opinion