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Iu. at 1~23 3 RR 7. OWJECTIOW(B)z Ay§licanc object@ tc the Staxe'm pwsitiom aa $nuicaz¢d abov& &n& to mha hawaa& couc&‘$ a&c§%iow vi ama B&ate’a wrogoaa£s, and few é@ny£nw @n evié@nmi&€y heaziwg mw %ha iaaua 0£ inwz£waniv@ &a$imhanca uf agg@lkmt@ couw@ai, BNQ $WM¢A§§GQ&&F zaguw$tm_th@z an avi¢em§ia§y hwhtimw we h@§é to §eswlvw tkka &maum bem&wma umw iawuw cf th& trial court cammi%tin§ asrwr Dy ¢i¢ylaging an§ commenting on the eviéence Ha$}&a:& v£mm;@ ayyell§t& iv$uw and ap@@ilac@ counaai maée ma &£iozt §§ rai§e §t ca direct myywal¢ causing Applican% @ze;umic@ my §§Qrivin$ him of an oyymzcunitj to have his conviction an£/Qr sant@nc@ owarzurneé on av»@&l. iv 3. The Habama Court¢ without holding amy ty;§ of n&azinv¢ wummav rily adeytem cba Sta&e'a¥rcpo%ed'§inéinga Gi Fac€ and Ccnclu$ion§ O§ haw {Fin€in@s), without even rwviewing the z:i&l recozd in mrdwr to be in a powit§cn to ”r@cail” twa evanta in qu@stion. ad&itiomaliy, applica§t al$c wh}ecim so twa §§ia; conva°& zozluc@ s to raaumewic$el§ becmu$¢ AK HQG @m inher@wt &m tha mumcumw of 4 dh@$& yeum&w@inwa~*~qum$hiwnin@l i&$ 43“$@@&9& QH awm@gmainw on the evié@nc@ of cba @rior Qcmv£cmioma§§n tha gung'w anaencu° i 1` 593 PRAHHR SHBREFGRS¢ PREHI$RS GQHSIDBRE§. Agylicant Prays thi& uanarabl@ Ccuwt viii r@turn th£$ €ewa §§ _&M@ trial c$mxh ca QQHMMGR an mvid@ntiasy bva&rin¢ to gwaoiv¢ tva iaeu$e ma§aed in bia %¢bees &pylication; to fczwar& Rp§lic&mt’@ R¢cu§@l anion nn €h@ R&Wimn@l Juéwe for §e§enmination: &nd grant any ¢th@r @56 £urth@r raiie£, at law or in ~Q%uity¢ an& conviat¢n$ with th% felie£ sequa&&ed h&r@im¢bove- Hm§§}£mq?§i;;£)§a§ mM-=Xl§£i“ml :.‘M§: m§'§§§x»f§ mii§»:mms&§ fla»?,wn'; cs§s§£> P¢;TMRW¢: man wausau sam maxim A:H;I.w;:¢;¢ zz;x:»:; 'ri§).§»e&lz§ WMMEWMK IMU%K@ CEB?IFICA?K QF &EEV§CE 3‘ h@z@uy carci£y amax § cane QBQ emerawt nagy §§ thaw inacrumant has w&an werved by glacimg se£z: im the pzi@om‘e icgal zac§§aacl@ for out§aing lmwal wmil. U.S. Eirsn Cl&a@ yasta§@ yzcyaid, cv this thw EG, 2935¢ ad§rass@a 301 iws~ Eamwka S~ PR§$Q _ Asai&tanc ni$tricz hukczney §2@} Eran%lin, ban FLGQ$ AM¢XF §§ »015 Heustcn¢ Wexa§ ??DGR t ' w setormay fox tew Snmte af T€xa& wm emwa zzc:wmm WM/QQ»f/\ §§