~3,!51--0l To:Abel Acosta(Clerk) Court of Criminal Appeals RECEIVED IN PO Box 12308,CAPITAL STATION COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN,TEXAS 78711 JUN 18 2015 From:Shane Matthew Nettles Moore(MTC)TDC#1566038 8500 North FM 3053 Abet Acosta, Cler:~ Overton T~xas 75684 RE:(WR-83,151-0l)Inquiry of Motion for Rehearing Status Dear Clerk I would like to know the status of my motion for rehearing mailed to this court on May 20th 2015.Filed under Tr.Ct.NO.W09-00208-P(A) and WRIT WR-83,151-01 numbers.! thank you for your time in this matter. June 12th 2015 25 Respectfully Submitted CC:
Nettles, Shane Matthew
Combined Opinion