ACCEPTED 03-14-00492-CV 4088598 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS DouGLAS R. LITTLE 2/10/2015 11:41:19 AM JEFFREY D. KYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW CLERK THE LYRIC CENTRE, SUITE 900 440 LOUISIANA STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 RECEIVED IN 713.275.2069 3rd COURT OF APPEALS . AUSTIN, TEXAS 2/10/2015 11:41:19 AM January 28, 2015 JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk VIA EXPRESS MAIL Jeffrey D. Kyle Clerk, Third Court of Appeals Post Office Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711-2547 Re: Brown v. Hegar (Combs) and Paxton (Abbott); No. 03-14- 00492-CV Dear Mr. Kyle: AS directed by the Court's letter of January 22, 2015, Appellant W. Robert Brown submits three bound paper copies of his Appellant's Brief, the only brief he has filed in this case. Additionally, please note the new address for my firm, shown above. Thank you for your attention. DRL/bms Enclosures· cc: Mr. Charles K. Eldred w/o enclosures
W. Robert Brown v. Glenn Hegar, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas And Ken Paxton, Attorney General of the State of Texas
Combined Opinion