May 22, 2015 FILED IN COURTOF APPEALS 1SthCpurt of Appeals District Katrina McClenny Chief Deputy Clerk 12th Court of Appeals 1517 W. Front Street, Suite 354 Tyler, Texas 75702 CATHY S. LUSK, RE: Case No. 12-15-00118-CR"Application for Writ ofMAf of MANDAMUS STYLE: Michael Lynn Eaton v. 115th Dist. Court of Upshur County From Trial Cause No. 15074 Dear Court Clerk: Enclosed please find the information you requested from me to supplement my "Application for Writ of MANDAMUS" : Table of Contents, pursuant to TRAP 52.3(b) (lpage) (pg.# i) Index of Authorities, pursuant to TRAP 52.3(c) (lpage) (pg.# ii) - Appendix, pursuant to TRAP 52.3(k) (lpage) (pg.# x) - Designation of the Record, pursuant to TRAP 52.7 : please find Relators "Motion Requesting Designation of the Record" (lpage) Relator has also included a "Statement of the Case" in the Appendix (pg.# x) In an exercise of caution, Relator wishes to state clearly that he is pursuing the Application for Writ of Mandamus" to obtain records and transcripts from the Trial Court so he can prepare and file an Appeal under §11.07 Code of Criminal Proceedure, and that this Application is NOT his Appeal, but a request for to^rSv'liffie Relafo^HBn1 Se^s^FfiiS^rPrecorSi^n^ianlcKpS?086 & mSth°d Should you have any questions or need further information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me. I thank you in advance for your time and considerations. Respectfully, Michael Lynn Eaton CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Michael Lynn Eaton, do hereby certify that I placed the original and/or copies of the information and documents listed above into a proper wrapper and affixed sufficient pre-paid US first class postage to same, and did address same to the parties listed below and placed same into the available mailing system on this the