in Re Steven Edward Boyd, Relator

07-15-00209-CV ..:tOI.S ~ ~AY~02~ ~ SEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS VIVIAN LONG, CLERK rlfoM: STEV&vclJWAR~ 41/Y~~rtu::r;rri9Yol(~~~ N.S" UN.Cr I.S..J~ Z·ltJc'Asr ;:o~r.s121ckrt:W~ rx. 79 735 NI1~CLW...· ~.LEASe ;;'~~JJ GAX.i.tJSE!J 1-'GT'Zr.n::MEII!s A.P,PUCAT:z:oAJ ~A WHrr or /11/IP~AAft/.S, .Pc'r'~r.&'alf.JE~ PRAYS "/"HAr Y~U .P.Ifc.SCN7'" .sACJJ r..uL>..Z:t:..rA ~ rHE ::rv~CG.s mr:: Tll£5 C8t/U. ~ ~AY~20~ ~ SEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS VIVIAN LONG, CLERK r6 tll£. l{tJ/,J6'-AIJL£ :t'vsr.r:t:.ES 8rS/lr/) ~u/?r: C...1MI:"S NtJW, Sr£VEAJ E!JwA.tlJ 8oY~ .. P€r.rr.ra.-JEif HEifE.z:AJ, .RE.S.P£C(ruU.Y Aft!!le.! rH:cs NtMIOM&If:. C:tUIRr Fl:tlt LGI'/Vc ra FILE rHE AffACHEIJ ;r:; ~ wtt:.rr oP ~M/I'IUS, • I .:Z:N lfE SrEi/EAJ EJ)WAR~ Aay/J FS.$6 .r-.1c£AS'i ..S-rt!ICA-ro.v~Tlt. ?f':U.S' ( IPELArt3~ .P.IPO .SE ,) v. · .oA~ L.. SCHAA'P .WII'MDRA&. G' ..TULl~ 2#::)9 Au.!iS£L.t -"'.NG 8.&. v.b. e::AunYJ ?T.i". 7.9t11S T"H'E 9' CouRT", .IPAAJIJALL cou,vr.Y.;?2!XA.S (RE5PcsN/JCA.JTj f , II I)APPL.rt.Arct:vv ra.f t.t!Atll! l&l r.&L£ tVt£(;.U.Vtt:. PU.rrro Nralt Wlfrra • F AfAMt./I. MI!IS - - - - - - - - - - I .aJ :z:No.ers ;OE.Ifr.z.vt:..vr r~A 7'WG i ~AJ r.s P.A'& rAt> A'EV.n"W. 4'JI;'ir&t :r..11- .EH/JrC A ~tilNSrA'Ar.DJt: A'EMTb A'S .rAt:'A~r.I!AAr..o:.M.Ii-l! rht:./""C I.C ~-~Jj J"tu.G6M/f'-I'F: ... Ill .sE.E••• TEXAS CaM$T .IT'tt7r an NT.Zd £ I.! 9 ¢ I§ 10. --- --- --- --- --- --- e: UAJriEb STJir/E..5 Aflf~~b/11EN T5 o/', t; 1- 1 ' 1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - t . TDAS caN C;~:c.a:/..f.VJI!IL PRfJCLLJuA'E: VE£t.JOAf.S A/./AJ& 'l"EK'A.S I?VLI£!:. OF £v.rLJ~ /tuLE.S /QJ(Ej .. Jl()l (.;?J(~ JrATli'Ll /l£T: .38, ~ SOo/'{,8)(1), _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-4 ..<.3.------ ,OAfJR.S/rAP. 11. Sl/lr£, VK'T S. w,.;W 7 3/,•lr.U . O:LJIH. APA /97..1) ilX£5 19.l.S. ~~ •• 8ui'IP£ /t i1. Alt:JA'rll CAI.'tJLc/J/1,391 t/...S, .$o/J...5Cifi. 4'.8.J:a : 174'.8, /79.2,. £tJLU ..2a' 797(19 6.¥}. - -H, ,.5., ••. F.I!Az .at:V.. SrArE d/9 TeX.C./:.Uif. .t/7'- YJSw . .2a'S9 7(/9..I Ij. ~S, .:scorr v. sr./frti> 1..19 rc:.Y.o:£/11.~/tJ., ls9 ~-:w.,;~d 797(/9 Yo). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~s,. CIJMPTo;J'I.S:r~IZ,i'Y.f 7€~e..C/.:I/-1, .,cf)<~ /9~ sw ...ld' 7'11 {ii1¥:S) ~~.. UNLTEIJ STATES V.AIAr L.cctr. o//5US.I~~ 9Y.J;c,;;-9.ii3',.3'U ..~u ..lo/.:t.(.197'1). YJ, .. Flt.t:AJ/MI!Jii.Z V. CAL.Z'Fi'H?~.J:A, /So/ S.t:.r. IM~. / 5'2 L .l£d ..fq'~SC?P;V). --- --- --- --4 6£alf6 LA v. lfAAJluJLP)I., _'\o/'7 t/S. io3, t..,;t~ F".$'/.5., ~~"''L.£d ...Rt:t' .Jt"tJ~t;.ftJo&.). _ _ _ _ _'1.,.5,." . 8oYh V.I/A1.1.7ilJ.srATt".SJ/&,U:S.~/",~.SS,..l'7L~V. 7'1(,,6 S33 =-----------------~o/~ .scii/ v. Btt.sTM !tliJT€ , o/1.< t/.S,..2 /5,.3t.. i..cU.A I35¥... 9.3 .avcLAs :r:, tJLSS£AJ1Jr:u~) kai..IJ. v.smr£ , S.IV.-J t/ S?"(TEk. C/LA.A f'A i97&J . F.SJ Afi1C5 V.d.IJL 'rlf'i).Sr AT£5,;t SS US,!/1 3.4/7, V/.S,C.t;'...l~~;, .,t~7., G5L..t.a~.5~(/Jld().------f$J. ALLE~ 1/.Sf"'A/ (f, o/5'7 S:W•.:?d /.2t:>t'rC -t.CA!D '4. A,e:>A /97.£) , :S), 7t:JHAJSl!>IJ v. 4/AJ.I.rEJ:J smrcs,sss v. ..s"J~, d. &:.s- s.u: .rt:. -r~.J>&R.. )l.("'~ .u. '¥.:t~f/ 9¥8), !#L.z~ v. LlrLG£./?,..3 7'7 /; ~d .s·~.:1(97Hcr.l!. /9&;·7:). ro. ~~ tiAJJ.Ti thST'Ar £5 V. V.Z:C.kER.S.~.337 F,;td 7QJ{' Y"1c.&t:. /9~7), ::S), k'Ai"'AS V.r/LZ/.JGLS,j, /'~). BELL v.~o..fG:.£;4,5:5¥ /.S(Ja~ I..U,/{.S"'Vc.z;~t. /97;:} , . t::v. BR~WAJ v. &AcAL'JvlfAI, ~~.s ~.J,(s'?b'c.a.>. .1"98o). (~. 6LA.S: SU V.dN&f ZIJ STA1?! 5,.$1S U.S.~e>.. 7~, ~..i S.c:r. Y$'7, '¥"' :;.-; 8'f: '-.6.CI. &;.50(/PY-2). .f~. LJAv..z:.s V• .A'LAL'JA.MAo~.S9~ F.'.;d /J/Y-/-JI). (7:), l./AJint 'IJSOJT ES V. 6:A/Q:A,S~.3' !'!: .;ld//t:Y',//e;· ~~~. /.??7) . tel£;t:T: .(Jtf~C>.. o/...!i"/US. i.a77~97-t), /JM>ra N v.Esrruc·.-.s·s-3 F:A;t Jo6,.J o7(s711c.z;,e. /Sf'JI"'7) t . 71 .£SSIIANCJ! OF /UAAJb.A,;f.f#S .rs HESPiit:.r/vUv R£fJU£.ST'Ii'LJ 4.Y .;P£LA rc:.R rt:J C.tJ.M-Pc£ rHii #o;.ta,'f>AG/(! .TulJGL IJA/J /... SCHAA/), Y7 rw&.sr,erc r C.Ou.Rr, /CAUIJALL C.t'1dN1"11' .rl!rA.s;rz, £,i(GL.;~rE A LJurY .A::Kif~ ra .rr ~Y /..Aw ra LJ£C.i.ARE va.l~ i. VAc.Ar£ A Nd&Ara...e >' t' v.a.rJ) .ruLJ&6AU-"-lr R£NNRCb .&r.rr t'lN ~ "/?~~(}/';'.. .EAJ CAUSE Nt.IMNie .Jl't',/"1'.J-/1. , , , T/1£ TA!L:AL. COURT :TvLJt:J£ J&/Ab NO :r'V.&'SLlrc.?'Lt:W T'a ~c,vS£ 'To Sv,t;>.P.A"£:5S TN£ &v~ IAJ e.AuS'E' AH/A't4U dlY./•V.J-A .rw .S:Ari.J Lt.Jv/.'7 t1/.-'l'£# T»>C .STA?rt!!"S Arn:M!AJE' )': ~~ A.ft:1r M~"Er H.t:':f Llv£/UAJ BY CLEAA' i U!NP..LN<'..:.AJ~ Eiv.J.LJEAJ~t.~ rHAT' THE Vc.A'BAL C&W.S&.;r· i'"o S£A~CH .RG.b'/TaA' "'.$. H.!Sr/li:/JCI£ WA.r ,r;., . .&'-"fer av&v ~.lfEl'LYi voiu;ti.,,(L'Ly i FA'I!C /~a;t! AA;.Y A.SREcr oF QFF-rt:.rA L . C.oE~t:VJ C LJu./?~'SS,ACTuAL o~ .t".M;/JL..C'If'h, /M(J.:t.C.RI!lJ LJY ST;t~rE LAw. 1"M T:u:AL CP«.Rr :rvL>t:G N.,P~ A /U.rAJ.LSn:.erAL i>«rr ra su...o.4'..e.£S"s rH£. lt:~JClt .Z'AJ rHECAvffi Ar &R".ra UtffHT a; ?'HE I=Ac.r ;--NAT rN'E 57/'lrcS ATT'<3.R/.t£Y ALVI?.rrnr.JJ .7?.1 c:.av~ r»-.c t::aN.scn;?;~ et . LA&r:a~.JS t:'l,:' A¥.Vfl7:1J!:S 7/#,~t'AS t::a.NsT.' AMI::~I:J.Mc"Nr A.,t!'T'S. /i'~ i /i/t:t c' CLS'. C(J#.S'T:' AMe'lfJL:l. S;;ll> 'i /'1', ~&'tAi'?:J../: .rs LJUA~t!: NELLJ Aa:SCNC/t Ar . . IH/i AJS t//Jzr /.S;l'~ .L-ro CAsr F~r sn:;c~fi:i...u,.r.k. '?97.J.S .Z."A.. V.Jl'OL-"'r.&:oN o_.:: -fu~t: /Os(~) o •..:- TNE hE)(. .If'. ES/.LLJ, 4Y /1 i/a.L[) Su/J~CAtt£A.17': HaNa/?.A.IJL£ CO.:/~ HAS Tv;-t!£'SAa'r".£&M.I .t>vG,t: r.v.cs /HArd~ kR5V;<".A>r T'i3 7£'JtAS lfub!'S a!= f'II~'S i ~!!Lt.ArE .4'&-ad:uJL't!' .lfua s~ E'r SE 4 , Tt!'r. C/:J.AL."'T: AJ~~«'iRIL>. A.Rr / .1· 9 i / Y/o u:s·. c.o,....~sr A/4~.ltJ .6. ~~, I?" TEK R., c ', J!>pL£· /tJ,1f/l) , ,l · · ..rssqg.s fi:£$€Aff¥b . THl. l/7F?fLU:SrflZ'Ci t:.ovlfT.rPt! ;:"IJR RAAILJALL C.OVAff.Y..7X. WAS MVMTC~ 0~ ALL Jd.e~-sLJIO:rt:uv . WHW." /}, TU'AL ;ru~£ u.!!OJJMuSLY IJG./.JZ:EA .A Alor.:LtU.J !"oSu.P..t'.-f'tFS:S /tv.r:NAJC{:' 8.A.SIUJ diV Vt:RfJAJ. · t!O~ OF lfEiATtslf!s SI'OUsE AJOT,F.A"a:i.Yi i/aia~TA~IL>' &1/CAJ, .0/fPif~I/~"A/G il?aATi:J/t Or LJu£ . N«t5S-AL7"110t/6H lfliLAm.R UNGtliiJ:VaCAii.Y AEFv.s£.0 7b Gr~~tr t::tv~NT' n.. sU&:/II?VhiC/GH 2}. ~ {A.trKCS.i CaNbCICT£b v.trrHOt/r' A WA~.fMJr' rs P£/r S£ 1/PifC'A.SO/JAmo E.V.rMMG/ .SUZGIJ AS A hSt;ir oF AAJY l£6AL Mr£AJT':rt! W.rrNaur ./>~A/1&££' .J."IIbuilJ L1E .SvP./JifE.s:!:EIJ. iftLAnJif!. ;lf'/l)'r.n:J,f) •"41 SfiPP~E:SS .SlY'~ HAl£ 11/i!:JU CJMprE}) LJCCAf/.S£ PaLrcC b.CI) NOT J"tt!JVE P&!t!ABL.L' CAUsE 7i:J M!U.sT lfi!LAT't:Jk fJ.f' HAVC VOL a AlTA~ Y C.t:I_.JSENr' ro S£ .A'ct.Arw.R'S A.P.AI('rAt~r II II ,Z). C.~ L&:Otf: To aB.J"ECT ~ rHE ,:;-qc;- T'HAT"Ct.1N.s.!'/Jr.EA" WA.S lfELver.MJi 10 t!;.rll£ t:.d/JS£"AJr J7:1SI! WAS SO AS TO .tJli"trf'VE' /.'~?'c.~ 8F A r'ADt' TJI"..&-1~. CIJVAJKL NALJ£ &.;.<"A'o.R.S' .SO>d$ rHAr a?uAI.SlirL WAS NtJr Fv.II.ICT::a:MJ~ AS TJ'i"E Ca.:f..U.Ot"L"'C,;;oARA'AJi'r£LI ~MNr" 4Y rHE .st"A?'l'V A-MtAIAM&AIT: ~vM..-t!rL OAU:n:£/) 7//C ,j€/lcr 7"'Hif'?" hr!:S .rtffrGNAS ivZrH .SrA?ES ~r/vcSS'. Cc'JVAJS.Ii~ /A.cL£~ .Z'N N..CS Llv'I"Y ;~ Alia:'/) Ce"NI'"LL'CT:S i!J.~·.nvrU.BI": £0VNSCL FAde~ ;2:; t:ALL WJr.llk5IS£.S N?va.'fA&f rt; .t>£FEA!st' i r;tuLclJ /i3 P/t£SENr"Ev.£/JEAJCf ' r/!vo.tA.&E .t"'13 7JIE D£FEAJSE~4vr~ COq;v.SC£:S &JLF.rC.r£/.Jr ;t>a,:e,:,e/H;t'.AJCI:' THE t:Jif~aME WOoLIJ Hillti"G !S«N NFFG/.'1£.-vr: ,:'u;t>r~ cavAJS£6£0M fAJ F'~& T'i' e!.&S'Ii'€7! ;z, STJ9?ES "f.SEaF ;:u.£:rv.eEtJ ~.LMONY ~/>..e.cuEJ> lfctAro.t dF LJuE,t>.toa-ss~· V.%OtAms TEK.cbp)sr. A~T:/i/tJ E. rHL ~ A/lf£N.iJ. «S.caPST: • lfffLA fO,f L'.S £UNG IJEPIU'Veb br Lt:lMifTY. iJvc Ti'J A Vt?aJ :Tt.i/Ja/#11/.J r· /.E/1/iX:~i/J; tiN & ·/?-~0/Y L'N CAUS!i /i.JUAI.C£1! ..Z'i /¥3 ·A EAI i _e'l).f 7"H.!' o/''J"1'H.IJCT.;t:~·c r U:!t://: r~ lfAIIJiJALL t:OVAJ.ry.. r.Jr.,/' :J:S {f(E 8ASIS ~(:;/.' /tcLAroL's '.rN.P/USD~.)Mt:NT: tJN .l·I.R-.201] DPP.EU~.S 0~ TH£A~.{)ri .sw.r~r n!AM WE/.'£ Ttl l""H'L' ;7/'tJ ~it.!.C'~ 0~ SPc/rH £Asr .i~~ .!i.rLvE.Ir OA-f APA~.Ml'AJT:S. OFkcU.S" iM!.'Z"A"£ ~;.::1/£/fJ .Z:~~AtAr.:n:vJ FAo_,., AA/ v"';f.N.o5WN sattRC£ .D.~Aa:Ar..zNa 7R'ArA .srEvtrN&.'J)wA Ri} /.foYil wAs .e£LrE"'CI.i ro Bt! Ar rH.c.r Loc.Ar.:r~:V<~. .Z:JU,Ca.~;tMr..caAJ t.:.:n'e.~<~ THAr //IV:, Lf~.YJY. WAS rnc h:~.SfJN THAT ,f()44£JJ F'.L'IfJ7" .8AMf .$()(H"hWiiST' ArS7lll W .3¥"': 7"#.CS 8AN;f AOMMY OCC..U/ti'U:~ t?.N..,t/-/.;l·.;((!JI'..'J AT 9-:JCUU?I/., AJ N'st:.;l!c~r~Ci-V'-'r· ~. .&JYIJS VE#.t:C.I.£. WAS ALSo G..:·v~ If Or;&.:Cct:if!.S lvEIP.F WA.&r.&~a L?AJ A'ELA' 7all' r~ ....,A'.R..Cv~· A r 'TJr£ APAL'r:M£AJT.S . L/t)yiJ LJitJ AA>.ez?I'E ',.,r 7-'SCA,j~~~~t. ?~ WAS ~·tu:AT'E.LYA.A'.t't!.STEIJ i:.sEAA'C.Hcb. A'CLAI2v.S aLL ..tlH~ ~·~.£Y.S W&it'G 1/flfLA.J. Ar T#AT J!"J.M£ ~./('• ..&>ytt n.U:i) t!;r.fCE.If.S" THIV' T'HiiYCANNa r .St:AACII H'.LS /11/J.A;(rM.!:NT. ()Fh'Cc/!S r~YEA/Cdt:'A'Cl?L) V£A't2RL. CUA/SEAJr raS£A/.'CH £EV!r~S ..SPt#/.S't: ~.t7A'A .SN~i.twA?~A'C'~&orl>. ~'FA'A ~)t)J('.{'~~on "A'cLut:.rANTZY "'' Ca/JSCA.JlcA rc. ,.,.sOJ.<>cll ova rH£ A-Yd...v£ Ar/EA: M/!. gtJ.YA aB.rcc:rcLJ ra SEA~ral't:H!' AJOr""'9.tY. . . " 1?/ii.AraR ~ U~rrfttATELY dN rHE PA".t:~..a"SCS WN£/IJ ,fC~u~'?".Xf.NrCCJ~..SCtt-r' ~ WAS &.&·vfiN. Ct'W.SwTE'/e wAs /..t:1T fN 1 7r/C A!rA-t~ AT T/lc i'b:f.!:" o~· ~ /.t!'LucrAAJT" ~.AJ.S"C.Ni" SM~CH. SvCI1CoAJSIWT t!J:VC'AI if€LUCTA.VTL.Y LS por r:t'EELY {': i/t:JLuNl?UILY G.r.Ve,t./1 W.'V.£C# /)£/.JIE.S 'r.o lflitATi:J.R tJ/' LJuli .P/C(}Ct;'S:S. CattlfJsaL ,r:"ALLc/:J TO ,.ffAH o&:rcc.r.ctU.JS ro TifrAL' G'J.t'JLI"s bCA.JrRL 1!3,::- A~llJ .>u.P.t~.A"Eff cl/fLJEAJCE rhE smn:s V.Str a,c .P£/'!TUif£1) n'.Sr".£~Y .hJow.&.:AJd>' .l/U.II!.C'VUJ .RELATM A 6/tfrA> TA'.rA'/. c.t:Jv~SEL FA:r/EJ;.m'Nrs bt/rY n, CA&' wrr~~Jt.:sscs i I>.RESENr ct/.EI>EAJC£ FAvcJ/U.IJLE ns rHE .Dc~E;vsc ~ ro AV(.U..LJ t:.a..vF'Lr~rs t'Jr .Z'A1ni/C£Sr. WH".r:cu I>EhU:Ve.f /Ct:L.Art>£ o,&- LJVE /J.(tJCS$1 ~..£"()LArES T/1'~ &,"TN A.Mt:A.Jh/1/E~· t/.S. Ctwsr. e ' Ta.Ca#sr: ARr· /I'! a. THE A1tJS r .SEteZCtl~ .:Z:s"S~ rN TNL'S ~ r.s ¥1'-/4' RGrv ..S/IL or-' ?Xr/IL tt::ou;t:>T Tb .Set/',Pif£55 CUT;t '/OJ S$..IZ L/J A.!" A lf.E:SVLr' o,C: /Ui.Sf/J~C£ AFT/ Vf .NLS EiX/>IfE5.5 A WAifl fANr/ .eSS .SEAR CH Or A'£LA TO/?S .lft:.'.CUSAL :ra CtUIJS!I'~rr: R~'I-Aro;-f!".$' /U'6 i&X. UJ/IJ.ST: ARr. i s·9.. / ~ f{} e 'TH'E roe/~rN .t .ri1e.f.A' TZ~AI rK AME/ JiJMa .JT.s v.caL ArE.lJ o .SEEA L..J'a .38'.'.23 vaA.IdALf AAIAI. krs V.tVLU i.<' 'rH£ Or' T/'YEvs. Ccv.;s f.' WERt: C.t:..C. 1, ZN .PAP/ /SI!AR V. .S77fTI£, Y5'¥ .S. w ..:W Ar 7.3..;i. 71'/E SJA! C /?Ei..ZC.LJ .-P/.'.C.MA~LLY OIV l"Hc WP.I1 7€N CON...SEAJr""ra..s&A-P.CII EA'L:'CunE~ .BY A~.DELbw7'S W1:F e i. 7H/Ii SdCH ' CtlAJ.Sl/.J{: ~v&N our or:· H.ts /',flfM/.Ic_;_..:. wA..s Nor V/JLIL J~ i r~-<'rHE~ rwA r ...sdcrr ccN.s ENr wAs THe R£S'{ LT" a;: CtJE.Itt:£4.N ~ lJ«R£ .SS, Z'/J 1"~/E LN.ST .AA/1 CAS& 'T'HE .ST}II!fZ A>t!LLE.S .ll/.'.£.M T.IVE':P.UuCTA!Air VGit& AL COAJ.SOVT''"t5zvt£/.J /l/'..£:L.Y oN LJY,f l:Uro lfs· Co~·LAw Jtta',CE nvc,e THL. .PHt? .NE,A r!Z'If lfELAre,JJf£.1) COA Suvr ro SEAi fOI. A'e:L:Art?,f WAS LE6rr .1:MA I"'ELY ON rHE .P1;1!'/11..C.Sc.5_ f CtJ/111/I'toAJ~Uw U4~ dA/ A.£:s £Ur A r nYE ~£ n?E'/ flfLvC TANT ' (..tJN.SEJt.~r wAS t;zvE.AJ.rv/."rN£~ SvCR 'jf>EL VCTA NT 1/t!:ltL f/IL C.O;i.)ScA!l'"""WA.S Vc.!:b/L ViJLu AJTA RZ."L Y &:z'V£ AJ. .NO( r.REE~.Yi:. THE PAP~.SAAA Cdul f T /-/LLLl T.//A T 'rH£ L!u..f/J .- I!N dr /'A'06 F Cfy CUI"/ If i. Ct:M)Y.L.'NC..Z./.JG G.V.ZJ:GAJC£t .r.s U.Po/. J THE P.lf't>S et:ur..c o.v 7b SHOW ~.IAr T'H£ C.ON.S&A.Ir WAS '-zN FAC-T i/ G.rVE N, T/t£S .&1-tMI£) ' rlfEJ!L Y i e.AAJ Aiar N tuscr/A.RGL:./) i!.v .S'HtJW.LA/C lf/0 1'110-et£ 7''19/f/41 ;1/QUZ :ESCI: AJC£ H!:J A cb?LA~t or:· cAW; £vL At17/'IIJI(L'r~ Z'LJ A?" Y.f'o/ SW • .:2d 7_t/, ,S;ei: ALSO l!u.llfP£1.> V. AIIJP.rH CAI!tJL:ruA. )9/ d.S..£¥.i, SY3• .Yo? .S:C-r.: l'i'!i!.- / 79~, .-/Q ~.ut. .Rd 79'7( /f;ftJ) ~ sr1TE,i'.19 rzx.t:.a.M.o~.U7. v.s .sw.~.Y.sr17( ; F.t'Az :rLR {19'/("J.~ Co.M,r.>Tq.AJ ll. ST';ftlff~ /Y"s' TC-t.G r?stJ. · .scarr · v. ~·mrc...i..J? ~U'..cH/1• .;t,/~.;J9.J;N• .:tt:l73 terAf.,f., /Ji~ SJN.-2al7~(;·97'5). 7 /.&AtTJI:. 7WAT. I'.A.IA IJ&r.r r4:0.A J F~ T'HE AUTr /0/Uf' Y ro t:D.'VS 'b!Jr 7t:f A SC/UC I'/'ItJ;= FAcT ' T.HA r LA/If~r.RA Mt'KJ. fE·BaY IJ HA.b ' ~L CI.R..SN'A;('c'LJ A!!5.L~.SIIC':f F//E f::A~· ~.£A"ML CCW.St:'NT WH.rLG.' ~JOT o.AJ &.ucn•w7~.Y"' rH~ P./'~~S .i A/rU /'~T/7;'!' Tat../) CbvfiJ NOr ~.-t<.:~l .;~ A"~SL/)CAIC"&".·;Jt'v.P.rWE/ /tJL.rc c· TNJIJT 7~Y . ~ra~ J4H.J' .4.R~.f!srGb ra.R &twA ~oM£ ALSSEAJct" t?rt' A Jv/IA'IC'AA.Jr ~·.SEA/;CNEI>IN ;ry .L'.N F.l!tJN r o,.t:'A.i>A/:r./-?.&NT;St!:AR~'HQ}.A::fL.r tJF &:L/Iit tUS' PHtJNt:: i lf~ys· 'TlJ .sA.r.I:J A~......u>r.M.o! CE. rat:v( ltJSS6..S.SrtJP WT. Ni'.ra ! sECvU lJ C.tJNS E/ilr t1VE/C ?'"HE /-'.Ht1AI/i ~ .A't:,IJ(JJtrel! .5' P.EC(JRiJ { APA!/ .II>IX u:x'H L&:T • 1J tJrr..ccE:/! kt:..r:r H &?Rt!;CJ 's ..R.e.Do.-< r, .. .,.IJ .,.lfG r.RrAL :ruM!S txAJ.Z'AL. (},&· .RELA r(}rc.:S /Ht)/":&'OAJ 7f:I.SvP.tiA'.€.SS HC ~.s U.S. V. ;111ArLoc/f, tr/5 U.S.IC- i'~ 9¥.s. a: 9S:i. 39 L.£41. ..2d.;(¥..? 6'.9N )(/:'ot .rc£ lf=-~.r WNO k/I.S APn/i:J~rrY ns t'.. :;cc.ur .LNC ATrt:JR.AJEY AiJM. cr.S THAr LA/11 fi//ao~[~J!o WAU. AAJ TLE.S S ..SVU !C.II tJFA.P/M"T.ME:/CJF: y.b WA.S''~ ~t:.'Ci ?t...Vr"'r,::, t:aA.J .SCNr f'a l?r'E IHE T~i. .:Jc:d. }U HAi> /1 .M.LM L:S'rE &."AL .SU..P.P'-E.SS rHE C~~~£ /Vcc' WH£/e~ nYE LP.•/.Sb'UT~/. WAS dA.JW LJur'T ' ics -rLL.r .A/6 rlJ ~~W A:f.,/jQ ! ;""~ .S£./I.R C..I( HLS o~ #£.If HW'J1 £, 7/t;.ra c'JV£S r.raiii.S /.'.G/IUU:AJ t:'/NAN..S'W E~E.{} LJt/&' ra ;'"X.CA L c~.:;,A>r-5 £/.'£0 AJ6tJ VS .Rvt..r .lfJG, /) Wrii!T H£/. ~.ML! F'AA Mt?t31f£·&~rLJ f:>AV£ '';rau, ;,.·,-;r vv;r· VU.a- fL C.O.AJS&JT' ... , FA"t'E.I.Yf,.' VoLuAJ7A.r.£LY {- ZN .AL$SLAJC&' t:J.F' A.ti.Y AS~Ecr or or:-& -crAL IC:ol!!'/."c..;:i:JAJ C.Y cx.P~.L'CJ<-'7" o~ .Z'A~t.PLU:.rr A.£AAJ.S..- LW ~.P.G cELJ r/t~JP£//T C-ov£.<-T /(;)/.'c. E, riu:J N6 A/ow .S' rLY r/1?£ C'dt:'A'C.Ct:MJ WAS AJDPL. AfAT n''- a'LJ.l?Y~ .tr::sv, b::r....lC AoEL.- &"rAN /"' VER4A 'L Co~t!i M NC A4o/.& . rHAA I A P...e.!' l7i¥T A:;/, k.Jr''WtJdLiJ nt'E UAI.fv sr..rF O:L) ;t:'tzL.. t:'.F r.A.J72 -u.s:.ra rHE Mc/~rH' A.MGA JLJAtc 'vr ..a IJD:IfC l?:/J, .V JvH.E Cif .LA/ TWc IAIOif/J S t!'Jtc' TM' d.ASS.L~ .AI,/).A f!tJ.vL· r:r;:u.; .L._,..J &t:WIJ V. V. S"'/~~ u.s.~/6 .. ~.SS~..?9 L.£t:l 7¥&., ~.s.c.-r..s~s.·':r ,r;?AY At!' """""''" 7'N.tO.t:AJaX.rou.s 'm'IiA.I~ .r'AJ rrs /IU' i U./ls r /.'EPu tt.s.rv e R'!~.M~· .evr .LLLE~.crJ.btA r'L i. UA.ICdNST.c·?VT. P£A£ rars. t:JEr THE.&;(" i:" ~rJ:A.JG :rA~ .r'HA r Wv..e~. THLS CAAJ t!MJLY LU t:UJVLAn!'LJ l't> rNt£/f VLE TNAr' Ct1NS r..rrur :rmu.1 '9L ,p,('t,J .£Y A4JHc~IAJt; V..CS.L~.S r~R TNE St:t::. v/.!rr'. Y (JJ=' ..OE.e.£'0/'J .5Nt:u...ILIJ N L..c&& RALI. .Y'l!.:6, A ~cs£ i Lcnil fAi t::cw.srA~uc.r:ro.,.; a-P/. i. .PA?'DP!i.t:rY NAL~ YH¢£"1( ~/~.£GAC..Y, l L.trAL>S Ta CA>AL>WAL !'rtls 7#£/111 oF Ll.E.P R.t:U/' J o.r: i"Hc A!'rtSH 'r; AS I e~-,..vsrs~Ll htJ.R~· .CAl so~;v.{j J?YA'AJ .CAl su.&s r .rr r'A/JC E . ..;:·r .rs THE .Ou'f"Y ar CudK r.S Ta ;:~L R~ 1")1£ C'&JA./Sr.rrur~it?NAL /.'.L"I!:HrS S£ WAn: H- EAJaQ ACNM L/vr'S T7-f'U EON. "'' C.r T/rE ~r..Z'ZEAJ .• L A!&;rrA~ST' ~.Y SrcAL rHY • rH€ PRO&EM .tJF KliCCJ,Sr'CA ,{'t:Fvi. SC.Rt.IT..GVY WdULLJ .SAAICT.L t;.-u rM A'JSSLt:~:LrTY r;,:t'C!FrL CZAL Co&Rt:..J:'(JJJ,: 7o PL/!C€ ARrr.C.LU 'AL .,('EST;e~·c r.Lt:r/./5 v"""o;U SucH .5EA/.C../-IES WauL/) IliOPAI: iU:'Z.If rNG.rlf' IVJU.C.. VAi.L'LJ.L'r"Y. IN EK/IPIIN.J :.'Nt: ALL ,'?Yc SvR/:tl~AJJJ.rAJt: Cr/.'C.c:.lhf..SrA/;e;c&"S To LUrCA'~· ..tiC D.~ FACT rHE A:J:LucrA!Nr' V~"R&AL r''ro Si!:AA"t:.'d ' WAS VOLvAJrA /tY t?,f ~eel). ACC.'OUAJr ./lluSr .t!C TAifEAJ a/·.sa&TL Y C£JC/:C£.'116£ f'2&1C:Sr.£·dAJ..L·AS iM!'LL A.S 7M!' A:I.S.s:II!LY 1/tlt:AJC/:A &E .Su~J"I!t.T.ri/C SrAnf di=' r/fE AC/.St:J,V W.HtJ CoNSCAJl' X ~E.£. .SCHAJECiftllrH 11. /1t/.ST'A.A101Ji"l.!., -v/..l t/S . .Jiz.. .J& i . d~d'25¥, 9..! s.C.T.',zas_, ;r., .il.&.:SS£/IJT:LAJG), "t/A.JMif .MAAJV C£/f'Ct.IMS r'AAIC.ii.S A .R£A5CVJA .iU.£ PLR.SCo1J • ~'&H7 /?L:ALJ AAJ <1r~..r'U/.'S 'flfAY I ' A.S rH£!V.S: £XP~Ii:SS.It:JNa,:: A IJ¢MAA>i:l ~.(£/J .BY rMt:'Li tJF i.AW." SGG.A'aLA i/.ST;I'/rE• .$3,;( .S.w. ..24.2'T(TEX .C./:I'M.AI> A /976}-· .tSvA-~fl£!3 II.NCY.n¥eA'-t!J~L'.A.IA , 391 U.S. ~·-v.J • .set3~ a~ s:cr:/7118 d 79J~ ~fJ L.Cd..:id 7 9?t/9~~ J. · ,e;r~ v. Snf!E, '/9 7'&'. c.<>...t"A.J/7. ..,..3 .:kl s..w. .$'1'7 t/91t J.·.scarr v.srArE. /39 rn. ~. ..t/a,. /39 s.w-t./ 7S7 1/97-"oJ.: ~'a;o?/'ra.N v. smn=~ /<1'.8 TI!K. c:~. ..,;a~ / SG S.IN.""V 7¥(/JWS).: PAJ>~S.tA.e V. SrA/C, ~~g.S.w..-1<1.?.//. 7J 'r('f'tix: C..t!r-"'1 ,A.,c>A /)7...?), T'Ke LJCAJ Pr PA'oa,C BY c::a:A£l UJNVLAJC£ Nt1 EiV..U3£uCE RtS'tlUL'A!E S nY£ P£0~Cv/"Z O'N To .SHaW C.a.vSEAJT 6.£1/BIJ WA.S A:!.Srr.:IliC: l vAJi:fJ.ti.ZVOCPfL,. i 7'~ A-?usr .AJor .&£ W,t?ti'S!> M ''CIE/:CLOtu. /ICT'v/!L a/. I'MPLIEt/ A'LL81J V. ::I"JJIJE',., ~:rr...S:w.Af /..tCl(m. 0:. A.PA ~'97J}. r'#.J.:S &~.t:IJeA.J CANAJDT' 4.!' /).ISCHAI((£ /j BYS/t'(){A).L:IJC A/0 .AfME TH.MJ A£.1:.5/fA, ( V. ..Sr/17?! • SVP.('A, ti'Nr.rL r'Ht$ SrAifl/j,t~WL) o:: .P..eoo.C HA5 ,8£/!;U ~E/, r.NE L'v.CM/JC E OR.r'A.r1t1EIJ .£.AI A WA.R.MA.J ri.ESS SEA/CCII C/W/Jc;i &€ IA.Jr.ea.tutCCIJ, .SEE ..Si!!LrAJ6Eif' v. B.r~&L:'If_.$ 7?' r;..;?d ..S's-'.R/'9..,._, CIR./9~7),· VAJLTElJ. STh'?l'.SV. I/LCifc/;5.1 87 F../.d' 7(}.i(v»~c.r.t: .19C:.7.). till!. P.P.tJSECvz:r.tJIIJ NAil M:JT" A/l&Uiii'J 'T'HAr.. LA~I I:JE;VY A Aft:)7.rW./ rc .Sv""P~E~ £V.£'h£/.Je lil,Lfvr THL /JulY 71!:> ..S«PP~US '7"#1! E.ld:AIU.Jclf-C~ a.vcsr.IoAJ, li:SPC~~LLY WIIEAJ ONe WHtS POSSti.SSE 'S AurHtJ~·r>r Ta ~ CAV.SCJJT IJ(J£.5 S'O '~E:I.uC rANil.Y" rNC 1'Ji!£L.ue'fit 'WI VEif.ISAL ASS&h1'' "~.zs C~I!'C€1) i. A.JOT ~.A:I!'£LY' t 1/0l,vAJTA~..rLY ~VE/AJ~ J ~~ . 1'1' .EAIAIUU'T'. .COAI"?"Q 'r#e ~a'.U!'r/.Wr VE~LJAL ca.uSEIVT flF,('€LA0 /.S ~C>NL I " Aw ~rE.t:.AAi!nP.A .l'll.,~li"•&rh. Rli.L.ATol: NALJ AI 7Hif ~e Or SCARc.H,A SutcF.rc..rE AJi' ..:LA.Irz/:G'Sr' .I'.A.J rHJr AM.IrrJ1.11W'r' ,-;.:. t.'/IAtLE/v( !£ IH€ i£6AUTY Or TNG INA~I:AAJTL.G.SS .SiiAA!Cii a!=· S'Ar.IJ APARr'AILA JT:, &vE~t' '7'/-1/lr ST'EI.Itf!AJ &JyJJ HA'Ll A .fEY 7'c TNC A~~.~..'T.MDVT nE &6/-lr To ALJ.Pt.Cr' -f: g,t: £X~LvLJI!. l/.CS.I'/7:1/:S.·.RE:t.Arn.l: A·c.Pr POSSESs:ro.-.JS LA.J A.P/?..enMi fiNr'/i. WAS P.<'OGI!'A M~"il '"'<'m.Jz:C. PZIIMJ.cra~.rA.JG /JG,Vr~cf,tiJJL> 17/o s..C •...t'Ym ,.r~..RY A/MULLtl-~. '79/t~)s&: rae::; Je~'MA!iZAJ. PtAJJ .DJ A.Oh!PM X(GX;a;& rl). R~UI7'tJtfS' Ex.P~C.TA'TZt1AJ o,; ~IU'VAC:Y ..DJ /IPAier'.M ENr .rs L.I!C.CY"ZMA~. Sec .P.A.fA.S v.IL.awo,. "S'. C/.:!9 VS.,;;tP.d 'J' L.c&l..itol ~~7. ?9S,c:.r:: V.£/#C~ J"tJAJl.S 1/, VNLrCIJ Sr'ArE.S,./t -3 u.S . .;l57; Y'L.£d~a't;.97. S'O S.e.r; 7~5. 71' At.AJa' J]j',• Pf~N£S'al "A ;/.1/~s'E.AJ. <,o'9.,S" UJ: 91; .10'1 ~ .l.d. .2d ~S.IIO S.U".. /U y.,• ::i'OIJC.S' i/, UIIIJ.TI!'IJ ..s7'JI'!IES. 3e;.;l U.S. ~5'7.. ¥ ~.t:d. .Rd t:.9'7. tl"OS.GT. :?....tS' A't..f ..t4...1JS{rlui_) Wif'H hiSPEL.r ltJ OLSeAJ,St~PI!'A, ALL ~-rJ.:z.l!'A.I.S' .S'H'A/.'fi' rHL I!)(~C'l'"Ar.L'ON i""H;t~T k4>'1"S W.LI.L ;~~~o.e£ i.J:Mi.Y THAN AJt>'f"' ,et:stDar THGor t:UST'S 'AerVAC.Y ..&lulZei!'.STS E'VcAJ ,C;& ~E ~Ut!:SrJ HAVe l'tJ(J liri.AL .ZN17~tf.Sr .EAI THE P~c#I.I.'S.CS ( /)(J .I'J()?" #AW. :rN'£ i..G6At. AvT'N'PA' Ir>- To .IJET/l'R~ t: W#a MAY £A;Tb: 7"/F'C HOUSGht!LIJ, • :J:T .ZS J!'Arl: ra SAY ;"HAt" 1'1 CAiil'lt' .ST.A.IJALAI& Ar T'NE .IJ~ cr.SH'.A'..C::.ll 1'&:/JUS!:S W~LIJ H'AvG AJ() CLMII'fr.b~E TNA?" Pd Ot:t:UPAAJ TS ZNii.ET'.Ar.:aJ,<.J WAS A ..SVrrLCCE Ur.i.¥ (f.aob ~~N i'C .&u~ WHEN A .f'iELiow T&:A¥1NT .srn~ rM!'..!"£ SAXVJ6 ''sr;,t;Y &Jur:";vpv;- .se>M~· Vc..!".Yt!klt,1iJ A"62JO..V.,. Nd ~AJ.U.tfL~ A!'"CAJ wo~tll Co .r.AJ~.LIJ€ t/.AJLl€R F"#&>S€ C.t:Wll.rrLOAJS,If'AAI~N rA.AT. //1~1/.1. ;,tc;s.c.r. -?7"/$:.:1/..J. J. ha~.AJ(; ,, -rHE''ct!.AJTV~ ·aL.IJ .P.c~,I.ILC o,..:A"ESPGC.l'" ~ ;?>'€ ~.L'VACY o.::- rHE H4;1M.f!".t: no/it "'S.P£.::r__,, .P.R;;~r.!'~ rH'AT T'H£ ~C:" .IJ.:SERVGS ASP7'HE CQJ!E.e 4,"" ;"W./5' Alen/At'E Ul/CS a.C OUA' 11 .A!OP&.G .&'/J Ar 1/.S', /./let s.r:.r: Af" t~..R~~NAL auoTAr.coN S .:MU'n7!il), .s Cat/AJ.S£L,AU:Ir£ /11/Ar~s. A1A.K"OA' BtaLL U.NC L& ,f~ 7X 79/(ll'--1~~9.t~tJ6J.:I7¥·9.5.Po/. L>.r.t> .vo;r· .3.RO .S. .POLA- .sr:; .Svrr £ Pdl' ~Afi..r~(J,. ,:;.;,.A/ci'ZI!N AS rN£ C.Or:/.MJ'U ~;;.:/.ARAAJi"iU/) IJ,!;EAJIJAAJI .BY rHE t/# 7WA.AA!XJiJA4.!'AITt!1~ 7'HL U.AJ.r1 Ta r#£ &.A .srA7' E.S ~cw:rr.cruT.rdN A.S WB.L THE /o/'l'l'f A.MUVIJ/11/!AJTi A/.T: i§IO o~ rHE 7Z)(/I S CO.OS I~rvr&O.!O. . . C.oe/A.JS&L r:A.&i£/J m AfA.rA JF:A.E /J HIS ./>RO~ESSL'CN~L.. iJuT'Y _ ~ .,1/('S GA>r ALL .Av.A rLAi!L C t£.v.ciJEAJCi! f AR~vMEAJr..s Til SU';P;Par.>r THe! NrE. NfL r:Jr /aS CLr;EA J;. l?ctdAP./)L£5S a;· C{),ff( .PLfCA TLOJV f ..r:,u A C..cvE-A J CAS& . ~A.JSEL .ZS CN',/!t ;:Lt:J WCr'H .AAJ JtAJN ,IlE.NJ :J£AJT Z/..!VEsT.rCAr'.C'C,_,.) a; MAi'r. AJG rHE F.ACr $ ~F TNE C'Af'E .&:SC #EIIur AX; WHOL lfEL.r:AAJCC' IAJ ruE 1/1!/. 'AcrrY ~ H~ E.SAL £ . NTI i/GJe.J'Les.N Or ?"HE ,:'At:: rr. C:dt:/.A/.S'CL HAS R£~PoAJSL'~£Lz:rY rC. 5aKO t:tr? ..z;;vl¢,<'1/LCW r'lft ~::'£10TIAL wrr.rJE.SSE'S.. ;A.£tu A'E Te IJO 56 f. .fS T.a .IS£ .rAJt!F rt!'Ct' Z'vc-: ..rF AJtJr"' ~A.ICCJ-"'4K TLNT:. WHG/ .E THE Cd;r.J.SCt'Jv£A.JC:£S ZS T/-IJ11T t:JAJLY. V.tA& tL t>c/"E NSE AII'A.& LA&LI £ Ta '?"He ' THE /9CCVSciJ ~S M:JT /1Liv'AAJCE.b. Mt: .. Gx P~lf!' ~0?' .sw.J d .SV7(1ex.~.~Uif..PA />75.0), i'JurrY ·. .z;u CAus E AJU.M~Y. .12l/. i'I3-:A ON ~ ~/& ~;lOI'V.JCN A AX .I'A.eT E NE/U:.r/11~ -A /J.L:sCu.J:S.LN.J .:r'VIJ &l /JAAJL . .sc..A'/11& ./14.CA:£ WATA·.r::A.~.S; /l&:> ur A'&A riM's T'I"/AT'..AU' WAS N&>T' £~rtEt:,;::r CoAICLif'N :V£b HAA.ILJ~ ~.iJ C/1% .si!!E r..;p.A.D.S.CA'L:Pr ,;:_,.q, ~ ·/~ ·.iO/¥ './ifE, ATolf ' LJaE.S ~r #A'//£ ACCESS r~ ., AAIY rJeAA ISCifi, tJT' oA' .A'&:'UA'Ll ol'' rP.rS CAsE Hi£iA rtJ;f CiJAJTEAtLJS E:AJEr~GCZZ"II£ ./J.SS. CSrAA ) JC£ 0/ Ccld/U S£L LJvL' fl§ ~d.AJ.SELJ.· ;r:A.d i'Z:! INV€ S r.rt;A T£ THE _.=;,.;c.r..s c.-: n4J c.AStr u~E. i; SECV~E rM'L'~ ATTB J/)/WC l::.. AT" T#E .Iu.-D.r{ .i. .s£15./:- ad/.£ IAJr~-.1(' V.LEW A:TrLAJr.a'IL w.rr~, r:aiV /-/EA, er:nt; H.Q.~ dAI ~·1?-JtJ/o/'. tifLLAI"oA'~ (;-"M~ LAv.f ws.t=:G l C//.&ILA..fE./.)S MdF/f E/?, /J£f.: ru/.'Y Ar r//£ .Sd,P.PA'ES5Ia;V HEA/: .f.NG. /...AMC:r~A .SH/1 vt::W ~lfC ~I!!CYiJ t::oMM.:·rr~JJ W/ICA 'E..rA J .S.f/1!' r.c-sr£/JL/) ~Jf rHE .S7Al" 1Jl{A U£il rn£ E;as'TJ!IAJCE d;:·r:# E! ~ 'E ~ LANA ifAAA !rAt:: E. ri"/E cv.rM AJCE .r;.1 ,wE ~:x~r / ,0A''t.W.£.:S T1'Wi ..:a::rrEAJC£ t:t.&Q Ath.I'E AJbzK ;;~Mc.vl/ LAw ./ni9R .R.rA t;£ sE.c .., A/~.PLE AlJO~E.SS£11 ra A1~Y/;MAJ1J/Jf/l'" /C!OS :Ct:lL b.lvcL oPtE U:Ats 'TuL.oJ... JX, 79CJ8 'i rR'a~ L/IM/L TXA Af(I(J/ .&:JYJJ. IH'.Z'5 R.o!ct:: a,: t:v:.IJ.£A.Jct£ wAs N.flri Ei> (L'~ ra R£L.A rolf' .srEvc/.1 tSt'YiJS' G/fA;JLJMtl7H£1f fii!AR Y ~11.LL5i:Ml .Pas / /VIA~A·&.A F'L.tJ. Y,:,-20 /'7": L' /?a.AroJf LULl A/ar ~WON THL:S' c»tKL &X.t:Sf'EIJ UNl' IL A,,Cr~ 7Nc .SdP.I'.<"ESSi'OA. a,bC l /-/GA /",.nc x;/i 'FNE ;t:Ac r m'A r CauA/.ZL 7'e>.l/,)VESTrGA~ ~ CALL vdr7. 1CSS CS.A T TRC: ;'A!.rf £1) ~l,bP..<:ESflx-,;J HC/t/ :r'AIG l?rE ~MSCl CALL£ A.IC W£)'"'.AJ€.SSC'S. AELAr ttNf':S AFTc MJ6'Y KAKw T"HA T YHE .S'?"A'.l'2!"S CASe il /HEt!\ Uilt.AJ -t:E.' aBTm ;w;;"tJ .ZN/1 W/1/.'/ tAAJT A'L5rE .tJ .SOLE LY t::rA.I T'H~ LESS .SI!A /.C# tJ/.R.E LATi:J .tfs AfiAR r;t.fEA C.::WS £AJT'L :.< WA.S ' ''RGLuC.'TJt/JAIT' N rb /f'"; T.N.&" C.rlfl i La.VS GLV£AJ. CLJaNSt.rt. FAJL tdJ r~ o.e~cr ra ,"7/E ~NT' WH.L 'CH ~ .AKJT r..P.£6 LY 1/tJLu NTA/U L:Y i VoLuA .JrA.e LA.IE .f.Jt:!r · 77/t:!' eaAi .ssvr G.ct.IC &uAJ:SCL .ANt:'JV rH/I r i"'Hc LJE~Se£ .lf.ELJ:EIJ AJ. .SOL~'L.Y ON T"HE .Sv;O..P/.'£SS'LOAI ar 7/YE .I.F' CP<'/..riSEL wa~Lil HAVE ~iu::.aS.SEIJ t:JAJ i"/Yt!" ec{L't l&ic£ LJErE NSE .s.ri!JE r::u~· THE C4J'C .M1r THESfi9fi i .$JU tJF rHE CASE T//e &:IUT Ct:WC wouL JJ HA'VE ES SVPA 793 (/9'1'0 U..S.i ).csrjL £)(;£5 ;§7{f//F IM 7ni!! c.L.o9./l"S 'Azr:r :tottl. 6-AUJ.ti..s·v, Na/J.I't!'.R•.$75 /:.:td' /1'7"7~1'/4'TJI($''?1'1CJ,R. ;>9?'JY ThE ATTtJif~/ tvA.S d&b:& "f"CJ LAJ.V €51.r:t :ArE /Ct:L. .ATMs L1ErE ATEI> .NS!I,E vli'AJ ntaaG H TN£ ~r.£AI.Sc .MAY ...var· ;~VE .&ECI'V A ..ST'ifA-vti i..z:.v QAJ€,, ;f!S .rr_i Th'([/ t!JNi.'.JI' /MFI!!AJSE .IMC.r .AruC : A.A!Jr' rz:, L)~VcLo/1!' if'cUr bA's .t>Chi!/.JSC Q/!1 7/t'E .:IPou..IAL P/ J:L£6 § UAJM~ rEX.'~t:.&:v.I:/J,_U! >YC4} .f VO{uA Jl' AJ.a:s Or ca.v:SEAJ1" .r:s.suE. A'£1A An2PP .AJ£Y i:JECJ:lJE/) Nar 7'2:> A/rd AJ AA.IY ' ; $A'S Nr&:A /.Sii Ar ALL, W#L'C fl .t:vf;,D/!.rvE.s· .RELAT~A? ~7.SCuA...fA'AJTE£1) d.Y THe ~"".s~~"'A/-'CN.I> u_c· r;y,e M&AJTS"ar" TH'Ed-5.~1': i A/."r.' .;:.1'/~ ~r "k.CZW "WHU J A NFLA IS€ COC/AUEL .F'~LS :T'a .DJVC .JF: .Sr'.It: :Atz: h'.£5' Cl.cCA:Jri' i1N& AssU &£ LUrcA JSE-A UIYau GH i ,R&C::.UicS17:LJ TC lJC:> SCJ &Y Nz/A./ FA.U.s 10 S<.dJPOt::AI/1 W.zrAI Ii:SSC: .S ZN SwPP tJR.r o,&" TN£ Llt!£,:Ci!A.JsE., .1Y CAN HA~i>LY ge: 5//.LI!> r/Mrr F"/fl'c ~.t )/~T HA'.i! T#E £/r.i!:C T.£1/£ As:s: rsTAA/C £ tJr 60/~.:c: II. Mrt:3 , i"'~A ,::;.,;fd.S?t:.~5f17(.5'""t.:CR, /'77.-f) . .JIEL ALSO C~MfEL .:.. .. CAifA WA.Y V.M'!b ..- ~Il'rd ~.J't. • (smt::..e/.. ;'9'/"a )/ &Lt. iJ, 6.Ealf~t:A. 55¥ /i.;;'d /./tt:o. d(vl'{ s'mc. u:../!)?~} 7NL.S cou~r AKELJ AJt)T'' .ZAJ A./L.c.ti. CAic.. ulArL CJAJS A~i ra THE .D.IliuL 6E APIC $UNI a..:Aec~q.IU;CE 1'~S..l'AJC r'.ea~ A!SS.LS r/9/../C E, ~,er> WI'J V. ~(.Ae,,f·ifu~AJ, ~F.-t J!AIC.rFEC:.I:&Vc tl'..i'SATJ'tft. (P'Wt::.Q', /9ROJ , avcU:Z :.A/C .rr-Aa.s.-21'.5 us~ ~~--716~ ~ .s.c.r. YS'Y.. y~ 7.. ~LA.S~.R V.. t:/N.Cfi!'./) .t-t:. t:.ed ~.S~f/?Y.£ J, .sur~x£ z·r ro SAY ,FAt:.r uAt:.!':rr.J::;~Jt;, T"H£ ~au/!reAN<'JA/t TN-'IT ' .IN ru.£5 ' Y ~..&AJb rNAr rHtt ;u.rA~ ~v./!&" 723 C.CN !'ACr A-t~,Y ...Po72!'Nr.r..AL WI'r:N &S'.SE a;t:'/! ££Ar us i.AwY t!'lf .MAtte P~L OBTcC.T..n:MJS i Alf{;u/ 11./f'N TS,M(f .i S rc. IFVCAI Ar;z; ;.4fir rc ...Z:NV EST.£G A/2" ,;?fc CASE. e: :JU.An ::ELJ l('~tAIC../!6w.::.r~ ~ A>.!i:JtU;(>.£ 7?:.r;lft:.' 4/.'oWNII;I!i.Ac.lf'&t~AJ,Sw.P.RA,..s'E'~ A4rt:'W 6£/./E MLL.Y .tll'ff.JZS' v.AiA.8A/14A.,.s9~ /..://¥. (:sm C.d!. /97fl) •. ;tJr 59'* r..;:a' ./..t..t/ • /~J, /.R/4' A c.ov,e r..AP~az:AirEL> ATrcJA '.AieY .r//15 A LJurY Tia C:O/.;L Jvt:T A />.£a.At'A' LA-11/E .ST.r"A rro#.., WNrC MArA .iSd/.6' ,/IU'A/.CMUM~ .ZA/dvL lt!S. LA.J Tl!'/.V.z :EW.LAIG ;Oo,~~AL W.Cm&".S.SE.S J ~./HEr/It!'/. .Su&ISCSTEL> L:Jy· r?/5 L)£,CE /JMNT o~ LLST.?;'.lJ ...:OJ rHE .C./.ILJ.Lt:'r/f,f£-:tul':'" WH'U £ .A iJ.t.Cb JMAir" l(eA:SaN.&LY U.SV .fMS .&1::1/E.VG/!L w.r!AIE -SSCS. ,rr.Ls r#E .5£!"/f TNt!'flf aur; A.SCUT.A.£:AJ T.HEO i/.ALv~ ra r#'t!!A!"RA/ ....9J'70A".AJ.O-'$ /.E:fA1A/.S.a!UL.c /Y ra .I~.. ~,.r;e:: .A.'//.o,.QA!&"AR'.,..JCCU;f£ ,£(!' Ar/E/JL JAAJC! t AT TA'LAL • .,8 ;';'SV)' A AT' 793, A'.aAro.£5: G:!uA'r-A~nE&J Arri:l.lf /J&J"' rAZLri' JJ 7b I.AII/c" STL6AT E TH£ aNLY CJcrCA.I.SC. &Jr ,-,y,: .s~,ll;'/.a:s;..0.N ~1.£/.M'.CMG. rHA/ MrEAJSC LJ.!LJJ (;,,e,:·c ouA.J.s EL ~,,.ovL.L> HAve. ..SVPfl iJRT P.!£UT o/.s Ci/J£/f# .,§STA .8L£SI- I.ZNG r.HE. sout£# /t:'!Ur rNt£ iA/.Cf")ffesse ra I:Sr.LS/GA/CI! 0 / A C~A/-~AW AIAifR.£ A&E: i <>&ft:CJ"21LJ J'2J 71¥-E .£7R/'& l'./!.LL..DJt: L..A.«L-r,;:A ~L ·&vi> /I..S A w:z:rA/t!SS F8-'! T'#~.SrAtZ T#£ ault::a.Mt:.. Ller..rAJZ~LY wcu/LJ J lf/11/t. l!l:.&.; IJrFF€ /fiWJ; &CAv sE r/I'E COAJSLAJr· .r.s /.ezu'TA 'A.Y'" i Te~.Jf. !:V.&IJ. S'O'/.. 7"'#£ smn: JNtl::ILA A.Jor#.AVe A CAS6 AT'ALL. rNE VdL.r/A ' JT/f&Eh!J(])"'LJS 'L A"~t/Cf"/!AJ~ l-'Y-'.trA COtNSC.,"".re;;.s& !A'c.N. i #6'. ~fuA"£.0 7EST:C/HtJAJY . ;'Ht: Sf'Ar§ rillS .NO Ho~E a_.::· O.STAIAI.L'AJC A 1/AULl . 'i ..z;,;v ABSEN CE a~ rHE.St!:. £LEMt:.'Nr.s Ct7..vv~·c:.r.:raAJ. hlr~~· WAT"/fD..J.S CONSP J:'If&.i) " 'w.zr# ThE STArE If ~L ;<:: ...O/.ae£.rs ¢ LJv.tE' Cou.£ 2 o.rC LAIN' Cu.A..eA ra ~/"...£Ve!i ..STCi/c.N~i) ,a;r·A r"A.cA' A.IrE'E.!J ,r&An Nf Lt/1" 77fc: &:."""i. /Y":"h AA~WLJ~/'S o,c: rn£ us. aMJ.Sr c' i¢A. ccwsr . ~· /:1/'c; As we~ AS r#c y·m-.A'NCN..G1,.,:: ALr. /$'9 TeX.'1': f JC£ r/:A.NSC/:.t:Pr AP,Pt!iA.JiiLK cXH.. rMT I -A'cGL:S £1!"..<' a r ACT".C OA.IS ~If.§' WAnf:. DUS Altii/~·.e .Z:S:Su~ ANY..Su4SfiaC-A/.A'.S.CALL.c~ A~ IM£'r.A.J ESS.£..S Q,e .4/4PL..:.-E,L, 7#;??" ./YE..Ctvl"F/JL>LL; U3 CALL AtJVJ-; .Z:t.J Ct:v..J( :./..dSfo ,:V,Zr SHm./L O J!:t: AJoT£J j 'TH.AT' ..IAJ .:urvA1" ..£;:3A.JJ; SUCHA .S 'THE CASL Ar Ml.rN £ .5"1"~. cou~rorA',e'/'ML.s; co.-c.u::LuLlEIJ rHAr I''srArE ~, c:av~LJ .t!?E .1'0~/A~I!J 1¥/fUE L'riS ...SKPWA.> TiYAr' So-AIL" lf'c:S.A: :J. T/T£ /ICCPSELJ. THAT" TJ!t/tf 7/>...cAL .Jv.!JCE i. P£aSE Cdi(JIJ e h'AvE Sucff A CA~/!Cf,r'Y ~ /ivTY .L:S QAJQUc:fr..t:t1AV!t&L..E. Ti¥E T.e&AL :ruLJu 'c.' ~.,I!CJ.SCCu/7:.>/? &T1f knEw i Acrt.I'ALLY I".A.I 7:NE &.eas:s lt'rciA ~ /f'£L;, TM S CaNS' r..rlUT.C(J.(.I;t£Ly ~;aTCCIZ'.IJ ..P..r~H?.S"'c!.' TN£:C, e INC.o.M ,t>crc: AICY l'P-). 7 &4'tE 8 &£. Ca:.t.RT.- &.JMNC, ISSUE.. WH£k(R/f(£:,/>lf£/IUSCSt:.t.VJ.3.CIJ&EIJ. RELAToR MAYS TWAr r/I.LS lf't;Noh£ oF rH£ o/7"".IJ.r.rr.erc r cavRrrc e MAIJ/:JA.MP.S &A.MP.t::L i.rAJt: ,'?¥£ HC.IVO-'?A41.E LJAN L. SC#AAP svR.crr 4 V~L.I 3'VLJt:EA.Ui~r A'ENLk:Re~ P.(i;(~PbH A i)Ul'JI' F~.¥£/J LAII.AW Fa LJ£Ci.A/:E Va£.ll V.At:A'T'E r.Hif J'uAJG 17.-.;cJtc t iAIH..P::RB THE MScS e;t:" A'EZA?Zs-1.i I/P!.P.I'..L :St:vJMrN T'" NEA'££41 .su,.:-fi!it:~E 'J),.fG.fAN r· .. .A/It.SUAA/1" T~ 1b'..f.£ti.J:Jl. Ai.J. R~r· 71fll1 f:.a.tlr, /J"EEA!S; .SLIS£:£/U.-cr.1fE:r.urcR£SF,'(JFY:J"V..JTrCE.,t:V.ttrNE.R ~fiLE :UJ/(I'J) A'Eb/nJR A't:sf't:cr rutLY"S ThE &.1vl'f'r" J"2J T')I.I-E S'uJJrt:.rAL .A/Ql'It:l! a F rH£ LAIM'~CA IAI A'~SA£Cr FuLLY .Su/VII.£/TFIJ, 'hfe .AP~..OC.k. ..~Ei.A173tR. C£i:T.£r.££S. ruAr HIE HAS A!cll.rLwlUJ THE Fo£E!Ga£~(; WIE£T' i elF .AMAJM/11/.IS &:.O.II.JCLuJJ£5 tFil 4Y £N7' Gv.J!:'NAJCI:' .z:nt:Lu.J)(W n~Ar EvE~Y rACJ'iiAL .5?:47'EA fEHr JAJ rH.£ PEIZ?Xt'M J S:S C(.?..;HA€T :E~ '171£ /IPPciJM :X d~ .A'£tAI!!J , a APPEtJIUJ( EXJII/jr:r IJ. JJat:.ufl-IENT.S;A:JL.rcE , ~r.rAJGNr n. rHE .rssu~s l ~r.s . £XII£&r· ..2). IAJMC.£A LJE.Mt.u.JsrAr.rAJ& ~r4Jci- .IA.Jc:A,fc:.E.IfAr£aN.i ' crrE'cr orvarb .JWJG&.AfLAJr. t:.XH18.Ii I) TDCJ-Regular Residential Plan Page 1 of2 Instance 1'1 = cluster15 TDCJ -OIMS IIIII MAIN MENU II SEARCH TDCJ .I Demographic Search I Lo out .billiQ!!! a NAME: BOYD , STEVEN EDWARD Fact sheet Iii LOCATION : TEXAS COUNTY JAIL ·- RANDALL COUNTY CASE STEVEN BRYANT SID: 06561065 Public information Iii OWNER: STATUS : Pre-Revocation - In Custody TDCJ: 01627191 .;11 TYPE :Regular ,.. LOGISTICS 11!111 OFFENDER MENU P~i .J. 1>10RR!SON 02;14/2013 5:01 Residence EM/SISP equipment >>Plan<< Reporting instructions Facility cust2.!!!l Interstate tracking Residences Regular residential plan T1·avel oermits Related Sections Officer Number Investigating Officer Special conditions Employment Sponsor information Imaging Sponsor relationship to offender* Self (offender) Last name* First name BOYD STEVEN Phone 1 806 - 223 - 3552 Phone 2 E-maif Residence information Type of residence * Apartment Address ~ Check if mailing same as physical address Physical address * Mailing address 1710 SE 34TH i71U :;E 3·''' APT 924 City* City AMARILLO State* State TEXAS Zip code* Zip code 79118 County* County RANDALL Offender phone Phone 1 http://oims-pesweb2/oims/dispatch 6/24/2013 TDCJ-Regular Residential Plan Page 2 of2 Phone 2 Legal county of residence Legal county of residence County of residence transmittal required SWISHER If county of residence is not the same as proposed residence, please select reason for transfer. Support of family members or friends Dependents Offender's number of dependents Number of dependents living at residence IIIlO ll£SI!ltlit Additional residents Residence status Status* Date* In-custody Reason Comments Status/ Created by/ Updated by/ Comments Reason Date/time Date/time Effective Date J. MORRISON J. MORRISON In-custody 02/14/2013 02/14/2013 02/14/2013 5:01PM 5:01PM J. MORRISON J. MORRISON Active 09/26/2012 09/26/2012 09/26/2012 11:28 AM 11:28 AM J. MORRISON J. MORRISON Passed Plan meets requirements of EM supervision 09/26/2012 09/26/2012 09/26/2012 11:28 AM 11:28 AM 1susM•r 1 ell§ by Information contained herein may be confidential and privileged and shall not be disclosed except as allowed law. http://oims-pesweb2/oims/dispatch 6/24/2013 5/16/2014'Randaii/CaseDetail.aspx?CaseiD= 182948 REGISTER oF AcnoNs CASE No. 24143A State of Texas Vs. STEVEN EDWARD BOYD § Case Type: Adult Felony § Date Filed: 04/03/2013 § Location: 47th District Court § § pARTY lNR>RMATION Attorneys Defendant BOYD. STEVEN EDWARD Male Black MIKE WATKINS DOS: 11/29/1984 Court Appointed 5' 9", 180 lbs 806-374-9584(W) AMARILLO, TX 79106 SID: TX06561065 Other Agency Nurrbers GEORGE IIAR'A'OOD APD08-78462 Other-see notes Reffiified 806 376 6062(W) MIGIIADo WARNER Get:ll't ;D,f:J(:JBifited 806 372 2595(VV) State State of Texas Other CHARGE lNR>RMATION Charges: BOYD, STEVEN EDWARD Statute Level Date 1. ROBBERY, B'JHANCED 29.02 Second Degree Felony 02/12/2013 EvEI\'TS & ORDERS OFTHE CoURT 01HER EVENTS AND HFARINGS 02/14/2013 MAGISTRATE'S WARNING 02/27/2013 Order A1212ointing Counsel 02/27/2013 FINANCIAL & REQUEST FOR A HORNEY 02/28/2013 Com(21aint Filed APD NO WARRANT 03/19/2013 FINANCIAL INFORMATION STATEMENT 03/25/2013 MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSB._ HARWOOD 03/25/2013 Order Granting Attornel£ Withdraw I 03/25/2013 Order A1212ointing Counsel MIKE WARNER 04/03/2013 Indictment- (OCAl 04/03/2013 ORDER TRANSFERRING INDICTMENTS 04/03/2013 ISS CAPIAS/PRECEPT 04/04/2013 Order To Pal£ Attornel£ Fee HARWOOD/$1 00/AUD/TOR 04/08/2013 FIL CAPIAS/PREC SERVED$50 04/30/2013 Inmate Mail MOTION TO DISMISS INDICTMENT F OR IMPROPER GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS 05/14/2013 Inmate Mail MOTION FOR SPEEDY TRIAL 05/14/2013 Inmate Mail MOTION TO SUPPRESS ILLEGALLY 0 BTAINED EVIDENCE 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre-Trial Motion DEF REQUEST FOR NOT OF STATE'S INTENT TO USE EVID OF EXTRANEOUS OFFENSES AT TRIAL 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre-Trial Motion MOT FOR DISCOVERY OF PUNISHMENT EVIDENCE 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre-Trial Motion MOT FOR PROD OF EVIDENCE FAVORABLE TO THE ACCUSED l"\ofonr'l-on+ 1 c: Dl"o-Tri"!lll Mn+inn t-.u. .... rr ... ...J• ........... - - ""'--~---• --•'n--..J-11/,..,. ......... n ....... :, .......... /"'it" ......... rn-""n"nAn 5/16/2014 odysseypa.~!Randaii/CaseDetail.aspX?CaseiD= 182948 VVl'-VfL.V IV J.#"WIV"II\.AitliiiiL~ 1111;;:-IIIQIIWIVLIVII DEFENDANT'S MOT IN LIM/NE 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre-Trial Motion MOT FOR WITNESS LIST 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre-Trial Motion MOT FOR DISCOVERY 06/20/2013 Defendant's Pre·Trial Motion MOT FOR DISCOVERY OFTHE ARREST AND CONV RECORDS OF STATE'S WITNESSES 08/28/2013 STATE APPLICATION DICKEY, DOUGLAS, MOORE, YARBR OUGH, MATTHEWS, WHITE, EDWARDS, O'RAND, KARR, KUEHLER, JONES, WORLEY, LOFTUS, KIDD, KRIZAN, SCHERLEN, SANDERSON, JENSEN, MILLER, LOPEZ, HODGES, CARGO, MOGELINSK/, HADLEY HAWLEY, SMITH, MURRY, MARCUM, MCKJNNEY, FLORES, FRANKLIN, HALE, LANE, GARCIA 08/30/2013 Notice PURSUANT TO RULE 404(b), 609W, & ARTICLE 37.07 08/30/2013 STATES MOTIONS FOR FINGERPRINTS 08/30/2013 STATES WITNESS LIST 08/30/2013 STATES MOTIONS DISCOVERY OF DEFENDAN T'SEXPERTS 08/30/2013 Sub1;1oena Served MURRY 08/30/2013 Sub1;1oena Served FRANKLIN 08/30/2013 Sub1;1oena Served HALE 08/30/2013 Sub1;1oena Served LOFTUS 08/30/2013 Sub1;1oena Served JONES 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served KRIZAN' . 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served EDWARDS 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served KUEHLER 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served KARR 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served O'RAND 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served HODGES 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served MCKINNEY 08/30/2013 SubQoena Served WHITE 09/03/2013 BENCH WARRANT 09/04/2013 STATE APPLICATION MILES 09/04/2013 SubQoena Served YARBROUGH 09/04/2013 STATE APPLICATION NELSON, WALLACE 09/06/2013 STATE APPLICATION MOORE, WALLACE 09/06/2013 SubQoena Served SHARRON WALLACE 09/06/2013 SubQoena Served LAMETRA SHAVON MOORE 09/09/2013 SubQoena Served BRANDON KEITH MILES 09/10/2013 SubQoena Served WALLACE, MOORE 09/13/2013 SubQoena Served OFFICER KIDD 09/13/2013 SubQoena Served OFFICER MOGELINSKI 09/13/2013 SubQoena Served OFFICER MILLER 09/13/2013 SubQoena Served OFFICER SANDERSON 09/13/2013 SubQoena Served OFFIC:FR ./FNSFN t..u ..... II ... ..J• ........... - - ""1--L.. ....... <&- --.a.ln ........ ..J ... Itl,... ......... n ... .&. ... :t ............ n,... ......... tn-""n"'nAn 5/16/2014 -· .. --·. --· ·--·. 09/13/2013 Subpoena Se.rved OFFICER LANE 09/13/2013 Subpoena Served OFFICER HAWLEY 09/13/2013 Subpoena Served OFFICER GARCIA 09/13/2013 Subpoena Served WORLEY 09/18/2013 RANDALL CO SO TRANSPORT STATE WITNESS 10/10/2013 STATE APPLICATION AMANDA DOUGLAS 01/07/2014 Inmate Mail MOTION TO TERMINATE COUNSEL 01/23/2014 FINANCIAL INFORMATION STATEMENT 01/28/2014 COURT APPOINTED A HORNEY WATKINS 01/28/2014 ORDER FOR DISMISSAL OF A HORNEY WARNER 03/04/2014 Inmate Mail CORPUS PETITION FOR BOND REDUCTION & HEAR/NG DATE FOR PRESENTATION OF SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE FOR THIS HABEAS RELIEF 03/24/2014 Motion MOTION FOR THE APPOINTMEN T OF AN IN VEST/GATOR 04/09/2014 ORDER GRANTING SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL GRANTED ......... - · - - '"'J--t.. ................ tn ...... .J ... IItr"- ...... n ... .&. ... :l .......... nroo ......... rn--tnt'lnAn lif·.- ·-·-"'":l~~~':·'~:f'J<.;·~·?:ll'-''J"':\;•\" "·~ west and then north between apartment buildings as we began identifying ourselves. There was a second adult male with Boyd and a 1 year old · male child. Boyd began walking away from us as we requested that he show us his hands. He walked from the driver's side front of the vehicle around to the passenger side front of the vehicle and dropped the open can of Budweiser beer. He initially was reluctant to cooperate with our request to show us his hands. After we were able to verify that Boyd did not have any weapons, he asked us if we would contact the I year old's grandmother who lived at apartment #917. At about the same time, the grandmother, exited apartment 917. She was identified as Sharron Wallace, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . She works for a contracting company who cleans airplanes for Southwest Airlines at the Amarillo International A~rt. Ms Wallace agreed to take custody of the 1 year old. I asked her if the 11 year· old female had gone to her apartment and she said she had not. Wallace thought the 11 year old female might have gone into the apartment where the 11 year old lives. That apartment number is 924. Wallace said the 11 year old is her granddaughter and her name is Dejontandria Moore, · . . ~~,M~~~~J:!~~~~~b~~c~"~~@!a&~~~~~~"~~'!.~,l ex.e~~f:d ..~~-~~~~~J!'i~~ed ~!iS£ tqfl~~ .l!f.ldJII~ ~~J>$t tl!at!3!?Y.g was ii}yolx..eWltiCJtlwM'the'Sametdt;es~·h_eside:thc;:;coat. They~saitl•the·drawers;nearesty:-_B:oyd. I-looked-into•the'top·ri~t;dtaweri:lfhere•was·mis~llane<>"Clothing>inside;the:dfawa;,,"~hole&ski··mask~ "Foda~robl>er;also:;;Wot'e' bills. Lemetra Moore had been very cooperative on the telephone while giving consent to search the apartment and continued to be cooperative when she returned home. I informed her of the evidence. that we had found including the money from the robbery. I .also mentioned the matching clothing. During the earlier phone conversation, Lemetra Moore explained to me that she had been working since 6:00AM and she did not get off of work until 9:00PM. She stated she was working at Club Meadow Group Home. During that same phone conversation, and initially after meeting Lemetra Moore in the apartment, I did not believ.e she had any involvement in the robbery. She had been cooperative and seemed genuinely concerned about the recovery of the items related to the bank robbery in her apartment. Since money was still missing from the robbery, I asked Moore where I might find the items listed on the Victoria's . Secret receipt and the Ladies Footlocker receipt. I felt that it was possible that Boyd might have gone shopping using money from the bank robbery. Dee Moore had already mentioned that Boyd had taken her to the mall after she got out of school. Lemetra Moore asked me what the •. items were that were listed on the receipt. I told her theanain purchase from Footlocker. was a pair of women's Nike Air Jordan tennis shoes. The :;~~~~:;:;::~~~..::~' multi-c:Olor soles. Dem~e~Ose;"i'~'~··· ,.__ . •· ''·"-'...,~ · ·· .-.-~,...~---~"!~·-: .· ·'-~.:;:-o •. --~' ·-.c ·< ·· • ' "':"--"~ -,;_ •• • size and .description of the shoes onthe receipt. TJie shoes Lemetra Moore was wellrlngwere !h\,l sam€: *~ anc:l ~lliile descriptio~.,~~- ·~=-oore~~-,:.~0 i).iWShethei1 xyvealed thatts~l~i#(~~e in,i~at~~~one,:c(}nv~a1i;on when she said she was working from 6:00AM to 9:00PM "'''tOday. She ci>nfirmed her actual workho~ today t~ be (j:9@i~f6~9;f6&1~ and then returning to work at·3'iQ.q;~*~tt}~'i:;q!(:i~lf. She said she lied abou~ shopping because she feared she might have used some of the money from the robbery to purchase the merchandise she h.;d't;;~ght. B~yd=h;d gf~en her money prior to the shopping trip. Lemetra Moore w:as able to find the top she purchased at Victoria Secret but did not find the pants. Officer Smith photographed the shoes Moore was wearing and took custody of those shoes and the top from Victoria Secret. I noticed ·. . ;; ~~''.'"-·'···· ... ~,~~") hands w:e,re s~akin~ ;m.\.::'· · · .. · :• ·:.:·~:::~'--:~·.·"';· • , :· ,.'.'": 2 even though ·._:-;' ··.~:..~--~· she had f··/,·.-•' .."•:··~-·~ · ... ··,::' c:<:"·.::·:• ··.\:._-._,[;"_"':,"!:'_ ....~;,>?t,;o·~·-":-~if!~f>:....-"'"':: ·· ·•. •· . .~.~ • " ' " •• -·. initially been cooperative, that I would• hav~ to re~ay, infQrmati~n about her deception about \Vork times, illultiple stories about the sh~pping trip, ~n~~~~~--ll~i~~if.i·i~iii]~fi.~i!~: 'sh~th~n'~k:ed irie'ifslie d~~ld,~pe'ak t~'ffi~ aioile?tt~ld1i;; that I would share any information given to me in privacy with Sgt Hawley and Cpl Pacheco. I encouraged her to say what she needed to say in front of all of us. She agreed to do so. She then admitted to me that Steven Boyd had picked her up from the group home which is at 3400 Carlton shortly after 9:00 AM this morning. He was driving her white E:pedition when he picked her up. Steven C~!t<>,!,!-""~~~:~~!~!~~.~~1!~.~2!~!_~"" ha~,~ru!}~,ll!:!t•.!?~?9llL~l~&*~~~~~~!!!l9.Jm~~~~~,~~J..~S~.-91.9~~· She said they then 'drove to the area of the bank and parked. Steven Boyd showed her the RG pistol that had been found in her closet. He told her he would be right back and then walked towards the bank. She said he returned moments later and they left. After hearing this information, I requested Lemetra to go to the police" dept and speak to the detectives who were working the case. She agreed;,.~~=~~.~JR.~\=~J,~'l,~~~1~~ "~~=~~~~crJ:fZ.r~~r.\I,~~~~W.~'A'k,~J~g~~f~&~'W~~g~ She was then taken back to her apartment by Officer Roberts. For additional deums see other officers' reports reference this incident. There are no other details at this time. Cpl Cargo #309. tic [02/13/2013 08:50] Report: r_lw1ni.frx Printed by: (M0166) MOGELINSKI, M at 2/14/2013 14:47 Page 39 of 48 · -'lcident!Investigation Repo: · Agency: APD Case Number: 2013-0503690 Date: 2/14/2013 14:47:40 "' CGP. A,tr /8.ot(.-8_j ;.5', :2t:. On Tuesday, Febru~ 12th, 2013, other officers ;&::.··~-;f.~,'":.>"f:.'±-¢::jj;._::;::;~,.;.:--_::.,::.: .:.,:;•.'.:,(.~ ·;.~_;,;,0;"«t'~~~!'d~-~~H.};:::':'~'/,-::c~:<'~C: •-. · :': ' ··:·. ·_ ·; ·- ~ .,,·~. ha4.. b~!}_giyen!~tQ.a~· a Stc:;y~ ···· · · ' •· ".·'"'· -~ . . .. < • ·· -.. ~: . • • . J¥~1\f~ I.J.oyd BM DOB 11/29/84 wa8 believed . ·.- · ··.... '· .,- . - -· · to be at this location. Information was developed that Mr Bord was a suspect in. the T()):>pety of the Fir,st Bank of Southwest at 5701 W 34th. This . bank robbery occurred at 9:30am. Th~'il{f'onnatio'n we received. indi~tedthat MrB~yd \Vould be driving a white Expedition bearil}g l:~ll:~ license Once Mr Boyd was in ·--~--"'-'o""""'-~"'"";:""w,.,_,,,,.~_..,, - .Boyd. She was identified .:~. as ~:!~~~!~;~;~=-···~~~!;; Sharron Wallace please to refer to Cpl Cargo's supplement under this lKJ'Ii;;;IJJUJ .·.~¥~t£& . Jii~~~We attempted to lo~te .. ,<,~.;v~-"-~"'"~,.._..,,~~,..,.., •. ..,~..$~~...._ in that ,.n,.,nm,...,t we did make contact with a female who was identified as Dejontandria later referred to as D Moore We 'learned that Lemetra ,. ··~~·~7~~~:/.:0~~&'§!.~."'=' ,~~~M~~h,:::Oork"'and we contacted her by ph~n~~~plJg,,~.~f,J~f!,~~~g~~~~,~~~.£, <;:Jl1.C!fg&,_sp~e with Lemetra ~J!e£~tl~~,.!?~~ti9~~~~~~~1.~l!4~Jl!.'!'e ':,~~-~~ the.CSI o~~ !?..~~e.~~~~.2?X::, -did~)ocati~. We explained to her the items that we had found and she became aware that they were consistent with those used iri the robbery. Ms Moore continued allowing us to search and was present for a large portion of !his search. Durin~ the search for evidence Cpl (;argg ~~.i>.!VJ""'(\':''A,.·•• ~Zi~'"'~~ ~~~'~"!"-<~~ ··~~-- II!;. fgund sev~l ~~~den<;!< ln~l!!~g a large sum of~,?~W,: This money totaled up to $1,545. Included in that was thirty-five $20 bills; I~ ·~lmu;~$1.T~!l~~~yel!!£_~~~.,~a!~~~~~1Wl~~.m~r~~~~ J:h~!?.~~· While s(liu"ching the apartment I located a backpack that was in the kitchen dining room area. While searching the backpack I located two .38-caliber bullets. I turned these over to('2*!c.i§riili!bwho later booked them as evidence. They were .38 bullets that were consistent with bullets found in a gun located at the apartment complex. While we were searching for other places the cash might be located. We located items that appeared to be items that had been purchased on today's date. These included receipts for Victoria's Secret and Kid's Footlocker. These receipts indicated that items had been purchased after the. robbery using cash money. Believing that these items may have been taken in the robbery we began to talk with Ms Moore about ownership of these items, and the chance that they were purchased with money from the robbery. During the conversation we learned that the items were likely bought with money taken from the robbery. We began trying to collect these items so that they could be booked as evidence. While speaking \\fith Lemetra it appeared that .she wag. beginning tochange her stgry ll_b()~t ~hese !terns. We continued our investigation trying to determine if the items were actually taken from the proceeds of the robbery or if there was some other involvement by Ms Moore. Ms Moore indicated .originallyth~t _she had merely been a victim of circumstance indicating that she had been given money but had no lmowledge of the robbery. As we continued our investigation we were able to determine that Ms Moore had been present during the robbery. This point we contacted the detective division and informed them that we believed Ms Moore was a driver at the robberilJ KriZ!!J.! §uested that I atteiiif to have Ms Moore come to the PD for an interviewQi-as able to convince Ms Moore to come t£0:the ~D on this occasion so that we could clear up the story. Ms Moore agreed to do so. I requested a field unit to come to our location and transport Ms Moore to the ) ) ~.. detective division. During our conversation with Ms Moore it appeared that she might know more regarding the robbery but we did not feel that G.kJ Report: r_lw1ni.frx Printed by: (M0166) MOGELINSKI, M at 2/14/2013 14:47 Page 47 of 48 ~ 1cidentllnvestigation Repo Agency: APD Case Number: 2013-0503690 Date: 2/14/2013 14:47:40 ~ej}j,l@~n'~~t~vonTeifft~~~~;;M'e felt like she had spent money taken from the robbery knowingly b~-!iiclm 'Wh · :· ,,_, .. ~- · ' · · ···"• · • ~ · · · .· :·····~ne• Sgt Jones and Cpl Mogelinski were able to intervie~ :Mn~:Ioore ~!!:'~: :- •· .,. ·' ·- .,..~ -~ . ,; ,~_,_;.~::~..:5-''::'_ . ... .. ,.• . :1(1·-.<- ~, .... · •. ,.!•; at the PD and learned that she was in fad the driver leaving the scene. For additional details reference this incident please refer to other officers' supplements under this IR #. Officer Assigned: Hawley #193 SV 02/13/2013 1856 ...... Report: r_lw1ni.frx Printed by: (M0166) MOGELINSKI, M at 2/14/2013 14:47 Page48of48 EXIII&'r ;t) MY NM1c: .£S STEVE/II EI:JWMJJ .BOYih.ZAM eJI/c~ T#EAC.E OF ~HrL::ENct J#'..Sat/Ni::l .PU"IVI:J i.. ' .AS.ARESaL I d.;::' .JuiJGEfliEAtr REAJ!J6'UI:J &Y 1"/IE