Fl LED GREGG couHTY. TEXAS NO. 44128-A STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COUR § FILED IN 6th COURT OF APPEALS vs. § GREGG COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS TEXARKANA, § 5/20/2015 1:49:27 PM ROBERT MOORHEAD § 188TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DEBBIE AUTREY NOTICE OF APPEAL Clerk I TO THE HONORABLE COURT: Notice is hereby given that the Defendant, ROBERT MOORHEAD, appeals this case to the I [• I i i Sixth Court of Appeals in Texarkana. Respectfully submitted, SNOW E. BUSH, JR., P.C. 420 N. Center Street Longview, TX 75601 PHONE: (903) 753-7006 lt FAX: (903) 753-7278 i E-MAIL: jonathanwharton l@sbcglobal.net Ii l J NATHANWHARTON ATE BAR NO. 24075764 ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served on the Di~r.~~ Attorney's Office of Gregg County, counsel for appellee, on this the }
Robert Justin Moorhead v. State
Combined Opinion