Wilkerson, Senrick Shern

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-06-05
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Combined Opinion

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1 ~';lr"Terri'Jenningsgjresiding;in Dallas Countyy¥do*state“"
that I-am over the age of 18 years old/ and am competent to state
the following facts:

On December 13,2010, at Taco Bueno resturant, located on
Lemmon Ave., I witnessed defense attorney Calvin D. Johnson,
tell Senrick Wilkerson, that he would loose his law license if
anyone found out that counselor Johnsonvwas aware of his client
being tried without being arrestedJ and never once~arraigned_ ,
for the latter two_charges of, FlO-01183¢Sexual@Performance~by`a'

child a-Flo£orls4‘séxuai A§§auit on a chilap
I also witnessed defense counselor Johnson, advise Mr.
Wilkerson to leave the state and to not show up for the trial,

that had began on December 14,2010. Mr. Johnson clearly stated,
that he would not win the trial.

I,'Terri'Jennings} currently residing in Dallas County,

_ delcare under penalty of perjury that{ according to my belief,
__;the facts stated`in this documnet‘are true and Correct.




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