OFFici/s^ip^ffRs^j^g^^ P.O. BOX'l2308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTrN^XASv^^T^'-'-*^^^"'*-*^'^""*^ '""OOM^ OFFICIAL BUQN2S&2CU5 y :&'-^ >tfV.ig STATE ©F TEXAS," jgS 2 *L' affiK^^ PITNEV BOWES i > _ PEMALTYF©^ " ""' :0 r 02 1R 0002003152 FEB09 2015 2/4/2015 JAMISON, FRANK WAYNE fr:*Ct.Nq. MAILED FROM Z^flO^gfll,,,,. This is to advise that the CouGt>,has"deniedj,without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus Abel Acosta, Clerk FRANK WAYNE JAMISON ELLIS 1 UNIT - TDC # 587063 1697 FM 980 HUNTSVILLE. TX 77343 -sz.^rrinininTBUiUfi