Clerk Able Acosta Court of Criminal Appeals P.O .. Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, Tx 78711 6/25/15. RE: Trial Court No. 13-CR-3055-H 347th District of Nueces County Texas RECEIVED IN Style: Ex·parte Joe Adam Ramirez COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Dear, '-~Clerk, JUN 29 2il15 Enclosed find one copy of Applicants Writ of Mandamus a~lb~Jttd3tsr.,t1~rk the court. Resg ctfully, ~- · oe Adam ~i~ez #636417 Daniel Unit 938 S.FM. 1673 Snyder, Tx 79549 Trial Court No. 13-CR-3055-H _) IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS THROUGH THE 347th DISTRICT COURT OF NUECES COUNTY TEXAS EX PARTE JOE ADAM RAMIREZ WRIT OF MANDAMUS Joe Adam Ramirez #636417 Daniel Unit 938 S.FM. 1673 Snyder, Tx 79549 pro ,Se Litigant .. . ' FACTS 1). Applicant Ramirez filed a second/sucessive writ with the Nueces County District Clerks office on or abo~t the 14th day of May 2015. 2). this writ was filed after he received notice of a new court decision. 3). he attached exhibits which support his claims and requested an Evide- ntuary hearing to allow him a chance to gather the facts he need's to support his claim. 4). up to date he has heard nothing from the District Attorneys office, the Trial Court, nor the District Clerks offices. STATE RESPONCE After the writ was filed the State has 15 days to respond. Up to date the State has refused to respond to the Writ~ TRIAL COURT After the States 15 days to respond expires, the trial court has 20 days to make a'recomendation. Up to date the trial court has failed to do so. DISTRiCT CLERK . Upon the experation of the allowed 35 days, it is the clerks Duty to foward the record to the court of criminal Appeals. The order of process is in violation. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Ramirez, request that this court envoke it's authority and direct the Nueces County District .Clerks Office to foward the record to this Honorable Court. Date: t-2{1') Respectfully, oe Ramirez Daniel Unit 938 S.FM 1673 Snyder, Tx 79549 1.