ACCEPTED 01-15-00424-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 6/26/2015 3:25:35 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK 712 MAIN STREET Shipley Snell SUITE 1400 HOUSTON, TX 77002 I~v1 ontgornery T: (713) 652-5920 P: (713) 652-3057 LLP FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS SHIPLEYSNELL,COM HOUSTON, TEXAS amaddux~shipIeysneIIcom direct: (713) 490-3827 6/26/2015 3:25:35 PM ~VED CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS Clerk HOUSTON, TEXAS June26, 2015 JUN 26 2015 436.001 ~R~~HER A. PRINEj By CouI~IER The Honorable Christopher A. Prine Clerk, First Court of Appeals FIRsT CouRT OF APPEALs 301 Fannin St. Houston, Texas 77002-2066 Re: Court of Appeals No.: 01-15-00424-CV Trial Court Case No.: 2007-67830 Style: Syrian-American Oil Corporation, LA. v. Pecten Orient Company /7k/a Pecten Ash Sham//k/a Pec(en Syria Petroleum Company Dear Mr. Prine: This letter is in response to your letters of June 4. 2015 and June 9, 2015 regarding payment arrangements for the reporter’s record and the clerk’s record in the above-referenced appeal. As shown by the attachments, Appellant SAMOCO has made arrangements to pay the costs of both records. SAMOCO paid the deposits requested by both the reporter and the clerk. Once each has advised SAMOCO’s counsel of the remainder of the cost for each record, SAMOCO will remit the remaining amounts. Please let me know if you have any questions. ADM/kla Enclosures D4492A4D088C’76 16: 0001 The Honorable Christopher A, Prine 2 June 26, 2015 cc: Mr. Craig Olivier OLIvIER & MuNDY, LLP 1414 West Clay St. Houston, Texas 77019 BY ELEcTRoNIc MAIL Mr. William D. Wood Mr. Warren Szutse Huang Mr. J. Christopher Champion Ms. Lauren W. Varnado NORTON ROSE FuLB RIGHT US LLP 1301 McKinney St., Ste. 5100 Houston, Texas 77010 BY ELEcTRoNIc MAIL Mr. John W. Stevenson, Jr. Mr. W. Robert Hand STEVENSON & MURRAY 24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 750 Houston, Texas 77046-2416 BY ELEcTRoNIc MAIL Mr. Robert S. Godlewski LAW OFFICEs OF ROBERT S. GODLEwSKI 3950 Braxton, Ste. 100 Houston, Texas 77063 BY ELECTRONIC MAIL D4492A4DE88C7616: 0001 Shipley Snell 712 MAIN STREET HOUSTON, TX 77002 Montgomery T: (713) 652-5920 LLP F: (713) 662-3057 SHI PLEYSNELL.COM amaddux.~shipIeysnelI,com direcL (713) 490-3827 June 25, 2015 435,001 By HAND DELIvERY MyThuy Cieslar, CSR, RDR, CRR Official Court Reporter 1 90th District Court 201 Caroline, Suite 1204 Iroustori, TX 77002 Re: Appeal in No. 2007-67830; Syrian-American Oil Corpora~’ion LA, v. Pecten Orient Company f/k/a Pect en Ash Sham plc/a Pecien Syria Petroleum Comnpciny; in the I QQth Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas Dear Ms. Cieslar: On June 3, 2015, you informed SAMOCO’s counsel that the estimated cost for preparation of the rcporter’s record in the above-referenced case would likely he between $8,000 and $9,000, and you requested a deposit of half that amount. Attached is a firm check for $5,000, which more than covers the requested deposit. Once you have the exact total, please let me know that amount, and SAMOCO will remit the remaining payment. Very truly yours, /~v~9 ~ ~a~c&~ / Amy Douthitt Maddux ADM/dch Attachment D~7rEA4C,’Fiiii49322 0001 53205321) —L_. MyThuy Cieslar, CSR, RDR, CRR 282015 6/25/15 Official Court Reporter 190th District Court 201 Caroline, Suite 1204 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 368-6326 My Thuy Cieslar@jitstex.Net Qrderir-i Part : Tax ID No. 586507010 Name: ~p~SneMont~rn~[jp Case No. 2007-678313 Law Firm: -——~Case Style: _.._~y~-Ame~ican 712 Main Street, Suite 1400 VS. State/Zip: _.y~2~1Z{x 77002 ,—. PectenQnentcompa~y - - Telephone - 71349O~3829 . Court: 19OthD~tdctCou~ Email: .~low~hjlesnelIco~ Judge: - Judge patncia Kerrigan Fax: L~y-paralegai Proceedin Date: A eal Th~i~—~-— Depost for appeal Syrian American vs. Pecten case $5000.oo Received on 6/25/15 ~00.00I ~ Payment Due Upon Receipt Shipley Snell 712 MAIN STREET SUITE 1400 HOUSTON, TX 77002 Montgomery T: (713) 652-5920 LLP F: (713) 652-3057 SHIPLEYSNELLCOM amaddux~ä direct: (713) 490-3827 June 25, 2015 435.001 By FTAND DELJvEwY Post-Trial Department I-Tarn s County District Court 201 Caroline. Suite 250 Houston, TX 77002 Re: Appeal in No, 2007-67830; Syrian-American Oil Corporation LA. v. Pecten Orient Company f/Ic/a Peclen Ash Sham f/k/a Pecten Syria Petroleum Company; in the 190th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas Dear Sir or Madam: On June 5, 2015, you informed SAMOCO’s counsel that the estimated cost for preparation of the clerk’s record in the above-referenced case would likely be between $6,000 and $7,000, and you requested a deposit of half that amount. Attached is a firm check for $3,000. Once you have the exact total, please let me know that amount, and SAMOCO will remit the remaining payment. Very truly yours, ~ /i~dd~41/ Amy Douthitt Maddux ADM/dch Attached DI E4OA4007AQE360: 000153205320 RECEIPT Re: Appeal in No. 2007-67830; Syrian-American Oil Corporation S~A. v. Pecten Orient Company f/k/a Pecten Ash Sham f/k/a Pecten Syria Petroleum Company; in the l90~ Judicial District Court of l-Iarris County, Texas This will confirm receipt of Shipley Snell Montgomery LLP’s check in the amount of $3,000.00 which represents the required deposit for preparation of the clerk’s record in the above-referenced matter, Received by: __________________ ________ Printed Name: Date:~~ ~ 05 F2A4DD3CC6747: 000 I 53205320