ACCEPTED 01-15-00076-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/30/2015 2:24:42 PM AppellateDocket Number: 01-15-m076-CV CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK AppellateCaseStyle: Vs. Companion CaseNo. : 14-D€V.2t:123i2 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/30/2015 2:24:42 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Amended/correctedstatement: DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil) Clerk AppellateCourt:1stCourt of Appeals (to befiled in the courtof appealsuponperfectionof appealunderTRAP32) L Appellant ffi Person f] Organization (chooseone) t Lead Attomey FirstName: First Name: Alan ',;;" ': :: , , ' :',.',, 1 ' ' Middle Name: r. Middle Name: Nfilsen , , ,' ,. ::", r, . '. Last Name: Las t Nam e : C f g f t $ , . , ,. :. .' ,, - .,1:l:' ,ii;,:, ,, 1 1 r ;' r ,' Suffix: Suffix: I, r, :,r,i.,...,''.' , Law Firm Name: Pro Se: O Addressl: Addressl: l99l0G{gr}d,B'luff'G.rove , , Address2: Address2::....:....:.,'...;...'..,1.. City: City: Richmond State: Texas Zip+4 State: Texa* ,,,, ' .: : "':., Zip+4 7XN1, Telephone: Telephone: (28-l}3.84-0340"' ext. Fax: . i , : , :. l, ' ', I Fa x : . .,..,,, Email: Email: 1.., ,,,,,.',, , - atarircrstt6@yqhoo.eolrl..r, SBN: IItr. Appellee X Person f]Organization (chooseone) X Lead Attorney First Name: Randall First Name: John'". Middle Name: }V.,,. , Middle Name: F. Last Name: Mwte,, Last Name: Healey Suffix: Suf f rx : J1 t , , , 1 t : ;' ;, , , , , , ; Law Firm Name: Fort BerndCounty ProSe: C AddressI 301 JacksonStreet Address2 City: Riehmffi,, State: TtrX8s.,,,, ,,r::,l:.,," i ,,, r. Zip+ : Telephone: (281)341-4555 ext Fax: (281)341-4557 Email: 1"..;r11.,'',:. SBN: 24003910 Page1 of9 X I Organi z-ation(choose one) tr LeadAttorney First Name: First Name: Middle Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Last Name: Suffrx: Suffix: Law Firm Name: ProSe: O Address1: Address2: City: State: Telephone: Fax: Email: SBN: Page2 of 9 Nature of Case(Subject matter or type of case): Date order or judgment signed: Date notice of appealfiled in trial court: If mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed: lnterlocutory appealof appealableorder: I Ves X No Ifyes, pleasespeci$ statuioryor otherbasison which interlooutoryorderis appeatable (SeeTRAP 2E): appeal(SeeTRAP28): Ac.celerated IYes fiNo 0r other basison which ParentalTermination or Child Protection?(SeeTRAP 28.4): [Yes ENo Permissive?(SeeTRAP 28.3): [Yes X No Ifyes, pleasespeci$ statutoryor othq basisfor suohstatus: Agreed? (SeeTRAP 28.2): fl Yes X No Ifyes, pleasespeoiSstatutoryor otherbasisfor suchstatus: Appealshouldreceiveprecedence, preference,or priority rmderstatuteor mle: I Yes I No Ifyes, pleasespecifi statutoryor otherbasisfor suchstatus: Doesthis caseinvolvean amountunder$100,000? E Yes fiNo Judgmentor orderdisposesofall partiesandissues: f] Yes XlNo Appeal from final judgment: ffiYes ilNo Does the appealinvolve the constitutionality or the validity of a statute,rule, or ordinance? [ Yes f|No Motion for New Trial: [Yes fJ No If yes,datefiled: Motion to Modify Judgment: flves X No If yes, date filed: Requestfor Findings of Fact ffives tNo If yes, datefiled: and Conclusionsof Law: Motion to Reinstate: [Yes X No If yes, date filed: Motion under TRCP 306a: fl Yes il lto If yes, datefiled: Other: filves [f No If other,pleasespecifu: Affrdavit filed in trial court: I ves X No If yes, date filed: Contestfiled in trial court: flves fJ No If yes, date filed: Date ruling on contestdue: Ruling on contest: I Sustained fl Ovemrled Date of ruling: Page3 of9 Hasanypartyto the court'sjudgmentfiled for protectionin bankruptcywhichmightaffectthis appeal? [Ves Xl No If yes,pleaseattacha copyof thepetition. Date bankruptcy filed: BankruptcyCaseNumber:ffi Court: Clerk'sRecord: County: Trial CourtClerk ffi nistrict fl County Trial Court DocketNumber (CauseNo.): Wasclerk'srecordrequested? ffiYes [No If yes, daterequested: Trial Judge(who tried or disposedof case): If no, date it will be requested: First Name: Were payment arrangementsmade with clerk? Middle Name: ffiYes f]No firndigent Last Name: (Note:No requestrequired under TRAP 34.5(a),(b)) Suffix: Address l: Address2 : City: State:W Zip + 4: Telephone: ext. ffi Fax: Email: Reporter's or Recorder'sRecord: Is there a reporteCsrecord? ffiYes fl No Wasreportelsrecordrequested? ffiVes I No Wastherea reporter's recorded?flYes recordelectronically X If yes, date requested: lf no, date it will be requested: Werepaymentarrangements madewith the courtreporter/courtrecorder? ffiVes fl WofiIndigent Page4of 9 ffi CourtReporter I CourtRecorder il omriut il Substitute First }{ame: Middle Name: Last Name: Addressl: Address2: City: State Zip + 4: Telephone: ext. ffi Fax: Email: I CourtReporter n Court Recorder I om"iut n Substitute First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Suffix: W Address1: Address2: City: State Zip + 4: Telephone: ext. ffi Fax: Email: Supersedeas bondfiled:flYes fJ No Ifyes, datefiled: ffi Will file: flves il uo Will you requestextraordinary relief(e.g.temporaryor ancillaryrelief)from thisCourt? [Yes Xl No If yes, briefly statethe basisfor your request: Should this appealbe referredto mediation? f, Ves X No Page5 of9 If no, pleasespecify: Hasthe casebeenthroughan ADR procedure? flYes X No If yes, who was the mediator? What type of ADR procedure? At what stage did the casego through ADR? flPre-Trial I Post-Trial I Ottrer If other,pleasespeciff: Type ofcase? Give a briefdescriptionofthe issueto be nised on appealthc relief sougl4 andthe applicablestandardfor rcvieq ifknown (without prejudiceto the right to raiscadditionalissuesor requestadditionalrelief): How was the casedisposedof? Summaryof relief granted,includingamountof moneyjudgment,andif any,damages awarded. If moneyjudgrnent,whatwasthe amount?Actualdamages: Punitive(or similar)damages: ffi Atrorney'sfees(trial)r ffi Attorney's fees(appellate): If other,pleasespecift: Will you challengethis Court'sjurisdiction? [Yes X No Doesjudgmenthavelanguagethat oneor moreparties"takenothing"? ffi Yes il Wo Doesjudgmenthavea MotherHubbardclause?[Yes X No Ottrerbasisfor finality? Ratethecomplexityofthecase(uselforleastand5formostcomplex): n1 n2 X3 n4 [S Pleasemakemy answerto theprecedingquestions knownto otherpartiesin this case. ffilYes I No Canthe partiesagre€on an appellatemediator? [ Yes E t to Ifyes, pleasegivename,address, telephone, fax andemailaddress: Name Address Fax Email ffi ffi ffi Languagesother than English in which the mediator should be proficient: Name of person filing out mediation section of docketing statement: Page6 of 9 List any pending or pastrelated appealsbefore this or any other Texas appellatecourt by court, docket number, and style. DocketNumber: Trial Court: Style: Vs. FageTof9 XIY. Pro Bsno Progr*m: (Ccmpletesectionif filing in the lsto3rdr Sthoor 14thCpurts of Appeals) The CourtsofAppeals listedabove,in conjunctionwith the StateBar ofTexas AppellateSectionPro Bono Committeeand local Bar Associations, are conducting a program to place a limited number ofcivil appealswith appellate counsel who will representthe appellant in the appeal before this Court. The Pro Bono Committee is solely responsible for screening and selecting the civil casesfor inclusion in the Program basedupon a number of discretionarycriteria, includingthe financialmeansofthe appellantor appellee. Ifa caseis selectedby the Committee,and can be matched with appellate counsel, that counsel will take over representationof the appellant or appellee without charging legal fees. More information regarding this program can be found in the Pro Bono Program Pamphlet available in paper form at the Clerk's Ofiice or on the Intemet at ww] Ifyour caseis selectedand matched with a volunteer lawyer, you will receive a letter from the Pro Bono Committee within thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days after submitting this Docketing Statement. Note: there is no guaranGethat ifyou submit your casefor possible inclusion in the Pro Bono Program, the Pro Bono Committee will select your caseand tlat pro bono counsel can be found to representyou. Accordingly, you should not forego seeking other counsel to representyou in this proceeding. By signing your name below, you are authorizing the Pro Bono committee to transmit publicly available facts and information about your case,including parties and background, through selected Internet sites and Listserv to its pool ofvolunteer appellate attorneys. Do you want this caseto be consideredfor inclusionin the Pro Bono Program? f f iv e s I No Do you authorize the Pro BoJlo Committee to contact your fial counsel ofrecord in this matter to answer questions tlle committee may have regardingthe appeal'r D( Yes ll No Pleasenote that any such conversationswould be maintained as confidential by the ho Bono Committee and the information used solely for the purposesofconsidering the casefor inclusion in the Pro Bono Program Ifyou have not previously filed an afftdavit oflndigency and attached a file-stamped copy ofthat affidavit, does your income exceed200Voof the U.S. Departmentof Health and Human ServicesFederalPovertyGuidelines? ffiYes INo Theseguidelinescanbs found in the ProBonoProgramPamphletaswell ason the intemetat to the ProBonoCommittesr I Yes ff No Are you willing to discloseyour financialcircumstanc€s Ifyes, pleaseattachanAffidavit oflndigency completedandexecutedby the appellantor appellee.Sampleformsmaybe foundin the Clerk's Office or on the internetat . Your participationin the Pro Bono Programmay be conditioneduponyour executionof an affidavit under oatl as to your financial circumstances. Give a briefdescriptionofthe issu€sto be raisedon appeal,th€ rclief sought,and the applicablestandardofreview, ifknown (without prejudice to the right to raise additional issuesor requestadditional relief; use a s€parateattachment, if necessary). This caseis regarding a violation of l4th Amendment rights. The trial court erroneously dismissed suit pursuantto Plea to the Jurisdiction. Appellant se€ksreversal ofthisjudgment and any other reliefto which he may be entitled. XV, $ignature Date: January26,2015 PrintedName: Alan N. Crotts StateBar No.: ElectronicSignature: Alan N. Crotts (Optional) Page8 of 9 Theundersignedcounseloertifiesthatthis docketingstrt€menthasbeenservedon the following leadcounselfor all partiesm the trial court's order or judgment as follows on of counsel(or pro se party) Electronic Signature: (Optional) State Bar No.: Cenificat€of Servic€Requirem€nts CIRAP9.5(e)):A c€rtificatoof servicemustbe signedby the personwho madethe serviceandmust state: (1) the dateandmannerof sewice; (2) the nameandaddressofeachpersonservd and (3) if the penon servcdis a party'saltornoy,the nameofthe partyrepresented by that attom€y Pleaseenterthe following for cachpersonserved: Date Served: Manner Served: First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Suffix:ffi Law Firm Name: Addressl: Address 2: City: State Zip+4: ffi Telephone' ffi ext. ffi Fax: ffi Email: If Attomey, RepresentingParty'sName: Page9 of9