ACCEPTED 12-15-00113-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 6/15/2015 12:00:00 AM CATHY LUSK CLERK No.: 12-15-00113-CV In The FILED IN 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS Court of Appeals 6/14/2015 8:01:45 PM CATHY S. LUSK Clerk TWELFTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS Tyler, Texas __________________________________________________________________ JASON ROWELL Appellant, v. FIRETROL PROTECTION SYSTEMS Appellee. __________________________________________________________________ Appealed from 114th Judicial District Court of Dallas County, Texas, the Honorable Christi Kennedy, Presiding __________________________________________________________________ REPLY TO FIRETROL’S RESPONSE TO MOTION TO RECONSDIER INVOLUNTARY DISMISSAL __________________________________________________________________ Niles Illich SBOT: 24069969 Law Office of Niles Illich, Ph.D., J.D. 701 Commerce Street, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75202 Telephone: (972) 802 − 1788 Facsimile: (972) 682 – 7586 Email: ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT JASON ROWELL __________________________________________________________________ Argument for Reconsideration/Reinstatement __________________________________________________________________ This appeal has been untidy. However, the confusion that caused this appeal to be dismissed was a simple calendaring error that occurred only because counsel read the message on his cellular telephone while he was outside of his office. Further, the untidy aspects of the appeal have been resolved. Should this Court reinstate the appeal, then the case can proceed to briefing expeditiously. Counsel for Jason Rowell again suggests that the proper remedy is a sanction on counsel rather than an involuntary dismissal of this appeal. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich The Law Office of Niles Illich, Ph.D., J.D. 701 Commerce Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75202 Direct: (972) 802-1788 Facsimile: (972) 236-0088 Email: 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Motion was served on: Roger W. Anderson Gillen and Anderson 613 Shelley Park Plz. Tyler, Texas 75701 By electronic service on June 14, 2015. /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This is to certify that this motion complies with the length and style requirements in Rule 9.4 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. The motion is presented in Times New Roman font, size 14. The motion contains 303 words. /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich 3 Electronically Filed 5/13/2015 2:06:32 PM Lois Rogers, Smith County District Clerk Reviewed By: Lana Fields THE LAW OFFICE OF NILES ILLICH, PH.D., J.D. 701 Commerce, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75202 Direct: (972) 802−1788 Email: May 14, 2015 District Clerk 114th District Court Smith County District Court 100 N. Broadway Room 204 Tyler, Texas 75702 Re: Jason Rowell v. Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc.; Cause No. 15-0581-B Dear Ms. Rhymes: Please prepare the clerk’s record as required under Rule 34.5 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. I am designating every document that is in this record to be part of the clerk’s record on appeal. Specifically, please include the following documents: Filing Date: Description of Document: 03/17/2015 Original Petition (OCA) 03/17/2015 Civil Case Information Sheet 03/17/2015 Citation 03/25/2015 Citation Returned Served 03/31/2015 Original Answer 03/31/2015 Motion to Dismiss 04/06/2015 Letter 04/06/2015 Letter 04/06/2015 Motion for Sanctions 04/06/2015 Order Setting Hearing 04/07/2015 RESPONSE 04/08/2015 Order Setting Hearing 04/10/2015 Other 04/13/2015 Other (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Kennedy, Christi) 04/13/2015 Other (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Kennedy, Christi) 04/15/2015 Order of Dismissal 04/15/2015 Docket Sheet 04/16/2015 Other 04/17/2015 Motion for Judgment 04/20/2015 Notice of Submission 04/23/2015 Notice of Submission 04/29/2015 Notice of Appearance 04/29/2015 Notice of Appeal 04/29/2015 Motion for New Trial 04/30/2015 Certificate 04/30/2015 Designation of Clerk's Record 05/12/2015 Appeal Filed 05/13/2015 Final Judgment 05/13/2015 Order Setting Hearing 05/13/2015 Letter 05/13/2015 Other Date unknown Request for production of reporter’s record and request for production of clerk’s record, request for findings of fact and conclusions of law, any subsequent request for findings of fact and conclusions of law, and any findings of fact and conclusions of law entered by this Court. Any orders. My client is responsible for any costs associated with producing this record. Please inform me of those costs and I will remit them to you promptly. At your request I am not including a deposit with this designation. Please let me know what this will cost and I will remit payment promptly. Please file a copy of this in your record. I appreciate your assistance and I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich, Ph.D., J.D. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Request for Preparation of Clerk’s Record was served on this the 14th day of May, 2015, on all parties/attorneys of record listed below by: Electronic Service Roger Anderson Gillen & Anderson 613 Shelley Park Plaza Tyler, Texas 75701 /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich
Jason Rowell v. Firetrol Protection Systems
Combined Opinion