Johnson, Corwin Demetrius

8 2 , ‘?57 101 H§GEW=; EN -To Whom it may concern COURT OF CHW"NALAPPEALS FOR CORW|N JOHNSON lNMATE AT POLUNSKY UN|T #1847748 MAR 19 2015 AW ACOSY@,C@SY§< TH|S |S FOR WR#8275701 TH|S |S A AFF|DAV|T FOR OUR I\/|ARR|AGE AND TO EXPLA|N THAT THE DA D|D KNOW l WASN'T COM|NG TO COURT. |TOLD THEM | WAS NOT GO|NG TO PRESS CHARGES AND | LOVED CORW|N JOHNSON. | D|D NOT SHOW UP AT COURT BY CHO|CE. | DO NOT OR D|D NOT W|SH TO PURSUE CHARGES AND | D|D AN AFF|DAVIT BEFORE STA|NG THAT. PLEASE CONS|DER TH|S WHEN LOOK|_NG AT H|S CASE. WE ARE MARR|ED NOW, AND | A|\/l NOT AFRA|D OF CORW|N. WE BOTH ARE |N TH|S |\/|ARRIAGE TRT|NG TO START OUR L|VES OVER. | DON'T WANT TO F|LE CHARGES ON CORW|N AND | A|\/l NOT AFRA|D OF H||V| NOR WAS | H|D|NG FRO|V| COURT BECAUSE OF H||\/\. loNLY ASK THAT You vvouLD coNleER THls, AND sEND anl HoME. l WAS THERE WHEN MR. LlTTLE HAD l\/lE slGN PAPERS THAT- l WAS NoT AFRA|D oF con\/lN. Hls MHMR WORKER WAS NoT cooPERATlNG WlTH con\/lN, AND DlD NOT HAVE Hl, 0N Hls MEDS AND va WERE sELF ME\DACT\NG AT THE Tn\/\E. ' | HAVE BEEN 2 YEARS CLEAN NOW AND | DON'T L|VE THAT WAY ANY|\/|ORE. WE ONLY WANT TO BE PRODUCT|VE C|T|ZENS AND HAVE A NEW START AND OBEY THE LAW. RESPECTFULLY SUB|\/l|`|'|'ED, |T |S OUR PRAY_:ER THAT YOU W|LL NS|DER OUR PLEA S|R AND/OR I\/|A"AI\/|, ZANETA EDWARDS-JOHNSON - 409-383-8561(text line On|y) |\/Iommabov73@gmai|.c0m [FILL OUT cause number and heading information EXACTLY as it is written on the Petition] NO. ~WR-8275701 CORW|N JOHNSON STATE OF TEXAS C¢OO<¢O'>OOO<¢O'><¢O¢ AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF POLK COUNTY [PRINT the name of the county where this statement is being notarized.] BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ZANETA EDWARDS , who [PRlNT the first and last names of the person who will sign this statement.] swore or affirmed to tell truth, and stated as follows: ZANETA EDWARDS "My name is [PRINT the first and last names ofthe person who will sign this statement.] I am of sound mind and capable of making this sworn statement. l have personal knowledge of the facts written in this statement. I understand that if l lie in this statement I may be held criminally responsible This statement is true. THE DA OF JEFFERSON COUNTY |S LY|NG WHEN THEY SA|D THAT THEY COULD NOT F|ND l\/|E OR THAT l WAS H|D|NG BECAUSE l WAS AFRA|D. l DO NOT W|SH TO PRESS CHARGES ON OR H|DE FRO|V| CORVV|N. l lVlARRlED H|IVl BECAUSE l LOVE H|IV| AND |T WAS ALL A l\/|lSUNDERSTAND|NG WH|LE WE WERE ON DRUGS. l LOVE CORW|N AND l BEEN FORGAVE H|l\/lE FOR ALL THE |NC|DENTS WE WENT THRU. |Al\/l SEND|NG YOU PROOF THAT WE WERE TAK|NG STEPD TO l\/|ARRY. | DO NOT F'EAR |\/lY H`US~BAND. '/-\ND l Al\/l- NOT VVORR|ED ABOUT H|l\/l HURT|NG l\/lE OR THE |NC|DENT THAT HAPPENED 2 YEARS AGO. | NE\/ER W|SHED TO PURSUE ANY CHARGES. l AM NOT AFRA|D OF CORW|N JOHNSON, THAT |S WHY| |V|ARR|ED H|l\/|. WE HAVE BOTH GOTTEN CLEAN AND SOBER SlNCE THlS OCCURRED. WE ARE OFF DRUGS AND l HAVE CHANGED MY L|FE. l D|D TELL THE DlTR|CT ATTORNEY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY l WAS NOT COl\/|lNG TO PRESS CHARGES ON CORW|N. THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHERE l WAS. THEY KNEW| WASNT COIV||NG TO COURT. CORW|N AND | WERE BOTH US|NG FDRUGS AT THE Tll\/|E AND SELF |\/lEDlCATlNG AND OFF OUR l\/lEDS. l WAS US|NG CRACK , |\/lETH, AND l\/|AR|JUANA AT THE Tl|\/lE AND WAS NOT lN lVlY R|GHT lV|lND. THEY KNEW TH|S BEFORE THEY SENTENCED CORW|N. l LOVE CORWIN AND DO NOT FEAR 'I` ' Sworn Statement-l'Aff`idavit Last Update: 6-16-05 Page l 0f5 Sworn Statement-i -Aff`ldavit Last Update: 6-16-05 Page 2 of5 Sworn Statement-l-Aftidavit Last Update: 6-16-05 Page 3 of5 Sworn Statement-l-Affidavit Last Update: 6-16-05 Page 4 of5 ZM/M}é%:)w/ [The person o has{@knowledge ofthis statement must sign it. DO NOT N this atemnt until you are in front ofa notary.] State of Texas County of YQ//< [name of’ county where statement is notarized.] SWOR to and SUBSCRIBED before e, the undersigned authority, on the / day of ”?61/1, , 120/ *S/` year,by ZA/vé`m dowakz>§ [PRINT the first and last names of the person who is signing this aftidavit.] I'H'I/llV.llll[lll/Illh11IlIlI/lllnllllullullnlulll `\\\|\llhl/”/ SARAH BEUME,L ,' § " §" rig NoTAnv Puauc » ' § sTATE oF TEXAS / § \viy commission wires 01-20-2019 "//llmi\\\ i N ary Public, State Of T€XaS [Notary’s signature.] ~s\\ [Notary’s seal must be included.] Sworn Statement-l-Af`fidavit Last Update: 6-16-05 Page 5 of5 F=»- 4 weil(i§i\ 'l'DCJ _()Fenderr Vr'sr’tatlon Plan ‘ .~\'ttachment D Page l of 2 ` AFFiDAvlT oF lNFoRMAL‘ MARR|AGE FOR THE °PERATl°NAL PURP°SES °F THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CR_|M|NAL JUST|CE l soLEMNLY swEAR (o_R AF'FiRM) rHAri 0,0Q\!L§\\\) ’XC>\¢\\S3O\`\ -. agreed w be married to P~ ’ °> on or about the date of l and after that agreement we lived together' in this state as husband and wife and we represented to others that we were married Answer true or false to each of the following statements: @True l:lFalse l am 18 years of age or older and not incapacitated in ahy way. l am not an ancestor or descendant b_y blood or adoption to the spouse l claim herein. leTrue _ l:]False h l am not a brother or sister, of the whole or. half blood or by adoption to l the spouse l claim herein. ' . . KlTrue [:lFalse MTrue ` [:IFalse ' l am not a parent' s brother cr sister of the whole o_r`ha|f blood or by ' adoption, to the spouse l claim herein. E_IlTrue 1 l:lFa|se` l am not a son or daughter of a brother or sister, of the whole or_ half blood or by adoption, to the spouse l claim herein. . H`|'ru,e [:]False l am not of the same sex as the spouse l claim herein. ETrue, ‘ [:lFalse l have not been divorced from a third party within.the past 30 days. . H]True' l:lFa|se` l l am not currently mal’l*ie_d to a third party. v 1 ' l `H_usband'§ lnformal.i¢>"¢ . l@//;/A §{)/) G<;/'W /77 /)Z/’&[¢/ 115 Eull blame v ' ' ' ~ Last' First _ _ Middle Address Date of Birlh /?D Place of Birlh C/’/WY{?%H/) #/Vl// § ~ §tate . _ Coun q Social Security No. Clty§¢&} éf §§ ' siooercJNo. D/Y§{?VL{{.B ‘ ' v - _ _ l `\\/ \__» l/\W 72757@1 TDCJ 0”'¢nder nclmlon Plari ~ " ' ' _ ' '_ `» Attachm_entl) wae's lnformation: g . ' MM Zme)‘zz, Page 2 of 2 _ Full Name Last 4 ' ' First / d Middle ' Address \TaLW/` 77 75;@/$ care oiBiiih ' Place of Birth .. » / v . City . County State Social Security No. ` %6?/Y7 qQG// S_lD or TDCJ No. ' ’ 7, Attached to this affidavit is a copy of a 2 §§ l Q (Diivers' l_ice_nse, State lssued lD_. Birth Certiticate) submitted as proof of age and identity;' k The information in this aff davit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and is intended _ as a declaration of an informal marriage consistent with the laws of the State of Texas. l understand that the information contained herein shall be considered by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for operational purposes, to include employment and/or visitation and shall not serve as a filing of a Dec|aration of lnfonnal Marriage in accordance with the Texas Family Code. n 4 5 dayo_i Noi/e,v~loLL _;20l3. ExEcuTED on~ih'is_.iiie_ STATE OF TEXAS couNTY oF ;rgg.w- M-§ ¥A £¢(wA~f¢(U SWORN AND SUBSCR|BED, BEFORE ME the u§dersigned authority byZ. 3 /\€, -_onthisthel 5' dayofNO ' .20\ MYSC“QM§¢§“ETXL§§ES NoTAR_v Puai.ic sTATE oi= Ti=.x_As . ` Febmary8,20174 r- y (Aft'ix Notary) PER.S‘ 530 mar _'r)/)x/