J^A-^SM-Bl.^O-BJJLQaL GAR7.A f A/04 OJp^sH^-O-O0-*-t~-C&. _A pp. E_i.LA^A/_t_ ..J. MOl-OJ* -if - 000 rt- cfi_ -A-f>JL&.lJUE-E £ /lol^M.^jll=JOJDP-HX-^SJSi- f s/o'.pL- Iti - pod Tl-tfr JLA/ ThB jUjdJci--P-E-.cjrl/*LyjUrJ. q~?4l&6JL— Q-R-l-Gl-N-A-U OF TEXA6 Zrom ThJ^i3JaJik__0Jsxjzlet Court Hunt LoJjhTy-hT£XA3. — A/yd _.._ ,Tti<. Court j>f_^ppjzi^lj J^r-thc_-£jx±h-.o!strlc±_p±_TE.x_A£_Aj'__ ,TEXA ft KAa/A j A/o't oL~m-aODtt-ok through oJ^--JM-Q-0cl$-3—£A APPeLLaa/j-'s PBti+ion FoR DiScreTion cury kiyUus TO Thz Hoa/oRABLF CouRT OF AppEALS AA/D JiAZflCE THEREOF: SAMUEL OEI£oa/_&aR-lA . Appalla,nfs hy a~nd through W,b App*.H**ht*s prc-Se SA/Y\UEL OElEjOh. Or* R^-A OLinfi pur$g.ht to the provisions _o£_Aji?JcJe,##,44 _.£>V\._jL£iL# [CEWED1N =8" -t AIAMJE..-O.E All . PA.H.TZES. _ TU-d.*).£':. —. - . HjOKoJtj/. ble S±eph eft jR._Tlt±LiZ_ ^ 1.9C? ^ D/.s trlct. court. Tudge. .ATtorstfey -For the . _ , J't"fX±e;.._.cl« -.a,pp_.e.ju,l._,'. _ A/o BIB Oaa/ wAiki^RjTft __.4SlLstc^ht--DJJrriict Attorney __ c? _ eAivin^ _b_rojj_Qji_v . &,J.__'ff0X__tiyl •_ _ .... _ ifrh Floor Huftt. county C0.u_r.irh ause . ^re^ftVjJlejTx ?rijo5 A-jdioJCAr*y--j&.r_ ... .. \ /fpP €UCLjjt I .A.pf ^McL-n t Co U.r\ S^lI ___ ^ TASoh A> DuF F P.o, 3ok II QrreenVi\i_\j Tx 7r^c3~oolL : Trlou.L ..c:auji.Sj__J. ', _ . . **hr, chr)$tojoh er L. _cc-.s_t#rnon_ _ _ . . .... _ 2.000 t • L_CL./r\a,ic. JBi-i^djScc/jie.. (*<_Q_ . _ A rU yi gtotf jTX 7hooL *r I a. hie o-f Cont e h t f : $_a_fi A/a-MeS o-f a.II parties ...-!".. Tcchie o-f Cont^ntK ri»V- . Xhd^< °P Author}tli^/?J^ JJ-& ±e -$r/>oki ix. st^t*£s _ . _ . ..... _3.A 3 -S. >.*--,- 3. vL ZLfJ^q (*_Cr< V. Ct.l/» .i APP< 10LO ) Unnp-^r V, ft**t-c-, .. . _£/#_..£..<*, 3d %/3 CT*-K> cr,'.t\. , Aff>M(>7~ XT3- $-. v...X.U J-34j XHO Cf-vc. _Crltt , .A:f>p if fzk. -Jz-Ourtejey\th -A.sntK.cL.sn&n.T' 1 5ty-te. ^eji±_^ij)_r^ £>_^ 5Jb-o-v^n btlo^wL^JThj^tLrLcu/_r-c corA c^i^d in die fy^. tnt r l<**>^J_y_ itjJlfrkLLLSh^eA tkout th-e.