Houston, Reddie

'RU\...~ ~(o. DTSC.Rt:TIONAR~
            I~ GEl')ER'BL

                    RECEIVED IN
              COURT OF, ~RII\IltNAL APPEAL~

                     ~     162015
      R\...aLt: ~.r;,,t, ~J.Z7H                o'R. \vzrHouT PB7Z7Zo~U
TJ1 C(:n~:!'lf''t-·Cff Cy{rv3lhCttl flppec~Js m4y review~- Cavv•t
?> f};v'"' Ctfl'fttt:'J.HS'-~ ~_I ecuS;q;-,
                 PI                  ' • .   '                              '
                                            l/1 a C ~{'m;hal Ca,.re f3}"<1 rhfS., dlkr-~,; h
p~~va··to~ t/ve ~t~1#e~ Rule d,7 t;v- oh th.e~- petl~~'ar, o.P C\
pe.-u·     ey iA tAttler    IliA       Ie M?:

         Ru.\...e l.o~;), No7           r; /11)11~7'7'"1!£~ oF Rz,;;ti·T ·
P·isc;r- {)V\.Ov'C""y. r-evif?.I\.;JI 'Jv t'A-e.. Cou~t oJ? Cra~(n,o,§ »ppEQ}~
lS not, a mevt·~ of rg9h·t; bUti J ~ Cou.~b~ Jbre~c.tlo'i1.-
     ~ u L.\:1 ' ' , l l'? a tqS'ahlr row.. ~ t(.~N"f ZN ~ Rlirv :ztrw
vJh e 'h€1~1:"-e"' C;'V\t.}r.:J utn9 r\.o'r ~H y Ylt1e~U'r\ h9 ~he. Cour-t- a~
Cn'rvl~\ 'A-.fr€C1.\s dts~etiaY~ 1' ~~ fo!lowlr-s w/H be co..,..~ld­
e_,.,. ed' .       t;-jl.Q (0~~\l"~t ~&1 a€C;&d,~ng w~~B,..e.r ~ f!Y'Ot·n.t oltS-
C.. y-.e t' b), a,'r-y re. vr e w:
(a,) whet·her- a eour't of appe~~~ oLec.~r~'dhs Ct:3'n,~~~fotS w)tl,,
C\ lftOt·h.e~ cour- b. a fv; a.r)pea.ts., alecr.s{oV» o" ~~t Scvvv\.e
(b) wh.ether a            cou,.-t uf ~~~J.r hqs decrd--ed. a.}/1 ,~ll'\?lptJr"h"'
Ca.\f1 b q_U€Sb\'O ~       of f&Ct ~e CIY k.eJ~rQa/ I e.. w -tsJ,e,, b' Ac,s
ri~ b f~ee '1 b.       btAt S h~ tA~ ld be.J Se ~ ~ \ ec/ by t! hce C~ Lt 'r~ o fJ
Cv·\\rf\.\·~-~\   \~,.p~\r;
CG,) w "'et' \~ r o. eo \A r~ o -1! 01 ppeeJ~.\ r ha.r d ec.1 d.eef o.,.,
~~oo~ be\\''l~ a.··lP\..f!St\·@~ of Sbct~ or fec:levo.l l~w i~~ Gt· w.·- o.;:;v
     r               -~                                          J =         r
b'ha\\ t. con.P~~~c..ts- w\~'h \s.."'('.. G\pph·c.~b\e e:lecisro~s o~ l:rh b e;c.,xs :unJ    · ·
( 0 ) . AqLAiri n..'J Doc.LA~e-"'t:s, 7he.. (our~ "F CY'\Vv\,~o.w\ ftppea.ls-
-ov- o.-'""'f ~u~e of! \:s'h11. Cou..-~:.-mo.'/ a.,.-ole.>- thR cau.rt of!
4-fpeevls c· erk bo l~r-o"rr\.pt'\y $'e~ t:'k ~ Haw,·'o~s \zo. ~'he Co\A~t
;~ ov-oleY ls-o a\cl '\:;. t\a ofecfo\.lhS Whe)5~v- b-o 'r]ra.-Y\t. J .•\Sc..re/tsln~­
D\.r   y r-e v,'ew.'
       (:Z) /::he_ evppellate            're-coreij
       tl)   a copy Cl,e t:A.e           CJ?/h/Pn  o~ ~ie court C?p appeo.-ls;c,.)
       (})   ct Co fY d~ /s~e            f110t10 ns //-Jed'), t:h,t. court. of
    4p~lsj qh~           .                                     .
   (~) Cer c{ f~~eot copteS of ~'v'vy judsme.~~ o-v- av-ole/r. o.f t;n.e
       c.ou.,~t o      +a..rpectl~.                                            ·.
tb) Re \:.\...\,v- n    c> f   bo c. u 'M-€..'''""~· Z .{2 d vsc.,.r-etian .,_,..,.) re VI' e w 1's
h.Ob ~'f"C'-·'r\~d)the.... ~)erk of- t-'~~uvt C.Jf'CY-t~~Cv\ ·
ff-fpeals t-vrl/ r~bu,-n t::M- ~ ::;peJI~he. recovol b-t~ ~ll.-(
C.ou.rc a.P a._rpeOtls e )e.-k.                                            ·