E-FILED TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 3/19/2015 3:11:01 PM MARY LOUISE GARCIA COUNTY CLERK BY: L.S. S. NO. 2014-006760-1 RECEIVED IN MARY BROCK A/K/A CINDY BROCK § IN THE COUNTY 2nd COURT AT COURT OFLAW APPEALS Plaintiff, § FORT WORTH, TEXAS § 04/02/2015 11:01:41 AM V. § NO. ONEDEBRA SPISAK § Clerk CYNTHIA ANDREWS § Defendant. § TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE OF APPEAL Defendant, Cynthia Andrews, party to this case, files this Notice of Appeal seeking to alter the trial court's judgment or other appealable order. The trial court, trial court case number and style of this matter are shown in the above caption. The judgment or order appealed from was signed on March 13, 2015. Cynthia Andrews desires to appeal the judgment of the Court. This appeal is being taken to the Second Court of Appeals. This notice is being filed by Cynthia Andrews. This is an accelerated appeal. Respectfully submitted, By: /s/ Renea Overstreet Texas Bar No. 24066704 Email: rdolaw@gmail.com 2100 N. Main Street, Suite 228 Fort Worth, TX 76164 Tel. (817) 810-9747 Fax. (1-855) 299-5593 Attorney for Defendant Cynthia Andrews Page | 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on March 19, 2015 a true and correct copy of Defendant's Notice of Appeal was served on Jason K. Naumann electronically through the electronic filing manager. /s/ Renea Overstreet Page | 2
Cynthia Andrews v. Mary Brock A/K/A Cindy Brock
Combined Opinion