£Ohif~oc>o3i-0\J Continuation of using Regina Sophus Channel 11 News Room Same used to Use Regina Sophus F«-EO/N 'STCOURT Suspects: HOUSTON,TBXAS Valetta Brossard* * Re-Re KB 11-2015 CLERK Larry Ware Arlan Deckard Don Surrono District Attorney Luther Ihgrim Kevin Wilson "Skipper" "Cooney" Deloris William Anderous Alexander "Nip" J.B. Conelluis Larry Bird Monica Jone FBI Alice Fowler at Guard Stack Suspects using Madisonville, TX, Cardiography, HPD Station. Suspects pointing the finger upon using Regina Sophus; 3643 N. MacGregor Way Houston, TX accomplish all they did. 2/2/15 12:58 Continuation Move-In on 1/16/15 #1037 Playing and pretending they doing a job... using Regina Sophus and daughters upstairs... Using equipment, flen, satellite, if hiding behind amplified. Tamper with brain ultarmentation, stake out #1037. Please record equipment (Suspect) J.B. Connelluis Notified HPD play like I gave wrong Apt. # and address; Plays on phone 281.222.8105 Brain ultarmentation consist of covering up the truth! Brain ultarmentation told suspects, more of.... and about lawsuit... Computer programming of using kevcards. #1037 For threats.... using my daughter stakeout until every keycard is demolished. These people have a problem and yes are guilty.... Of trying their hardest to cover up lawsuit. Keycards consist of: the original reading of the truth, as to how Regina Sophus was used. I, Regina Sophus, have every exhibit after suspects' stakeout of swindling Keycards consist of: re-recording over instilment of fraud creating fraud recording Suspects continue to use Bigtime Fugitive to use Regina Sophus...New Hope 320 Hamilton St Houston, TX 77002 fan club- Court of appeals has every inch of evidence. They are prolonging the case...behind keycards, being paid under the table...continue to swap Gallipropsy. io3a . u TTTa^tte" W '^ fajCJ>nd, Sas fI6456 V ^M^^^^^ tootuk fc Ctiltfr tdPw6 S5to# **; (DorA £/clGfr Tfcfe^oil Moioo M o^ 1/ staPW I & tafci 6(56 fi^uA- 5~A, £*%& r^J^i ^i *" flaw,**/. ^^i^m^; Z^^^ ******* WWW•• •&M*> i»<*-Mf 5to$fep stolboid] fr)tffoiju£> 46 us& fa&iA&PU py^6 %4w/6"7*au/wuJ; ^^ tert'#, feju tod, 04!/'iAW 5u^ U56 Ito wcUe(* ^ Com} (}A^SakPmu ^ekitostsfihl Ub&toM LjchJ*Lw& «i /*«*£ 4 oH4-o°°^~ci/ :"]his\meContractisyalldonlyiffilledoUbefo'eJanuary 12016, ~j TEXAS APARTMENT ASSOCIATION Apartment Lease Contract This Is abinding contract. Read carefully before signing. Date of Lease Contract -January 9. 2015 (when this Lease Contract isfilled out) irtg In — Genera! Information Prorated rent ofs 432.00 js due for the remainder ofthe [checkone]: eb 1st month oro2nd month, on the day of 1. Parties. This Lease Contract ("Lease") is between you, the ; __ (month) .(year). resident(s) (list allpeople signing theLease): You must payyourrent on orbefore the 1st day ofeach month Renins Sophus (due date), there is no grace period. Cash is not acceptable without ourprior written permission. You cannot withhold or offsetrent unless authorizedbylaw. We may, at our option, re quire atany time that you pay all rent and other sums in cash, certified or cashier's check, money order, or one monthly check and us, theowner: ComCapp Timberstona t.t.c- rather than multiple checks. If you don't pay all rent on or be fore the.—3rd day ofthe month, you'll pay an initial late charge of $. 50. QO -,plus adaily late charge of $ 10.00 v per day after that date until the amount due is paid in full. Daily (name of apartment community or title holder). You are late charges cannot exceed 15 days for any single month's rent. renting Apartment No. 1027 rat 4200 Cypress. We won't impose late charges until at least the third day of the Creek Pkwv .. month. You'll also pay acharge of$_JjO_jBjO_for each returned (street address) in. Houston check or rejected electronic payment, plus initial and daily late (city), Texas 77068 (zip code) for use as a private residence charges, until we receive acceptable payment Ifyou don't pay only. The terms "you" and "your" refer toall residents listed above rent on time, you'll be in default and subject to all remedies or, in the event ofasole resident's death, tosomeone authorized under state law and this Lease. If you violate theanimal restric to actfor theestate. The terms "we," "us," and "our" refer tothe tions of Par. 27 or other animal rules, you'll pay an initial charge owner listed above and not to property managers oranyone else. of $. J.Q0.QQ per animal (not to exceed $100 per animal) and Neither we noranyofourrepresentatives have made anyoral a daily charge of $ 10.00 per animal (not to exceed $10 per promises, representations, oragreements. This Leaseistheen day per animal) from the date the animal was brought into your tireagreement between youandus. apartment until itis removed. We!ll also have all otherremedies for such violations. 2. Occupants.The apartment will be occupied only by you and (list allother occupants notsigning the Lease): 7. Utilities and Services. We'll pay for the.following items, if -Above Only , checked: a gas • water nwastewater • electricity • trash/recycling a cable/satellite • master antenna • Internet • stormwater/drainage —and no one else. Anyone not listed here cannot stay in the • other .... apartment for more than 7 consecutive days without our You'll pay for all other utilities and services, related deposits, and prior.written consent, and no more than twice that many days in any charges or fees on such utilities and services during your any one month. Ifthe previous space isn't filled in, 2days total Lease term. See Par. 12 for other related provisions regarding util permonth will be the limit. ities and services. 3. Lease Term. The initial term ofthe Lease begins on the 16th 8. Insurance. Ourinsurance doesn't cover the loss ofordamage day of ^— January (month), toyoufpersonal[property. You are [check one]: 2.015—(year), and ends at midnight the ___3ia£__ day Hrequired to buy and maintain renter's or liability insurance of October _____(month), 20is fypari (seeattached addendum), or After that, this Lease will automatically renew month-to-month un Dnot required to buy renter's orliability insurance. less either party gives atleast 60 days' written notice oftermi Ifneitheroption is checked, insurance isnotrequiredbutis still nation orintent tomove outas required by Par. 36. ifthenumberof strongly recommended. Even ifnot required, we urge you to daysisn't filled in, notice ofatleast 30 days is required. getyour own insurance for losses due to theft, fire, water, pipe Security Deposit. The total security deposit for all resi leaks, andsimilaroccurrences. Renter's insurance doesn't cover dents is $ 2QQ.QQ, due on or before the datethis Lease is losses due toaflood. Information on renter's insurance is avail signed. This amount [check one]: • does or is does not in able from theTexas Department ofInsurance. clude an animal deposit. Any animal deposit will be desig 9. Special Provisions. The following orattached special provisions nated in an animal addendum. Security-deposit refund and any addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before check and any deduction itemizations will be by [check one]: Hone checkjointly payable to all residents and mailed to any signing will become apart ofthis Lease and will supersede any one resident we choose, or conflicting provisions ofthis printed Lease form. a one check payable toand mailed to If lease ia nnt renews, a ft»nn mtm foa wil 1 he rhRrrfert cf nf (specify nameofone resident). current fiion .nno propo^y n^miy' If neither option is checked here, the first option applies. See inanr«nce is nnt- zsta^ehjag^agmt^ = Par. 40and 41 forsecurity-deposit return information. $75 riqk nRsessment- ff>* win k„ nharjnrf 5. Keys, Move-Out, and Furniture. You'll be given _2_apart- each month. Kn parliaJ paynanfS ment key(s), —1 mailbox key(s), and: other access de accepted ; a vices for SataRemotfl _ Before moving out, you must give ourrepresentative advance writtenmove-outnotice as stated In Par. 36. The move-out date in your notice [check one]: a must be the last day ofthe month, orJS may be the exact day designated in your notice. If neither option is checked here, the second applies. Any resident, occupant, orspouse who, according toa remaining resident's af 10. Unlawful Early Move-Out And Reletting Charge. fidavit, has permanently moved outoris under court order not 10.1 Your Responsibility. You'll be liable for areletting charge to enter the apartment, is (at our option) no lonaer entitled tn Of $ 734 . AG (nnt tn avraaA B50«. nf tko U:«u„* 10.2 Not aRelease. The reletting charge is neither aLease can 13.2 Indemnification byYou. You'll defend, indemnify and cellation nor a buyout fee. Itis a liquidated amount cover hold us harmless from all liability arising from your ing only part ofour damages—for our.time, effort, and ex conduct or that ofyour invitees, your occupants, your pense in finding and processing a replacement resident. guests, orour representatives who atyour request per These damages are uncertain and hard to ascertain^- form services notcontemplatedin this Lease. particularly those relating to inconvenience, paperwork, advertising, showing apartments, utilities for showing, 13.3 Damage and Wastewater Stoppage. Unless damage checking prospects, overhead, marketing costs, and lo orwastewater stoppageisdueto ournegligence, we're cator-service fees. You agree thatthe reletting charge is a notliable for—and you must pay for—repairs, replace reasonable estimate of our damages and that the charge ments, and damage ofthe following kind ifoccurring is due whether or not our reletting attempts succeed. If during the Lease term orrenewal period: (A) damage to no amount isstipulated, you must payour actual relet doors, windows, orscreens; (B) damage from windows ting costs as far as they can be determined. The reletting ordoors leftopen; and (C) damage from wastewater charge doesn't release you from continued liability for fu stoppages caused byimproper objects in lines exclusive ture orpast-due rent; charges for cleaning, repairing, re lyserving yourapartment. painting, ordealing with unreturned keys; orother sums 13.4 No Waiver. We may require payment atany time, includ due. ing advance payment torepair damage that youare liable 11.Security Devices. for. Delay in demanding sums you owe Is not awaiver. 11.1 What We Provide. Texas Property Code sees. 92.151, 14. Contractual Lien and Property Left inApartment. 92.153, and 92.154 require, with some exceptions, that 14.1 Lien AgainstYour Property for Rent. Allpropertyin the we provide atno costtoyou when occupancybegins: (A) apartment (unless exempt under Texas Property Code awindowlatch on each window; (B) adoorvlewer (peep sec. 54.042)is subjectto acontractuallien tosecure pay hole) on each exteriordoor; (C) apin lockon each sliding ment ofdelinquent rent (except as prohibited by Texas door; (D) either adoor-handle latch orasecurity bar on Government Code sec. 2306.6738, for owners support each sliding door; (E) akeyless bolting device (deadbolt) ed by housing-tax-credit allocations). For this purpose, on each exterior door; and (F) either akeyed doorknob "apartment" excludes common areas butincludes thein lock orakeyed deadbolt lock on one entry door. Keyed terior living areas and exterior patios, balconies, attached locks will berekeyedafter the priorresident moves out. garages, andany storerooms for your exclusive use. The rekeying will bedone either before you move in or within 7days afteryou movein, as requiredbylaw. Ifwe 14.2 Removal AfterWe Exercise Lien for Rent. Ifyourrentis fail to installorrekeysecuritydevices asrequiredbylaw, delinquent, ourrepresentativemaypeacefullyenterthe you have theright to doso anddeduct thereasonable apartment, and remove and/or store allproperty sub cost from your next rent payment under Texas Proper ject to lien. All property in the apartment is presumed to ty Code sec. 92,165(1). We maydeactivate ornotinstall be yours unless proved otherwise. After the property is re keyless bolting devices on your doors if(A) you or an oc moved, awritten notice of entry must be left in aconspic cupantin the dwelling Is over55ordisabled, and(B) the uous place in theapartment—including a list ofitems re requirements ofTexas PropertyCode sec. 92.153(e) or(f) moved, the amount of delinquent rent due, and the name, are satisfied. address, and phone number oftheperson tocontact. The 11.2 Who Pays What. We'll pay'for missing security devices notice must also state that the property will be promptly that are required bylaw. You'lloav for-fAJrekevina that returned when thedelinquent rent is fully paid. VOUreauestfunlesswefailedtorpkeynfiertheprevinM 14.3 Removal After Surrender, Abandonment, orEviction. residentmovedout):and(B>ri>Bair*nrreolacemehHhfr We, or law officers, may remove or store all property re cam* Qfmisuse or damage bvvou orvour family. w»fr maining in the apartment or in common areas (including occupants, orvour quests, You must pay immediately any vehicles you or any occupant or guest owns or uses) if after thework is done unless state law authorizes advance you're judicially evicted orifyou surrender orabandon the payment. You must also pay in advance for any additional apartment (seedefinitions in Par. 41), orchanged security devices you request. 14.4 Storage. 12. Other Utilities and Services. Television channels that are pro (A) No duty. We'll store property removed under a con vided may be changed during the Lease term if the change tractual lien. We may—but we have no duty to—store applies toall residents. You may use utilities only for normal property removed afterjudicial eviction, surrender, or household purposes and must not waste them. If your electric abandonment ofthe apartment. ity is interrupted, you must use only battery-operated lighting (B) Wo liability. We're not liablefor casualty, loss, damage, (no flames). You must not allow any utilities (other than cable ortheft, except for property removed under acontrac tual lien. or Internet) to be cut off or switched for any reason—including disconnection for not paying your bills—until the Lease term (C) Charges you pay. You must pay reasonable charges or renewal period ends. Ifautility is submetered or prorated by for our packing, removing, storing, and selling of any anallocation formula, we'll attach anaddendum to this Lease property. in compliance with state-agency rules. If a utility is individual (D) Our lien. We have alien on all property removed and ly metered, itmust be connected in your name and you must stored after surrender, abandonment, orjudicial evic notify theprovider ofyour move-out date so themeter can be tion for all sums you owe, with one exception: our timely read. If you delay getting it turned on in your name by lien on property listed under Texas Property Code the Lease's startdate orcause itto betransferred back into our sec. 54.042 is limited tocharges for packing, removing, name before you surrender or abandon the apartment, you'll and storing. be liable for a $JfLJlQ_ charge (not toexceed $50 per viola 14.5 Redemption. tion), plus theactual orestimated costofthe utilities used while (A) Property onwhich wehave alien. If we've seized and the utility should have been connected in your name. If you're storedproperty undera contractual lien forrentasau in anarea open tocompetition and your apartment is individu thorized by law, you may redeem the property by pay ally metered, you may choose or change your retail electric pro ingall delinquent rentdue at the timeofseizure. But if vider at any time. If you qualify, your provider will bethesame notice ofsale (see Par. 14.6(C)) is given before you seek as ours, unless you choose adifferent provider. Ifyou do choose redemption, you may redeem only by paying the de or change your provider, you must give uswritten notice. You linquent rent plus our reasonable charges for packing, must pay all applicable provider fees, including any fees to removing, and storing. change service back into our name after you move out. (B) Propertyremovedaftersurrender, abandonment, or judicialeviction. If we've removed and stored proper Special Provisions and "What if" Clauses tyafter surrender, abandonment, orjudicial eviction, you may redeem only by paying all sums you owe, in 13. Damages and Reimbursement. cluding rent, late charges, reletting charges, storage charges, damages, etc 13.1 Damage in the Apartment Community. You must (C) Place and payment for return. We may return re promptly pay or reimburse us for loss, damage, conse- deemed property at the place ofstorage, the manaoe- (1) leftin the apartment aftersurrender or abandon ment; or While You're Living in the Apartment (2) left outside more than 1hour after writ ofposses sion is executed, following judicial eviction. 19. Community Policies and Rules. (B) Animals. An animal removed aftersurrender, aban 19.1 Generally. Our rules areconsidered partofthis Lease. donment, oreviction may be kenneled orturned over You, your occupants, and your guests must comply with all toa local authority, humane society, orrescue organi written apartment rules andcommunity policies, includ zation. ing instructions for care ofour property. We may regulate: (C) Sale orproperty. Property not thrown away or given (A) theuse ofpatios, balconies, and porches; (B) thecon tocharity may bedisposed ofonly by sale, which must duct offurniture movers and delivery persons; and (C) ac beheld nosooner than 30 days after written notice of tivities in common areas. We may make reasonable chang the date, time, and place of sale is sent by both regu es to written rules, and those rules can becomeeffective lar mail and certified mail (return receipt requested) to immediately if the rules are distributed and applicable to your last known address. The notice must itemize the all units in the apartment community and do not change amountsyouoweand provide the name, address, and thedollar amounts onpages 1or2ofthis Lease. phone number ofthe person tocontact about the sale, the amount owed, and your right to redeem the prop 19.2 SomeSpecifics. Your apartment andother areas reserved erty. The sale may be public or private; is subjecttoany for your private use must be kept clean. Trash must be dis third-party ownership or lien claims; must be to the posed ofatleast weekly in appropriate receptacles in ac highest cash bidder; and may be in bulk, in batches, or cordance with local ordinances. Passageways may be used item-by-item. If the proceeds from the sale aremore only for entry or exit. Any swimming pools, saunas, spas, thanyou owe, the excess amount must be mailed to tanning beds, exercise rooms, storerooms, laundry rooms, you at your last known address within 30days after and similar areas must be used with care in accordance sale. with apartment rules and posted signs. 15. Failing to Pay First Month's Rent. If you don't pay the first 19.3 Limitations on Conduct. Glass containers are prohib month's rent when or before the Lease begins, all future rent for ited in or near pools and all other common areas. Within theLease term will beautomatieally accelerated without notice the apartment community, you, your occupants, and your and become immediately due. We also may end your right of guests must not usecandles or kerosene lamps or heaters occupancy and recover damages, future rent, reletting charg without ourprior written approval, orcook on balconies es, attorney's fees, court costs, and other lawful charges. Our oroutside. You, your occupants, and your guests must not rights, remedies and duties under Par. 10 and 32 apply toaccel solicit business or contributions. Conducting any kind of eration underthisparagraph. business (including child-care services) in your apartment or in the apartment community is prohibited—except 16. Rent Increases and Lease Changes. No rent increases orLease that any lawful business conducted "at home" by comput changes are allowed before the initial Lease term ends, except er, mail, or telephone is permissible if customers, clients, for those allowed by special provisions in Par. 9, by awritten ad patients, or other business associates do not come to your dendum or amendment signed by you and us, or by reasonable apartmentforbusiness purposes. changes of apartment rules allowed under Par. 19. If, atleast 5 days before the advance-notice deadline referred toin Par. 3 we 19.4 Exclusion ofPersons. We may exclude from the apart give you written notice of rent increases or Lease changes that ment community any guests orothers who, in our judg become effective when the Lease term or renewal period ends ment, have been violating the law, violating this Lease or this Lease will automatically continue month-to-month with the our rules, or disturbing other residents, neighbors, visitors Increased rent or Lease changes. The new modified Lease will orowner representatives. We may also exclude from any begin on the date stated in the notice (without needing your outside area orcommon area anyone who refuses toshow signature) unless you give us written move-out notice under photo identification or refuses to identify himselfor herself Par. 36. The written move-out notice under Par. 36 applies only as a resident, an occupant, or aguest ofaspecific resident in the community. tothe end ofthe current Lease orrenewal period. 17. Delay of Occupancy. 19.5 Notice of Convictions and Registration. You must no tify us within 15 days if you or any of your occupants are 17.1 Lease Remains In Force. We are not responsible for any convicted of(A) anyfelony, or(B) any misdemeanor involv delay of your occupancy caused by construction, repairs, ing a controlled substance, violence to another person, cleaning, or a previous resident's holding over. This Lease or destruction of property. You must also notify us with will remain in force subject to: in 15 days ifyou orany ofyour occupants register as asex (A) abatement of rent on adaily basis during delay, and offender. Informing us ofa criminal conviction orsex-of (B) your right toterminate the lease in writing as set forth fender registration doesn't waive any rights we may have below. against you. 17.2 Your Termination Rights. Termination notice must be in 20. Prohibited Conduct. You, your occupants, and your guests writing. After termination, you are entitled only torefund maynot engage inthe following activities: ofany deposits) and any rent you paid. Rent abatement or (a) criminal conduct; manufacturing, delivering, or pos Lease termination does not apply if the delay is for clean sessing acontrolled substance or drug paraphernalia; ing or repairs that don't prevent you from moving into the engaging in orthreatening violence; possessing a apartment. weapon prohibited by state law; discharging afirearm 17.3 Notice ofDelay. If there is adelay of your occupancy and in the apartment community; or displaying or possess we haven't given notice of delay as set forth immediately ing a gun, knife, orother weapon in thecommon area below, you may terminate this Lease uptothedate when ina way that may alarm others; theapartment is ready for occupancy, butnotlater. (b) behaving in a loud orobnoxious manner; (a) If we give written notice toany ofyou or your occu (0 disturbing orthreatening the rights, comfort, health, pants when orafter the Lease begins—and the notice safety, or convenience ofothers (including our agents states that occupancy has been delayed because of and employees) in or near the apartment community; construction oraprevious resident's holding over, and (d) disrupting our business operations; that the apartment will beready on a specific date— (e) storing anything in closets containing gas appliances; you may terminate the Lease within 3 days after you (f) tampering with utilities ortelecommunications; receive written notice, but no later. (9) bringing hazardous materials Into the apartment com^ (b) Ifwe give any ofyou written notice before thedate the munity; Lease begins and the notice statesthat a construction (h) using windows forentryorexit; delay is expected and that the apartment will be ready (0 heating the apartment with agas-operated cooking for you tooccupy on a specific date, you may termi stove or oven; or nate the Lease within 7days after receiving written no- (J) injuring our reputation by making bad-faith allega tice, but no later. Thereadiness date statedinthe writ tions against us to others. tennotice becomes thenew effective Lease datefor all 21. Parking. We may regulate the time, manner, and place of park purposes.This new date can't be moved to an earlier ing all cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, trailers, and rec- (d) belongs to a resident or occupant who has surren 24. Resident Safety and Loss. deredorabandonedthe apartment; (e) is in ahandicapped space without thelegally required 24.1 Disclaimer. We disclaim any express orimplied war handicapped insignia; ranties ofsecurity. We care about your safety and that of (f) is in a space marked for office visitors, managers, or other occupants and guests. You agree to make every ef staff; fort tofollow any Security Guidelines Addendum attached (g) blocks another vehicle from exiting; tothis Lease. No securitysystem isfailsafe. Even thebest (h) is in afire lane ordesignated "no parking" area; system can'tpreventcrime. Alwaysact asifsecuritysys (i) is in aspace marked for another resident or apartment; tems don't exist since they are subject tomalfunction, 0) is onthegrass, sidewalk, orpatio; tampering, andhuman error. The bestsafety measures (k) blocks agarbage truck from access toadumpster; aretheones youtake asamatterofcommon sense and habit. (I) has no current license, registration, or inspection stick erand we have given you at least 10 days' notice that 24.2 Your Duty of Due Care. You, your occupants, and your the vehicle will betowedifnot removed; or guests must exercise due care for your own and others' (m) is notmoved toallow parking lot maintenance. safety and security, especially in using smoke alarms and 22. Release of Resident. other detection devices, door and window locks, and other 22.1 Generally. You mayhave theright under Texas lawto safety orsecurity devices. Window screens are notfor se curity orto keep people from falling outofwindows. terminate the Lease earlyin certain situationsInvolv ing family violence, certain sexual offenses, orstalking. 24.3 Alarm and Detection Devices. Otherwise, unless you're entitled to terminate this Lease (A) Whatwe'lldo. Well furnish smoke alarms orother de under Par. 9,17,23,31, or 36, you won't be released from tection devices required by law orcity ordinance. We this Lease for any reason—including voluntary orinvolun may install additional detectors not so required. We'li tary school withdrawal or transfer, voluntary or involuntary test them and provide working batteries when you job transfer, marriage, separation, divorce, reconciliation, first take possession ofyour apartment. Upon request, loss ofcoresidents, loss of employment, bad health, prop we'll provide, as required by law, asmoke alarm capa erty purchase,or death. • " ble ofalerting aperson with ahearing-impairment dis ability. 22.2 Death of Sole Resident. If you are thesole resident and (B) Your duties. You must pay for and replace batteries as die during the Lease term, an authorized representative needed, unless the law provides otherwise. We may re of your estate may terminate the Lease without penalty place dead or missing batteries atyour expense, with bygiving at least 30days' written notice. Your estatewill out prior notice toyou. You must immediately report beliable for paying rent until thelatter of: (A) thetermina alarm or detector malfunctions to us. Neither you nor tion date or (B) removal of all possessions in the apartment. others may disable alarms or detectors. If you dam Your estate will also be liable for all charges and damages age or disable the smoke alarm, or remove a bat until the apartment is vacated, and any removal or storage tery withoutreplacing itwith aworking battery, you costs. may beliable tous under Texas Property Code sec. 23. Military Personnel. 92.2611 for$100plusonemonth's rent,actualdam 23.1 Termination Rights. You mayhave the rightunder Texas ages, and attorney's fees. You'll be liable to us and lawto terminate theLease incertain situations involv others ifyou fail to report malfunctions, orfail to report ing militarydeployment ortransfer. You may terminate any loss, damage, or fines resulting from fire, smoke, or water. the Lease ifyou enlist, aredrafted into, or are commis sioned in theU.S. Armed Forces. You also may terminate 24.4 Loss. Unless otherwise required by law, we're notliable the Lease if: toany resident, guest, or occupant for personal injury or (a) you are (1) a member ofthe U.S. Armed Forces or Re damage, loss ofpersonal property, orloss ofbusiness or serves on activeduty, or (2) a member of the National personal income, from any cause, including fire, smoke, Guard called toactive duty for more than 30 days in re rain, flood, water leaks, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, ex sponse toa national emergency declared bythe Presi plosions, interruption ofutilities, pipe leaks, theft, vandal dent; and ism, and negligent orintentional acts ofresidents, occu (b) you (1) receive orders for a permanent change ofsta pants, orguests. We have noduty to remove any ice, sleet, tion, (2) receive orders todeploy with a military unit or orsnow but may remove any amount with orwithout no as an individual in support ofa military operation for tice. Unless we instruct otherwise, during freezing weather 90daysor more, or(3) are relieved or released from ac you must for 24 hours a day: (A) keep theapartment heat tive duty. ed to at least 50° Fahrenheit, (B) keep cabinet and clos 23.2How to Terminate Under This Par. 23. You must fur et doors open, and (C) drip hot-andcold-water faucets. nish us acopy of your military orders, such as permanent- You'll be liable for any damage to our and others' property change-of-station orders, call-up orders, or deployment caused by broken water pipes due toyour violating these requirements. orders (or letter equivalent). Military permission for base housing doesn't constitute a permanent-change-of-sta- 24.5 Crime or Emergency. Immediately dial 911 orcall local tion order. You must deliver to us your written termination medical-emergency, fire, orpolice personnel in case of notice, afterwhich the Lease will beterminated underthis accident, fire, smoke, suspected criminal activity, or any military clause 30 days after the date your next rental pay other emergency involving imminent harm. You should ment is due. After your move-out, we'll return your secu then contact our representative. None ofour security mea ritydeposit,less lawful deductions. sures arean express or implied warranty ofsecurity—or a 23.3 Who May Be Released. For thepurposes ofthis Lease, or guarantee againstcrimeor of reduced risk ofcrime. Unless ders described in (b) under Par. 23.1 above will release only otherwise provided by law, We're not liable to you, your the resident who qualifies under both (a) and (b) above occupants, oryour guests for injury, damage, orloss to per and receives the orders during the Lease term, plus that son orproperty caused by criminal conduct ofother per resident's spouse or legal dependents living in the resi sons, including theft, burglary, assault, vandalism, orother dent's household. Acoresident Who is not the spouse or crimes. Even if previously provided, we're not obliged to dependentofa military resident cannot terminate under furnish security personnel, patrols, lighting, gates, fences, this military clause. or otherforms ofsecurity unless required by law. We're not responsible for obtaining criminal-history checks on any 23.4Your Representations. Unless you state otherwise in residents, occupants, guests, or contractors in the apart Par. 9, you represent when signing thisLease that ment community. If you, your occupants, oryour guests (a) you do not already have deployment orchange-of-sta- are affected by acrime, you must make awritten report to tion orders; the appropriate local law-enforcement agency and to our (b) you will not be retiring from the military during the representative. You mustalsogiveusthe law-enforcement Lease term; and agency's incident-report number upon request. (c) theterm ofyour enlistment orobligation will hot end 25. Conditionof the Premisesand Alterations. before the Lease term ends. 25.2 Standards and Improvements. You must use customary The animal addendum includes information governing an diligence in maintaining the apartment and not damaging imals/including assistance orservice animals. We'll autho orlittering the common areas. Unless authorized by law rize an assistance orsupport animal for adisabled person or by us in writing, you must not do any repairs, painting, without requiring an animal deposit. We may require veri wallpapering, carpeting, electrical changes, or otherwise fication ofyour disability andthe need for such ahanimal. alterbur property. No holes or stickers are allowed inside You mustnotfeedstray orwild animals. oroutside theapartment. Unless our rules state otherwise, we'll permit a reasonable number ofsmall nail holes for 27.2 Violations of Animal Policies. hanging pictures on sheetrock walls and grooves ofwood- (A) Charges for violations. If you or any guest oroccu paneled walls. No water furniture, washing machines, extra pant violates animal restrictions (with or without your phone or television outlets, alarm systems, or lock chang knowledge), you'll be subject tocharges, damages, es, additions, or rekeying is permitted unless allowed by eviction, andotherremedies provided inthis Lease. If law or we've consented in writing. You may install asatel an animal has been in theapartment atany time dur lite dish orantenna, but only if you sign our satellite-dish ing your termof occupancy (with or without ourcon orantenna lease addendum, which complies with reason sent), we'll charge you for all cleaning and repair costs, able restrictions allowed byfederal law. You must not alter, including defleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing. damage, or remove our property, including alarm systems, Initial and daily animal-violation charges and animal- detection devices, furniture, telephone andtelevision wir removal charges are liquidated damages for our time, ing, screens, locks, and security devices. When you move inconvenience, and overhead (except attorney's fees in, we'll supply light bulbs for fixtures we furnish, including and litigation costs) in enforcing animal restrictions exterior fixtures operated from inside theapartment; after and rules. that, you'll replace them atyour expense with bulbs ofthe (B) Removal and return ofanimal. We may remove an same type and wattage. Your improvements totheapart Unauthorized animal by (1) leaving, in a conspicuous ment (made with orwithout ourconsent) become burs un place in the apartment, a written notice ofourintent less we agree otherwise in writing. to remove the animal within 24hours; and (2) follow 25.3 Fair Housing. We are committed to the principles of fair ing the procedures ofPar. 28. We may keep or kennel housing. In accordance with fair-housing laws, we'll make the animal, or turn it over toa humane society, local reasonable accommodations toour rules, policies, practic authority or rescue organization. When keeping or es,or services. We'll allow reasonable modifications under kenneling an animal, we won't be liable for loss, harm, theselaws to give disabled persons access to and useof sickness, or death ofthe animal unless due to our neg this apartment community. We may require you to sign an ligence. You must pay for the animal's reasonable care addendum regarding the implementation ofany accom and kenneling charges. We'll return the animal toyou modations ormodifications, as well as your restoration ob uponrequest ifithasnotalready beenturnedover to a ligations, ifany. humane society, local authority or rescue organization. We have no lien on the animal for any purpose. 26. Requests, Repairs,and Malfunctions. 28. When We May Enter. If you or any guest or occupant is pres 26.1 Written Requests Required. If you or any occupant ent, then repairers, servicers, contractors, law officers, govern needs tosend anotice or request—forexample, for re ment representatives, lenders, appraisers, prospective residents pairs, installations, services, ownership disclosure, or or buyers, insurance agents, persons authorized toenter under security-related matters—it must be written, signed, your rental application, or our representatives may peacefully and delivered to our designated representative (except enter the apartment at reasonable times for reasonable busi In case of fire, smoke, gas, explosion, overflowing sew ness purposes. Ifnobody is in the apartment, then any such per age, uncontrollable running water, electrical shorts, crime son may enter peacefully and atreasonable times by duplicate inprogress, orfair-housing accommodation or modifica ormaster key (or by breaking a window orother means when tion). Our written notes onyour oral request do not con necessary) for reasonable business purposes ifwritten notice of stitute awritten request from you. Our complying with or theentry is left in aconspicuous place in the apartment imme responding to any oral request regarding security or any diately afterthe entry. other matter doesn't waive the strict requirement for writ 29. Multiple Residents. Each resident is jointlyand severally liable ten notices under this Lease. for all Lease obligations. Ifyou or any guest or occupant violates 26.2 Required Notifications. You must promptly notify us in the Lease orrules, all residents are considered tohave violated writing ofwater leaks, mold, electrical problems, malfunc the Lease. Our requests and notices (including sale notices) to tioning lights, broken ormissing locks orlatches, and other any resident constitute notice toall residents and occupants. No conditions that pose ahazard to property, health, or safety. tices and requests from any resident or occupant constitute no 26.3 Utilities. We may change or install utility lines or equip tice from all residents. Your notice of Lease termination may be ment serving the apartment ifthe workis done reason given only by a resident. In eviction suits, each resident is consid ably without substantially increasing your utility costs. We ered the agent ofall other residents in the apartment for service may turnoffequipment and> interrupt utilities as needed ofprocess. Any resident who defaults under this Lease will in to avoid property damage or to perform work. If utilities demnify the hondefaulting residents and their guarantors. malfunction or are damaged by fire, water, orsimilar cause, you must notify our representative immediately. Replacements 26.4 Air-Conditioning andOther Equipment. Air-condition ing problems are normally notemergencies. If air-condi 30. Replacements and Subletting. tioning or other equipment malfunctions, you must notify 30.1 When Allowed. Replacing a resident, subletting, or as usassoon aspossible ona business day. We'll actwith cus signing a resident's rights is allowed only when we con tomary diligence to make repairs and reconnections, tak sents writing. Ifadeparting or remaining resident finds a ing into consideration when casualty-insurance proceeds replacement resident acceptable to us before moving out are received. Your rent will not abate in whole orin part. and we expressly consent tothe replacement, subletting, 26.5Our Right to Terminate. Ifwe believe that fire or eata? or assignment, then: strophic damage is substantial, orthat performance of (a) a reletting charge will notbedue; needed repairs poses a danger toyou, we may terminate (b) a reasonable administrative (paperwork) fee will be this Lease by giving you atleast 5days' written notice. We due, and a rekeying fee will be due if rekeying is re also have the right to terminate this Lease during the Lease quested or required; and term by giving you at least 30days' written notice ofter (c) thedeparting and remaining residents will remain li mination if we are demolishing your apartment orclosing able for all Lease obligations for the rest of the original Lease term. itand itwill ho longer be used for residential purposes for atleast 6months. IftheLease is soterminated, we'll refund 30.2 Procedures for Replacement. If we approve a replace prorated rent and all deposits,lesslawful deductions.We ment resident, then, atour option; (A) thereplacement res may also remove personal property ifitcauses a health or ident must sign this Lease with orwithout anincrease in safety hazard. the total security deposit; or (B) the remaining and replace 27. Animals. mentresidents mustsign an entirely newLease. Unless we Responsibilities of Owner and Resident a default for which we need not give you notice. Remain ing rent will also be accelerated ifyou're judicially evicted 31. Our Responsibilities. or move out when wedemand because you've defaulted. 31.1 Generally. We'll actwith customary diligence to: Acceleration is subjecttoour mitigation obligations below. (a) keep common areas reasonably clean, subject to 32.4 Holdover. You orany occupant, invitee, orguest must hot Par. 25; hold over beyond the date contained in your move-out (b) maintain fixtures, hot water, heating, and air-condi notice orournotice to vacate (or beyond a different move- tioning equipment; out date agreed toby theparties in writing). If a holdover (c) substantially comply with all applicable laws regarding occurs, then (A) holdover rent is due in advance on adaily safety, sanitation, and fair housing; and basis and may become delinquent without notice orde (d) make all reasonable repairs, subject to your obligation mand; (B) rent for the holdover period will be increased by to payfordamages forwhich you're liable. 25% over the then-existing rent, without notice; (C) you'll 31.2 Your Remedies, Ifwe violate any ofthe above, you may beliableto us (subject toour mitigation duties) for all rent possibly terminate thisLease andexercise otherreme for thefull term ofthe previously signed Lease ofa new dies underTexasPropertyCodeSec. 92.056 byfollowing resident Who can't occupy because oftheholdover; and this procedure: (D) at our option, we may extend, the Lease term—for (a) all rent must be current, and you must make a writ upto one month from the date of notice of Lease exten ten requestfor repair orremedy ofthecondition—after sion—by delivering written notice toyou or your apart which we'll have areasonable time for repair or remedy; ment whileyou continue to hold over. (b) ifwe fail to doso, you must make a second written re 32.5 Other Remedies. We may report unpaid amounts tocred quest for the repair orremedy (to make sure thatthere itagencies. Ifweorathird-party debtcollector weuse tries has been no miscbmmunication between us)—after tocollect any money you owe us, you agree that we orthe which we'll have a reasonable time to repair orrem debt collector may call you on your cellphone and may use edy; and anautomated dialer. If you default, you will pay us, in ad (c) if the repair or remedy still hasn't been accomplished dition to other sums due, any amounts stated to be rental within that reasonable time period, you may immedi discounts or concessions agreed toin writing. Upon your ately terminate this Lease by giving us a final written default, we have all other legal remedies, including Lease notice. termination and statutory lockout underTexas Property You also mayexercise otherstatutoryremedies, includ Code sec. 92.0081, except as lockouts and liens are pro ing those under Texas Property Code sec. 924561. hibited by Texas Government Code sec. 2306.6738 for 31.3 Request by Mail. Instead ofgiving the two written re ownerssupported by housing-tax-credit allocations. A quests referred to above, you may give us one request by prevailing party may recover reasonable attorney's fees certified mail, return receipt requested, or by registered and all other litigation costs from the nonprevailing par mail—after which we'll have areasonable time torepair or ties, except aparty may not recover attorney's fees and lit remedy. "Reasonable time" accounts for the nature ofthe igation costs in connection with aparty's claims seeking problem and the reasonable availability ofmaterials, labor, personal-injury, sentimental, exemplary orpunitive dam and utilities. Your rent must becurrent when you make any ages.We may recover attorney's fees in connection with request. We'll refund security deposits and prorated rent enforcing our rights under this Lease. You agree that late as required by law. charges are liquidated damages representing a reason 32. Default by Resident. able estimate of the value of our time, inconvenience, and overhead associated with collecting late rent (but are not 32.1 Acts ofDefault. You'll be in default if: (A) you don't timely for attorney's fees and litigation costs). All unpaid amounts pay rent orother amounts you owe; (B) you orany guest or you owe, including judgments, bear 18% interest per year occupant violates this Lease, apartment rules, orfire, safe from the due date, compounded annually. You must pay ty, health, orcriminal laws, regardless ofwhether orwhere all collection-agency fees ifyou fail topay sums due with arrest or conviction occurs; (C) you abandon the apart in 10 days after we mail you aletter demanding payment ment; (D) you giveincorrect or falseanswers in a rental and stating thatcollection-agency fees will beadded if application; (E) you or any occupant is arrested, charged, you don'tpay all sums bythatdeadline. detained, convicted, or given deferred adjudication or pre 32.6 Mitigation of Damages. If you move out early, you'll be trial diversion for (1) afelony offense involving actual or po subject to Par. 10 and all other remedies. We'll exercise tential physical harm toa person, orinvolving possession, customary diligence torelet and minimize damages. We'll manufacture, ordelivery ofa controlled substance, mari credit all later rent that we actually receive from subse juana,or drug paraphernalia as defined inthe Texas Con quent residents against your liability for past-due and fu trolled Substances Act, or(2) any sex-related crime, includ ture rent and other sums due. ing amisdemeanor; (F) you are found to have any illegal drugs or paraphernalia in your apartment; or (G) you or any occupant, in bad faith, makes an invalid habitability com General Clauses plaint toan official or employee ofautility company or the government. 33. Other Important Provisions. 32.2 Eviction, ifyou default or hold over, we may end your 33.1 Representatives' Authority; Waivers; Notice. Our rep right ofoccupancy bygiving you atleasta24-hour writ resentatives (including management personnel, em ten notice tovacate. Notice may be given by: (A) regular ployees, andagents) haveno authorityto waive, amend, mail; (B) certified mail, return receipt requested; (C) per ortermtnatethisLeqieoranypartofitunlessinwriting, sonal delivery toany resident; (D) personal delivery atthe andno authority tomake promises, representations, or apartment toany occupant over 16 years old; or(E) affixing agreements thatimpose security duties orotherobliga the notice to the inside ofthe apartment's main entry door. tions on us orourrepresentatives, unless in writing. Any Notice bymail will be considered delivered on the earlier dimensions and sizes provided to you relating to the apart ofactual delivery, or3days (not counting Sundays orfed mentareonly approximations orestimates; actual dimen eral holidays) afterthe notice is deposited inthe U.S. Postal sions and sizes may vary. No action or omission by us will Service with postage. Termination ofyour possession rights be considered awaiver of our rights or of any subsequent ora later reletting doesn't release you from liability for fu violation, default, ortime orplace ofperformance. Our not turerenter other Lease obligations. After giving notice to enforcing or belatedly enforcing written-notice require vacate orfiling aneviction suit, wemaystillaccept rent ments, rental due dates, acceleration, liens, or other rights orothersums due; the filing oracceptance doesn'twaive isn't a waiver under any circumstances. Except when.no ordiminish ourright ofeviction orany othercontractual or tice or demand is required by law, you waive any notice statutory right Accepting money at anytimedoesn'twaive and demand for performance from us ifyou default. Ifany ourright to damages, to pastorfuture rent orother sums, one else has guaranteed performance ofthis Lease, asepa orto ourcontinuing with eviction proceedings. rateLease Guaranty for each guarantor must beexecuted. Written notice toorfrom our managers constitutes notice 32.3 Acceleration. Unless we elect not to accelerate rent, all toorfrom us. Any person giving a notice under this Lease monthlv rent for the rect nf the I u » t-avm »mn,»,,-.i -- remedies. AH provisions regarding our nonliability or non- theLease term orrenewal period ends unless all rent for theentire duty apply to our employees, agents, and management Lease term or renewal period is paid in full. Early move-out may re companies. No employee, agent, ormanagement compa sult in reletting charges and acceleration offuture rent under Par. 10 ny is personally liable for any of our contractual, statutory, and 32.You're prohibited by lawfrom applying anysecuritydepos orother obligations merely by virtue ofacting on our be ittorent. You can't stay beyond the date you're supposed tomove half. This Lease binds subsequent owners. This Lease issub out All residents, guests, and occupants must surrender oraban ordinate to existing and future recorded mortgages, unless the owner's lender chooses otherwise. All Lease obliga don the apartment before the 30-day period for deposit refund be tions must be performed in the county where the apart gins. You must give us and the U.S. Postal Service, in writing, each resident's forwarding address. mentislocated. Neither an invalid clause northe omission of initials on any page invalidates this Lease. Ifyou have in 38. Cleaning. You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including surance covering the apartment or your personal belong doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, pa ings atthe time you or we suffer or allege a loss, you and tios, balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You must weagree towaive any insurance subrogation rights. All no follow move-out cleaning instructions ifthey have been provid tices and documents may be in English and, atour option, ed. If you don't clean adequately, you'll beliable for reasonable in any other language thatyou read orspeak. The term "in cleaning charges—including charges for cleaning carpets, drap cluding" in this Lease should be interpeted to mean "in eries, furniture, walls, etc, that are soiled beyond normal wear cluding but not limited to." (that is, wear or soiling that occurs without negligence, careless ness, accident, or abuse). 34. Payments. Payment ofeach sum due is an independent covenant. When We receive money, other than sale proceeds under Par. 14 or 39. Move-Out Inspection. You should meet with our representa utility payments subject to government regulation, we may apply tive for a move-out inspection. Our representative has no au it atour option and without notice first to any ofyour unpaid obli thority to bind or limit us regarding deductions for repairs, gations, then tocurrent rent. We may do so regardless ofnotations damages, or charges. Any statements or estimates by us or our on checks or moneyorders and regardless ofwhen the obligations representative aresubject to our correction, modification, ordis arose. All sums otherthan rentare due upon our demand. After the approval before final accounting orrefunding. due date, We do not have toaccept any payments. 40. Security Deposit Deductions and Other Charges. You'll be 35. TAA Membership. We represent that, at the time ofsigning this liable for the following charges, if applicable: unpaid rent; un Lease, we, the management company representing us, or any paid utilities; unreimbursed service charges; repairs or damag locator service that procured you is a member in good stand es caused by negligence, carelessness, accident, orabuse, in ing ofboth theTexas Apartment Association and theaffiliated cluding stickers, scratches, tears, burns, stains, or unapproved local apartment association forthe area where the apartment is holes; replacement cost ofour property that was in orattached located. The member is either an owner/management-compa to the apartment and is missing; replacing dead or missing alarm ny member oran associate member doing business as a locator or detection-device batteries at any time; utilities for repairs or service (whose name and address must be disclosed on page 8). cleaning; trips to let in company representatives to remove your If not, the following applies: (A) this Lease is voidable at your op telephone, Internet, television services, or rental items (ifyou so tion and is unenforceable by us (except for property damages); request orhave moved out); trips toopen the apartment when and (B) we may not recover past or future rent or other charges. you orany guest oroccupantis missing a key; unretumed keys; The above remedies also apply if both ofthe following occur: (1) missing or burned-out light: bulbs; removing or rekeying un theLease is automatically renewed on a month-to-month basis authorized security devices or alarm systems; agreed reletting more than once after membership in TAA andthe local associa charges; packing, removing, or storing property removed or tion has lapsed; and (2) neither the owner nor the management stored under Par. 14; removing orbooting illegally parked ve company is a member of TAA and the local association during hicles; special trips for trash removal caused by parked vehides thethird automatic renewal. Asigned affidavit from the affili blocking dumpsters; false security-alarm charges unless due to ated local apartment association attesting to nonmembership our negligence; animal-related charges under Par. 6and 27;gov- when the Lease orrenewal was signed will beconclusive evi ernmentfees or fines against us for violation (by you, your occu dence of nonmembership. Governmental entitles may use TAA pants, oryour guests) oflocal ordinances relating to alarms and forms ifTAA agrees in writing. detection devices, false alarms, recycling, or other matters; late- payment and returned-check charges; a charge (not toexceed $100) for our time and inconvenience in our lawful removal ofan animal or in any valid eviction proceeding against you, plus at 36. Move-Out Notice. torney's fees, court costs, and filing fees actually paid;and other sums due under this Lease. You'll be liable to us for: (A) charges 36.1 Requirements and Compliance. Your move-out notice for replacing any keys and access devices referenced in Par. 5 doesn't release you from liability for the full term ofthe if you don't return them all on pr before your actual move-out Lease or renewal term. You'll still be liable forthe entire date; (B) accelerated rent ifyou'veviolated Par. 32; and (C) arelet ting fee ifyou'veviolated Par. 1.0. Lease term ifyou move outearly except under Par. 9,17,22, 23, or31. Your move-outnoticemustcomplywith each of 41. Deposit Return, Surrender, and Abandonment. the following: 41.1 Your Deposit. We'll mail you your security-deposit refund (a) We must receive advance written notice ofyour move- (less lawful deductions) and an itemized accounting ofany outdate. You must give notice in advance by at least deductions, nolater than 30 days after surrender oraban the number ofdays required in Par. 3orin special pro donment, unless laws provide otherwise, visions—even ifthe Lease has become a month-to- month lease. Unless we require more than 30 days' no 41.2 Surrender. You have surrenderedthe apartment when: (A) tice, ifyou give notice on the first day ofthe month you the move-out date has passed and no one is living in the intend to move out,itwill suffice for move-out onthe apartment in our reasonable judgment; or(B) apartment last day ofthat month, as long as all other requirements keys and access devices listed in Par. 5have been turned in below are met. to us—whichever happens first. (b) Your move-out notice must be in writing. An oral 41.3 Abandonment. You have abandoned the apartment move-out notice will not be accepted and will not ter when all of the following have occurred: (A) everyone ap minate your Lease. pears to have moved out in our reasonable judgment; (B) (c) Your move-out notice must not terminate the Lease "clothes, furniture, and personal belongings have been sub soonerthan the end ofthe Lease term orrenewal period. stantially removed in our reasonable judgment; (C) you've (d) If We require you togive us more than 30 days' written been in default for nonpayment ofrent for 5 consecutive notice to move outbefore theendofthe Lease term, we days, or water, gas, orelectric service for the apartment not will give you 1written reminder not less than 5days nor connected in our name has been terminated or transferred; more than 90 days before your deadline for giving us and (D) you've not responded for 2days toour notice left your written move-out notice. Ifwefail to give a remind on the inside ofthe main entry door stating that we consid ernotice, 30 days' written notice tomove-out is required. ertheapartment abandoned. An apartment is also consid 36.2 Unacceptable Notice. Your notice isnotacceptable if ered abandoned 10 days after the death ofasole resident. it doesn't comply with allof the above. We recommend 41.4 The Ending ofYour Rights. Surrender, abandonment, of NUMMARY OF KEY INFORMATION Thelease willcontrolifthere's aconflict with thissummary. B Address: 4200 Cypress Creek Pkwv . Unit # 1027 H Beginning date of Lease (Par. 3) 01/16/2015 Ending date of Lease (Par3). 10/31/2015 H Nu.mberofdaysnoticefortermination(Par.3) 60 B Consent for guests staying more than_7__days (Par. 2) • Total security deposit (Par. 4) $ 200.00 1 Animal deposit (ifany) $ o.oo Security deposit (Par. 4) • doesCV? SI does not include an animal deposit. • Security deposit refund check will be by (Par. 4) (checkone) I Ione checkjointly payable toall residents (default), OR • one check payable to and mailed to H#of keys/access devices (Par. 5) for_2_unit,_l_ mailbox, other _ Gate Remote HYour move-out notice will terminate Lease on (Par. 5): (checkone) • last day ofmonth OR SI exact day designated in notice • Checkhere • ifthe dwelling is to befurnished (Par. 5) BCheck here • ifthere is aconcession addendum • !!t^SiMSBh^"thataPP,y> " 3tthe °nSite manager's office'B throu9h ouronline payment site, OR Check here if included in monthly rent- • garage, • storage, 0 carport, • washer/dryer, or Qother B Total monthly rent (Par. 6) $ 864.00 Prorated rent(Par. 6) for(checkone) B Latechargesifrentisnotpaidonorbefore(Par.6) 3rd 51 first month ORQ second month $. 432.00 B Initial latecharge(Par. 6) $ Daily late charge (Par. 6) $_ 10.00 • Returned-checkcharge (Par.6) $ 50.00. Animal violation charges (Par. 6) H Monthly animal rent (if any) $ 15. qq Initials 100.00 Daily $, 10.00 B Monthly pestcontrol (if any) $ i.qq Monthly trash / waste (if any) $. 4.00 BUtilities paid byowner (Par. 7):(checkallthatapply) 0electricity, Dgas,D water,• wastewater,• trash/recycling, • cable/satellite, Omaster antenna, • Internet, Ostormwater/drainage, 0 other ' BUtility connection charge (Par. 12) $ 50.00, BYou are: (checkone) Cffl required to buy insurance OR 1 Agreed reletting charge (Par. 10) $ 734.40 • not required to buy insurance (Par. 8) B Special provisions (Par.9): If lease is not renewed, a $200 Mm fee will be barged each month. If proof of current $100,000 property liability insurant i, not received ^ mqrnt, a $75 risk assessment fee will be charged »„nh month. N» partial paym^* 42. Attachments. We will provide you with a copy oftheLease as required bystatute. This may be in paper format, in an elec You are legally bound bythisdocument. tronic format if you request it, orby e-mail if we have commu Please read itcarefully. nicated by e-mail about this Lease, Our rules and community Afacsimile orelectronic signature onthis Lease policies, if any, will be attached to the Lease and given to you is as binding asanoriginal signature. atsigning. When an Inventory and Condition form is complet Before submitting arental application or signing aLease, ed, both you and we should retain a copy. The items checked you maytake a copyof these documents below are attached toand become a part ofthis Lease and are binding even ifnotinitialed orsigned. to review and/orconsult an attorney. x Access Gate Addendum Additional provisions orchanges may bemade • Additional Special Provisions in theLease ifagreed to in writing by all parties. SI Allocation Addendum for: • electricityxwater• gas a central system costs a trash/recycling • cable/satellite You areentitled to receive a copy ofthis Lease • stormwater/drainage • services/government fees after itis fully signed. Keep itin asafe place. x Animal Addendum X Apartment Rules orCommunity Policies This lease is the entire ageement between you and us. • Asbestos Addendum (if asbestos ispresent) You areNOT relying onany oral representations. x Bed BugAddendum • Early Termination Addendum ResidentorResidents (allsign below) XEnclosed Garage, Carport, orStorage Unit Addendum D Intrusion Alarm Addendum X Inventory &Condition Form (Name ofResident) Datesigned D Lead Hazard information and Disclosure Addendum d Lease Contract Guaranty (guaranties, if more than one) • Legal Description ofApartment (optional, ifrental term (Name of Resident) Datesigned longerthan one year) D Military SCRA Addendum X Mold Information and Prevention Addendum (Name of Resident) Date signed x Move-Out Cleaning Instructions • Notice of Intent to Move Out Form (Name of Resident) • Parking Permit or Sticker, (quantity: .._ ) Date.signed o Rent Concession Addendum X Renter's or Liability Insurance Addendum (Name of Resident) : ""^ Date signed • Repair or ServiceRequest Form X Satellite Dish or Antenna Addendum • SecurityGuidelines Addendum (Name of Resident) : " Datesigned • PUC TenantGuideto WaterAllocation DUtility Submetering Addendum: a electricity x water Owner or Owner'sRepresentative (signing on behalfofowner) • gas H0ther Smoke Detector Add«md1lm X Other Smoking Addendum AAJ»~,~ „ _ J _ i COmiUNITY POLICIES LEASE ADDENDUM CommunityName: Legacy(5), Champion Forest Resident' Names: 1. £mm after^ quickly and efficiently. In order for us to keep the service guarantee wTwZ ttT™? C°mmMSd X° ^^ Sure your needs are ™ hours. We cannot be denied access during or after the 24-houTsSowinE vtrrZZ v y°Ur apartment h°me durinS normal busin<*s mamtamed and you must be aresident in good standtag Z d^orZLT^ Y°l,aPartnient «*» &» contents must be properly eqmpment will result in the cancellation of our service guararS Sementteler tt ^V?™' aPPlianCeS> fixtures or other househ°'d numbers ofresidents will temporarily suspend our 24-houSice GuSLtee aT.L£ T™ VA? emerSenci« that affect large 6. as,"sss s ^"edor e-m"ied^-™ ^Essrmust ofthe natural «S££ZS3M -d »both newbeandin oldwritstructure, ing: with thMolds e date are-ice part indoors, mold growth should be avoided. Molds reproduce by'Lis oftinv ~ tS ^^ ^ "^ MMen Ieaves and dead **«. but outdoor and indoor air. Mold spores, like plant pollen sPreadSS^ f0'^ sP°res «* visible to the naked eye and float through materials. Mold may begin growing !L,PJiSfflWjK£;j^ tranSPOrted by Sh°eS> dothinS and ^£ will grow without water or moisture. Molds are usually no^ aTrobL"nSs un^ il ^ "*?** ^ °fmM' and nonc ofthem growing. There is conflicting scientific evidence as to what coSta *iSw" T •SPOreS Iand 0n awet or daraP sPot a"d begin effects. However, molds produce allergens. ^aSXS^i'SSiSSS™ ^Tr ^ C°Uld ,Md to adverSe hea'lh may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Allergic rspoSesTncTud hi 1 ? °nS-Inhalmg °r t0Uchin8 mold or mold ^res a) 3K^tt£^^ by controlling moisture. Therefore, in order to umS^^ZS^^^ ^°Wth Ca" ^ Should be Prevented or controlled > Use all air conditioning, in areasonable mTneTand " ^^ ?"** mthe dwellin& Resident a^"to do the following: use heating systems in moderation and keep the * 7°° *"* °*Wst fans in the bathro°m and kitchen premises properly ventilated by periodically opening * wu y,°U Start showerinS °fcooking with open pots, windows to allow.circulation offresh air when the f showering, be sure to keep the shower curtain humidity level is less than 50% outside. ^ 'nl the tub or fully close the shower doors. > Keep the dwelling clean- particularly the kitchen the After taking ashower or bath, wipe moisture offof bathroom(s), the carpets and floors. Regular ' ? °.wer waIls' shoWei' doors>the bathtub and the vacuuming, mopping and using ahousehold cleaner to bathroom floor, leave the bathroom door open until all clean hard surfaces is important to remove the moisture on the mirrors and bathroom walls and tile household dirt and debris that harbor mold or food for surfaces has dissipated and hang up your towels and mold. Immediately throw away moldy food. fc „ mats so ^ey wiU completely dry out. > Remove visible moisture accumulation on windows Promptly notify management in writing about any walls, ceilings, floors and other surfaces as soon as ' SI-E"S °i.water leaks> water infiltration, visible mold or reasonably possible. air conditioning orheating system problems. > Look for leaks in washing machine hoses and Follow community rules, ifany, regarding the discharge lines- especially ifthe leak is large enough * replacement ofair filters. for water to infiltrate nearby walls " Management will respond in accordance with state law and the Lease Contract to repair or remedy the D) SMALL AREAS OF MOT n QN HQi^PQROUS SURFAOPS tw h id • s,tuati0n as necessary. S«non-porous surfaces (such•«Ceramic tile, ^S^S^^S^*^**** (EpA) recommends first Ae surface dry, and then within 24-hours apply apre-mixed sirav on Wne'^f.l hTa v 0r PIastlc^ Wlth s°aP or detergent and water. Let D,smfectant®Tilex Mildew Remover® o/cL^S ' moR Some cleaners contain bleach, which can discolor SStaSSSS^^Zt^LT™? ^^CWs VV1'11 actaM> ki" biocides without first cleaning away the dirt and oils from me surface , Hke n^ fnl ^ !nstructlons on *econtainer. Applying surface Always clean and apply abiocide to an area sTtiSarSSISTSiKS?? ^ ^ f'rSt C'eaninS and P«£ig the yet visible to the naked eye. Avacuum cleaner with ahigh efflctency particXS fHFPaS^ ^ ^ be adjaCent in 1uantiti« "«t mold produce from porous items, such as fibers in sofa^ chairs X^Sdclet H flu fu hS ^ X° help ren?ove "on-visible washing and drying will remove mold from clothes m ~pr0Vlded *e flbers m completely dry. Machine c) DO NOT CLEAN OR APPT V RTnrTnr-^ m v^. d) SS^^P^^ TERMTNATTON OF TRNAwrv _We - "Sheetr°CkWallS "CeiHn^ °r '«*a- of • •.- th.y,"f " writing' mdt we Wl11 take appropriate action. COMMUNITY POLICIES LEASE ADDENDUM E££W ""***» ^ y°U Sha11 be Hable»US ** da^ -rained as aresult ofyour failure to comply with the 7' S can ensure your^ s safety; yofr securitys s a sreofwhomto comactiTn caseyou»«• ££ 5j£35%"tetSSenf~Ta**^T As y°U Can-aPPreciate« «*««* local law enforcement agency for all ofyour security or safety needs SoNoSf^ fT'f> theref0re y°U sh°"Id Contact the are taken solely for the purpose ofsecuring our property. tK^LotSsS n Sr^ ^ meaSUreS m we may take increase your personal security or the safety ofyour family or guestl orSdS^K £ ?*m^^ by US wH1 in "» wa* injury, damage or loss to person orproper*, whatsoever XffiTnSfofw^lt^ T d° ""^ resPonsibility for any measures or that which is caused by any other person including but no mited to TiSTk r * ^ SeCUrity device'Service or other crime. In the event that you may be in need ofpolice protecS ofany£lJsno S f""8 ^ *?^ ^^rape> Vandalism or *"* olher person, personal belongings andihat ofyou guests 2 we J SSSKST™" *gf ^ maintain inSUrance covera£e f°rW own not disturb loud music me rights, comforts in apartments oroon^^o^^^S^o^Jn^^^^ or in common *"^ °bn°Xi°US' areas Will no K n j K * T the Apartment community.°fExcessive Unlawft" »<* noisesha11 or community guardian or atother anyresponsible time. Persons adult.under the age of 16 mayynoTbe ouSZSir««? outside oftheir apartmentf after ? n«9:00 ™£nng in "*common p.m. unless arcasby°f** accompanied aparent ofthe equipment and to keep it in proper working condition AttendSsTnTt1J T 1 ^ip™nt iS imperative t0 Prevent ab^ your own risk; we are not responsible or liable for accidentofSrS CwZZt i ** °f ,"' P°Sted Y°Ur use ofamenities *at ofage or older who is responsible for the child. Pets Sot peSSinanvtn^T T. °u WmUSt be ^P™^ by an adult 18 years Use plastic or paper containers only; glass containers are not oeSed wT,• * ?* W1* ^ £XCepti°n of«»**ed distant animals. lease will not be able to receive apass. Visitors are limited ?o two S oe^n i^t / *T°V£r 24 m0nths ofa^- ^y0116 not on the n. = s s ^ Visitorsmustbe operated insidethe apartment, oSSSo^mm^SpSST^r^^ W°°d "" Hibachis>sha» "<"b* patios or balconies or inside theapartment dwelling or storSe unit Tl^iT P , ^ buiIdmg- Propane tanks shal] «* be stored on 14 S/fcCESSSf Fin£S Wm bC aC°eSSed f0r fa^e Sow pSy ' P*nM"t be °n & lease at a"times> 0wners MU*T **a^-^^^ in the Lease Contract and that have provided proper photoTdeftification Ww^l *"k W°^ °Pen the d°°r for you or occuPants »«*> Payment for such charges are required before the next rentiI SSL ™^2 f f u^ °f$25'00 for afterhours lock °"t calls. 15. home PACKAGE DELIVERY: Packages are not ^SSSSolS^S^Sl^T'T^^ or delivered to an alternative address ^ n0rmaI business "ou*. - make ^^Sements to have your package delivered when you are l6' SS^ay?^ ' y°UrC°mmUnity W0±S ^ hard t0 ™^.^immunity's attractive appearance. We askthatyou assist us ill a) A II 1ir!n/4 al the and the Garages . P^ »ap^ingspJanSb: regtlired SSice '^ ""^ all°Wed t0 be P*ked °n Premises' Motorcycles may be } sss^^trc?^^ > Vehicles parked in ahandicap-designated space v v w, without avalid handicap placard, sticker or vehicles parked prohibiting garbage disposal licwice. i\1oto ^:™!„..-~j trUCKS access tr> a' riiimno« COMMUNITY POLICIES LEASE ADDENDUM Community Parking Assigned Parking Space# Sticker # ^Applicable Vehicle Description Car/Truck/ Recreational License ST Make/Model SUV Year Color Proof of Vehicle Plate Liability Insurance all costs associated with utilities from me moveJn date 3 *££ThSen SSSrt ^ " °f'^ m°Ve-in date' You a8ree t0 assu™ name on your move in date, you will be charged afee ofS PpL Ss community Q does Xdoes not participate in awLr r«™ 7 nefdtll" ^ T*' Ify°U d° "0t eStablish se™« j« your $25 Per day for every day the service is not in your name Thfo 19. SATELLITE DISHES: UDLP^ffi'fi0SS2S5Si£rm ?""^I**P™* LeaSe Co™Addendum is requK? b) i isss^ "•!• • nermittedon SSi £ SKd£ B ^SSSlle^5 ""der ""' '^ rnnttaCt- Wa"n'i™ ""* c) systems; and (4) may not be connected to conmunit^Sli^E^S^^ T CC°nneCted t0 commtinity telecommunication dish or antenna is placed in apermitted outside StmSbe slTsecS Jv l^ST V^ duplex reCePtacle- ^the satellite portable, heavy object such as asmall slab ofconcrete-o"S an Mrther2K ,T " ^ (1) SeCurely attachin8 «tto a d) require reasonable screening S.enal Transmit,! ofthe p.,h from P^Pr] satellite ,7^^.^ dish SI^iXS^taSK * not Pa"ts> ec-, so long as it does US' N° ^ reception, impair meth°ds are M«**- We may premises ^ m» not Jw h*Qlg ^ Q J]^gJg g ^ ^the FCC order^ou may not damage or alterthe leased designated dwelling (on abalcony, patio, etc.), the signals recSZftmfvL;? TM* dlsh or ^fenna is located outside the by the following methods: (1) rurming a"flat" cable under adoorlam oVK? 7™** *the ' 9tprior °fthe desienated dwelling only and does not interfere with proper operation ofthe dTroriffiftS^Shv* T"***^ n0t physicaIly aller lhe Pwni wall (that will not need to be enlarged to accommodate tneSle)(3) co^eXcThlS " *? Cable, throuSh apre-existing hole in the external car antenna for acellular phone can be connected! to inside w,>?n?Kf ! , *f°Ugh awindowPane" similar to how an ahole through the window, (4) wireless transmit ottn°STSs^^St^1^ any other method approved by us S *** ^ wind°«thout drilling Satelhte dlsh or m^nm to adevice inside the dwelling- or (5) e) f) Mamtsaance -You will have the sole responsibility-fiSSilWL*111 "0t be ""reasonably Withheld. g) Damages -You must remove thesatellitefail omen™ 2K5 ,f ^ "ntenw and a11 related equipment h) toanythedamages and for the cost ofrepairs ori^S^S taS2S.?a,,tae,,t UP°" m°Ving °Ut*«***"** You must pay for installation ofyoursatellite dish, m^SSSS^^0^^"""^ £° reSt0re the leased Pr™ to its condition prior P~-=o^^ must be $100,000 which is m^J reasonably deteSbS u^tlt Ki Sate"lte dish 0r antenna'The insu™ce coverage 0 indemnify us against any ofthe above claims by oSS™ y C°mpllSh *at pUrp0Se- You aSree to ho'd us harmless and ifSc^^ to drill or otherwise alter the leased premises WedeemtheaddSJ is increased byan additional sum ofMIM0 in orderto *? ofmove-°ut- ™s security depositdoss^ot imply aright Refund ofthe security deposit will b'e subjectt*£Sm^^KSSSS?^ **f^ ^ dep°Sit f°r a" ^ J) refundable before all residents surrender me premises.Tvedf^e satemte dish or^t! ft ThC additi°nal SeCurity dePosit« n°t > Voup^usanyaddifionaTicur^d^^ 20 APARTM^TeTSsFSnolSa^ a)possibly to anotheron allComCapp Be current community. monies owed ^o^^l^^^S^^rT^^ to the community lor pansier, you must meet the following criteria:"apaitmCnt COmmU"^ 0r b) Have paid rent late no more than one time during the current lease term d oaIrffltt,ed n° retUrned check* d"ring the current lease te™ " All eligible residents must meet and agree to SowCcriteria "^^^ *g°°d COndition without da"^Se. " transfers g) V^^^-SmS^nSSS at the end ofaLease.Contract ofSMQJ0 at the time ofsubmitting the notice to vacate. This docs not apply to h) i) You must pay the required security deposit for the new apartment home J) ^ra*^^ deducted five from thedayssecurity 5) business deposit.or rent oftransfer ECSSt™ 7ZT"'Tf°" payments S S^Snl? security deposit,^the«*» any aPPlicable customer must pay thecba^s chargesto bewithin causing rent to be late and the accrual of\1 tJ2„l l°J:^^MmentmU first be aPP^d to move-out charees. suWrmLh, COMMUNITY POLICIES LEASE ADDENDUM a) SSEde^o^ following the expiration ofthe 60-day notice y *** Terminat'°n will be effective on the last day ofthe month b) c) yH ^LtlTJ!5^^-^ ^**•}** C°ntraCt*««* *« teI^nation date. d) 2ry^SSr8510115 Pr°Vlded t0 y°U dUdng ** m°St ™ Le- contract. These sums must be paid no laterthan e) The sums due herein may not be deducted from the security deposit 22. MOVE-OUT INSTRUCTIONS AND CLEANINGTciSe LB? S1° ^^^f "^ above- forwarding address noted on the Resident's NdticeofInStTo Vaci su^tT^ ft™*.™ d'Sp°Siti°n wflJ be retumed by mai' to the Deposit refunds cannot be picked up at the office The fon^S' J my deduct10^ as required per the state statutes. Please note- a) Complete the full term ofthe lease "^ re4uirements m^.be fulfilled in order to receive afull deposit refund b) "'0 SSlSc^ d) ™»* <* move-out cleajSS^^^S£ctS?T MuSt inc'ude aforwarding address SnfrS"^ e) f) ^^Z^^S^^SrTmdT °hargeS Pd0r t0 VaCa^ the apartment. g) An inspection ofSJSSSmE52Sfc"fiS^^ T ^ °n *" ™™ Conditio" fo™)- to be present during the inspection by conTactingth S S S S ?"* "U ^ ^ been re« You ** re^ apartment does not meet the above requirement?- chaSS wilTbe aS«tn SchedulmS ^appointment Ifafter the inspection, the move-out inspections are subject to tile ccSS^SKS finSoval durmg amove-out inspection are not guaranteed ifflhT ^ i**™™ ^ Ust beIow- A11 PP * f°re' any verbaI «8««nents made by our representative h) ~stS^^^ sections below are minimal cleaning and or replaeaSSaSStolS Sll £rff tT,geS10 the«apet 0r paint- Listed in the charged to you ifleft unclean, missing or damaged PleaseMelxchltl ff- T^ fr°m y°Ur SeCurity dcPosit refund or i) depending on the extent ofthe cleaning and or damages The amolS ""'^t0 °nIy those listed below a»d may increase It is our policy to clean and deodorize the carLt ™nfL«?! T ?, bel°w mav '""-ease without notice to you. considered normal wear and tear. These charges are not resfricfeToSedbvK V ', mblmdS'SCratched dooi"s' etc-) are n<* by our staff, aCleaning Trip Charge of$35 will basseTed h adS * V * of,residency- If your apartment has to be cleaned Charge ofat least $5 will be assessed as an ^rt™o?^L^*J7'^ itemi2ed charSes- Additionally, aUtilities j) Acharge of$50.00 per trash bag ofitems removed and $15 S£ bulk5 neTg C*TP *"" ^ y0U are liabIe- k) trash bag)Tte™ General will tnbeK.assessed. „qaneri Do not discard Z^g thmnohn,f^ bulk items at the cl^,,n;i,^ * °receptacles, T *at are bulk as the t0° IarSe item and heavy charge willtostillfit inapply.. anormal Q A/C Vent Cover $5 a a Baseboard $5 Switch Plate and Plug Plate $2 a Ceiling Fan $10 a Vacuum carpet $2.0 per room a Doors &Haridle $8 • Wallpaper $8 a Light Fixture $2 a Window Covering $7 a Window Sill a Sliding Glass Door (inside &out) $5 $4 a Sweep& mop linoleum floor a Window (inside) $5 $15 per room Kitchen Cleanup- Q^arggg - a Woodwork & Wall $5 Q Burner $4 D Cabinet &Drawer (inside &out) $35 a Oven $45 DefrostRefrigerator Oven Broiler $10 $25 a Dishwasher (inside &out) $10 Oven Rack $5 Exhaust Hood • Range $15 Q Garbage Disposal Refrigerator (inside &out) $45 m) Bathroom Cleaninp Charge - a Sink & Hardware $15 Q Cabinet &Drawer (inside &out) $8 • Q Exhaust Vent/Fan $5 Sink/Tub/Shower Faucet Hardware $10 . • Mirror $5 a Toilet (inside & out) $20 n) ReoairA Replacement Phar^c . a Tub/Shower Surround $35 Q Broiler Pan $25 Q a Refrigerator Shelf/Bin Cabinet Door/Drawer $40 $35 Q Carpet • Showerhead $15 yard $1.5 • Common Area, Door, Mailbox Key $15 Q Shutter $50 Replacement a Sliding Closet DoorPanel $40+ • Door orMail Box Lock Change $30 a SlidingGlassDoor $220+ Q Entry Door D Sliding Screen Door $150 $70 Q Interior Door $100 a Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher $45 Q Ice Tray $5 a Stove Burner Ring $25 Q Light Fixture $30+ a Stovetop Drip Pan $10 a Light Bulb $5 • Q Switch/Plug Plate $5 a Linoleum a Thermostat $12-$15yard $80 a Mini Blind $40 • Toilet Paper Holder $8 a Mirror a Toilet Seat $45 • $25 a a Towel Bar Oven Rack $18 $20 a Pad a Vertical Blind $5 yard $95 • Parking Placard $25 a Window (approximately) $95 a Window Screen $35 COMMUNITY POLICIES LEASE ADDENDUM ^ CotmTnitySS L^SntTledge******"^ ****haVe read -d ^ee to all provisions ofthis Resident Signature(s) Date Owner's Representative Date Animal Addendum TEXAS APARTMENT ASSOCIATION Date of Lease:. January 9, 2015 (whenthe LeaseIsfilled out) PleaseW^'Cot|^^ a-'rlsk tQ hri$fdmh md ,,t ,f ., 1. Dwelling Unit Color: Unit# 1027 Weight: at_ 4200 Cypress Creek Pl^yy . (street address) Age: in_ Houston . (city), Cityof license:. Texas 7706B . (zip code). License #: 2. Lease Contract. Date of last rabies shot: Lease Contract date: January 9. 2015 Housebroken? = Owner's name: ComCapp Timberstnne T.tiC Animal owner's name:. Animal's name: Type: Residents (listallresidents): Reaina soph,,s Breed: Color: Weight: Age: _ Cityof license: License*: 3. Conditional Authorization for Animal. You may keep the animal Dateof last rabies shot:. or animals described below in the dwelling until the Lease Con tract expires. We may terminate this authorization sooner if your Housebroken? right ofoccupancy is lawfully terminated or if in ourjudgment you, Animal owner's name: your animal, your guest, or any occupant violates any ofthe rules in this addendum. 11. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over Animal Deposit. You must pay a one-time animal deposit of anyconflicting provisions ofthisaddendum: $ dJlQ when you sign this addendum. This deposit adds Pet must be nn leashat all times to your total security deposit under the Lease Contract, and we ..Pu.fcS3.da of the apartment. Properly consider that total balance ageneral security deposit for all pur -dispose Of Pet waste when iT,gJriP/ poses. Refund ofthe total security deposit is subject tothe terms and conditions in the Lease Contract, and this animal-deposit por outside of apartment. Pet must not be tion ofthe total deposit is not separately refundable even if the left on/in patio/balcony/garage animal is removed. unsupervised at any time vi0iafio„B 5. Assistance or Service Animals. When allowed by applicable are $50 per inr-iHent laws, we may require written verification ofor make other inquiries regarding the disability-related need for an assistance orservice animal for aperson with adisability. We will not charge an animal 12. Emergency. In an emergency involving an accident or injury to deposit, additional rent, or other fee for any authorized assistance your animal, we have the right—but not the duty—to take the ani orservice animal. Except as provided by applicable law, all other mal to the following veterinarian for treatment, atyour expense. provisions ofthis addendum apply toassistance orservice animals. Doctor: . 6. Search and Rescue Dogs. We may ask thehandler ofasearch and rescue dog for proof he orsheis a person With a certification is Address: sued by anationally recognized search and rescue agency before City/State/Zip: we authorize asearch and rescue dog. If we authorize a search and rescue dog, we will not charge an animal deposit, additional rent Phone: ( .). or other fee for any such dog. Except as provided by applicable law, all other provisions ofthis addendum apply tosearch and rescue 13.Animal Rules. You are responsible for the animal's actions at all dogs. times.You agree to follow these rules: 7. Additional Monthly Rent. Your total monthly rent (as stated in 13.1 Shotsand Licenses. The animal at all times must have cur theLease Contract) Will beincreased by $ 15. op rent rabies shots and licenses required by law. You must show usevidence oftheshots and licenses ifweask. 8. Additional Fee. You must also pay a one-time nonrefundable 13^2 Disturbances. The animal must not disturb the neighbors fee of $—4QQ.0Q tokeep the animal in the dwelling unit. orother residents, regardless ofwhether theanimal is inside The fee is due when you sign this addendum. or outside the dwelling. 9. Liability Not Limited. The additional monthly rent and additional 13.3 Housebreaking, Cages, Offspring. Dogs, cats, assistance security deposit under this Animal Addendum do not limit resi or service animals, and search and rescue dogs must be dents' liability for property damage, cleaning, deodorization, de- housebroken. All other animals must be caged atall times fleaing, replacements, orpersonal injuries. No animal offspring areallowed. 10. Description of Animal. You maw l»en nnh, th a a n i m a l s\c • 13.4 Indoor Waste Areas. Inside, the animal may urinate or def- 13.7 Off-Limit Areas. You mustnot let an animal—other than 17.2 Removal Process. To remove an animal, we must follow the an assistance or service animal—into swimming-pool ar procedures in paragraphs 27 and 28 ofthe Lease Contract, eas, laundry rooms, offices, clubrooms, other recreational and we may turn the animal overto ahumane society or local facilities, or other dwelling units besides your oWh, except authority. We'll return the animal toyou upon request if We thatsearch and rescue dogs shall be allowed to use areas haven't already turned it over to a humane society or local oftheproperty accessible tothegeneral public, such as the authority. We don't have alien on the animal for any purpose, leasing office. Certain service animals in training shall also but you must pay for reasonable care and kenneling charges be allowed to use those areas when accompanied by an ap for the animal. Ifyou don't pick up the animal within five days proved trainer. after weremove it, itwill beconsidered abandoned. 13.8 Food &Water. Your animal must be fed and given water in side thedwelling unit. You may notleave animal food orwa 18. Liability for Damage, Injuries, Cleaning. Except for reasonable teroutside thedwelling unit at anytime, except in fenced wear and teau-esulting from an assistance or service animal, you yards (ifany) foryourexclusive use. and all co-residents are jointly and severally liable for the entire 13.9 Leash. You must keep the animal on a leash and under amount of any damage the causes, including cleaning, defleaing, your supervision when outside the dwelling orin any pri or deodorizing. This provision applies to all parts of the dwelling vate fenced area. We or ourrepresentative may pick up un unit including carpets, doors, walls, drapes, wallpaper, windows, leashed animals, report them to the proper authorities, or screens, furniture, and appliances, as well as landscaping and other do both. We'll charge you a reasonable fee for picking up outside improvements. If an item cannot be satisfactorily cleaned and keeping unleashed animals. or repaired, you must pay for us to replace it. Paymentfor damage, repairs, cleaning, replacements, and the like are due immediately 13.10 Animal Waste. Unless we have designated aparticular area upon demand. As the owner, you're strictly liable for the entire in your dwelling unit oronthegrounds for animal defeca amount of any injury that your animal causes to another person or tion and urination, you are prohibited from letting an ani to anyone's property. You indemnify us for all costs oflitigation and mal defecate or urinate anywhere on our property and you attorney's fees resulting from any such injury or damage. must take the animal off our property for that purpose. If we allow animal, defecation inside theunit, you must ensure 19. Move-Out. Except for reasonable wear and tear resulting from an that it's done in alitter box with akitty-litter-type mix. Ifthe assistance or service animal, when you move out, you'll pay for de animal defecates anywhere on our property (including in a fleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing toprotect future residents fenced yard for your exclusive use), you must immediately from possible health hazards, regardless of how long the animal remove thewaste and repair any damage. In addition tothe was there. We-^not you—will arrange for these services. terms ofthis addendum, you must comply with all local or dinances regarding animal defecation. 20. Multiple Residents. Each resident whosigned the Lease Contract must also sign this addendum. You, your guests, and any occu 14. Additional Rules. We may make reasonable changes to the ani pants must follow all animal rules. Each resident is Jointly and sev mal rules from time to time if we distribute aWritten copy of any erally liable for damages and all other obligations set forth in this changes toevery resident who is allowed tohave animals. addendum, even iftheresident does not own theanimal. 15. Violation ofRules. Ifyou, your guest, or any occupant violates any 21. Dog Park. We may provide an area to be used as adog park. While rule or provision of this addendum (in our judgment) and We give using the park, you will be required to supervise your dog, but may you written notice ofthe violation, you must remove the animal remove the leash. Leashes must be used while traveling to and immediately and permanently from thepremises. We also have all from the park. The park is not supervised or monitored in any way, other rights and remedies set forth in paragraph 27 of the Lease and you use the park at your own risk. We are not liable for any Contract, including eviction and recovering damages and attor injury, damage or loss which is caused as aresult of any problem ney'sfees from you. defect or malfunction ofthe park. We are also not liable for injury, damage or loss to any person, animal or property caused by any 16. Complaints About Animal. If we receive a reasonable complaint other person or animal, including, but not limited to, dog bite, tres from a neighbor or other resident or if we, in our sole discretion, pass, assault orany other crime. Furthermore; we are not liable for determine that the animal has disturbed neighbors or other resi any disruption in the park's operation or performance. You hereby dents, we will give you written notice and you must immediately release us and our agents, contractors, employees and representa and permanently remove the animal from the premises. tives from any liability connected With the park. You agree to be 17. Our Removal ofan Animal. In some circumstances, we may enter responsible for any property damage caused by you, your guests the dwelling unit and remove the animal within one day after leav or other occupants to the park. You understand that participating ing a written notice in aconspicuous place. in any activity at the park carries arisk of injury, and you are willing to assume this risk. We make no representations or warranties of anykind regarding the park. 17.1 Causes for Removal. We can remove an animal under this paragraph if, inoursole judgment, you have: 2.2. General. You acknowledge that no otheroral or written agreement (A) abandonedthe animal; exists regarding animals. Except for any special provisions noted In (B) left the animal in the dwelling unit for an extended pe paragraph 11 above, our representative has no authority to modify riod oftime without food orwater; this addendum or the animal rules except in writing as described (C) failed to carefora sick animal; under paragraph 14. This Animal Addendum and the animal rules (D) violated our animal rules; OR areconsidered partofthe Lease Contract described above. (E) lettheanimal defecate orurinate where it's notallowed. You are legally bound bythis document. Please read it carefully. Resident or Residents (allsign below) Owner or Owner's Representative (sign below) (Name of Resident) Date signed Datesigned (Name of Resident) Datesigned (Name of Resident) Datesigned (Name of Resident) Datesigned (Name of Resident) Datesigned Moid Information and Prevention Addendum TEXASAPARTMENT ASSOCIATION Date of Lease; January 9, 2015 (when the Lease Isfilled out) _ir.Dortor:T.!:torntot,cn toryou, and ressoxsoitote for actrycu ana us. -*—. 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract executed by 4. Avoiding Moisture Buildup. To avoid mold growth, it's important to you, the resident or residents, on the dwelling you have agreed to rent. prevent excess rpoisture buildup in your dwelling. Failing topromptly That dwelling Is: Unit # 1027 attend to leaks and moisture accumulations on dwelling surfaces can encourage mold growth, especially in places where they might get in at ComCapp Tiinher^fone LLC side walls or ceilings. Prolonged moisture can come from awide variety of sources, such as: (name ofapartments) • rainwater leaking from roofs, windows, doors, and outside Walls, as well as flood waters rising above floor level; orother dwelling located at __^. • overflows from showers, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, washing ma chines, dehumidifiers, refrigerator or air-conditioner drip pans, or clogged air-conditioner condensation lines; (street address ofhouse, duplex, etc) ' LealfS from plumbin9 lines or fixtures, and leaks into walls from bad or missing grouting or caulking around showers, bathtubs, or sinks; City/State/Zip Where dwelling is located: • • washing-machine hose leaks, plant-watering overflows, pet urine, cooking spills, beverage spills, and steam from excessive open-pot cooking; 2,About Moid. Mold is found everywhere in our environment, both indoors and outdoors and in both new and old structures. Molds are • leaks from clothes^dryer discharge vents (which can put alot of nothing new—they are natural microscopic organisms that reproduce moisture into the air); and by spores. They have always been with us. In the environment, molds • insufficient drying of carpets, carpet pads, shower walls, and break down organic matter and use the end product for food. Without bathroom floors. molds we would all be struggling with large amounts of dead organic matter. Mold spores (like plant pollen) spread through the air arid are 5. Cleaning Mold; If small areas of mold have already accumulated on commonly transported by shoes, clothing, and other materials. Mold nonporous surfaces (such as ceramic tile, formica, vinyl flooring, metal can grow inside a dwelling when excess moisture is present. There is wood, or plastic), the Environmental Protection Agency recommends conflicting scientific evidence about how much mold must accumulate that you first clean the areas with soap (or detergent) and water and let before It-creates adverse health effects on people and animals. Even so, the surface dry thoroughly. (Applying biocides without first cleaning we must take appropriate precautions to prevent its buildup. " away the dirt and oils from the surface is like painting over old paint without first cleaning and preparing thesurface.) When the surface 3. Preventing Mold Begins with You. To minimize the potential for is dry-and within 24 hours of cleaning-apply apremixed spray-on mold growth in your dwelling, you must: household biocide such as Lysol Disinfectant', Original Pine-Sol" Cleaner,Tilex Mold &Mildew Remover- or Clorox' Clean-up*Cleaner • Keep your dwelling dean—particularly the kitchen, the bath + Bleach. (Note two things: First, only a few of the common house rooms, carpets, and floors. Regular vacuuming and mopping of hold cleaners can actually kill mold. Second, Tilex and Clorox contain floors, plus cleaning hard surfaces using ahousehold cleaner, are bleach, which can discolor orstain surfaces, so follow the instructions all important to remove the household dirt and debris that har on the container.) Always clean and apply a biocide toan area five or bor mold or food for mold. Throw away moldy food immediately. six times larger than any mold you see—mold can be present but not • Remove visible moisture accumulations on windows, walls, ceil yet visible to the naked eye. Avacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency ings, floors, and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible particulate air (HEPA) filter can be used to help remove nohVisible mold Look for leaks in washing-machine hoses and discharge lines— products from porous items such as fibers in sofas, chairs, drapes, and especially ifthe leak is large enough for water to seep into nearby carpets—provided the fibers are completely dry. Machine washing or walls. Ifyour dwelling has them, turn on exhaust fans in the bath dry-cleaning will remove moldfrom clothes. room before showering and in the kitchen before cooking with open pots. Also when showering, keep theshower curtain inside 6. Warning for Porous Surfaces and Large Surfaces. Do not clean or thetub (or fully close the shower doors). Experts also recommend apply biocides to visible mold on porous surfaces such as sheetrock that after ashower or bath you (1) wipe moisture offshowerwalls, walls or ceilings or to large areas ofvisible mold on nonporous surfaces shower doors, the bathtub, and the bathroom floor; (2) leave the Instead, notify us in writing and we Will take appropriate action tocom bathroom door open until all moisture on themirrors and bath ply with Section 92.051 et seq. of the Texas Property Code, subject to room walls and tile surfaces has dissipated; and (3) hang up your the special exceptions for natural disasters. towels and bath mats so they will completely dry out. • Promptly notify us in writing about any air-conditioning or heat 7. Compliance. Complying with this addendum will help prevent mold ing-system problems you discover. Follow any ofour rules about growth in your dwelling, and both you and we will be able to respond replacing air filters. It's also good-practice toopen windows and correctly if problems develop that could lead to mold growth. Ifyou doors periodically on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e., have questions about this addendum, please contact us atthe man humidity is below 50%) to help humid areas ofyour dwelling dry' agement office oratthe phone number shown in your Lease Contract. Ifyou fail tocomply with this addendum, you can • Promptly notify us in writing ofany signs ofwater leaks, water be held responsible for property damage to the infiltration, ormold. We will respond in accordance with state law dwelling and any health problems that may re and the Lease Contract torepair orremedy thesituation as neces sult.We can't fix problems in your dwelling unless sary. we know about them. Resident orResidents (all sign below) Owner or Owner's Representative (sign below) (Name ofResident) Datesigned Datesigned (Nameof Resident) Datesigned f\T.«. _fD..:J. LEASE ADDENDUM FOR ALLOCATING WATER/WASTEWATER COSTS 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for APl- No- 1027 in the ComCapp Tinkers ton* 5. Common area deduction. We will calculate your allocated LLC share of the rhastermctered water/Wastewater bill according to PUC rules. Before calculating your portion of the bill, we will deduct for irrigation of landscaping and all other common area .Apartments uses, as required by PUC rules. We will also deduct for any m Houston _^, Texas. utility company base charges and customer service charges so Reason for allocation. When water and wastewater bills are that you won't be paying any part of such charges for vacant paid 100 percent by the property owner, residents have no units. No administrative or other fees will be added to the total incentive to conserve water. This results in awaste ofour state's mastermeter water/wastewater bill(s) to be allocated unless natural resources and adds to the overhead of the property-and expressly allowed by PUC rules. No other amounts will be that usually means higher rents. Allocation of water bills saves included in the bill except your unpaid balances and any late fees money for residents because it encourages them to conserve you incur. If we fail to pay our mastermeter bill to the utility water and wastewater. We as owners also have incentive to company on time and incur penalties or interest, no portion of conserve because we are required by law to pay aportion of the such amounts will be included in your bill. total water bill(s) for the entire apartment community. 6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula 3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated for determining your share of the mastcrmetered water/ water/wastewater bill is due 16 days after the date it is wastewater bill cannot be changed except as follows: (1) the new postmarked or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to formula is one approved by th PUC; (2) you receive notice of the mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and (3) you payment is received no later than the due date. You will pay a agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual late charge of 5percent of your water/wastewater bill ifwe don't agreement. receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the water bill we may not cut off your water; but we may immediately exercise 7. Previous average. As required under PUC rules, you are all other lawful remedies, including eviction-just like late notified that the average monthly bill for all dwelling units in the payment of rent. previous calendar year was $34.50 per unit, varying from J-35i00_to$_75_i00_for the lowest to highest month's 4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly rent under the TAA bills for any unit in the apartment community for this period, if Lease Contract does not include a charge for water and such information is available. The above amounts do not reflect wastewater. Instead, you will be receiving aseparate bill from us future changes in utility company water rates, weather variations each month for such utilities. We may include this item as a total water consumption, residents' water consumption habits, etc.' separate and distinct charge as part^of a multi-item bill. We will allocate the monthly mastermeter water/wastewater bill(s) for the 8. Right to examine records. During regular weekday office apartment community, based on an allocation method approved hours, you may examine: (1) our water/wastewater bills from the by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) and described utility company; (2) our calculations of your monthly allocations; below. and (3) any other information available to you under PUC rules' Please give us reasonable advance notice to gather data. Any The allocation method that we will use in calculating your bill is disputes relating to the computation of your bill will be between noted below and described in the following subdivision of you and us. Section 24.124 of the PUC rules (check only one): 9. PUC. Water allocation billing is regulated by the PUC. Acopy • subdivision (i) actualoccupancy; of the rules is attached. This addendum complies with those • subdivision (ii) ratio occupancy (PUC average rules. for number ofoccupants inunit); subdivision (iii) average occupancy (PUC avg. 10. Conservation efforts. We agree to use our best efforts to repair for no. ofbedrooms inunit); any water leaks inside or outside your apartment no later than 7 SI subdivision (iv) combination ofoccupancy and days after learning of them. You agree to use your best efforts to conserve water and notify us of leaks. square feetof theapartment; or subdivision (v) submetered hot/cold water, ratio to total. The normal date on which the utility company sends its monthly bill to us for the water/wastewater mastermeter is about the day of the month. Within 10 days thereafter, we will try to allocate that mastermeter bill among our residents by allocated billings. Resident or Residents (All residents must sign here) Owner or Owner's Representative (Signs here) Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9. 2015 Attached: Copy ofPUC water billing rules Water allocation and submetering is regulated by the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC). In accordance with PUC rules, acopy oftheapplicable rules are provided to you below: SUBCHAPTER H: WATER UTILITY SUBMETERING AND ALLOCATION construction began afterJanuary 1,2003, shall provide for themeasurement of §24.121. General Rules and Definitions. the quantity ofwater, ifany,consumed bythe occupants ofeach unitthrough the Installation of: (a) Purposeandscope.Theprovislonsofthissubchapterareintendedtpestablish (1) submeters, owned by the property owner or manager,for each dwelling a comprehensive regulatory system to assure that the practices involving unit or rental unit or submetered and allocated billing ofdwelling units and multiple usefacilities for waterand sewer"utilityservicearejustand reasonable and Includeappropriate (2) individual meters, owned by the retail public utility, for each dwelling unit or rental unit. safeguards for tenants. (b) Application. The provisions of this subchapter apply to apartment houses, (c) Plumbing system requirement. An owner of an apartment house on which condominiums, multiple use facilities, and manufactured home rental construction began after January 1, 2003, and that provides government communities billing for water and wastewater utility service onasubmetered assisted orsubsidized rental housing tolow orvery low income residents shall or allocated basis, Install aplumbing system in the apartment house that is compatible with the (c) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used In this subchapter, installation ofsubmetersfor the measurementofthe quantity ofwater, ifany, consumed by the occupants of each unit. have the following meanings, unless the context clearly Indicates otherwise.' (d) Installation of Individual meters. On the request by the property owner or (1) Allocated utilityservice-Water or wastewater utilityservicethat is master metered to an owner byaretail public utilityand allocated to tenants by manager, a retail public utility shall install individual meters owned by the the owner. utility in an apartmenthouse, manufactured home rental community, multiple (2) Apartment house - Abuilding or buildings containing five or more use facility, or condominium on which construction began after January 1, dwelling units thatare occupied primarilyfor nontranslentuse, including 2003, unless the retail public utility determines that installation of meters is aresidential condominium whether rented orowner occupied, and if a not feasible. Iftheretail public utility determines that installation ofmeters Is dwelling unit Is rented, having rental paid atintervals ofone month or not feasible, the property owner or manager shall install aplumbing system longer. that Is compatible With the Installation ofsubmeters orIndividual meters. A retail public utility may charge reasonable costs toInstall individual meters. (3) Customer service charge -Acustomer service charge is arate that is not dependent on theamount ofwater used through themaster meter. (e) Records.The ownershall make the following records available for inspection (4) Dwelling unit - One or more rooms In an apartment house or . bythe tenant orthe commission orcommission staffatthe on-site manager's condominium, suitable for occupancy as a residence, and containing office during normal business hours in accordancewith subsection (g) ofthis kitchen and bathroom facilities; a unit in a multiple use facility; or a section. The owner may require that the request by the tenant be in writing and Include: manufactured home in amanufactured home rental community. (5) Dwelling unit base charge -Aflat rate or fee charged by aretail public (1) acurrent and complete copy ofTWC, Chapter 13, Subchapter M; (2) acurrent and complete copy ofthis subchapter; utility for each dwelling unit recorded by the retail public utility. (6) Master meter -Ameter used to measure, for billing purposes, all water (3) acurrent copy ofthe retail public utility's ratestructure applicabletothe owner's bill; usage of an apartment house, condominium, multiple use facility, (4) Information or tips on how tenants can reduce water usage; ormanufactured home rental community, including common areas, common facilities, and dwelling units. (5) thebills from theretail public utility totheowner; (6) forallocated billing: (7) Manufactured home rental community -Aproperty on which spaces are rented for theoccupancy ofmanufactured homes for nontranslent (A) the formula, occupancy factors, If any, and percentages used to calculate tenant bills; residential use and for which rental Is paid atIntervals ofone month or longer. (B) the total number of occupants or equivalent occupants if an (8) Multiple use facility -Acommercial or industrial park, office complex, equivalencyfactor is used under §24.124(e)(2) ofthis title (relating to Charges and Calculations); and or marina with five or more units that are occupied primarily for nontranslent use and are rented atIntervals ofone month or longer. (C) the square footage ofthe tenant's dwelling unitor rental spaceand (9) Occupant - Atenant or other person authorized under a written thetotal square footage oftheapartment house, manufactured agreement to occupy a dwelling. home rental community, or multiple use facility used for billing if dwelling unit size orrental space isused; (10) Owner -The legal titleholder ofanapartment house, a manufactured (7) for submetered billing: home rental community, or a multiple use facility; a condominium association; orany Individual,firm, orcorporation that purports tobethe (A) the calculation ofthe average cost per gallon, liter, or cubic foot landlord oftenants in anapartment house, manufactured home rental (B) iftheunit ofmeasure ofthe submeters orpoint-of-use submeters community, or multipleuse facility.: differs from theunit ofmeasure ofthemaster meter, a chart for (11) Polnt-of-use submeter - Adevice located in a plumbing system to converting the tenant's submeter measurement tothat used by the retail public utility; measure the amount ofwater used ata specific point ofuse, fixture, or (C) all submeter readings; and appliance, including a sink, toilet, bathtub, orclothes washer. (D) allsubmetertest results; (12) Submetered utility service -Water utility service that is master metered (8) thetotal amount billed toall tenants each month; for the owner by the retail public utility and individually metered by (9) total revenues collected from the tenants each month to pay for water theowner at each dwelling unit; wastewater utility service based on and wastewater service;and submetered water utility service; water utility service measured by (10) any other information necessary for atenant to calculate and verify a polntrpf-use submeters when all of the water used in adwelling unit is water and wastewater bill. measured andtotaled; orwastewater utility service based ontotal water use as measured by point-of-use submeters. (f) Records retention. Each ofthe records required under subsection (e) of this (13) Tenant -Aperson who owns or is entitled tooccupy adwelling unit or section shall be maintained forthe currentyearand the previous calendaryear, except thatall submeter testresults shall bemaintained until thesubmeter is multiplel use facility unit tothe exclusion of others and, if rent is paid, permanently removed from service. who isobligated to pay for theoccupancy under a written ororal rental (g) Availability of records agreement. (14) Utility service - For purposes ofthis subchapter, utility service includes (1) Iftherec6rdsrequiredundersubsectlon(e)ofthlssectlonaremaintalned attheonrslte manager's office, theowner shall maketherecords available only drinking water and wastewater. for inspection atthe on-site manager's office within three days after receivinga written request. §24.122. Owner Registration and Records. (2) If the records required under subsection (e) ofthis section are not (a) Registration. An owner who intends tobill tenants for submetered orallocated routinely maintained at the on-site manager's office, the owner shall utilityservice orwho changes the method used tobill tenants for utilityservice provide copies of the records to the on-site manager within 1S days shall register with the commission In aform prescribed by the commission. ofreceiving a written request from a tenant orthe commission or (b) Water quantity measurement Except as provided by subsections (c) and (d) commission staff: within 30days oftheowner receiving awritten request from thetenant. tothe owner multiplied by the tenants monthly water consumption; (4) Copies ofthe records may be provided by mail If postmarked bymidnight (2) wastewater utility service: the retail public utility's total monthly ofthe lastdayspecified In paragraph (1), (2), or(3) ofthissubsection. charges for wastewater service (less dwelling unit base charges or customer service charges, ifapplicable), divided by thetotal monthly §24.123. Rental Agreement. water consumption measured by theretail public utility, multiplied by (a) Rental agreement content. The rental agreement between the owner and the tenant's monthly consumption orthe volumetric wastewater rate tenant shall clearly state inwriting: charged bythe retail public utility tothe owner multiplied bythe tenant's (1) thetenantwlll be billed bytheownerforsubmeteredbrallocated utility monthljfwater consumption; services, whicheverisapplicable; (3) service chargefor manufactured home rental community orthe owneror (2) which Utility services will be included in the bill Issued by the owner; managerofapartment house: amanufactured home rental community (3) any disputes relating to the computation of the tenant's bill or the orapartment house may charge a service charge inan amountnotto accuracy ofanysubmetering device will bebetween thetenant andthe owner; exceed 9% ofthetenanfs charge for submetered water and wastewater service, except when; (4) theaverage monthly bill for all dwelling units in theprevious calendar (A) the resident resides in a unitof an apartment house that has year andthe highest andlowest month's bills for that period; received an allocation of low income housing taxcredits under (5) If notsubmetered, a clear description oftheformula used to allocate utility services; Texas GovernmentCode, Chapter 2306, Subchapter DD; or • (B) theapartment resident receives tenant-based voucher assistance (6) Information regarding billing such as meter reading dates, billing dates, under United States Housing Act of 1937 Section 8, (42 United and due dates; States Code,§ 1437f); and (7) theperiod oftime by which owner will repair leaks In thetenant's unit (4) final bill on move-out for submetered service: ifa tenant moves out andin common areas, ifcommon areas arenotsubmetered; during a billing period, theowner may calculate afinal bill for thetenant (8) the tenant has the right to receive Information from the owner to verify before the owner receives the bill for that period from the retail public the utilitybill; and utility. If the owner is billing using theaverage water orwastewater (9) for manufactured home rental communities and apartment houses, the cost per gallon, liter, orcubic foot asdescribed in paragraph (1) ofthis service charge percentage permitted under §24,1 24(d)(3) (related to Charges andCalculations) ofthistitle thatwill be billed to tenants. subsection, the owner may calculate the tenant's bill by calculating the (b) Requirement to provide rules. At the time a rental agreement Is discussed, tenant's average volumetric ratefor the lastthree months and multiplying that average volumetric rate bythe tenant's consumption fbrthe billing the owner shall provide a copy ofthis subchapter or a copy ofthe rules to period. the tenant toinform the tenant ofhis rights and the owner's responsibilities (e) Calculations for allocated utility service. under this subchapter. (1) Before an owner may allocate the retail public utility's master meter bill (c) Tenant agreement to billing method changes. An owner shall not change for water and sewer service tothetenants, theowner shall first deduct the method by which atenant Is billed unless the tenant has agreed to the changebysigning aleaseorotherwrlttenagreementThe ownershall provide (A) dweillhgunitbasechargesorcustomerservicecharge,ifappllcable; and notice ofthe proposed change atleast 35 days prlorto implementing the new (B) common area usage such as Installed landscapeIrrigation systems, method. pools and laundry rooms, ifany, asfollows: (d) Change from submetered to allocated billing.An ownershall not changefrom (i) ifall common areas are separately metered orsubmetered, submetered billing to allocated billing, exceptafter receiving written approval deduct theactual common area usage; from thecommission after a demonstration ofgood cause and if therental (I!) If common areas thatare served through themaster meter agreement requirements undersubsections (a), (b), and(c) ofthissection have been met.Good causemay Include: that provides water tothe dwelling units are not separately (1) equipment failures;or metered orsubmetered and there is aninstalled landscape Irrigation system, deduct at least 25% ofthe retail public (2) meter reading or billing problems that could not feasibly becorrected. utility'smaster meter bill; (e) Waiver oftenant rights prohibited. Arental agreement provision that purports (ill) Ifall water used for an installed landscape irrigation system towaive atenant's rights or an owner's responsibilities under this subchapter is metered or submetered and there are other common Is void. areassuchas pools or laundry rooms that are not metered §24.124. Charges and Calculations. or submetered, deduct atleast 5% ofthe retail public utility's master meter bill; or (a) Prohibited charges. Charges billed to tenants for submetered orallocated (lv) If common areas thatare served through themaster meter utility service may only include bills for water orwastewater from the retail public utility and must not include any fees billed tothe owner by the retail that provides water to the dwelling units are not separately metered orsubmetered and there is no installed landscape public utility for any deposit, disconnect, reconnect, late payment, orother similar fees. irrigation system,deduct atleast5%ofthe retail public utility's master meter bill. (b) Dwelling unit base charge. Iftheretail public utility's rate structure includes a (2) Tocalculatea tenant's bill: dwelling unit base charge, the ownershall bill each dwelling unit for the base (A) for an apartment house, the owner shall multiply the amount charge applicable to that unitThe owner may not bill tenants for any dwelling established in paragraph (1) ofthis subsection by: unit base charges applicable to unoccupied dwelling units. (c) Customer service charge. If theretail public utility's rate structure indudes a (I) thenumberofoccuparitsinthetenanfsdwellingunltdivlded by thetotal number ofoccupants in all dwelling units atthe customer service charge, the owner shall bill each dwelling unitthe amount beginning ofthe month for which bills are being rendered; ofthe customer service charge divided by the total number ofdwelling units, or Including vacant units, that can receive service through the master meter serving the tenants. (li) the number ofoccupants in the tenant's dwelling unit using a ratio occupancy formula divided by the total number of (d) Calculations for submetered utility service.The tenants submetered charges occupants In all dwelling units at the beginning ofthe retail must include thedwelling unit base charge and customer service charge, If public utility's billing period using the same ratio occupancy applicable, and the gallonage chargeand mustbe calculated each monthas follows: formula todetermine the total.The ratio occupancy formula will reflect what the owner believes more accurately (1) water utility service: the retail public utility's total monthly charges represents thewater use In units that are occupied by multiple for water service (less dwelling unit base charges'or customer service tenants.The ratio occupancyformula that Is used must assign charges, ifapplicable), divided bythe total monthly water consumption a fractional portion pertenantof no less thanthat on the measured by the retail public utility to obtain an average water cost following scale: per gallon, liter, orcubic foot, multiplied by the tenant's monthly (I) dwelling unit with oneoccupant = 1; consumption orthe volumetric rate charged by the retail public utility (II) dwelling unit with twooccupants-1.6; (III) dwelling unitwith threeoccupants = 22; or (IV) dwelling unit with more than three occupants = the rental agreement Ifthe owner Is billing using the retail public utility's rate. 22 +0.4pereachadditional occupant over three; or (c) Submeter reading schedule, Submeters or point-of-use submeters shall be (iii) theaverage number ofoccupants per bedroom, which shall read within three days of the scheduled reading date ofthe retail public be determined by the following occupancy formula. The utility's master meter or according to the schedule in the rental agreement if formula must calculate the average number of occupants in theowner is billing using theretail public utility's rate. all dwelling units based onthe number ofbedrooms in the (d) Billing period. dwelling unit according tothe scale below, notwithstanding (1) Allocated bills shall be rendered for the same billing period as that of theactual number ofoccupants in each ofthe dwelling unit's the retail public utility, generally monthly, unless service is provided for bedrooms orall dwelling units: lessthan that period. (I) dwelling unitwith anefficiency = 1; (II) dwelling unit with onebedroom = 1.6; (2) Submeter bills shall be rendered for the same billing period as that of (III) dwelling unitwith twobedrooms = 2.8; the retail public utility, generally monthly, unless service is provided for (IV) dwelling unitwith threebedrooms=4+1.2foreach less than that period. If the owner uses the retail public utility's actual additional bedroom; or rate, thebilling period may be an alternate billing period specified In the rental agreement. (Iv) afactor using acombination ofsquare footage and occupancy (e) Multi-Item bill. IfIssued on amulti-item bill, chargesfor submetered orallocated in which no more than 50% is based on square footage. The utility service must beseparate and distinct from any other charges on the square footage portion must be based on the total square bill. footage living area ofthe dwelling unit as a percentage of (f) Information on bill. The bill must clearly state that the utility service is the total square footage living area ofall dwelling units of the apartment house; or submetered or allocated, as applicable, and must include all ofthe following: (v) the Individually submetered hot orcold water usage ofthe (1) total amount due for submetered orallocated water; (2) total amount due for submetered or allocated wastewater; tenant's dwelling unitdivided byall submetered hotorcold waterusage inail dwelling units; (3) total amount due for dwelling unit base charge(s) or customer service charge(s) or both, ifapplicable; (B) a condominium manager shall multiply theamount established in paragraph (1) ofthis subsection by any of the factors under (4) total amount due for water or wastewater usage, If applicable; subparagraph (A) ofthis paragraph or may follow the methods (5) the nameof the retail public utility and astatement that the bill is not from the retail public utility; outlined In the\ condominium contract; (C) for a manufactured home rental community, the owner shall (6) name and address ofthe tenant to whom the bill is applicable; multiplytheamount established In paragraph (1) ofthis subsection (7) name of the firm rendering the bill and the name or title, address, and by: telephone number ofthefirm orperson to becontacted in case ofa billing dispute; and (I) any ofthe factors developed under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or (8) name, address, and telephone number of the party to whom payment is to be made. (II) the area of the individual rental space divided by the total area of all rental spaces; and (g) Information on submetered service. In addition to the information required in subsection (f) ofthissection, abill for submetered service must Include all (D) for a multiple use facility, the owner shall multiply the amount ofthe following: established in paragraph (1) ofthis subsection by: (i) any ofthefactors developed under subparagraph (A) ofthis (1) the total number ofgallons, liters, orcubic feet submetered or measured by point- of-usesubmeters; paragraph;or (2) the cost per gallon, liter, or cubic foot for each service provided; and (ii) the square footage ofthe rental space divided by the total squarefootage ofall rental spaces. (3) total amount due for a service charge charged by an owner of a (3) Ifatenant moves In orout during abilling period,theowner maycalculate manufactured home rental community, ifapplicable. abill for the tenant. If the tenant moves In during abilling period, the (hj Duedate.The duedate on the bill may not be less than 16 days after itis mailed ownershall prorate thebill by calculatinga bill asifthetenant were there or hand delivered to the tenant, unless the due date falls on afederal holiday for the whole month and then charging the tenant for onlythe number orweekend. In which case the following work day will bethe due date. The ofdays the tenant lived in the unit divided bythe number ofdays in the owner shall record the date the bill is mailed or hand delivered. Apayment is delinquent ifnotreceived bytheduedate. month multiplied by the calculated bill. If a tenant moves out during (i) Estimated bill.An estimated bill may be rendered ifamaster meter, submeter, a billing period before the owner receives the bill for that period from the retail public utility, the owner may calculate afinal bill, owner may or point-of-use submeter has been tampered with, cannot be read, or is out calculate the tenant's bill by calculating the tenant's average bill for the of order; and in.such case, the bill must be distinctly marked as an estimate last three months and multiplying that average bill by thenumber of and the subsequent bill must reflect an adjustment for actual charges. days the tenant was in the unit divided by the number of days in that 0') Paymentbytenant. Unless utility billsare paid to athird-party billing company month, on behalf ofthe owner, or unless clearly designated by the tenant, payment (f) Conversion to approved allocation method. An owner using an allocation mustbe applied first to rentand then to utilities. formula other than those approved in subsection (e) ofthis section shall (k) Overtoiling and underbUllng. Ifabill is issued and subsequently found to be in error, the owner shall calculate a billing adjustment. If the tenant is due immediately provide notice as required under §24.123(c) ofthis title (relating to Rental Agreement) and either: a refund, an adjustment must be calculated for all of that tenant's bills that (1) adopt one ofthemethods In subsection (e) ofthis section; or included overcharges. If the dverbilllng or underbUllng affects all tenants, anadjustment must becalculated for all ofthe tenants' bills. If thetenant (2) install submeters and begin billing onasubmetered basis; or (3) discontinue billing forutility services. was undercharged, and the cause was not due tosubmeter or polnt-of- use submeter error, the owner may calculate an adjustment for bills issued in the §24.125. Billing. previous six months. If the total undercharge is $25 or more, the owner shall (a) Monthly billing oftotal charges. The owner shall bill thetenant each month offer the tenant adeferred payment plan option, for the same length oftime forthe totaicharges calculated under §24,124 ofthis title (relating to Charges as that.of the underbilling. Adjustments for usage by aprevious tenant may not be backbilledto a current tenant. and Calculations). If ills permitted in the rental agreement, an occupant or (I) Disputed bills. In the event of a dispute between a tenant and an owner occupants who are not residing in ther ental unit for a period longer than 30 days may be excluded from the occupancy calculation and from paying a regarding any bill, the ownershall Investigatethe matterand reportthe results water and sewer billforthat period. ofthe investigation to the tenant In writlng.The Investigation and report must (b) Rendering bill. becompleted within 30 days from thedate thetenant gives written notification ofthe dispute to the owner. (1) Allocated billsshallberenderedaspromptlyaspossibleaftertheowner (m) Late fee. Aone-time penalty not to exceed 5% may be applied to delinquent receives the retail publicutility bill. accounts. If such a penalty is applied, thebill must Indicate the amount due (2) Submeterbills shall be rendered as DromDtlv as no55ihioafrArth=™»mor §24.127. Submeters orPoint-of-Use Submeters and Plumbing Fixtures. preceding 24 months and determined tobewithin the accuracy (a) Submeters or point-of-use submeters standards established bythe AWWA for water meters or ASME standards for point-of-usesubmeters;or (1) Same type submeters orpoint-of-use submeters required. All submeters (B) have thesubmeter orpoint-of-use submeter removed andtested orpoint-of-usesubmeters throughout aproperty must use thesame unit and promptly advise the tenant ofthe test results. ofmeasurement, suchas gallon, liter, orcubicfoot. (8) Billing for submeter or point-of-use submeter test. (2) Installation by owner. The owner shall be responsible for providing. Installing, and maintaining all submeters or polnt-of-use submeters (A) Theownermaynotbillthetenantfortestlngcostsifthesubmeter fails to meet AWWA accuracy standards for water meters or necessary forthe measurement of water to tenants and to common areas, ifapplicable. ASME standards for point-of-use submeters-PROJECT NO. 42190 PROPOSAL FOR ADOPTION PAGE 345 OF 379. (3) Submeter or point-of-use. submeter tests prior to Installation. No (B) The owner may not bill thetenant for testing costs If there Is submeter orpoint-of-use submeter may beplaced in service unless its no evidence that the submeteror point-of-use submeterwas accuracy has been established. Ifany submeter orpolnt-of-use submeter calibrated ortested within thepreceding 24months. Is removed from service, Itmust beproperlytested and calibrated before beingplaced inservice again. (C) The owner may bill the tenant for actual testing costs (nottoexceed (4) Accuracy requirements for submeters and point-of-use submeters. $25) Ifthe submeter meets AWWA accuracy standards orthe point- of-use submeter meets ASME accuracy standards and evidence as Submeters must be calibrated asclose as possible to the condition of zero error and within the accuracy standards established by the described In paragraph (7)(A) of this subsection was provided to the tenant American Water Works Association (AWWA) for water meters. Point-of- (9) Bill adjustment due tosubmeter orpoint-of-use submeter error. If a use submeters must becalibrated ascloselyaspossible tothecondition of zero error and within the accuracy standards established by the submeter does not meet AWWA accuracy standards or a polnt-of-use AmericanSpciety ofMechanical Engineers (ASME) for point- of-use and submeter does not meet ASME accuracy standards and thetenant branch- water submetering systems. was overbllled, an adjusted bill must be rendered in accordance with (5) Location ofsubmeters and polnt-of-use submeters. Submeters and §24.125(k) of this title (relating to Billing). The owner may not charge point-of-use submeters must beInstalled in accordance with applicable thetenant for any underbilling that occurred because thesubmeter or point-of-use submeter was in error. plumbing codesandAWWAstandardsforwater meters orASMEstandards for polnt-of-use submeters, and must bereadily accessible tothetenant (10) Submeter or point-of-use submeter testing facilities and equipment. and to theowner for testing and Inspection where such activities will For submeters, an owner shall comply with the AWWA's meter testing causeminimum interference and Inconvenience to the tenant requirements. For polnt-of-use meters, an owner shall comply with ASME's meter testing requirements. (6) Submeterand polnt-of-use submeter records.The owner shall maintain a record oneach submeter orpoint-of-use submeter which Includes: (b) Plumbing fixtures. After January 1, 2003, before an owner of an apartment (A) ah Identifying number; house, manufactured home rental community, or multiple use facility or a (B) theinstallation date (and rernovaJ,date, if applicable); manager ofa condominium may implement a program to bill tenants for (0 date(s) thesubmeter orpoint-ofTU.se submeter was calibrated or submetered or allocated water service, the owner or manager shall adhere to the following standards: tested; (D) copies of all tests; and (1) Texas Health and Safety Code, §372.002, for sink or lavatory faucets, faucet aerators, andshowerheads; (E) thecurrent location ofthesubmeter orpoint-of-use submeter. (7) Submeter or polnt-of-use submeter test on request of tenant Upon (2) perform awater leak audit ofeach dwelling unit or rental unit and each commonarea and repairarty leaks found;and receiving a written request from thetenant theowner shall either (A) provide evidence, at no charge to thetenantthat thesubmeter (3) notlaterthan the first anniversary ofthedate an ownerofan apartment or point-of- use submeter was calibrated or tested within the house, manufactured home rental community, or multiple usefacility or a manager ofacondominium begins tobill for submetered orallocated waterservice, the owneror managershall: (A) remove any toilets that exceed amaximum flow of3.5 gallons per flush; and (B) Install toilets that meet the standards prescribed byTexas Health and SafetyCode, §372.002. (c) Plumbing fixture not applicable.Subsection (b) ofthis section does not apply to a manufactured home rental community owner who does not own the manufactured homes located on the property of the manufactured home rental community. LEASE ADDENDUM FOR SATELLITE DISH ORANTENNA IS^^S^^^S^^^Z^Z^^^t0i requiredtocompiywit^^ DStaUa*"**»"«***'«**** or antennaon the Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 6. Safety in installation. In order to assure safety, the strength and type of 1027 inthe ComCapp Timbers tone LLC materials used for installation must be approved by us. Installation must be ^_ done by aqualified person or company approved by us. Our approval will not Apartments in Houston be unreasonably withheld. An installer provided by the seller of the satellite .Texas dish orantenna ispresumed tobe qualified. OR the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) 7. Maintenance. You will have the sole responsibility for maintaining your satellite dish, antenna and all related equipment in ___ , Texas. 8. Removal and damages. You must remove the satellite dish or antenna and all 2. Number and size. You may install 1 satellite dish(es) or antenna(s) related equipment when you move out of the dwelling. In accordance with on the leased premises. Asatellite dish may not exceed one meter (3.3 feet) in TAA Lease Contract paragraph 40, you must pay for any damages and for the diameter. Antennas that-only transmit signals or that are not covered by 47 cost of repairs or repainting caused by negligence, carelessness, accident or CFR§ 1.4000 areprohibited. abuse which may be reasonably necessary to restore the leased premises to its 3. Location. Your satellite dish or antenna must be located: (1) inside your condition prior to the installation of your satellite dish, antenna or related equipment. You will notberesponsible fornormal wear. dwelling; or (2) in an area outside your dwelling such as abalcony, patio, yard, etc. of which you have exclusive use under your lease. Installation is not 9. Liability insurance and indemnity. You must take full responsibility for the permitted on any parking area, roof, exterior wall, window, window sill, fence satellite dish, antenna and related equipment. Ifthe dish or antenna is installed orcommon area, orinan area that other residents are allowed touse. A satellite at a height or in some other way that could result in injury to others if it dish or antenna may not protrude beyond the vertical and horizontal space that becomes unattached and falls, you must provide us with evidence of liability is leased toyou foryour exclusive use. insurance to protect us against claims of personal injury and property damage 4. Safety and non-interference. Your installation: (1) must comply with all to others, related to your satellite dish, antenna and related equipment The insurance coverage must be 100000.00 , which is an amount applicable ordinances and laws and all reasonable safety standards; (2) may not reasonably determined by us to accomplish that purpose. Factors affecting the interfere with our cable, telephone or electrical systems or those of neighboring amount of insurance include height of installation above ground level, potential properties; (3) may not be connected to our telecommunication systems; and (4) wind velociUes, risk of the dish/antenna becoming unattached and falling on may not be connected to our electrical system except by plugging into a someone, etc. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us against any of 110-volt duplex receptacle. If the satellite dish or antenna is placed in a the aboveclaims by others. permitted outside area, it must be safely secured by one of three methods: (1) securely attaching itto aportable, heavy object such as asmall slab of concrete; 10. Security deposit Your security deposit (in paragraph 4 of your Lease (2) clamping it to apart of the building's exterior that lies within your leased Contract) is increased by an additional reasonable sum of $_ 100.00 premises (such as abalcony or patio railing); or (3) any other method approved B effective at time of installation or • effective within _ " ' by us in writing. No other methods are allowed. We may require reasonable days of installation to help protect us against possible repair costs, damages, or screening ofthe satellite dish or antenna by plants, etc., so long as itdoes not failure to remove the satellite dish, antenna and related equipment at time of impairreception. _, move-out. Factors affecting any security deposit may vary, depending on: (1) 5. Signal transmission from exterior dish or antenna to interior of dwelling. how the dish or antenna is attached (nails, screws, lag bolts drilled into walls); (2) whether holes were permitted to be drilled through walls for the cable Under the FCC order, you may not damage or alter the leased premises and between the satellite dish and the TV; and (3) the difficulty and cost of repair or may not drill holes through outside walls, door jams, window sills, etc. If your restoration after removal, etc. satellite dish or antenna is installed outside your dwelling (on abalcony, patio, etc.), the signals received by it may be transmitted to the interior of your 11. When you may begin installation. You may start installation of your satellite dwelling only by the following methods: (1) running a"flat" cable under a door dish, antenna or related equipment only after you have: (1) signed this jam or window sill in amanner that does not physically alter the premises and addendum; (2) provided us with written evidence of the liability insurance does not interfere with proper operation of the door or window; (2) running a referred to in paragraph 9of this addendum; (3) paid us the additional security traditional or flat cable through apre-existing hole in the wall (that will not need deposit, if applicable, in paragraph 10; and (4) received our written approval to be enlarged to accommodate the cable); (3) connecting cables "through a which may not be unreasonably withheld, of the installation materials and the window pane," similar to how an external car antenna for acellular phone can person or company that will do the installation. be connected to inside wiring by a device glued to either side of the 12. Miscellaneous. If additional satellite dishes or antennas are desired, an window-without drilling a hole.through the window; (4) wireless transmission additional lease addendum mustbe executed. ofthe signal from the satellite dish or antenna to adevice inside the dwelling; or (5) any other method approved by us inwriting. Resident or Residents [All residents must sign here] Owneror Owner's Representative [signs liere] Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9. 2015 LEASE ADDENDUM FOR ENCLOSED GARAGE, CARPORT, ORSTORAGE UNIT 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the lease between you and any garage door opener, including battery replacement. us for Apt. No. 1Q27 in the ComGapp Transmitter frequency settings may not be changed on the Timberstone LLC garage door or opener without ourprior written consent. At the time of termination of the lease, the total number of garage door opcner(s) and/or garage key(s) that you were assigned must be Apartments in OR Houston .Texas returned to us. Failure to return such opener and/or key will result in a ftne of $ 50.00 which will be deducted the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) fromyoursecurity deposit. , Texas. 7. Security. We will not haVe any security responsibilities for areas covered by this addendum. Always remember tolock any door of 2. Garage, carport, or storage unit You are entitled to exclusive a garage or storage unit and any door between a garage and the possession of:(check as applicable) dwelling. When leaving, be sure to lock all keyed deadbolt locks. • garage orcarport attached to the dwelling; • garage space num,ber(s) ; 8. Insurance and loss/damage to your property. Any area • carport space number(s) ; and/or covered by this addendum is accepted by you "as is." You wili • storage unit number(s) . maintain liability and comprehensive insurance coverage for any The monthly rent in paragraph 6 of the Lease Contract covers vehicle parked orstored. We will have noresponsibility for loss both the dwelling and the checked area(s) above. All terms and or damage to vehicles or other property parked or stored in a conditions of the lease apply to the above areas unless modified garage, carport or storage unit whether caused by accident. by this addendum. fire, theft, water, vandalism, pests, mysterious disappearance. or otherwise. We are not responsible for pest control in such Use restrictions. Garage or carport may be used only for storage areas. of operable motor vehicles unless otherwise stated in our rules or community policies. Storage units may be used only for storage 9. Compliance. We may periodically open and enter garages and of personal property. No one may sleep, cook, barbeque, or live storerooms to ensure compliance with this addendum. In that in a garage, carport, or storage unit. Persons not listed as a event, written notice ofsuch opening and entry will be left inside resident or occupant in the lease may not use the areas covered by the main entry door ofyour dwelling or inside the door between this addendum. No plants may be grown insuch areas. the garage and your dwelling. No dangerous items. In our sole judgment, items that pose an 10. No lock changes, alterations, or improvements. Without our environmental hazard or a risk to the safety or health of other prior written consent, locks on doors of garages and storage units residents, occupants, orneighbors, or that violate any government may not be rekeyed, added, or changed, and improvements, regulation, may not be stored. Prohibited items include fuel alterations, or electrical extensions or changes to the interior or (other than in a properly capped fuel tank ofa vehicle ora closed exterior ofsuch areas are not allowed. You may not place nails, briquette lighter fluid container), fireworks, rags, piles ofpaper, or screws, bolts, orhooks into walls, ceilings, floors, ordoors. Any other material that may create a fire or environmental hazard. We damage not caused by us or our representatives to areas covered may remove from such areas, without prior notice, items that we bythis addendum will bepaid for byyou. believe might constitute a fire or environmental hazard. Because of-carbon monpxidejrisks;.you,maynot rimithe motor ofa vehicle 11. Move-put and remedies; ;Any.'items remaining after you have ' inside a garage unless : i - ,nes t0 ; escape. ; vacat • I Id, orotherwise-disposed "of according to-paragraph 14 of the Lease'Contract, which addresses1dispositionM'sMk of^fop^rty left hvan,ab^dned.:or •§:. No smoke, fire, or carbon mpnoxj.de: detectors. No smoke, surrendered;felling/ All remedies,in the lease apply, to areas fire;, or carbon monoxMeidetectors/willMfteiMedbyp unless , required ^ la* Uervy cr-er.se tr-rtcMUe a actcitiar,ie\ice not requitedby~Iaw by sep. urn. - f*tt* Jfnote- control devic argeagainst'#6u. »'",'' •'-'.''• i door opener. If an ec garage isfomfehed, you *aol be pic-v^ed mfc;& 8 garage door opener "£' *i$ ''""'. •' j.'- ** r- — 1 -J3 r.& Scphv \&m "*'*:,..'..'•,••. ' ©ale of'Lease:Cptftaaet.' '"-', •• -:' ",*- s-- •/A* ' •*"">- -' January 9, 2015 V. .<•- '" .;';•''''•• /'•/•.. I :f"'.'\.,V *' '• <•"'•,'•' ,'• • . ' •':">• :,''';-:v-"\. "" -,; ,'. -. \'>\., :-•''.' ::.':'' '"•'' >^-.V6"-' "•' ". "i : .• /l--Z'',f''i- ;< •"•: LEASE ADDENDUM FOR PATIO OR YARD MAINTENANCE Addendum. This is an addendum tothe TAA Lease Contract for IS You or • we will keep the lawn mowed and edged and APl- N°- 1027 in the ComCapp Timherstone maintain allplants, trees, shrubs, etc. LLC E9 You or • we will water the lawn and other vegetation, _Apartments Houston , Texas OR 21 You or • we will keep the lawn, flowerbeds, sidewalks, porches anddriveways free of trashand debris. the condominium/townhome located at (street address) —•—— :—- __ _in H You are, O we are, or • no one is obligated to fertilize —— ,—- , Texas. lawn and plants. Responsibility for area. The apartment or condominium/ 3. Report problems. You must promptly report infestations or townhome unit has a fenced or enclosed patio, yard or atrium. dying vegetation to us. You may not modify existing landscape, Unless we, as owner, expressly assume responsibilty below, you, change any plants or plant a garden without our prior written as resident, will perform or pay for yard maintenance of such approval. fenced or enclosed area,as follows: Resident or Residents Owneror Owner'sRepresentative [All residents must sign here] [signs here] Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9. 2015 LEASE ADDENDUM FOR REMOTE CONTROL, CARD, ORCODE ACCESS GATE 1. Addendum. this isan addendum tothe TAA Lease Contract for through negligence or misuse, you are liable for the damages Apt. No. 1027 inthe ComCapp Timberstone LLC under your lease, and collection of damage amounts will be pursued. _Apartments 6. Personal injury and/or personal property damage. Anything Houston i_, Texas. mechanical or electronic is subject to malfunction. Fencing, Remote control/cards/code forgate access. gates or other devices will not prevent all crime. No security • Remote control for gate access. Each person who is 18 system or device is foolproof or 100 percent successful in years of age or older and listed as a resident on thelease will deterring crime. Crime can still occur. Protecting residents, their be given a remote control at no cost to use during his or her families, occupants, guests and invitees from crime is the sole residency. Each additional remote control for you or your responsibility, of residents, occupants and law enforcement children orother occupants will require a $ 35.00 agencies. You. should first call 911 or other appropriate non-refundable fee. ' ' emergency police numbers ifacrime occurs or is suspected. We are not liable to any resident, family member, guest, occupant or • Cards for gate access. Each person who is 18 years of age invitee for personal injury, death or damage/loss of personal or older and listed as a resident on the lease will be given a property from incidents related to perimeter fencing, automobile card at no cost to use during his or her residency. Each access gates and/or pedestrian access gates. We reserve the right additional card for you or your children or other occupants to modify or eliminate security systems other than those will require a $ non-refundable fee. statutorily required. H Code for gate access. Each resident will be given, at no 7. Rulesin using vehicle gates. cost, an access code (keypad number) for the pedestrian or • Always approach entry and exit gates with caution and at a vehicular access gates. It is to be used only during your veryslow rate of speed. residency. 3. Damaged, lost orunreturned remote controls, cards or code • Never stop your car where the gate can hit your vehicle as changes. the gate opens or closes. 69 If a remote control is lost, stolen or damaged, a • Never follow another vehicle into an open gate. Always iise $ 35.00 fee will be charged for a replacement Ifa your card to gain entry. remote control is not returned or is returned damaged when • Report to management the vehicle license plate number of you move out, there will be a $ 50.00 deduction from thesecurity deposit, any Vehicle that piggybacks through the gate. • Never force the gate open with your car. • If a card is lost, stolen or damaged, a $ _____ fee will be charged for a replacement card. If a card is not • Never get out ofyour vehicle while the gates are opening or returned or is returned damaged when you move outs there closing. wil1 be a $ deduction from the security deposit. • Ifyou are using the gates with aboat or trailer, please contact 69 We may change the code(s) at any time and notify you management for assistance. The length and width of the accordingly. ' trailer may cause recognition problems with the safety loop detector and could cause damage. 4. Report damage or malfunctions. Please immediately report to the office any malfunction or damage to gates, fencing, locks or • Do not operate the gate if there are small children nearby related equipment. who might get caught in itasitopens orcloses, Follow written instructions. We ask that you and ail other • Ifyou lose your card, please contact the management office occupants read the written instructions that have been furnished immediately. to you regarding the access gates. This is important because if • Do not give your card orcode toanyone else. the gates are damaged by you or your family, guest or invitee • Do not tamper with gate or allow your occupants to tamper or play with gates. Resident or Residents [All residents must sign here] Owneror Owner's Representative [signs here] Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9, 2015 LEASE ADDENDUM FOR WASHING MACHINE 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for property in your unit and other units if the washing machine Apt. No. _ 1027 in the ComCapp Timbers tone leaks, floods, malfunctions or is misused, or in any other way LLC causes damage—unless it is caused by us or our management company. That means you will be responsible for costs of _Apartments removing water from carpets, replacing permanently damaged Houston .Texas carpets, repainting, and any other repairs orunit damage, as well OR as damage to personal property in your unit and other units if, the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) among other things: , Texas. • the waterhoses break or leak; or • the water hoses were incorrectly connected or did not haVe 2. Permission. You (as residents) have permission from us (as protective washers in theconnections; or owner) to install arid use awashing machine in the dwelling unit • the washing machine was overloaded, causing it to described above, subject to theconditions in thisaddendum. malfunction; or • the washing machine leaks or malfunctions for any other Please remember that we do not select your washing machine, reason. install it, maintain it, or use it. You are in the best position to prevent water or other damage caused by: (1) a defective The owner's insurance will not cover such damages. washing machine; (2) a washing machine accident; or (3) improper installation, maintenance oruse ofawashing machine. 6. New hoses. When installing the washing machine, you must use new hoses since bursting or leaking hoses are the most common 3. Conditions. Ifyour washing machine leaks, floods, or otherwise cause of water damage. Stainless braided water hoses are malfunctions or is misued, it can cause a lot ofproblems and a recommended. lot ofdamage to your unit and other units, as well as damage to your personal property and personal property of residents in 7. Inspection. You must not use the washing machine until other units. For these reasons, your right to install and use a management has inspected itsinstallation. Such inspection does washing machine in your unit is subject to the following not relieve you ofliability in the event ofwater or other damage conditions. You automatically agree to those conditions when fromyourwashing machine. connecting orusing a washing machine inyour unit. 8. Insurance. At all times you must carry renter's insurance that 4. Installation. You should be especially careful in your choice of provides insurance coverage for damage to your personal a washing machine and in its installation, maintenance and belongings from accidental water discharge from your washing use—just as if it were in your own home. You and all other machine. It must also provide coverage for any potential residents, occupants and guests in your unit must follow liability, due to your fault, for water or other damage to other manufacturer's instructions for the washing machine's units and to personal property ofothers. You must verify with installation, maintenance and use. We recommend that you have your agent that such coverages are included in your policy and it professionally installed. must furnish us a copy ofthe policy upon our request. 5. Responsibility for damage. You agree to assume strict liability for all damage to your unit and to other units and to personal Resident or Residents Owneror Owner'sRepresentative (All residents must sign) (Signs below) Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9, 2015 LEASE ADDENDUM FOR ALLOCATING SERVICES AND GOVERNMENT FEES 1. Addendum. This isan addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 5. Allocation procedures. Your monthly rent under the TAA 1027 inthe ComCapp Tirnhgrstone Lease Contract does not include a charge for the services and LLC . _ governmental fees indicated above. Instead, you will be receiving a separate bill from us each month for these services _Apartments and governmental fees. We may include these items as separate in_ Houston , Texas. anddistinct charges as partof a mutli-item bill. OR the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) You agree to and we will allocate the indicated services and governmental fees for the apartment community based on the .m , Texas, allocation method checked below: (check only one) 2. Reason for allocation. Apartment owners receive bills for • A percentage reflecting your apartment unit's share of the services provided to residents and charges for various total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your governmental fees. These are direct costs that the apartment unit's square footage divided by the total square footage in community incurs... In order to help control the cost ofrent, we all apartment units. have chosen to allocate the services and governmental fees • A percentage reflecting your apartment unit's share of the indicated below through an allocated bill using a standardized total number of people living in the apartment community, formula to distribute these costs fairly. While we may impose a i.e., the number ofpeople living in your apartment divided nominal fee to help recover our costs in administering these bills, by the total number ofpeople living in the entire apartment we do not add any other costs to these bills and make no profit community for the month. ("People" for this purpose are all off of them. residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment 3. Services and governmental fees allocated. We will allocate community as having aright to occupy the respective units). thefollowing services andgovernmental fees: • Half ofyour allocation will be based on your apartment unit's • Cable/satellite television share oftotal square footage and half will be based on your a Stormwater/drainage share oftotal people living in the apartment community, as • Trashremoval/recycling described above. • Street repair/maintenance fee • Perdwelling unit • Emergency services fee Conservation district fee • Other formula (see attachedpage) Inspection fee • Registration/license fee 6. Penalties and fees. Only the total of the services and Other ___^ governmental fee billswillbe allocated. Penalties or interest for • Other ." any late payment ofthese bills by us will be paid for by us and a Other _ will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of • Other $„ per month (not to exceed $3) will be added • Other_ \ to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting. a Other 7. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share ofthe services and governmental fee 4. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated services bills cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice and governmental fee bill is due 16 days after the date it is of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and (2) postmarked orhand delivered to your apartment. You agree to you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mail ordeliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that mutual agreement, payment isreceived no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of5 percent of your services and governmental fee 8. Rightto examine records. You may examine our service and bill if we do not receive timely payment. If you are late in governmental fee bills from the companies and governmental paying the services and governmental fee bill, we may cut off entities and our calculations relating to the monthly allocation of services, as allowed by law and we may immediately exercise all these bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give us other lawful remedies, including eviction-just like late payment reasonable advance notice togather thedata. of rent. Resident or Residents [Allresidents must signhere] Owneror Owner'sRepresentative [signs here] Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9, 2015 COMCAPP LEASE ADDENDUM FOR SMOKING IN APARTMENT 3. Additional charges will be assessed for damages. SMOKE DAMAGE IS NOT NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR. smokingorSmoke-related invitees. smoke-elated d_nag?Sd vS repIaCement- _ZTcmdmX,ryom occupants,°rfamily, *«*>«guests due orto permeates sheetrock, earpeto? 'wood ^1, h ' """f4 to smoke °d°r ** dwelling, is in exces of?ormd wearing £ W^ "W* <* the TO THE $200 charge descrSaboTe ChargeS "" WADDITION Definition 0f smoking "Smr>vw> r cigarette or pipe containing toWor itl'Z Tl "** * POSSeSsion of a°W lighted or ignited, regardless ofTeto ^ ^ Pr°duCt while *is ^mg inking or exhaling^ smoke from Sch PX°ct ^PTfn« possession of burning, lighted or ignited I! f ?^ 8 Smo^ a^o refers to use or offensive, unsafe, ill/gal,£^tSt3^£S *** ™^ Resident or Residents r>, (All residents must sign) °r 0wner's Representative Pate Bed Bug Addendum Date of Lease: January 9. 2015 (when the Lease is filled out) Ple'ase hotetWe want to maintain'a high-quality living environment foryou. It's important to work toaether to i. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract that you, multaneously as we treat the dwelling, you must, atyour expense, the resident or residents, signed on the dwelling you have agreed have your personal property, furniture, clothing, and possessions to rent Thatdwelling is: treated according to accepted treatment methods by a licensed Apt. # 1Q37 at ComCapp Timbersfcone LLC pest-control firm that we approve. If you fail to do so, you will be in default and we will have the right to terminate your right of oc cupancy andexercise all rights andremedies under the Lease Con . (name ofapartments) tract. You agree not to treat the dwelling for abed-bug infestation orother dwelling located at. on your own. — . (streetaddress ofhouse, duplex, etc) 6. Notification. You must promptly notify us: : ^ (city) • ofany known orsuspected bed-bug infestation or presence in (state) _(zip). the dwelling, or in any of your clothing, furniture, or personal property; Purpose. This addendum modifies the Lease Contract to address • of any recurring or unexplained bites, stings, irritations, or any infestation of bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) that might be found sores on the skin or body that you believe are caused by bed in the dwelling or on your personal property. We will rely on repre bugs, or by any condition or pest you believe is in the dwelling; sentations that you maketo us in this addendum. AND 3. Inspection. (Checkone) • if you discover any condition or evidence that might indicate 18 You have inspected the dwelling before moving in or signing the presence or infestation of bed bugs, or if you receive any this addendum, and you did not find any evidence ofbed bugs confirmation ofbed-bug presence by a licensed pest-coritrol or bed-bug infestation. professional Or other authoritative source. OR 7. Cooperation. If we confirm the presence or infestation of bed • You will inspect the dwelling within 48 hours after moving in bugs, you must cooperate and coordinate with us and our pest- or signing this addendum and will notify us ofany bed bugs or control agents to treat and eliminate them. You must follow all di bed-bug infestation. rections from us or our agents to clean and treat the dwelling and Infestations. We are not aware ofany current evidence of bed building that are infested. You must remove or destroy personal bugs or bed-bug infestation in the dwelling. You must read the property that cannot be treated or cleaned before wetreat the information oh the back of this addendum and then certify one of dwelling. Any items you remove from the dwelling must be dis the following statements: (check one) posed of off-site and not in the property's trash receptacles. If we confirm the presence or infestation of bed bugs in your dwelling, SI You are not aware of any infestation or presence of bed bugs we have the right to require you to temporarily vacate the dwelling in your current or previous apartment, home, or dwelling or In and remove all furniture, clothing, and personal belongings so we any ofyour furniture, clothing, personal property, or posses can perform pest-control services. If you don't cooperate with us, sions, nor have you been exposed toany bed-bug infestation you will be in default and we will have the right to terminate your or presence. right ofoccupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the OR Lease Contract. Q If you previously lived anywhere that had a bed-bug infesta 8. Responsibilities. You may be required topay all reasonable costs tion, all your personal property (including furniture, clothing, of cleaning and pest-control treatments incurred by us to treat and other belongings) has been treated by a licensed pest- your dwelling unit for bed bugs. If we confirm the presence or in . control professional and isnowfreeoffurtherinfestation. festation of bed bugs after you move out, you may be responsible If you disclose a previous experience of bed-bug infestation, we for thecost ofcleaning and pest control. If we have to move other can review documentation ofthe treatment and inspect your per residents in order to treat adjoining or neighboring dwellings to sonal property and possessions to confirm the absence of bed your dwelling unit, you may have topay any lost rental income and bugs. Describe here any previous bed-bug infestation that you other expenses we incur to relocate the neighboring residents and may have experienced: .... toclean and perform pest-control treatments toeradicate infesta tions in other dwellings. If you don't pay us for any costs you are liable for, you will be in default and We will have the right to termi nate your right ofoccupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the Lease Contract, and we may take immediate possession Access for Inspection and PestTreatment. You must allow us ofthe dwelling, ifyou don't move out after your right ofoccupancy and our pest-control agents access to the dwelling at reasonable has been terminated, you will beliable for holdover rent under the times toinspect for or treat bed bugs. You and your family mem Lease Contract. bers, occupants, guests, and invitees must cooperate and not in terfere with inspections or treatments. We have the right toselect 9. Transfers. If we allow you to transfer to another dwelling in the any licensed pest-control professional to treat the dwelling and community because ofthe presence ofbed bugs, you must have building. We can select the method oftreating the dwelling, build your personal property and possessions treated according toac ing, and common areas for bed bugs. We can also inspectand treat cepted treatment methods or procedures established byalicensed adjacent orneighboring dwellings totheinfestation, even if those pest-control professional, You must provide proofofsuch cleaning and treatment to our satisfaction. dwellings are not the sourceor causeofthe known infestation. Si You are legally bound bythis document. Please read itcarefully. Resident or Residents (allsign below) Owner or Owner's Representative (sign below) (Name of Resident) Date signed Date signed (Nameof Resident) Datesigned (Nameof Resident) Date signed EQUAL HOUSING OPPonrruNrrY Houston Apartment Association SMOKE DETECTOR ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM shall become apart ofthe Apartment Lease Contract ("Agreement") for Apartment No. lOfrl rUnir) -• / IJ ' 77777777 Ts T ^—Apartments, which Agreement is dated / „. _, the resident(s) (You),, whether one or more daeaorO). The Owner will comply with your iwiTfo?£3^ J?" 0f the "eed Minsta11.insP« <" "PW *e smoke YOU MAY BE SUBJECTTO DAMAGES"cmiS™c l^f™INGIT WITH AWORKING BATTERY. 4™™roperty™ REPRESENTATION, WARRANTIES UNDEkMSc^f^ S.NO BEEN MADE BY OWNER, ITS AGENTS OR^EMPLOYEE^f^^kS^S^?^^ °* 0THERW^E, HAVE LEGED PERFORMANCE OF THE SAME. GwS^^^SS^^^2^ SM0KE DETECTOR(S), OR THE AL- GARDING SAID SMOKE DETECTORS) AND EXPRESSm^ fSHl A*Y WARRANTY OR ANY NATURE RE- PURPOSE, OR HABITABILITY, OR ANY AND ALL OTHeISpSesSED n^pr^^f °F FITNESS F0R APARTICULAR PROVIDED IN STATUTE, OWNER SHALL NOT BE U^^^^t np^nfc^™ANTl™< EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY BY (i) YOUR FAILURE TO REGULARLY TEST THE SMOK^ETCCT^^ owSfff T° ?ERS°N °R PROPERTY CAUSED PROBLEM, DEFECT, MALFUNCTION OR FAILURE OF™ SS^£2£ ? YOUR FAILURE TO NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY OR ITS SERVICEABLE M^^R^^^^c^^^S^ ™*TOFTHE SMOKE DETECTOR^ WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYONDM^S^^^^™?-0™ DETECTOR(S),THERE ARE NO 6- Entire ApreemfPL The parties acknowledge that this Addendum Z Za HERE0E smoke detectors) in the above referenced uiiit.^Z^tt1! ^T "* ^tnt™ agreements of the Parti<* ^lative to unenforceableand completely void unless such^S^^Zll^^T^°™* of the HOUSTON APARTMENT ASSOCIATION g AddendUm °f the Agreement sha11 be 8 by b°th paitieS-This Addendum is valid only for members 7. ^ ^ - ^ A d d e n d ^ Executed this £A_ day of /jnMJl^j 20_M_. RESIDENT(S) (All residents must sign) 0wner or Owner's Representative HAA official form, copyright HAA, revised November, 1999 „, " " • ' This form.* copyrighted and may not be reproduced Please rear! fhis A^Bnrihm Tt n|arr, „ Aiifv „„_„ (1| . . , ,, , without express pennission of HAA. .....TI 1_7'- • - P ™ *^ *V UIWW1the reslrif>n» tp regUJarly t»ctth? smoke deterforfs) anrtto report all malfunctions ofthe sam,H, JL"«,^St Bed Bugs A Guide for Rental-Housing Residents (Adapted with permission from the NationalApartmentAssociation) Bed bugs are wingless, flat, broadly oval-shaped in cause of welts like that often go misdiagnosed. One sects, with a typical lifespan of6 to 12 months. Capa- distinguishing sign is that bed-bug marks often ap bleofreaching the size ofan apple seed atfull growth, pear insuccession on exposed areas of the skin such bed bugs aredistinguishable bytheir reddish-brown as theface, heck> and arms. But sometimes a person color, although after feeding on the blood of hu has no visible reaction at all from directcontact with mans and warm-blooded animals—their sole food bed bugs. source—the bugsassume a distinctly blood-red hue until digestion iscomplete. While bed bugs typically act at night, they often leave signs of their presence through fecal markings of a red to dark-brown color, visible on or near beds. Bed bugs don't discriminate. Blood stains also tend toappear when the bugs have Bed bugs' increased presenceacrossthe United States been squashed, usually by an unsuspecting sleeping inrecent decades is due largely to a surge ininterna host. And because they shed, it's not uncommon to find the skin caststhey leave behind. tional travel and trade. It's no surprise then that bed bugs have been found in some ofthe fanciest hotels and apartment buildings insomeofthe nation's most expensive neighborhoods. Prevent bed-bug encounters Nonetheless, false claims that associate bed bugs when traveling. presence with poor hygiene and uncleanliness have Because humans serve as bed bugs' main mode of caused rental-housing residents, out of shame, to transportation, it's especially important to be mindful avoid notifying owners oftheir presence. This only ofbed bugs when away from home. Experts attribute causes the bed bugs to spread. the spread ofbed bugs across all regions ofthe Unit While bed bugs are more attracted to clutter, they're ed States largely to increases in travel and trade, both certainlynot discouraged by cleanliness. Bottom line: here and abroad. So travelers are encouraged to take bed bugs know nosocial oreconomic bounds; claims afew minutes onarriving to thoroughly inspect their to the contrary are false. accommodations before unpacking. Because bed bugs can easily travel from one place to another, it's also a good practice to thoroughly inspect luggage Bed bugs don't and belongings for bed bugs before heading home. transmit disease. There exists no scientific evidehee that bed bugs Know the bed-bug carry disease. In fact, federal agencies tasked with dos and don'ts. addressing pests of public-health concern, namely the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Don't bring used furniture from unknown sourc Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have re es into your dwelling. Countless bed-bug infesta fused toelevate bed bugs tothe threat level posed by tions have stemmed directly from bringing home disease-carrying pests. Again, claims associating bed second-hand and abandoned furniture. Unless bugs with disease are false. you are absolutely sure that a piece of second hand furniture is bed-bug-free, you should as sume that a seemingly nice looking leather Learn to identify bed bugs. couch, for example, is sitting curbside waiting to be hauled off to the landfill because it's teeming Bed bugscan often be found in, around, behind, un with bed bugs. der, or between: • " Bedding • Do inspect rental furniture, including mattresses Bed frames andcouches, forthepresence ofbedbugs before movingit into your dwelling. Mattress seams Upholstered furniture, especially under cushions • Do address bed-bug sightings immediately. Rent and along seams al-housing residents who suspect the presence of Wood furniture, especially along areas where draw bed bugs in their unit must immediately notify ers slide theownef. Curtains and draperies Don't try to treat bed-bug infestations yourself. Window and door frames Health hazards associated with the misapplica Ceiling and wall junctions tion of traditional and nontraditional chemical- Crown moldings based insecticides and pesticides poses too Wall hangings and loose wallpaper great a risk to you, your family and pets, and your • Carpeting and walls (carpet can bepulled away from neighbors. the wall and tackstrip) ("rarlfc anrl rra\iirac In lAfallr n n f Do comply with eradication protocol. If the deter- LEASE ADDENDUM FOR REQUIREMENT OF RENTER'S ORLIABILITY INSURANCE 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract compliance with this addendum on or prior to the for Apt. No. 1Q27 _ in the ComCapp Timbersfcona LLC lease commencement date, and any time we request it. Your insurance company will be required to provide notice to us within 30 days of any cancellation, Apartments in Houston non-renewal, or other material change in your , Texas OR insurance policy. Please advise us ifyou are renting the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address) temporarily and have a homeowner's policy or if you have a guarantor on your lease with a current in homeowner's policy, which may extend coverage to ., Texas. your rental unit. Please checkwith the homeowner's Acknowledgment concerning insurance or damage waiver. insurance provider and submit a certificate of You understand that our property or liability insurance may not coverage to us if the policy provides the coverage protect you, your guests orany occupants against loss or damage required under the TAA Lease Contract; or to personal property orbelongings, orcover your liability for loss or damage caused by your actions or those of any occupant of You agree topay $__^___per rfionth to us the dwelling or guest. You understand that by not maintaining a for liability insurance that we amee meets the renter's orliability insurance policy, you may be liable to us and requirements of this addendum. Yojragree to pay us others for loss or damage caused by your actions or those of any this amount in addition fto all othpfobligations in the occupant or guest in the dwelling. You understand that TAA Lease Contract. YouVsp/fcgree the cost of this paragraph 8 of the TAA Lease Contract requires you to liability insurance will be ordered additional rent maintain a renter's or liability insurance policy, which for purposes of the TAA LSas«-Contract. You provides limits of liability to third parties in an amount not understand that any liability insurance we purchase less than $ 100000.00 per occurrence. You agree to under this section ySS. not cover you for loss or maintain, at your own expense, during the Term of the TAA damage to your ndrsonal property-only a renter's insurance policydoesthis. Lease Contract and any subsequent renewal periods, a renter's or liability insurance policy satisfying our requirements. liability 4. Subrogation allowed. You and we agree that subrogation is insurance does not protect you against loss or damage to allowed by all parties and that this agreement supersedes the your personal property or belongings—only a renter's language inparagraph 2 of theTAA Lease Contract. insurance policy does this. It also does not protect you from losses caused by flooding. Flood insurance is different than renter's insurance. For more information regarding renter's 5. Insurance program. You understand that we have informed you or flood insurance, contact the Texas Department of of any insurance program (the "Program") that we may have Insurance. made available to you that provides you with an opportunity to purchase renter's insurance and/or liability insurance policies Election of insurance coverage or damage waiver. You agree from www.RentersInsurariceSelecfc. r.nm to the following with respect to yourjenter's orliability insurance that tlus insurance company is not owned oroperated by us, (INITIALONE): and we make no guarantees, representations, or promises You agree to purchase renter's or liability insurance concerning the insurance or services it provides. You through the Program (completeparagraph 5); acknowledge that we are doing so only for the purpose of informing you of an option available to you at your JS— You agree to purchase renter's or liability insurance discretion. You are under no obligation to purchase renters' from an insurance company of your choice. If you insurance or liability insurance through the Program. elect to purchase therequired insurance from another company, you will provide us with written proof of Resident or Residents [Allresidents must sign here] Owneror Owner's Representative [signs here] Regina Sophus Date of Lease Contract January 9. 2015 LEASEADDENDUM FORRENTCONCESSION OR OTHER RENT DISCOUNT 1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Payment or repayment for early move out Ifyou move out or Apt. No. 1027 in the Timberstone LLC terminate your TAA Lease Contract early, in violation of the y TAA Lease Contract, this addendum will be immediately terminated. - . . Apartments in Houston , Texas; OR You can fulfill your obligations for rent due under the TAA the house, duplex, etc. located (street Lease Contract by immediately paying us for all remaining at address) months of rent owed until the end of the TAA Lease Contract in term. Rent owed would be based on market rent as stated in , Texas. paragraph 6i»ftheTAA Lease Contract if a one-time concession 2. Rent concession or discount. As an incentive and bonus to you was provided or the rent under paragraph 2 ofthis addendum if a discount wasprovided. for signing the TAA Lease Contract, choosing our property, and agreeing to fulfill your obligations for the entire term ofthe TAA Lease Contract, you will receive a rent concession, monthly If you fail to pay all of your obligations for the rent due discount or other discountdescribedbelow. under the TAA Lease Contract, as stated above, then you will be required to immediately repay us the amounts of all [Check all that apply] SI concessions and/or SI discounts (check those that apply) that you actually received from us for the months you • One-time concession. You will receive a one-time resided in your dwelling, in addition to all other sums due under theTAA Lease Contract fora lease violation. concession off the market rent as stated in Paragraph 6 of the TAA Lease Contract in the total amount of Mitigation ofDamages. We will exercise customary diligence * •This concession Will be credited to your to relet and minimize damages. We Will credit all subsequent rentdue for the month(s) of rent that We actually receive from successor residents against all future rent paid by you tosatisfy the terms ofthis addendum. H Monthly discount You Will receive a monthly discbunt of Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over any conflicting provisions of this printed addendum or the $ 0-00 off of the market rent as stated in TAA Lease Contract. Paragraph 6 of the TAA Lease Contract. Your discounted monthly rent will be $ 864.00 for 9 In the event that, rent i« r»
Regina Sophus v. Houston Police Department Homicide Division and New Hope Housing
Combined Opinion