Sunday March 22nd, 2015 4lP/#A9-03
Abel Acosta, Clerk
Po Box 12308
Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711
Shane Guziec
TDCJ# 795104
12071 FM 3522
Abilene, Texas 79601
RE: WR-46,840-03
MAR 25 2015
$WAeo@ti, Cif&rk
Abel, . '' •
On 3/16/2015 you sent me a copy of my docket sheet per my request.
On my docket sheet it says on 9/17/2014 NONCOMP/RETD 73.1. Well,
what does that mean? Was my 1107 writ returned to me? If so I haven't
ever received it back nor has anyone ever advised me of anything at
all. I wrote to you cause I haven't heard anything at all. I have
written to the El Paso Clerk in hopes of finding something out but
to this day I haven't received any kind of notice from them. I am
now writing to ask you where my 1107 writ is? Why was my writ re
turned for NONCOMP/RETD 73.1? It would be greatly appreciated if
you would PLEASE advise me of this matter.
Thank You Very Much
Respectfully Submitted
Shane Guziec 795104
TDCJ# 795104
12071 FM 3522
Abilene, Texas 79601
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