Santos Aquileo Cruz-Escalante v. State

CURlS DANIEL 01-15-00118-CR HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS January 28,2015 HOUSTON, TEXAS 2/6/2015 2:27:20 PM DAVID L. GARZA CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE ATTORNEY OF RECORD Clerk 102 S. LOCKWOOD HOUSTON, TEXAS 77011 Defendant's Name: SANTOS AQUILEO CRUZ-ESCALANTE Cause No: 1311655 Court: 185TH DISTRICT COURT Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause: Notice of Appeal Filed Date: 01115/2015 Sentence Imposed Date: 01115/2015 Court of Appeals Assignment: First Court of Appeals Appeal Attorney of Record: DAVID L. GARZA CC: Devon Anderson District Attorney Appellate Division Harris County, Texas CARRIE LOGAN (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) This is your notice to infonn any and all substitute reporters in this cause. 120 I Franklin P.O. Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-4651 Cause No.I?>1{(, )) poL THE STATE OF TEXAS ,AIK1A/ ~Iw~· ('11«.1.. ~ ~sc/~~ 18 Gistrid Court I Cella.,. C, iudus' Coun at LaW ~':!111"",,== /~ ..... Harris County, Texas li'lt NOTICE OF ApPEAL O~"I'/s 0. ~ IJ t"iCt 'ill)iel TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT; 11117e: J4N I C/e"/r On W'£1:l. I'MI --,." ? rr. of.("" NOTICE OF App AL 0 is conviction. (date), the defendant in the above ~ ered 5lf1 ed /15se gives IIllloJ'. r" o"Dilly "'-. Tbe undersigned attorney (l':beck appropriate box): ¥ MOVES to withdraw. [J ADVISES the court that he will CONTINUE to represent the de :::rNV~ It: ).O(r Atto ey (Signature) n Defendant (printed name) /?~ Attornel ~rinted d name) ~!w'?A L- U8"tSI rj"""O Te bone Number The defendant (cbeck all tbat apply); J- REPRESENTS to the court that he is presently INDIGENT and ASKS the court to immediately APPOINT appellate counsel to represent him. C---ASKS the Court to ORDER that a free record be provided to him. YASKS the court to set BAIL. Accordingly, Appellant ASKS the Court to conduct a hearing, make findings, and enter an Order Granting the requ sted relief. Defendant's Printed name SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ON _ _ _ _ _---=JA:..:.:N~1_·.:...5....:2.=....:01=5_ _ _ __ By Deputy District Clerk of Harris County, Texas ----+&P-tT,t~.-------------- http://hcdco-intranetlCriminal/Criminal CourtslSOPs and Fonns Library/Criminal FonnsINotice of Appeal (3pages-w Affinnation).docx Page 1 of3 06/01/06 · .. ORDER On U';rt. /r, Jr/I~ Court conducted a hearing and FINDS that defendant / appellant [] I~OT indigent at this time. ra;fs indigent for the purpose of [] employing counsel [] paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record. ~ploying counselor paying for a clerk's and court reporter's record. The Court ORDERS that ~ounsel's motion to withdraw is @ANTE~IED. CI Defendant / appellant's motion (to be found indigent) is DENIED. ~fendant's / appellant's motion is GRANTED and Cl (attorney's name & bar card number) js APPOINTED to represent defendant / appellant on appeal. !9" Th;COURT REPORTER is ORDERED to prepare and file the reporter's record without charge to defendant / appellant. BAIL IS: CI SET at $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CI TO CONTINUE as presently set.. ~IED and is SET~ NO BOND. (Felony Only) DATE SIGNED: _.....::i!2~IJ1tI.----=-r--":/;...&..j{0'-1-..:....7-_0. . .;J_""-_ ;' --' HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS http://hcdCO-inb'anetlCriminal/Criminal CounslSOPs and Forms Library/Criminal FormsINotice of Appeal (3pages-w Affirmation}.docx Page 2 of3 06/01/06 ·e--. . - - . Cause No. _(_- 3_'_1_'_ THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE I~STRlCT COURT v. ~OWJfl" CRBIINM. eel1M' J" I 6W No. SAM-J.l ~11 6.Q'\~dant HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TRIAL COURT'S CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT OF ApPEAL* I, judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case: ~ is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] ~, D is a plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and ~Q t!0~trial, and Ii not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or] o!fahris Q ~. J) D is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to apPJiHl,. an_~~ his the right of appeal. [or] &y B. 151015 D is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has NO right of.appeal. [or 1t'I",_ COil D the defendant has waived the right of appeal. o. "Ii 1'e...:'I. 'R"tJf I have received a copy of this certification. I have also been informed of my rights concerning any appeal of this criminal case, including any right to file a pro se petition for discretionary review pursuant to Rule 68 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have been .onished that my attorney must mail a copy of the court of appeals's judgment and opinion to my last known-address and that I have only 30 days in which to file a pro se petition for discretionary review in the Court of Criminal Appeals. TEx. R. APP. P. 68.2 I acknowledge that, if I wish to appeal this case and if 1 am entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform my appellate attorney, by written communication, of any change in the address at which I am currently living or any change in my current prison unit. I understand that, because of appellate deadlines, if I fail to timely inform my appellate attorney of any chan~ . y address, I may lose the opportunity to file a pro se petition fj iscretionary review. ~ ~ . ~.~~--- Defend t' ounsel R" relo N Gonzalez, Attorney Mailing Address: State Bar of Texas"'~ltFree!'.JlYI.!8l!.· 215 Houston, 'fA TTv T Telephone number: Mailing Address: (~~::l41.tgl12 F,SN: 0"8131550 Fax number (if any): Telephone number: Fax number (if any): * "A defendant in a criminal case has:the right of appeal under these rules. The trial court shall enter a certification of the defendant's right to appeal in every case in which it enters a judgment of guilt or other appealable order. In a plea bargain case-that is, a case in which a defendant's plea was guilty or nolo contendere and the punishment did not exceed the punishment recommended by the prosecutor and agreed to by the defendant - a defendant may appeal only: (A) those matters that were raised by a written motion filed and Med on before trial, or (B) after getting the trial court's permission to appeal." TEXAS RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 25.2(a)(2). '"iECORDER"S-MEMOiiANDU~ CLERK ' This instrument is of poor quality, - at the tima of i~ing, ____ J I 9/1/2011 Cou~ J!t Cause No. IKJ Joll/iS'J- • The State of Texas Vs Of.lA.JTOS C-R.u Z - ~5C~J.ALtrc 1-/5 -15" Date Notice Of Appeal: lll'Sl, ~ Presentation: Vol._ _ Pg.,_ _ .Judgment: Vol.,_ _ Pg.,_ _ Judge Presiding ~ I t~~ ~, L.K.I rustN Court Reporter IA~_1-064.tJ Court Reporter_ _ _~·~_ _ _ _ __ Court Reporter_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Attornert<. on Trial lCAlOl) AaUZAlfz. Attorney . on Appeal l>A-V/ J) L. GAI,Z-A Appointed Hired._ _ __ OtTense AQa. B tic A56iC1u. L7 l C£-6 LD Jury Trial: YeS~No._ __ Punishment Assessed c:l.D I ~ (5 Th ~ Companion Cases I I s'" ~ L1 OfKDown)________________-,~_ I? Amount of Appeal Bond._....,Ji~---------------- Appellant Confined: yes,____ No,_ __ '/ Date Submitted To Appeal Section._.....::I_+/~IIIoK.O_+).:....t5"~ _______ Deputy Clerk c±tf £JUs. Notice of Appeal Card Rev. 9!84