Steven Marlin Schade v. State


Appellate Docket Number:

Appellate Case Style: Style:


VS~ State of Texas _ Th ©:U@ HN
§ lm`@‘f' 'AQW&‘!'$

Q~`<`{h Di`>`iric'[
'JUN 2 Z 2015

., T@xarkan
:._';,': ' a, TeXaS
Amended/corrected staterr“!`e`:"rizzz Hmb Debra K Autrey C‘erk
. ‘ s

, X;;, :-§"
., :C.w’§hf{‘§jcy'eé‘|aeerDOCKETING STATEMENT (Cmmnal)

Appellate Court: v ' ` -
(to be filed m the court of appeals upon perfectlon of'_appeal under 'I`RAP 32)


Companion Case;



The€.'. 0sz of A_r:pea|s







First Name:


Last Name: Middle Narne:


Suff`lx: » * ` ‘_ , _ v Last Name:
Appellant Incarcerated? jj Yes E No Suff`lx:
Amount of Bond %Appointed
pro Se: O Retained
Firm Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:

' City:

Ad Aepp









Page l of 5


First Name:

Middle Narne:



Last Name:



EYes [:| No

_ Appellee Incarcerated?

Amount of Bond: iv

Pro Se: 0


Natur_e of Case (Subject matter
or type of case):
Type of Judgment: B@ L/f§:l d

Date trial court imposed or suspended sentenc in op n court or date
trial court entered appealable order1


Offense charged;
Date of offense:

Defendant's plea:


[:] YCS.\ANO Ifyes, date filed:
Motion in Arrest of Judgment: \:] Yes l:] No lfyes, date filed:
Other: [:l Yes l:] No Ifyes, date filed'
If other, please specify:


l\/Iotion for New Trial:


ndng@F®B CMIEG]JM dll“ alf?t?idaviti)

Motion and affidavit tiled: m Yes l:l No § NA

lf yes, date


Date of hearing


[:] Granted [:] Denied KNA

Date of order1

Ruling on motion;


l:] Lead Attorne_y



MYes [:] No

If granted or denied, date of ruling:


First Name:

Middle Name:
Last Name:

[:] Appointed
l:l Retained



[:] District/County Attorney
[:l Public Defender

Firm Name:
Address l:
Address 21
City: ` ` ` _ v
m- zlp+¢l









Was the trial by: l:l jury OrE\nOn~jur}/?

Date notice of appeal filed in trial court1


If mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed :

Punishment assessed



ls the appeal from a pre-trial order? l:] Y€S

Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity of a _
statute, rule or ordinance?







Pagé 2 of 5



County: ` , _ _
Trial Court Docket Number (Cause no):

Trial Court Judge (who tried or disposed of the case):

First Name: ®I_ Yi\V.\__
Middle Name:
Last Name: w g dr v l v


Address l :
Address 2:

m lY.e
~ ' 11>+4 i'/Ei@@u
` ext. -




Clerk's Record:

Trial Court Clerk: m District MCounty
Was clerk's record requested? [:| Yesl No

levee dee eeeeeeee _
If no, date it will be requested:

Were payment arrangements made with clerk?

[:| Yes [:| No Yndigent


Reporter's or Recorder's Record:
ls there a reporter's record? MYes l:\ No

Was reporter's record requested? |:]Yes .B’No

Was the reporter's record electronically recorded?


If yes, date requested: 1`# `

Yes [:| No

Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? l:] Yes [:]NoMlndigent


[:| Court Recorder
l:l substitute

[:| Court Reporter
l:l officiai

First Name:

Middle Name:
Last Name:

Address l:
Address 2:







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List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
' ' ' ` Court: v ’ z





Signature of counsel (or Pro Se Party)

State Bar No:



Printed Name:




Electronic Signature:


The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court's

order orjudgment as follows on



Electronic Signature: l


Signature of counsel (or pro se party)


State Bar No.:

Person Served:
Certiticate of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e`)): A certificate of service must be signed'by the person Who made the service and must

State: (l) the date and manner of service;

(2) the name and address of each person served, and _
(3) if the person served is a party's attorney, the name of the party represented by that attorney




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Pleasé enter the following for each person served:


Date Served: ¢ `_ __

.l\/lanner Served:


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:




Law Firm Name: _
Address l:
Address 21



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