Nelson, Steven Lawayne

                    Supreme Court of the United States
                               Office of the Clerk
                         Washington, DC 20543-0001
                                                                  Scott S. Harris
                                                                  Clerk of the Court
                                      July 20, 2015

Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
P.O. Box 12308
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711
                                                               RECEIVED IN
                                                             court op rmmk\ appenj
        Re:   Steven LaWayne Nelson                                  JUL 2 4 W
              v. Texas
              No. 15-5265                                        Abe!Acosta,Clerk
              (Your No. AP-76,924)

Dear Clerk:

      The petition for a writ of certiorari in the above entitled case was filed on July
13, 2015 and placed on the docket July 20, 2015 as No. 15-5265.


                                        Scott S. Harris, Clerk


                                        Redmond K. Barnes
                                        Case Analyst

                                                              RECEIVED IN
                                                                  JUL ? 4 2015