PD-1622-14 PD-1622-14 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OFFICE: PAUL S. WATKINS AUSTIN, TEXAS 415 St. Louis Street Gonzales County Attorney Transmitted 2/13/2015 1:19:14 PM 415 St. Louis Street Accepted 2/13/2015 2:07:34 PM Phone: 830-672-6527 ABEL ACOSTA Gonzales, Texas 78629 Fax: 830-672-5868 CLERK Email: countyattorney@co.gonzales.tx.us February 13, 2015 Honorable Abel Acosta, Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Gregory Fonseca v. The State of Texas PD-1622-14 Thirteenth Court of Appeals Cause No. 13-13-00500-CR Trial Court Cause No. 80-12-A Dear Mr. Acosta: The State has received a copy of the Petition for Discretionary Review filed by the Appellant in this matter. The State waives its right to respond to the Petition for Discretionary Review. However, if the Court grants the Petition, the State will file a brief on the merits. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely yours, /S/ Keri L. Miller_____________________ February 13, 2015 Keri L. Miller First Assistant County Attorney Gonzales County Attorney’s Office 415 St. Louis Street Gonzales, Texas 78629 830-672-6527 kmiller@co.gonzales.tx.us S.B.N. 24051960 cc: Gregory Fonseca TDCJ No. 1878692 Attorney for the State Allred Unit 2101 FM 369 N. Iowa Park, Texas 76367