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ClAl""'- Ac--r: A-l~ iJ.o"T ~.b. .ur-..~.,s --n,t..~ owoJLI.,.Jt··li1-4nl """t.:> & ~ ~/.... --rw..z:.. <(i2.tfi"'-l~ ~S"liCM. _A...{.Q ~J~! ~ ~~~1\}-t A....s:( t::;-vt ~:r-) 0~ ~tx..c.{ IL .:!.-tseo\(~. ·--,~~ w~')cC~ Cl.4t~ l~ G.vtr~\. \M.'1:(1'Ur. ·-ru-n: -----r~ &:ut2..1. ~t c!.. i~ f;c...-r ;.~J:">v""jn: l"T~ Ji.~c:J2.ct..""\:t.DrJ IJ .b"'5mt~StN_5 4p~-r-,'.s 'Svi( ,. (l.Jn:.. Gvl?.\. ~~l~~ ~ ~-Tt~ 1 Appt£..t.v.l---<""t oi=- A-t'{ -\V1~ ~~ ~~~~u::W, IIJ.."r_ Alfl!EP_,t w~ S...h ~f;-,.n:o \6. ~<.c..\: (,h,(2.T J.L...uo l""t:.. 1 -:s._.~,c ~l<>~~t.. ~-b~n~ .ilpp~ (;).-..) Oc..1. '2..~ .c..dn~ . ?cr-tn£~~ .t.=l Lt~ "-lv'""tLc.i\: of ApPff.l2A L...M~ 'SnvG",. SliA ~a.1 uF 1\ppfV.l.-tS. t.....t1~ i.~ ·~~...l -Qn:~ ~·~ ftppffA--t l.vtTb-l bs-w....t.c..-r- w2-""t -rw.c.~ t~ o~ ·1u.t:. ~l~. ~:::,-ul..u:..T &.J~'t tA\ l~ct 'li> hlo:. ~\£.~ cJ~ ~M-( ~V\.1. ~S"\.c.C:t: t:DJI'Z:I. liN~ V'V\M\.)ftl"t'\v~ w~ -k'Ltt..~ ~ dcv~ ·-rc, ~~pl~ t~ {:Zltl\.(.~ ~~~- (~ '-tblW \ OQ~ £..-.tiA 'D~ '·A-pr~ ~ N-O"l 2n.;--\ -?~ +?oW\ (IJ,rC. ~S""\lc:..t'- Wr'L.I •• w~...J \.\'-) ~l C"t (...uD...-~ ~ Gv~ '>~<.... ~-~ kt~.s Up fJ._ SV'V\-<)~~ ~~ lo CD.~it: --n,u: W{t..T A--t~ ~~IOL cklh-\5 btt:~cMvl\. l~ H-.)"""( 4ud\.'{ , -~~\IY\.%'"1 s~..Ach ~i: ~i2A-Cl t::.:> -?~<~~~ ·~..\:. --rc -rcvc ~6-,\ CO..>a-c V\\. ~ t.L~...(c!kw 5 o~ ·-zjd.c.:) C40~n:_ ..:t>~,c;:ul sJ,......~. 5~Jr<5~~ ~~.14.<-l ~ ~c. ~ ~£1<-c>~•~ i..S. kto I ~{ ~~l l'....~ll ~-e& \..l,;:_ ~\.6'L '\..JA5c.... (5e:c. J ~5> ·""""li> o-r~ .ksPA. ~~s ~ A">•S--uwa( - 11 GVA.J'51'-l.oS ~jl~s->·t.)~ r~1Mtv,;;,tfUL(Awdl~\ ~R:) 5£ I CM...I.t~ ~1 A~~ COp( o? ilhC ~t~s ~ ~ ~ plile.t~~ t\ l~ '(LL~ J.....!<1.rJ.> ~~~ R.~'1A.\ S2t1'-tL<4:...\ po~\I}.Si'C ~p.4cJ_ .. o,.,:) --tl"·"~ '2x:n£J ~ 0 t= ~(C. '2e.( s' ,.a~t~)l':d ""lD . -:sou"-( A' ld)).-( s"""'Q...i£_ A~s~~,.(\: A-noRN.i:( ~~. P.D ~-)' \'2.S4e, C, 'SrtA!Wt-) /.k>':>-tt~ -r~.a.& roltt--zst~s < &/.J-{5-e£.:> /?~ej• ~-2<>37 ,t;;;r.T Sudc..7.;J...I 7¥" 7~?35 Ly/V..a~;( ch-(, 7. s. Cause No: 4872H EVANGEL OS PAGONIS § IN THE 69TH DISTRICT COURT TDCJ#1626253 § vs. OF HARTLEY COUNTY AND DISTRICT § CLERK, DIANE THOMPSO N IN HER HARTLEY COUNTY, TEXAS OFFICIAL CAPACIT Y § ORDER The Court having reviewed the "Plaintiff's Original Application for Writ of Mandamas", finds as follows. 1. The Hartley County and District Clerk is not the clerk ofthe Justice Court of Hartley County. 2. Plaintiff incorrectly relies on Rule 24 of the Texas Rules of Civil - Procedure which applies only to County and District Courts and not to Justice Courts. 3. Plaintiff correctly cites Rule 506.2 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure regarding the duties of the county clerk when an appeal has been perfected from the Justice Court. 1 ) In this cause, the records of the County Clerk reflect that an appeal ' has not been perfected from the Justice Court. Therefore, this Court hereby denies Plaintiff's Application for Writ of Mandamas. Signed this the 18th day of September, 2014 629 RON ENNS, JUDGE PRESIDIN G 10-29-2013 Cause Activity List Page-l Cause: 0536A PAGONIS, EVANGELOS Filed: 08-07-2013 SMALL CLAIMS Final: 09-26-2013 DISMISSED Trans Date Descri tion Amount 07-26-2013 RECV'D AND FILED OFFENDER GRIEVANCE FORM AND PLAINTIFF'S "ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION AND A TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER" SECOND THE lltii!l~illi!i!llilillllli!jjilllliill~l~ 09-09-2013 NOTE "ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION AND A TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER" BY RECVD AND SIGNED CHAPTER FOURTEEN MOTION TO DISMISS ALONG WITH THE PROPOSED 10-03-2013 NOTE ~~;j~~ll=i:i'i·l.::::~~~~~··i::::l.~~1.:·1.· . · 1:,1:1:~.l[i:j!61·ill,~llfi±:ll;~.~~~~·,·::,::.:iiii!ii.i:: ·:.:·' ·: : =,.: : :·: =·:=:·.: .: 10-28-2013 CHRG INDIGENCY HEARING FEES FILING FEE COUR-r:_FI.pNy :·. Notice of Status Code Change Old Value: Served New Value: vt:••u•~~~'u APPEAL TO COUNTY COURT, SPOKE WI CO. ATTNY. PLAINTIFF MUST APPEAL TO CO COURT AND NOT 7TH COURT OF APPEAL AS REQUESTED c\)w~"-ll'\ '4o\'Y\0Lc -sv.::O\t~ ol=' ~~ f>€llc:ii:. 'l.ot ·~n-~f..S3. ?.>t"ll~ PA.;,p.u~. ·'.A • l c..Jr-J. Loo~ ·~ PAJ2;1, l~ A..;. '"I ~•E evi-.1.-h.vR:-b. ........_ ~"-{ "lN_:nt"tS\t.o-.J .~~ i::O i-Jv""\ ~~i2.c..s~.Jliz4 lc '( I( Cwr.JsfLL 4 t......_ v..' \.l,c.-h ~n:. li.J.J': O~ZA...:.J 1 ~~..t l AloNI'l- .l o~ S'1'"'\ ln. A---tot> \tit...~ C.~Sii. b., "lld..t') C..:.\2\ ?~~IC. ~1:. s~\'h.p . .h" k M~ p;2.i.v~ .A.& .2n::'\v'llab < 'l.J ll-liL A-n~\U).,J uf IU..."i: C:0Q.\ • \W.t ::>".,cAS!., ·1~1 L.o ~'\"'1 ,.k.., ;>tt"lt\~, ?~:.~~~\ C:.::> ··ue lii'l"~ C'clA'L cl? U'<<\ t>i7oc..IUD~' R.-lrt.. 4Stc.). (.6), (c), 0.\ v.JI%:. Lf} (A),t~), (c.) .6~co ~ 1'1 L4)(h), (c). ~\~~e &:.ceu~L.. 1\.ol-i:. ld'Y\L ~L ~1\: £..:. ~<""\ poltL't, 1.o ~iii '""1-.J~5hJ\. ?o)Vl:')iZ A..JD .J.,.....\"\.o'-'Z \:~':>"\ ~ \."'.::> t-k: AIL. l Y\ot ~ <>S 1 bl.z. D~rC) '-L 1 1-.. 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