FILED IN The Court of Appeals Jay \ <^0iS RECEIVED IN Sixth District The Court of Appeals Sixth District JUL 0 6 2015 JUL 0 0 2015 Texarkana, Texas Vk-carkana, Texas DebraK. Autrey, Oistfk Oebra Autrey, Clerk e&c U ?«B*lt 31 ^^ W \a o»>« \* Co?/ <* «W a^M e%s 7 7^1 Chief Justice Court ofAppeals Clerk Josh R. Morriss, HI DEBRAK. AUTREY Sixth Appellate District Justices State of Texas Bi-State Justice Building 100 North State Line Avenue #20 BAILEY C.MOSELEY Texarkana,Texas 75501 RALPH K. BURGESS 903/798-3046 June 11, 2015 James W.B. Jackson TDCJ-ID#1841911 Polunsky Unit 3872 FM 350 South Livingston, Texas 77351 In Re: James Jackson v. State of Texas Cause No: 06-13-00077-CR In response to your recent correspondence to the Court: () This case has not been filed in this Court of Appeals as of this date. 0 Your case was filed in this Court on 0 The date of submission of your case to the Court is not presently known. 0 Your case is set for oral argument on (X) To receive a copy of the reporter's record, you would need to forward a money order made out to the Sixth Court of Appeals in the amount of $77.00. Upon receipt of the money order, the copies will be mailed to you. Clerk's Office IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE £.as*e^J DISTRICT OF TEXAS L*>f¥,yAgcksttn Plaintiff's name and ID Number \*WR\\ ^>\oas\c y oncs\V merpen Place of Confinement CASE NO. (Clerk will assign the number) V. APPLICATION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS Defendant's name and address I, QcomeS W?>.Oc»<-W;Sori , declare, depose, and say I am the Plaintiff in the above entitled case. In support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs, or give security therefor, I state because of my poverty, I am unable to pay in advance the filing fee for said proceedings or to give security for the filing fee. I believe I am entitled to relief. I, further declare the responses which I have made to the questions and instructions below are true. 1. Have you received, within the last 12 months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or from self-employment? Yes • No \Vr b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes • No [Tp c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes • No JTK d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes 0- No • e. Family or friends? Yes • No 0- f. Any other sources? Yes • No s ^ If you answered YES to any of the questions above, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past 12 months. 2. Do you own cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account, including any funds in prison accounts? Yes • No Q^ If you answered YES to any of the questions above, state the total value of the items owned. t^ATCIFP (REV. 9/02) 3. Do you own real estate, stocks, bonds, note, automobiles, or other valuable property, excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing? Yes D No LUx^ If you answered YES, describe the property and state its approximate value. I understand a false statement in answer to any question in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for perjury. I declare (certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (28 U.S.C. §1746). Signed this the ] day of UoW , 20 J_S_. gfrggg dr,^LZM:^r) IWmii Signature of Plaintiff ID Number YOU MUST ATTACH A CURRENT SIX (6) MONTH HISTORY OF YOUR INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT. YOU CAN ACQUIRE THE APPROPRIATE INMATE ACCOUNT CERTIFICATE FROM THE LAW LIBRARY AT YOUR PRISON UNIT. tStATCIFP (REV. 9/02) (A) TDC01EEQ - PASSPORT Wednesday, July 01, 2015, 6:41:13 AM CSINIB02/CINIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 07/01/15 1EEQ/GS00033 IN-FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA 06:41:10 TDCJ#: 01841911 SID#: 08663788 LOCATION: POLUNSKY INDIGENT DTE: 06/02/15 NAME: JACKSON,JAMES WESLEY BROOKS BEGINNING PERIOD: 01/01/15 PREVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: CURRENT BAL: 0.00 TOT HOLD AMT: 0.00 3MTH TOT DEP: 90.00 6MTH DEP: 90.00 6MTH AVG BAL: 19.77 6MTH AVG DEP: 15.00 MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS 06/15 81.48 0.00 03/15 0.00 0.00 05/15 90.00 90.00 02/15 0.18 0.00 04/15 0.00 0.00 01/15 53.65 0.00 PROCESS DATE HOLD AMOUNT HOLD DESCRIPTION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF frck ON THIS THE l_ DAY OF ^-Q- ^f, I CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS A TRUE, COMPLETE,AND UNALTERED CCfi?Y MADE BY ME OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE COMPUTER DATABASE REGARDING THE OFFENDER'S ACCOUNT. NP SIG: PF1-HELP PF3-END ENTER NEXT TDCJ NUMBER: OR SID NUMBER: y<^^^) <^>?£> £^¥ HENRY DENNIS C0KER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS iSs'MyCommission Expires 03/14/2016 ljJl^±'^Q'''''r'!''»,Hf''''r'n NOTARY WITHOUT BOND