Williams, Willie

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-08-07
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Combined Opinion

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        E_XPAATE                                                                                                            THE 114th DISTRICT COURt

    ~                ·the defendant, WILLIE WiLLIAMS, alleges that                                                                            h~ received ineffective
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        these claims, a hearing will bebgranted by way of affidavit only from the defendant's
        ·~al cmmsel; Hon. Brett Ratekin., addressing the defendaiit"s Claims of deficient
        conduct and an involuntary guilty plea. ·

        1.            The defendant; s F'irst a,nd Seconti'Grounds for Rellef are DESIGNATED·for
                      future re·solution ..

        i:.-          A hearing wiil be:he'id by way of affidavit only co·ncemin:g the allegations of
                      ineffective assistance of c·ounsel and the involuntariness of his guilty plea in
                      the def.end~_nt's ~ppljc~~ion:. Thi.~ he~png will con,~ist of an ~ffidt;1vit (rom the
                      defendant's. trial counsel, Hon . .BrettRatekin, relative to his representation of
                      the defend~nt at tria.l.

        3.            Mr. Ratekin shall submit an o · inal and three copie.s of his affidavit to _the
                      post-,convictipn writ clerk by                                     , 2015. The
                      clerk shall then mail a copy of· e affidavit to the defendant and forward a
                      copy of the ~ffidavit to tbe appellate s~ctioi_l of the Smith Co~_nty Criminal
                      District Attorney's Office.        ·

        4.             The defendant is NOT                                    to         be brought back to the Smith County Jail for                                                        a
                       hearing ..

                                                                                             Page 1 of 2

     5:~   The clerk ofthe court is ordered to send a copy of this order to the d~fendant,
           Willie Williams, TDCJ-ID # 1974288, Texas Department of Criminal Justice,
           Hutchins State J~il~ 15~0 Ea~t L~p.g~~m Roa4,_ Da1.l.~s, Te.~_as 7p241, and to
           s~nd a copy oftli1s order to the. Dtstnct Attorney's Offic~ -It> ~ ~

           SIGNEDANPENTER.EPth_isth~j3t_d~yof ~                               ,2015.

                                         HONOitABLE CHRISTI Y~N1\T£DY
                                         Judge, I 14th District Court
                                         SMITJ:I COUNTY, TEXAS

                                       Page 2.of 2

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