PD-1074-15 PD. IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS rO!l3V^¥^r™,» ° "W AT AUSTIN/ TEXAS AUG 19 2015 ANTONIO BERMUDEZ- Petitioner/ V. THE STATE OF TEXAS- Respondent. HLED IN MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE COm°F CRIMINAL APPEALS PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW A'JS 19 2315 TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS :Abel ACOSta, Clerk Petitioner Antonio Bermudez hereby respectfully request an ex tension of time to file his PDR. Petitioner did not receive a copy of the Court of Appeals opinion affirming his conviction until August 10/ 2015. The opinion was issued on July 28/ 2015. Peti tioner is in the process of trying to secure private counsel to prepare and file his PDR. Should he be unsuccessful/ then Petitioner would like to have time to prepare and file a pro se PDR. This motion is made in good faith and not merely for dilatory purposes. Wherefore/ Petitioner request that the Court will grant him up to and including October 28/ 2015 to file his pro se PDR if Peti tioner is unable to retain private counsel. Dated: August 13/ 2015 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I mailed a true and correct copy of the foregoing to the Harris County District Attorney/ 1201 Franklin/ Ste. 600/ Houston, TX $7002-1923 via U.S. mail. Dated: August 13/ 2015
Bermudez, Antonio
Combined Opinion