Thompson, Overille Denton

CftSf NO, !'-N51Z1 Overt'lie l>ennn Tbom QfOn , I I Re{ator, I Jbe Cour± o'f v. Susan Brown I/ busft'n ~X4S 1 Respo11dent, OVfR.~LLf PfNTON TIICf"'PSol\/!5 M(f[IoN PO~ LE{tl/f TO f1]£ lrffL1CffTiotJ FOR. !JRIT OF MltNPAMUS ItJ THf Coutt(Of RECtiVEO IN COURT OF CRIMIN.A.l.A.PPEALS P.UG 2 6 2015 To the HooortJb/e Judges of ·tht~ Cour-t : !\bel Acosta, Clerk Relator; Over/ fie Penfoo Thor11pson, t//es lh/s /tjnt/on for Le4ve to E//e IApv//caf/co for Wr/+ of fr1attda(fJ/lS /n I t tf,e Cour·t of Cc/m,'"a/ 1tffe4f5 purs4ant fa Rq/e n, ft,f the ~Y4 ~ Cules af ltrfel/m froeedure 1and /n ?llffOrT She W5 the Court the £o!low/'!J : /, &elaior re>,eecffil~t reruests +h4tthls Court3 raof Re&.-fw-kave~ £?e the. dtacheJ Aff/,'C(),t/o11 for tJrftof frlandgmus1 dt~ecf/'!J +he HonoraNe Susan Brown of·tbe !85th Jad/c/a/ p,'sftt'cf 1 L('4Ve fo Ftle P'lje I of S ESOOSS-01-07 bec~tuse of : d 4,A-5 JemondniteJ by ±he tJCCom oanv/oJ II . ~~~1/cat/oll7 ,fhe tr/a/ court's refus4/ ()r fa.//ure ~. to rule Qfl c~ fafor/2 fCIJfeC~/5Uj,/YlfiteJ tJC flied rPmeJ/es Constifufu d clear 4bUSe cfJI~CCet/on tlnd 1'1 denial oT ~ela+or 1s r~Ats, Leave fc E//e ESOOSS-01-07 S.X:n /~h-I-of the clear ahuse of J/scret/on comfllltfeJ bv Ce5tJonder;-I-,Relator f,'/es ~,'s Mo17~11 for 1 r ' Let.!Ve to F/le lrpf 1/ca+:on for hie:± ff Mandr~MI.LS fc en d n /t fl, Cer±/f/cafe of Comol/ance fqge Z3 /3, Ce.rt/f/cafe of Service ESOOSS-01-07 INPEX OF Al/THoR.rT:LE5 Page lt.f · Pt~je 10 Page 15 P4_9e /5 2£, Mcr5e 11. Baker- Of~n '2), Nunes 11. Mueller P~e 15 ;"\.:. _.!!M_ur!'-Lt....ILofL....L.{Vl=g,n=JMJal'l=t![.:Ls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . rllil_e . .}_,()...._f___,Z,"'---L-1_ __ ESOOSS-01-07 ---::J t.S, Teras Penal Code !137, 0 9 P4jeS 1ftI /5 ESOOSS-01-07 STAT~fllCNT oF THF C/tSc ' /, Re/d"orl Over/lie Oenfvo 1hcmp5;n1 t5 chageJ wt'-fl1 t/1~ foUow/'?J : b C'gsc No 1 1 /4'-{SqJ 0 - Felon !n foms~/on if Fi'rnrm ,40 J I 7 r ~ ESOOSS-01-07 I I I I lff/Pfl - Ml5 fobe . r I' 1 1 r 1 fo dnswer Keltt.forls prcperly f//eJ refYledc'es, :3, I I Texas noot I ES0085-0l-07 STATEMfNT OF JfJRISf)ICTION the. Relator bas ao other aderwrfe reMedy 4± !4w ~ &+hw/th move the it/a/ courT I~ the rerfomgnce o ~.s o/J or& o erl f'//ed rel"'eJ 'es w. /ch 1 e/ ut 11 d/ sworn P,'~rt'd- Clerk. I.55i/ES PRfSf}lTcP because. of : ESOOSS-01-07 . . . · S 0££/J:C.TS. - -" I : lle_Litfgct/.v.e...caliJ Xr1.sut£i1a:en t Couns_eLcf Cowd-!l.f-f.Pt'rrted_dtf2.COJ-; Tc.t!le!y-~.fc1l - ' Lf!:lf!lf_Lqfo.a_d_f~_kf:JP.w./rtj/y-4nLpucposefu f~-l!l.I~r..epr_esetlt · Refp,fo.c Ov.eci lk...Jkn.tea.JlJ.o.eJf5.1UU.~ thdt_ : . I. . B£.t~~f.l.L1? 2'2;-t.O t'J_afld_~u!J£_2.1.t..Q/5.1TcYMl/-iA{ f/Le r-p.ce it/a LmotJorJsJ:a ft,4.Lor-..pcd:ed Re l~c!,+(,dor-c~.kts) exeep:Lfo.c f!_ t!l.o.c..Ls-ub.ktfssl~ofl_o£a_M~()JLto 514ff-W> 1w!Ji£ vee /lfi1lldd_t:LfM.l£,~U_as. e v/deaced Q1l Ju11e f--;- to 15f wbQLbU.{,{1._f.t,_11J2-.J.fl_d.£..£:n./ief-&dillc 's. r~ht f-o_r:£1/g£/n.Ib!:_c_as_es_w..Hh_!IO_sh.o~/~.Jl..f .,,d£' I + 'd>..J I . It- -n b __QC5..1A.£. , . . . . · . j z. Ord. Ltn.e.!£ l:a&tJ_J/L/n-kn-t!P.tJA.lly-4 nLknow.~nJ'f.J.Y5fend_,.'nd.eJ/n./ify_p. ~Chf..JMJJJre-Tri'a / -fv. /rLpj:r..ruL.'o1-fara.grnfh.lalld suhse1_uen'f Ju9'- Tr/a'/1 shoW_/n.g_//ls.l.df/c/enf Q.~[nJiqg._. /l.e.c.e.>-s_/±·sv.~h as he/tlj-!~_a~w. ~lfegat/orJ -w/ /oJ,~tMent tha+ TOt!JJ>~~f L~.&tJ cla/tv~ed wa5 ~Jla.IA~eJ +o tlte_ih~e(il c~~l t:taJ that ~45 on!rJus-t· 4ddeJ -to ~elator ~ 1!1!ITJ.3 dars-f.n'or, · J, m_~ccbJ)1 t0/5 1/n o.r-efl_c_p.JJ.r±a~t fre-Tr!a/ tf~a.r.~~OJ1_Tor!1.1!1f_La.&_n_d;'l_r.,_Ak_e_a_&watill_11LJ'jj_g_d__ Ire_dc.ess~Respo.l!~ e(IT SIAS~li~Bco.w.n.!s_a:ttef.!lr±et,j;. /11/./i.e./afb c W..tlLTI lJ_thif:__/,g_(Ke la+oc2 ' I~tJ..4Jo-etLfet=-~~n±o_A_p/,J.ic.J.ct ltfto.C!Jf(_/£s.b.e_(fupmderrf }were 12..s.LdL 1 ,w.l_1i_f-[Q$_e_c._ufio.lLd-_5_LLf-flt:£.5..5.1. DfLh.~.c/.aj-~ - · - 4. Taml!lp.EollJLM~LLO.ll~f-/~, :. . a_,_te.£.f--lie.Woc...~.~r.J_g_~fy,ll(-cofl f/lle...Lv.Lbl.Ly_o_!ill_c_alLJ_yr..fACLon Jo.L~-~~om±ij.atw..£L.o.f ·the fJe I1L ~;,-:+ b£-&J4tr~us. p~s:._{;_f)_-£ t 1 --- - - - - 4 ~tt1.:br__wblcb_&Jator_W_yrtJJ;k/d/cfeJ 1 4aJ b.a!lall.ip.(AlA+e ~eJ.~d~Pc../~_uf.l.l~f__.kP.mpAd.aj ev/deace 4jAi~5±Jvmself_ /n "fiie new.: ~.tle.9Rat~t- wlu~c.h fact R~.l~hc:_h.eljg~.!J_b_e.leilrm./nd fz;'-An.d -tiJto~h ~n ex.amt~Jny_commtHe~ s e1.1A!:f-k!r/OJ cf ~+e f-Ct!S.ecl).for-(22 a.nd_To.m~ l-~~tl., .. 5. a.,__l.!y.fl; t!P1s tr:1= c••£u l Mion 1 for_ the fiu,.{ 'ilsMpJ!P1-rl£kLeas£>- _r._r..JA~- fuc.ther ev/dence of_b/s~n2.ptarfon'f1Lei&cf.s_t_o_At1_4/M · a.kef Sjg,fe f-Co5~fo.c(2.}_/tLiiJ.df: a Tal!:ltlY-~·&n 1s >-.Y.kfi:J.:S>.!.oJL~ Con£'dJ:.I.lh'dJ:dr&.cmat.JL~rJ-the>L.Ca?J:LOJJ.'r-. I d.eag_ns.±co:ft.i_r;11£L4g4.llLh.~dr.~ALIJ.IJ.hd.LLLnjn~ fo S!df-f-WS: 5f4!'e ~ ev.U_ence., b Lmf!l.y.lalill!2 5/,fbm~/o.fJ +o br./'!:J_bt:~~J_tf.,g_Con.f/krb'g/ Irdlat14nt_ /o these c..a2"e5 w..e~s: en.dcr-sed b(- 5ttf&.pcosecu.for(2_~he.CAY.5e kffh ToMT Ld.Fon aJ_s._-rn-}g_prn£e..c.l,(±ec.(s_)_a.lcedy~.o.J_ f-r-J~c.i:!WJ!.Ledg.di!g± the /t'lforfYlf.Lh~Lw.Jifu./.~ ~_Qmf_iirwAcJ_/n th!LlLe.hL allc:g4+fofl, . ca-cmmy-LAEcn! Cctd]'de ;rh'a ILn JJJ_th_es_cc.as_es_,~u LegA.Li4.rte._U : . ., G2 ~n.v.ince those /n_g_u.-Jk.r:./ty- :tkt Temi!lf b!Eo.f.1_/~_c_'/]{g,./lf do/.ogJ.usJ.uty_/nsie~cLot kreatfn_J- fh.e_/.aw::1..a.nJ . .· · _ . · . · (/ flsed~te fe5 w/118o aw;r- when _fh€. /nforfYler does ao-1- mtdeo4//~e-l J Tomtnf L~..fin 's s~bm/ss/on fo lJn~_br:w~cd~dgn+/al Lnfo.ct:M£tf-tl.! these Cd~e>- /s t . ~adfAec sucrusM~I"f tv deio/' d.Y~ alflglue St«E_pH!5ec~fpr(s2 t/mdJ; Wr;±_g_£fudt~mu.5 eti.J.e._l_o_t. f_ q. ' ,:flJ./c,t fe/AioL/IJ~f:Jei-J afl~:1+iM 1 ' . ~I Jolt! rt'lf.;..k4.fifl_h.a.s_un.L4.w_fy.Jy_mad.e_a./kw}lb le :th! aliegtfh'oll ~~JtJs:Ltela-bLt~_i:/w.+ ·hLhA5_ :& II af the f!ler-/+s to 1Mf-ef),£b the t~su.lnj oE such, '1 Ll!!.l!Jy_b_q_fir.LkL~_hQ.J.; e of ev:/J.ence arld. cn~/ to±e te Iaior ,'r, these c~s.es_1 1-1/(11 osT- since tJ,g_,~ ~f-t' ~iJt a.r1 d /!ffen +/o.M.Ir-h~i.ndr u.sed;h_J.e2.f- /te cc./es team_ &.IAfvc ·to the coafe.acf~ - 81'!.1f ~Eor.J 1 a.J...ioun£e./_fet: Qefin~ -4nl.r-erb_g,ps a~11 o:-tforn~I-P..e:.c/od11asJ.e.?.it:ofe d....!tJ.Lbls 1 c.ce_d'''"Iy. I tbat 1 .tl2f.l_, _w_ . ~.. I · . . . . _a._,_/k_haLcMdKc.ted_b./ms.e.lf..n efa.r/oJJ£./.y_,_,f.l_deal/n-3 wHh tR/af.Pt: all JJ!,.e.l.a.±Pr 1s mo..:tbui~/.wayL . k./o_cJ/~_tbe./r: e.v.erf ~;JtempJ :bLI.e~ciJ. ~f wt1/cl1 Rel~for /s acctJs.eJJ&:co.!!.J.b off/e.laL ~- · Fo_l/c..e. o-/fv?>e [ff-OI"t, ~-.=..._>r - -· lb, ffgjt/5_/Aflf..ett~c!y...,c.esi>±eJ~.tL~t R.ela~ ce1kl~sk1.s..iijgesit~as~'Ld cettled/es to f-os2.!b~o_mc -------=-~- . . _---· _·_r:e l/ef 1v Rdafoc_t~ +h~e-~s.es_, · · -~-~,- .c._lii2..l.e_ja.L-I:ll ch' c.~Are 1-u~£ oFt!-!'r!les_ea:.o.n..eQ/A$_,_, .. - J_!±er:!i....t,,oJJs.H+ut~'~nAL4,J_rt.tftrAfolfr:~.hts_/r.tmt.JJ.f- wtlfi..W!OC2Lth..a.ll_ &e./~r:!s£1~-~--- - -- - ~ e.Lfte_/.Lco/J5..f-/c/C.3 W1Th 5-lo.fe f-Cf25_e~ if}],- (~LtUliJ_th_ueet>cd_do_e.s_cefle ct s_ ut;h_l - abo~JLh ~ ve c~ lt~'J Ul4..Ud_/o+o b/f,_d./:ffir-engs_ - - Wr/t_cf_i!jt~.liJ.amu< e~-~8-o£ tY. .I / ~fl-ocf)f)U:tn.d.s.l1er.rt.1JJILJ_fo_c_h_~'s_m./s_cef-Ce5eJrbtbP.n1 !o-'!l'J L4 FofLW_/// syrey._5ee_ El~ /.rd::ifE_ tJv..ed/le_Qe_n-to t.L..Th.o.mp5.tJ.IL/n ·fA e ldflLwd. 5+a.fe 5 P-/sfo~+~u c-lfi'llv'ch /ru'ftelf__ - . £/'-'.£.t_{l_t_lf.LR _c.oJls_t,_tcct_e_s_A_ffJ.4dP.t_cotl I I .II __ I _ces~til _, -· - ' ' - - - - --- . - - 1-- - - - --- ~tit of I'VlMJa~u5. E4Jf_q_o_--E 'Z tj_ '. 6RGtif!JE1[15 . Eb/(/t r : ~J:o.e."iRct/Ld/ ~~dft~e;urt Cu,Jse./_of Cr,u:..i-r1f-po.lcri£.J_ff.fip'ry't]ilfl'1 L4.fgtJ_·_ - .. . {, To_J.em.u.ns:f:ta:f:e_/ 4n.Lt'osJifBc.t:ent CQUt'vf.eLlJe./~nc...I!JoV..e.s.. tl1~ Cou.~:t Rr:e.c.Ojn./~tf:lf__iw..o elemenE 'of...s_L~~t/t.J ,Kr'~>~f!le/C1ao v, tlocOsof/ fdS,_J~!i1 to.£~ CT. Z!il~1_qf_L,~d, td. 305_ {LfFkL(£/o.J./~_,l!effedr'v~ 1 Ccqllsel w.h~re co.un£.e.LcofJduc,*J-.flo_f-etr/aL d/5covet:j_ttnJ_-£a,:LeJ. -k t/Le tt t/mef;c.>..«pp.a5.5_../on l!ldft'on IJ..j.4J.f.l5._. I - ..J£..1/~V.t'dgr,h.e..,2 t pt2S..ec_liil' rL_Qcfo"/fi)ltf fo f!J o.ccf.t_'2_3I '2-0./5_[./}:_e- Tr_~_4f_!ie£Jf'llt_j.J-=-.N.o r-cetcfgL)/sco.'&,r-~a..5_ey_g_r: . Con.J..Li.c.ti..4J.y-To.mtt~J Lo. &.r.t_/n_thf..Se~:ases1fer.s:b:ILA~se.Lge.J.afo.c. ~ ~~~a./7:.~ he hegJj_o/.1 Jun£ ~-;.if!.L5 , · k; M4 rch~$1PIS [ frifi,~j_lf_e4rt'q] - Tonur;- L~fo11_f/LeL4_/!Iod:_m~b~ll fo 2Uff?.rY.£1 bat tbaJ oil . JuiK.Z:1_tfJ_f5_1_l_e ~onsfra'ies ·h.tL-fru_e. /!J:Iint tP..I./Dw/tJ_J_throt!j~ w/t!J~t:IJ/5 f-!:P.cg_J../5lw_k{f_ --~ he_Jg_[,:kettrlej SY.5:f-en.d£t~.d.e.f/f.l.l'*f-hotb~ sc!xduled B:e ~Tr/a/ 5uppr:.esSl~tL/k~D~.JJILJ J"'I- Tn~ / - 5 b!lWJ~J_J-/1.15JA.ttt~cLe.ll.t tPVerr-,:J./1}}_/les;:,_es.s /:1[....:.-&r .s..u c hf be' ~.Ajlef!L. c.h ?l.t:j_e - th_a,.-t w..a.Lw.l:tl.toJ£1-__ L~d./c.-tmgntdD.t!J~L~a+Ju>theen AJJ.e.J. fo te/t:{Qc 4 l!l.err l:J dr5-p..o'or~ - ~·.,.~.- - - ?_, Ierr"? ~&n_has~m~JLIJo_effoc.t io~fcgeJS.elaiocJ}otr:uAn.fA.w.:.~LasJr.a/tJf' or aLCun>.e.f_foc_~nse_/_~£ wh/.chj!?cev/JgfJr:f!.J~!r,~ht's.~fa/[u,ce_fo_ -f//e~ .foe 4-t:e1U.J.'cr._)_b.on.d'tt~o_;£thufllfe.../£nai a~t---&.r ta'aL .a'th/11JP ~-fl:..m_:tle cof'lt'lence~"L the Jeiillda~-t~~de_"R@t~tJ-;.J'-ac±r-r-urY:£14fJ.t ~o ltc.t~c.ILLZ)5 L§l (J2~tihLL<:.Jas~~J~of_ ', Cr:./m,_n4Lfco.c_e.J ua.l~d::.MW.clY_d/Oj:_Re.lato.r!s_c~lrft_fr:off.cfi_J_utJder_thf2_EH::th15.,fl/J.1£/jhth1~ 11.n.a_foJAriR.enih.Am€JJJ1!1f!ffj o:E:t:fJLtlllL~J~..YJ.Il£fl.'tilb.~llt-d.aJ_" I &L~ :l!.31.twd1!~_ M_;t_o.£t1~tnd.ctmu5.. - e0j.e_/1Lo.t t ~ ' of fbg_-rix~-.S:.atJ5..t/f_qf/Qfl., 3 · loJ!J.f!L/_La.&tJ!s_ff4~JJJ.C.e to.:.J3Ze a_Of_p_f_ the /J.e.@IAo/-fceit/a Ltr~.o_tt'.Olli_To-pc.e..fec.T &..e.Lafor Is___ 1 'aJ~ .s_io. t rOJJ.s.h.f«hofJ_ u"fc1 Ctj-kll.l.t:J · .ese Ca,S..e5_l5 I lih I ?Lt.tJ~Or I 'l' db. lLI.Q d.bon f-UC5..tAg,J.rt..ta · . L of:s;t1~rth.;£~-£.-th1 5Ldb.~0-h.t/t1.4llL.Eouc~tJtkr_/lmeadtf1Mis_of..-/:h.e_fd,uted_s_-a;ks_l.r;IJmhlM;- tllld .tlrtfclu§J1§Y~-!it·g~§IQ/i!J ((n.d §(J_oLtbLL.e£g,5 Cofli:tl:tu.iio.~-' ~t _Tam.mfl-a.fcJJ bf-~ilJ_f.h~ughJ/s_a.d:l.M.LhtfS_C~mAf.Ldfc.d_Reltcto.c...rAn:&..!.cf- To Offa5~&.J.Ld~L cPJJ.f/nt.m:ent1_·11f.fu'le t/'~l!J-/Il~~gst/g~tfP..n ~tfL.n.pJJLtt..lll!j~.tio{l7 w.IJ./ ch J.D.tifi,_ c.c./.Le_L,~.n.d.JJn.us_~£tLp-~t1./s.h_~_et~1.= Ihcrl:_mA(-4./stLCol!S..t/n.te. ·(Lcc/t!uila.Ld_o_f. LMJfec03 j_,~r:ectfrr-ursyanfW.Tex:~LlaLia.Je §3Z01 and_v.Mf_a-t_es_ &ftdw3_clgbts. .pur.s_u_an+- to tile_ ~&~££tb.f-/Y-f:h1.t1nJ_Eo_uc.feetJ.th_frme.n.dMetl12. rr_:t&_l/ol:bJ..2to;fes_Con5. -t£t~a~aL!td:Lcle . I!J/1;- § {Qt-"'nd.§./~Lo:F_tiJuexa.>....f.o~sif:Ml.o.a_, 5 Ta.mtt~y-LA EPa -r-thco.u..Jh-h~-"-~n-a.dmlfit.QrJ. .zw_Rddic c£ba.ti..Wj-.ha.L{) cr/fYI,~_q_l_._±h~c.e.hrJ.cL.f-a.55.esSed. f-tlC.J.uCLto ex.c.u.{fAi.!:._Kd~to.r-l~.ihe£>.ed_to_et.e.TX/5.e...s.uf;f.t_d.e>p/R.c.d.e.s....fto.JJJ_,.'o./~.:f~_s Reld.fD.c.'s aji1k.f-ursuanttoJ1~E/r.s:t;_.Eo.utih;=Jf.th1.51~ EJjldil;All.d_fuc&e.of..h...A~.tner.d:S_o_f fheJJ..IJJjgJ.s.-IJtfgs C.n5..tiMJ~aLLtActlc WJ.jJ a. 1~q _ 1 'P1~; ~fAn-J~£Jhu . fl e ~o. --'--· t!.fJl4lJ4-1·a'~-t!....po55.t cn.>t'M' '-B ·-n .R :kly--eXttL .£n~lrcJ ·§JZQj __e_ , .1 '£, To,m~V Lo. FO_n 1 by.. a. nLtb.r.bls.JJct/M~)1c_ff1o±adof-tfiiJ_Re./a_-@_c!s_fco.p.erj-5..uhmHtd_r-tfYJ.J./es ,:n_t_g_u:,f.l.v_l1fi...b.o.S...e.-££e.div.t.J(-ji13¥-~__&J.afD_r_pf_bJLca!lS.:bJ~.a)_d_j1+ to 6.e__6£LJ.dl q v.ioJ.¢W..llf-'4.CS..Uanf ·to +be 'E/L£t1~.Jl.r:th.,_t.~lrfhl<3 nd~.tfeen+h tlrnen dl!lfO-f:s af fhe_UmY:ed 5-hrfes CMrt!iJL"tie!t1A~ie.I9.~§~jJ4/-ifl/f~llJ !ltq eiJ:h_e ~(tiS C{)osfmtf./o¥rJ...1u/fe ·. §JZ01, - i I tJ,-i±o£l!Jandam u5 . &J~-~()t t~})_ T OF FA CIS . fot'.a±JL : Ih.e-~2f-'wJerrr 5~all hltLn '5 Fa. /lucd.df.nswer &Lator~ frof-erf;cFt'>- I Io_the M:tof_ge.JAto.c ~ knotAAeJjf--1..unJg,rs:htnd/,~1~Jld_LeQIJ113~tLIJ&c.c~ t~VJ/5 /tJ..2pen courTar fn!- Tr/4/ l · Jfgm'ngi.B.eS.p.on.Js.n+ SvtsatJlico.t.t!J_did_tnowJ~J;t.Ati.lflf+ to coerce Kel4hr Ovec/Jli;_P-entor:Llli~J!Jfscn hy-- s_f_g_t0:J_tl.J4±_/fshe w..ere fo_s_/d e w/tlrms.~~-~·b!aiJ at 5/A f-f-f-eJ>i ar/,1j1:tlun_th€ Re lafor ,.,ou fd to f.J.l'll_r:_/llitJ ~-f-Lt4_o£j.u /If w./ih_tbLRI~tr/ct./Ji@m_ey.,_Th./s...,_~£Cn.Ltllts fwu /} 6gy.edf.UJ.Jdtlv . t~r-_c.esSJJJj_th.e I . 1 d~ 'fld courf I!!Lt1ffe5 4ll . oc h" o_ 5tll._COJA.r±, r. '2. Res.p011W~w.LedjDf ev/Jf.tJ.CLtl.lJ_d~/~~~aL~coced.utLi:o..fX£«.Lr_afL$.elak,~t~-th_e>Lcass:£ky-_ t1fld~"j-h_gglah.c!5_fC1J.f-erly2ulw./ik.d_l!lcil~i.?lt-f-eHH on c~~-4ll.J sworo_g_-fO).i..v./13_, 1_, ~~fo.adYtt-b.a2-Jao.w..!R-J.jdhaLt~L~~:bc!Lt:f'.5tcg /n+ 1ill:.~ ~ases_~ko±b_of-~@~/ V.u..aJ_J{n_~_~fJr--._ ttJld_ib_roJI_JLCddo.r!Lfl=o.p.d.f 5 !J~t!1liftJ_i!Jo.t/o.llf4-f-&Hc.tJ_CV14ild sworr.u£bda.ILLb:~. . ~.!. r~o£Jetd:.b,5JJ_.s_a±/sfy_tbf Cod_!s_ce.9-ulce M e.n±_fi;c_ex_b !bHs oLthL.4.o cl{Men+slc.e medies_f/{ed /n f-he WCJ~t o£ < ey_e_l ~ o_f t ~ . - .. 185·tn )gJJ.ddP.L5Jc!ct- Co CArT /tLfit~rr/5 County_1Itx.Asf&lAfoc h.a.>J..-tt~eJ_to.Afp..eJLdtx ~ 5Worn~ trffi'davH to effect suchj:.Als() ()_thgceYJ~efl.c..e of tft~e..s_ahm/2sl.o.aS-I:A.r.Lb..e ~c~e_d~t-ib~-- w_eh5He .aT Cha' li4rr·t~ Couaif- ft/rtcLc.:UJ_eLL . . . c , . WdLo£Madal!l.u~ f_~e /3 of t'J I ' . /iCQ!jpj ~(')_13_ . f.o,'.rtfl[ : ·Ib e ~es.r..e11denT 5,!$!L5. 1 ~/!5-.B:ofer.lp:ied.J.£.t!lf.J~s L ~fi_/!Jarch_tJ1_z~tS...;-les..t-o.ufgof Susa~ 8rown/o-a.ikmf-D~-flx..eo.~t..el~h.c av.eo 1k_.fet.dO.!L7JJ.oi'Jf.SCfL 1 ~~to-4cs:.ef-t/llj~a_f/e4-o£J'u.~/t;-J.,~J_in_B.ctii..J~/tt-f1:_gela.tac!s_c~Afs_p«auarrt..-bJ tAc5b:l.t-;ii.'rJh1_ IE ljbi/;17And_liiwile.,.ctb_~___wd.'-'~ls:~.rT_s__~f the ldaJ~tKJ st¢g$ Co.a>-f:/:/:u_ft'~Af-4tld_ltr.itb& ..L §L~§L~a.t1d SS'Lt ff..JiJLL- C;_d.e af C::L~klil.Lfco..ce.d.Y~e· a!J.JY-f.~Laie£..le.La.~c!s_ojhf5_ flrHde I.JiLtfj 31 §J&Jp_~_§L&/iJJ1_ttnl!il1 ortbLTe,ras_fo.dsfi-I:!!D.~~- /uaJJP.tLt lo A:r:t/cle 5§8 tta..J. inJ_fhLfrb±; F/m12ltJiL1Eh.hi:f:Ld.ll J_fo_q~llif:Ldm.eJJ.J&rffs_a.-E tiJLI/.tJ.J~feJ )idfs...~_fordfMfoti, 31 KespandYJ±!s_tfll1w:Ledje.. .o£Ke_I.Afo r l_s_,~g_fli:cf-/Ve 1 t1Y.J.L1. r.JS qffi(/enf (g({ ch w~_/!IJg_fJ~J~IJ-· 1 TrLbet:-o/'- ttn4_fbroUJ.h_£ekf2r~ f-CO.f-ery...;.·£,~f.eLcel!lf.J,~u1A0[6r;.c. /. 1-P -:JFtl. n+- r:.eJ.,~LY-Htt ouLcau.r.l;;e/-d./re dffp.u.acwrr ]];_;1c.,.t&&...Ls?.r.O o£ tk.Jit45. Lo rd-/Mi.'o.ll;- T§.l/-14tg81-J.g-;_tW...4 ;§/'}_ cf H!e l.exas-Coll5iLTimi.fJft.tJ..:tM_ft.'csJt- Elfih1ildi1f~frfu1M!L5.urfee.nJ.b..AmellJ&e.nklf_ih_e_~tll~ Sb:ks...foi15:h..11iHQfL ~. h45 Ancw./e~e. thrayh C-uarrtto.Iex~_fenal CoJe §37,01 and §_3ZifJ-;Act'clu~l3_of_·t/r,e Iexas CoJ.~of Cn.ill,~a.Lfmc.ed«ce.1Ii1e Foudb-;F/frh15/t.fu1J..YJd Foucb.enth fri!l.ef.lJJ!lellt5 of_ :the tlftLtd S~-1!,~ LefJsJi-fxb'qfl/_4JJ~ 6rb'c/e I§9.1§ ~~~/JA §/1_g_f._fhUjx_aS_ Cal15_f.if.u±fotl, . 5, fe.J., b/s_f..Ljhf +o ?tfLe.v_idetri/a9'-~-eAr'~-3~/nih__es_e...s:AieLthEo0Jh_t-rop.ecfr-.5ubMi71lJ_[I_($)_,UJ.d sw~r(j_.df:J.tJ.}LH·(zl1 o.t w/u'c/, felator /s er~Ht/ed as-:.s_hon.ilL./.tLNun.eD'-1 frlue l&c1 _35:fLEJ.J_l0_':/.5.1.1Q5~(_q±h_c./c,.ZOOl}_(£/lld/l}j-{£k_ ()_ f e!L/d.tJlh'ar-kean~_/lladeqtAde fo....:f!.nd__ 11 '\f.4c±s_ 1).A/5.o Li/f.lL:ny_-thtl-t ±be.._si:aie coJACt ~ '':&ctua./. ~£/td/nj.s_;e unceasofl4hleJJ~berJ -fhe 1 ca.u.r:t miLJLth...!'!J dlrJjS !tt/ ,fh OMf- hO /.J~.rLe.V:..t1.e !1~£(-h~E./lJL' . .. 0-1. 8~pQ{l~eflt b_gs_Lett- -f:h£_ge)a±£,'/eLcemeJ/_gs_v.o.LJ_1-jl.~/qj -the ?:tff-ei!A.te co1.1r-r ·. ~ ~r:sJ.Ic+iotL-bl. '/55Y:e mao...daM~.&Ld.eJ.f-ih ~.JL&./ l4.b/l/-f:J {)foTher J:emed:es anafri./5-4d!.f-ted_,.n_I! . . .v.:, Bakec ... 0/,_/!:f_Q/> t L11k.L12 1..2.J.~,_zJ_~5 tJ!1.4nJa.mus_kt;y_:J_(J). .. - -· 1, .l1~nd ~~u~ tL4JL~//ak.fLt_p Ltr ctituLtbat~tJores deac._/",:tJd,~n_j-f-Cece.derr/:_h.ectJ.JJ5J?_tD d../.__ 1 J.u.djgs_Jo_n.a+ ety£(- fceeda~ fo / fhg_fa.w... ~f£,' ~~..Kn/ie J~p.p.,.ffl.RtSJ:, L1i1l88.1 s,_w_,tJ_]kO, .· f!lo.tJdJ..f!>J/..5_~e.y.J.:k . . . - 8, fr..u:.~u.Js../:l:ei for tff.IAg,tlce t~f wr/f oftv~anddfYitJ5 b.y_t.truf-f-ellilie coyc:tace-.ex./sience of le_gALd.uJr--·_ -- o.,r.._pact c.:Lio.IILe.J:_co. urt fo_pecf~cr.r:Lhb nJ,~cr-etr~rJ ac.yJ..,JJ.JJ9.t:...fler:fo..r.m etnce.r.t~nd_re fusa. /_l2.t_ c.o_uc/: tr; pemrm , v..._s_-r~ (dpp.t_.LP..,5±. L1_1t}_gy_z 5, w', Zd_tfj?.tJ.,.~at.ld4mu5~ty..LZ-jl!k11J.a.~us_ -·- kld.!:LU2i fVlatLictf!l us_ke.yJ.:f_(J) - ... q, Et_h,~/f:s.·tKcorY~f-44-f-J-t)j_a/.mr Is r--et/f~()_{J_oclft.dtd ff!lafJdar!l us_t!Lece_!l of cep!.ul:ed fq b::_ ri.Jm./ss./b[e_e.v_tAence, Ill-&e C! (!l~p,_fl_Q:S~t. VJOi..)_Z.f!.l5LM.1d IOii!J.atLJ&fYius_f..r !SL{_( t2 Wr-H-o_fl1at~damll5.. p_C!J_e_/2_o_f_t_ ~ PKAVER ES0085-01-07 STATE OF !EXItS CoUNTY OF HltRUS ''.ram the qpp(/can± /n fh/_s ac±/ofl and know-& cmrfenis of +he 2-0/5, ESOOSS-01-07 &je /1 of zt-/ AffEtJD:IX I curfaih'llj the 1/ber+y of speech., , 6, Art/c{e I§(Z-cfthe kxa£ Cans-b'-lu+ioll· HltGtAS CORPUS. 7/,e wrifcfh4bea.s cnrpas fs a wr/fcfr(jhi{4nJ sA41/ neVer/1e.s-uspendeJ, The Ll?jt~/ature shall enact /aw5 to render-the tefl'IPJy sredy and @dual. 7, Article I§f3cf+be Te,xa£ Co~+/faf;'on, EXCC55IV~ BArL OR t=rN£SjCCUflr AN.P t/NU5t.Mt. fUp/IsHMENTj8fM£0Y.BY PU£ C EOF L E I n IIIDJ nec.essarv n tp eturce. ff, eu- I ,Iurt£I Jlt ct.J_I/I)(J, I ~ ESOOSS-01-07 /D, crwho W4nfo I I 1/,ltr+J cle 17.15 I§ I(/) cf the le£45 Code cf c,,',.,,'nal Procedure Rdease cr bai I reduct'oil /s l?fw'reJ /f-the stA-ff /s Mt I reaJv for ft,'af w/th/n 10Jal6 from the CcMMel!CR.fV!ellt ofthe JefenJan±~ Je·fenHot!, I I . f't, Article 38,t3 cfthe Teras Codt pro~ecutioM ev/denc~,) i , Ko:zAck./ v, ie ototdcome of the /nvest/ga-1-/oo or aff/c/af ,eroceeJ/nj, Tltl1fmtJGWJJHoCF8/JCiqrmJGfltYSfCALEVIPf{'.t£, U, "Gta( &n4/ CDde §]J, /0, TI/MPfR';CtJG lJ.!TH OK f!IBtteltTING fHYS!Citl EVI/)ft.JCE, kpecron . comm'f> An offen~e /fbe m4kes,I ESOOSS-01-07 dEFIPAV.:rToF OVERILLE DENTON THOMPSON IN SUPPDkT OE AffL'r.CitTION FOR Wf