) . ` SS.U'Q'Q Auguet ZU, 2015 ABEL AEUSTA, ELERK . TEXAB EUURT'UF`CRIMINAL APPEALS P.U. BUX 12308 Capitol Station Austin, Texae 78711 IN re: Ex parte Johaneeon, writ No; wRLBZ,EWQ-U? To Abel,Acoete, Elerk: Encloeed For`Fiiing with my Art. 11.07 writ of Hebeas Eorpue recently received by the Eourt trom Tyler Eourty,‘TeXaS, their Reference No. 23,6&5 (why I do not know as your office eete the writ number_end my Cauee Number at Court mae 103205) you mill find my "Applicent‘e Notice to the Court end Dbjeotion to Deniel of Defeult Judgment" for review by the Eourt in this metter. I thank you for notifying Tyler Eounty of their deficiency in holding my writ illegally. I would request Notice that this document has been received end Filed. Thenk youo. Reepectfully eubmitted, /S/ FXV~e/Y\ gmbh OMWW V 'Sven Erik Joheneson 1#65256 E.T. Terrell Unit `1300 FM 655 Roeheron, Texee 77583 RECE|VED |N m w'r oF chMlNAL APDFM..¢ SEP 02 2015 Deted & documented _ 7 w ebel Acosta, blew IH THE CUURT UF ERIMINAL APPEALS FUR THE'STATE UF TEXAS EX PARTE SUEN'ERIK“JUHANSSUN, Applicant m@mm' *wRIT‘N@. R493,619-u1 APPLICANT'S NUTICE TD THE CDURT AND UBJECTIUN'TD DENIAL UF DEFAULT JUDGMENT TU THE‘HUNURFBLE“EDURT: 'chEs"Nuw evEN~ERIK'JUHANSSUN,-Applicant pra Se, and files / . Court and Ubjeotion to Denial this his "prlicant*s Notice to the of Defawlt'ludgment" in the above numbered writ.' Applicant holds »that he cannot file his rebuttal.to the "State*s‘Answer"-as he was never served a'oopy“of same. As it has been now over the 35 day time limit For filing setPEY STATUTEJ“of`ZE days then the writ sould be reviewed unchallenged; although Applicant is well aware that the grounds cannot be defeated; Applicant further serves Notice'to%the‘Eourt that the trial court has "intentionally and willfully", with malicous intent, / attempt to mislead and inflame the mind of the Court by stipulating issues on Applicant's "Tst Motibn to Revoke" that Applicant took to jury trials and won. U.S. v; Cartwright,‘E`F.Zd 2963 302 f5th Bir. 1993). Suoh outragious conduct violates due process of law. U.S; v. Arditti, 955 F.2d`531'(5th Cir; (Tex.) 1992). `Applicant is sure that the Court will side with the State and attempt to argue that the Rules'of Appellate Prbcedure allows for 180 days to Forward the?writy a RULE'that runs afoulN of`the.LAw and STATUTE of V;A.C.C.P.`Art. 11.07. Said action also runs counter tD Texas Cbnst; Art: 1 §12 as to the writ being "speedy". By DENYING Applicant's Motion For Default Judgment in this instance is denying him justice. JUSTIEE`DELAVED IS JUSTICE DENIED. (MLK). As Applicant has a Right under Common Law and the 9th Amendment to enter Default Judgment where the State has intentionally delayed his writ 'knowing full well they have broken`the Law and thet suit is imminent. Applicant serves Notice that he is entitled to restitution under TX. Govt. Eode §§501.101 <.102, and, Tx.Ev.Prac. < Rem. CDde §10?.052 for ALL time wrongfully imprisoned. Last, Applicant points_out that, although the State, e.g., Elerk of his trial court, served him with a copy of Motion To Revoke, and, the Capias warrant For his arrest, N0 certified copy was stipulated in the documents sent to the Court. These 2 documents are the only documents sent to Applicant. Applicant‘s writ of Habeas Corpus has only been sent to the Eourt of Criminal Appeals AFTER Applicant's tiling of writ of wandamus, yet` Applicant avers he requires a copy of the "State's Answer and 0rder" in order to file proper rebuttal it requried. Denial of a copy of the State's Answer is a denial of Due Process`of Law. Applicant hereby serves NUTIEE of all issues herein set out. Respectfully submitted, /S/MEL¢`}Q.UMM Sven Erick Johaz sson 1465256 E.T. Terrell Unit 1300 FM 655 Rosharon, Texas 77503 W