September, 24, ,.2015 Abel Acosta Clerk RECEIVED ~~J COURT OF CP!~~iNAI. fl PPE,e,lS SUPREME COURT Bldg. 201 w. 14th st. Rm.l06 SEP 29 2cr~ Austin, Texas 78711-2308 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Abel Acosta, Cterk 47- RE: WR, 975-04 and (03) Dear Ms. Acosta; My name is Roy Jon, I am a sta~e prisoner, and I received some docket sheet's from your office. l am comfused wiih the disposition and order on the docket sheet's. If I may, can I please reveiw the docments in cause number W92-63805-L(A); Dates 04/05/2001; 04/11/2001 twice with (HCRDEN/NH EAR,;WR-47,975-03 and cause number W92-63805-L(B) Dates 10/17/2007; (HCRDEN1NH EAR)(HC DEN w/o ORD ON TD FIND w/o HRG); WR-47 ,975-04 •. Ms. Acosta, I would greatly apprepriated if I may rev~ew these dotuments under the following cause number's. I want to thank you in advance for your immediaie attention. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED C.C. FILED Huntsville, Texas 77343