-RmJU. /o.c-0 PD-1263-15
~ftO-&Uwz, ZAjl A
_^_^__sz/ nn, RECEIVED IN
_^ua'/^^--IX-/3:^z4. SEP23 2015
sw-t+a-jgfflg CRIMINAL APPEAL
StcP~2j; u^4
Abel Acosta, Clem
favor. No against him, beandheld
person shall shallto,have <^73*^™?ErLt ofagrand
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presented by counsel mcludes the right toconsult inprivate wun ^u^>
Except as otherwise provided ^f*^^1?^ 8roceedingSe have been initiated
and requests appointed counsel and ifadversarial judicial piu
court or the courts' designee receives the defendant s