CHRIS DANIEL 01-15-00184-CR HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK February 25, 2015 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS JOSHUA HILL HOUSTON, TEXAS ATTORNEY OF RECORD 2/26/2015 3:12:41 PM 4615 SW FRWY., SUITE 600 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77027 Clerk Defendant's Name: JOVANTE CHARLES BANKS Cause No: 1370633 Court: 180™ DISTRICT COURT Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause: Notice of Appeal Filed Date: 02/13/2015 Sentence Imposed Date: 02/13/2015 Court of Appeals Assignment: First Court of Appeals Appeal Attorney of Record: JOSHUA HILL Pauper's Oath On Appeal Filed: 02/13/2015 Sincerely, vs/N. Salinas Criminal Post Trial Deputy CC: Devon Anderson District Attorney Appellate Division Harris County, Texas K. POWERS (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) This is your notice to inform any and all substitute reporters in this cause. 1201 Franklin P.O.Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-465 1 i\ Cause No. THE STATE OF TEXAS A/K/A/ f3 im District Court / County Criminal Court at Law No. Harris County, Texas NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Time: 13 2015 On (date), the defendant in the above numbered ed causeu jive's*as NOTICE OF APPEAL of his conviction. Depufp-~~-—. The undersigned attorney (check appropriate box): t MOVES to withdraw. ADVISES the court that he will CONTINUE to represent the defendant on appeal Date Attorney (Signatureÿ t. rlurra rÿL wrn « A Defendant (Printed name) Attorney (Printed name) State Bar Number . . tytfy PA t/'r\ Sfj, 9 /). n I** MAK7(-b- 8 Telephone Number The defendant (check all that apply): REPRESENTS to the court that he is presently INDIGENT and ASKS the court to immediately APPOINT appellate counsel to represent him. ASKS the Court to ORDER that a free record be provided to him. pC ASKS the court to set BAIL. Accordingly, Appellant ASKS the Court to conduct a hearing, make findings, and enter an Order Granting the requested relief. Defendant (Signature) Defendant’s Printed name By Deputy District Clerk of Harris County, 'fexa'ÿÿÿct)v>ÿ u,/ _ hnp://hcdco-intranet/Criminal/Criminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal Forms/Notice of Appeal (3 p9ÿ-w'AtTirmJfion).docx/P0gp 2 l/of 3 0M"'°6 \ 1 vS so s»>"I. ORDER On t4hA<> the Court conducted a hearing and FINDS that defendant / appellant IS NOT indigent at this time. p'ls indigent for the purpose of employing counsel paying for a clerk’s and court reporter’s record. employing counsel or paying for a clerk’s and court reporter’s record. The Court ORDERS that Counsel’s motion to withdraws GRAailfeD /DENIED. Defendant / appellant’s motion (to be found indigent) is DENIED. Defendant’s / appellant’s motion is GRANTED and (attorney’s name & bar card number) is APPOINTED to represent defendant / appellant on appeal. The COURT REPORTER is ORDERED to prepare and file the reporter’s record without charge to defendant / appellant. BAIL IS: SET at S _ To CONTINUE as presently set. DENIED and is SET at NO BOND. (Felony Only) DATE SIGNED: JUDGE PRESIDING, |TSD DISTRICT COURT / COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW NO. HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS * /*/ JM. hnp://hcdco-intranet/Criminal/Criminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal Forms/Notice of Appeal (3 pages-w Affirmation).docx Page 2 of 3 06/01/06 ; Cause No. Bloub'i THE STATE OF TEXAS A/KJAJ Ito District Court / County Criminal Court at Law No. Harris County, Texas OATH OF APPOINTED ATTORNEY ON APPEAL —IOSUUOL M-IU , Attorney at Law, swear or affirm that I will be solely responsible for writing a brief and representing the appellant on appeal. If I am not able to perform my duties as appellate counsel, I will notify the Court immediately so that the Court may take the appropriate action as deemed necessary. ZHoHqZol j_ gZIÿTMZO Attomey-at-Law (Signature) BAR Number / SPN M(pi5 f-\6U5fp/l , TX '1'lcZl Address City / State / Zip 113- n\1-(eZ/v-'TACT-ClP Companion Cases (If Known) _ Ui(V Amount of Appeal Bond Appellant Confined: Yes No Date Submitted To Appeal Section > J2- ££ÿ/s Deputy Cler <3 VAJT HW
Jovante Charles Banks v. State
Combined Opinion