TCXA5 Cdu(?T 6f ZimiftAL AW&)lS v ScpT£i*bt& q.^OlS c/t Au£ Acosrn ,cie^ic ^APifAc £>Tflfu>6 fca 0>0X. /A3o« /lUST/iO T£kAS 1271t~2ZD8 Re*. p(A)f4 iA SfAT6i C^u^pf'-fapefttS Cm£6 Mo&, 6£-l*h.OC>&ll, 1% ,77, 26 •££; PLEA& fwd Uicioseo perrrioMe-Rs' Motion ro suppLemaoT Perfm/d Fez Dt&aexiodMfy Review (fippeh)pix)iti rue A&ove srvieo &A&.(s),ut ftn copies of All. ProS'e mofibus fiLBb MS£ fe&uPKM 3,3^/4. IMS RE&u&f b B£/"4 ./We Vezsab^rTo Tx-Qute Aef» Ptoc \Lu\t as* to, ?LeA$e Nae rd mis coum that Tttaub Adt omee. morion imfu£ttfiiet> PHo^ ^flr Hftue iiorOzeri fu^A>eo wjb& To Pern'ioio&l &/Thg t&x#-r of app&ls To m\$ vme, that we ^eo-Tthttux To -wis coupes cM£iD£fcflr«>4 of ?wt~ %od foe viscasrioAiAdi/ 9£vi£t&- pizazz fCus, aa>& supPtewe/Or rtt&e &>p&> of Pro Se mcTi'6A>s tu^r?f twe AwB/ooa of me ?&rrrlo(d x/0 tw^ AGo>& Sfei>J^ Ttyem To Ttf£ fctfEHTidtO of TWi'6- acu&T /a) Voir?- U&wnc /ii/MOai* fierrriDAjek H«m&y'VE&ue&r TheetmK sent/erne stat^ flfetf&tu- tus& Air^/oev acopv f/4t stmf£ of raA? CaAerof APPet\cSAk&> DflUflS CoUM1/ WAL tOUPrUW& tft& f-oS-KZUk , f'll- &0732, f~\i-wn$* •/nor/M Reoaesh/Oh suvei&n&x of Pennoti Ktf- ujoth coptes of Pao Se ffur/b/Js To me ttohidm'&LL tri*i>*r£s ot thc c&unr t^6mm\tOAc bw&ts'. &>mes moo ft&tifiificb \(e(ru TML/fthn'M&z. ?ru>*) to suppkrncnr me wtdw* of Pfi&A'ousw Tibet* 9ermod fbiL bimef&rtAW mAei4r vom d«rig£ of Pfto Sc rnbTio^ f$a^ &QilVWj ?>t 20IS" To P^S^n 1/0 sappW b$9Ui*uT \^0(M> £>i\o(A mc fallow tn$f. X. iM<£, n* S^ mono/OS a^i ww&fcs fto> t^rtu t^e &>u£r of APfeAts «f me wnriadaju ,&*><*> t* wwr'^v teg* /LSSeif ftrirfeoos wlhbxt. i* nw** -we ^-^^^^i^u^e (Lot, ME* ram* i&VB*»eri>AW *m ^^M%iVmsicns ^J^/^7tm»LS ,-mf a**, rue com of t*e*is. w«s tie sufcrtT/writ/etY t&mio^ Aitozfts rmef. foVtes. cf tfa. £& Morions AP£ AtTAck£b- peririow&Z Ceff'Tii s 3T d&Lfffy THATAQop<(jfZtfiS, Ma//Ca) Um SaJTjfrfrS* Mat S&is/cce faxAS 7%Yo& *J ?/. hppeoS Alo: 6*-l4- OO 8lit*, *«/-'*' ** *** fj Xh ike CcuAr &f fads A+ ThMas Tzx&$ FlQtb. Dtsmcr fi&mau) Iter* PmK - ^WW couVTLoEFDApi|LS m_ | OLfcRK 5th DISTWCT AppeJ 6-f &c*$e titim^cf. F'Ctf-553>¥(e ; ^/3~££73A Seeoetd Aic/fiitt Be. &r&i6'Qr\ ?e ^o fife. «/? %He ffenornbfc Jusnccs *P iU Court of $P^Si domes uou) %&«*6t Iteru %**-, Ap^^f pro &**& Ot JW 0.7,M¥ UejMt^ &u»d dppc/i^£^;^°: fapwx, * T*e Anders bred. «<™^M>^»-*_»»«M-»^_va^it(»n*X'aBfc^^ ••:•••<'.;•- "* «~.--.'-,-.«^-i^-*'i: "< ,m-».i!«.aii'i«i wms«»,*',', . r ^^A^M/^^Af^^r,m dmJth^ AU#0l+mA(#dl*&' litis is *4e Appe/kHfe' second req/teff -&r exrms/sn ,Ap&dk*f ** tmable it? Meet deadAnt, ASrAAe, K>vc*My rea^HStUpntM ^ , fvQoJ •Uncoiied.ks, ftxereki/Z/oaJertade^H W f&&AscA, (Jw-Am«&* access Ao £a» need $-pwore tW. Ao Se*eur& eyide^ec, heeded t> AsscrA M aPmmeaf, T&£evidence Aas fee* &ty*f*f ®ssp*ce *»ud£ fave **** cn/^^md'7ty> pA Ay l^fy *" he/pfri-^z- 5tea^e Wu£*vtde**ec as qbiskAf as /kxs*s6/&, Po& thz&as sit&edabove* AtmAanf remZ*r&^ ~~mZpro $c.&ter or fcsjv<^& a&z* m/$ &&»d&*&•&'**' Ap/ZeJActsuf p& Sc dettirkdL J ^ fVt&e; £ 6e*tf/,?/y &*/iAk, 7&MS 1SUU 0* /-J2?~/5~ Addressed Tot &^S&/$r /4p/>*A/^ €~ /J3 AT, Ai/i/s^Akc^ &Aisd AA A9 AX/A** JZ. 7S&47
Pink, Reginald Keith
Combined Opinion