ACCEPTED 03-14-00012-CV 4404961 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 3/6/2015 3:05:47 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK 300 W. 15th, Austin, A Texas 78701 / P.O. Box 137777, Austin, Texas 778711-3777 FILED IN (512)) 475-1440, Fax (5 512) 370-9025 / ww ww.sorm.state.tx.uus 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 3/6/2015 3:05:47 PM March h 6, 2015 JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk Jeffreyy D. Kyle, C Clerk Court of Appealss, Third Disstrict P.O. Boox 12547 Austin, TX 78711‐2547 Re: Court of A Appeals Number: 03‐14‐000012‐CV Trial Courtt Case Num mber: D‐1‐G GN‐09‐0033089 Style: State Officce of Risk M Manageme ent vs. Katiina A. Edw wards Dear MMr. Kyle: The Sttate Office e of Risk Management (SORM M) was recently nottified thatt the above case has b been set fo or submission and orral argumeent on Marrch 23, 201 15 @ 1:30 p.m. Pleasee allow this letter too be notice e of the Sttate Officee of Risk M Managemeent’s intention to argu ue this case e before th he Court. Respecctfully, //s// JJ. Red Trip pp J. Red Tripp State BBar No. 00790257 Associate General Counsel State OOffice of Risk Management P.O. Boox 13777 Austin, Texas 78 8711‐3777 (512) 9936‐1516 (512) 3370‐9189 ffax Red.Trripp@sorm m.state.tx.u us Counsel for Appe ellant Jeffrey D. Kyle, Clerk March 6, 2015 Page 2 cc: Mr. Bradley McClellan; via email Mr. Dennis McKinney; via email
State Office of Risk Management v. Katina A. Edwards
Combined Opinion