ACCEPTED 01-14-00370-cv FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 3/2/2015 4:49:03 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK NO. 01-14-00370-CV FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS IN TI-IE, COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS FOR TFM FIRST DISTRICT OF TEXAS3/2/2015 4:49:03 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk REPUBLIC PETROLEUM LLC, App e I lø nt / C r o s s -App e I le e V. DYNAMIC OFFSHORE RESOURCES NS, L.L.C. AND W&T OFFSHORE, INC., App e I I e e s/C r o s s -App e I I a n ts On Appeal from tbe 270th Judicial District Court Harris County, Texas, the Honorable Brent Gamble presiding Trial Court Cause No. 2010-80561 JOINT MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPELLEES' BRIEFS TO THE HONORABLE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS Appellant/Cross-Appellee Republic Petroleum LLC and Appellees/Cross- Appellants Dynamic Offshore Resources NS, L.L.C. and W&T Ofßhore, Inc. file this joint motion under Tnx. R. App. P. 10.5(b) and 38.6(d), requesting a twelve day extension of time to file their appellees' brieß, and respectfully show this Court as follows Appellant and Cross-Appellants are appealing the trial court's judgment. The parties filed their respective appellants' briefs on Februaty 9, 2015. The parties' appellees' brieß are cuffently due on March II,2015. Appellant and Cross-Appellants ask this Court for a twelve day extension of time (from the current due date) to file their appellees' briefs, making such briefs due on March 23,2015. Appellant and Cross-Appellants previously requested and were granted two extensions of time to file their appellants' briefs. Appellant and Cross-Appellants need additional time to file their briefs so their counsel can continue to review the lengthy appellate record to better provide the Court with clear and concise briefs. Additionally, counsel for Appellant and Cross-Appellants have been working to comply with concurrent deadlines in other cases. Prayer Appellant and Cross-Appellants respectfully request this Court grant a twelve day extension to file their appellees' brieß, extending the deadline to March 23,2015. Respectfully Su tted, K. B. BATTAG Texas State Bar No. 01918060 ÇtltL com JOHN G. BISSELL Texas State Bar No. 02356000 2 ibiss Strong Pipkin Bissell &,Ledyard, L.L.P. 4900 Woodway Drive, Suite 1200 Houston, Texas 77056 Telephone: (7 13) 65 1- 1900 Facsimile : (7 13) 65 I -1920 COLINSEL FOR APPELLANT REPIIBLIC PETROLEUM LLC AND KENNETH H. LABORDE Texas State Bar No. 11786070 DANIEL G. RAUH Louisiana State Bar No. 27280 (PHn CFIARLOTTE A. FIELDS Texas State Bar No. 24032175 cfieldslÐ, Gieger, Laborde & Laperouse, L.L.C. ll77 West Loop South, Suite 750 Houston, Texas 77027 Telephone: (832) 255-6000 Facsimile : (832) 255-6001 COUNSEL FOR CROS S-APPELLANT DYNAMIC OFFSHORE RESOURCES NS, L.L.C. AND L /^_ Bradley L Texas Bar No. 05653800 J Brigid D. Ashcraft Texas Bar No. 09193167 b ashcraft @,i dkel aw. com Johnson Deluca Kurisky & Gould, P.C. 4 Houston Center l22I Lamar, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77010 Telephone: (713) 652-2525 Facsimile : (7 13) 652-5 130 ATTORNEYS FOR CROS S-APPELLANT W&T OFFSHORE INC. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifl that on the 2nd day of March, 2015, a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was served on the following counsel of record via e- filing and e-mail in accordance with Tsx. R. App. P. 9.5(e). K. B. Battaglini John G. Bissell Strong Pipkin Bissell &.Ledyard, L.L.P. 4900 Woodway Drive, Suite 1200 Houston, Texas 77056 COUNSEL FOR APPELLANT REPUBLIC PETROLEUM LLC Bradley L. Deluca Brigid D. Ashcraft Johnson, Deluca, Kurisky & Gould, P.C. 4 Houston Center I22l Lamar Street, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77010 COUNSEL FOR CROSS-APPELLANT W&T OFFSHORE, INC. Charlotte A. Fields 4
Republic Petroleum LLC and Republic Petroleum Partners, LP v. Dynamic Offshore Resources NS LLC and W&T Offshore Inc.
Combined Opinion