ll.Sll'Ol Billy Fox, DistrictClerk Bowie County, Texas RECEIVED IN 710 James Bowie Drive New Boston, Tx 75570 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MAR 02 2015 Date: May 16, 2014 Abel Acosia, Clerk To: Jermaine Dwayne Easter #1333955 Wynne Unit 810 FM 2821 Huntsville, TX 77349 State Of Texas vs Jermaine Dwayne Easter in case number 04F0537-102 In accordance with the Open Records Act section 552.028, Government Code: (a) A governmental body is not required to accept or comply with a request for information from: (1) an individualwho is imprisoned or confined in a conrectional facility; or (2) an agent of thatindividual, other than thatindividual's attorney when the attorneyis requesting information thatis subject to disclosure under this chapter. (b) This sectiondoes notprohibit a governmental bodyfrom disclosing toan individual described by Section (a)(1), orthat individual's agent, information held by the governmentalbody pertaining to thatindividual. You may purchase copies for a fee of $1.00 per page. The District Clerk's Office does not have the transcript or the police report you are requesting. You will have to contact Lucille Collins at, 204 Oakhill RD, Texarkana, TX 75501, for the transcript. A copy of the case summary has been included for the above listed cause number. This reflects all filings as of this date. Sincerely, Lh^jni^\ajrri Deputy Billy Fox, District Clerk Bowie County, Texas C&Q^ £\vt)^ KlD. ^W'boce>o^Cj£l V wfiN^o cf>y ck^, ^0\^ fcerM^VManX Tt*<^s -77-70S V\£Xxi: ^£££C^ ,LWC rTwVTw \_o^ WW L.to>rV> ol4^Ji ^o|<>,^^ uOca f«.SewJL Vo OdOH. tV£> ocNoo^b Wvfboc^ ^k^xIl. *& ^Ws^fe.^r^V W^^P^-W^W^.^^N ^oW^QorY CV\jirJV X*>XrNusXr V»J5i>^ ^^©o5^ £Y\ixV.\%u Vt/VrV»\9<\«r ci>f C«_Ler&ws ^VnWaisMi Y^\^v WU wx,W \^ fc^ v.fr-vcrW CiAe-^. V^ V CtiKvcA <*" -^ w^ ^W q^-j. So w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^g^ [Lu^ ion ixi»-a\ ^ S>^rvcA«r>(£_
Easter, Jermaine
Combined Opinion