I I ~ 'RU\..,~ tpto. DTscRt:T10NAR~ Rtvx~ . I~ GEl')E R'B\. LPI 11lf8'-d51Ci.P1cn1f81 RECEIVED IN COURT OF. ~RIIIJIINAL APPEALS MAR 16 2015 I ...... ·-·. ' .I . ' ~uLe &,.1, Wz7,·+ o~ wzrNou=r Pe7~Z7Z<:1i'J TJ,.e. L Cat,lilf't -,of Crl'rvDI'r~ee.J f.lpt:~Cttt~1s rY&~y ~review ~- co\Nv-t . ) _I •. •. , ' ?'p··· Ct{'!:;Htett.DS orecuS'Idi"'l 111 t't Cri'Y.Yl;·nal CeA,$1e <11? t'blf' d~v ¥1 twYo"fvN~t/ve> tvtlflt1fff' Rule d~7 ~y· on th;.e.,. petl~ian o-.P C\ ~ r' ey ~1! r~~e;l '!~~ /l t.t ti! ~ e: ·, Ru.t:e. l.o~ ;), No7 17 /11J~t~i' i"t;J,~~ oF R:;:GHT , JJ·iSC:Y e.t-i OY\.a..'(""y. r-evie~ Jy l.f'Ae. Cou~t ol! C~a~tno,' »ppeQJ.s fS no~< a. m4t'her ol rd8h.-t1 bu:t;; o# tfh._q Cou-~b~ J;\feetd~H ~tALE ' ' · $. }qat~S't~hJS' (OW.. ~lt'~~~N"f.lNG ~I;!V:l'IW n wh e . he -t:h.e"rt C~"V\tr't,d uh9 r\.Q'r -Pt..d t y me~Uy-\ h9 ~he Cour-~ a~ 10< Cn"rvl.'nC\\ ¥\-ff eo.\ s1 oilsC:.,.. e ti 11 Y~ 1 t: he .fo II owl ~5 wi\1 be co.,. ~ldp ereJ _by l:dlQ Co':'n·-t m o/ec;d;ng wh.et:J...e.r ho ~o.nt J,s- c,v--et, 0\" a~·y re. vr e w: (a) ~hee,her a court of appeaJ( oLec~~ridh Co'n,~~lfotS with. ?l~~\:>'he... Co\;n-~ of ct,:)pectts 1 o/ect'sidll o-n ~~ SbtmEl tSSwec; (~) wl".et;h.er a cou. yt uf ~~eail.r )vqs decrd..ed a.111 ,~11"\?lparit~ cn.n t q_uesb,'o 'f\ of f'&et ~e e~Y. k~~ret41 1~ w -~sJ,e,. tr Ac,s l'i~~ {;eetrll. bWt Shc::J~tJ hei sehtdecl by trhce CaLl'r~ o.P c.~'\~~\.\. ~.q,\ \~,. ~~~~«\~\ r; Ct..} w \'f¥'1 f o "'et' \"~A?r c. Ccn.Aif"~ elI! o.ppea.\so hc..r d ecJ c!e ei o...., '<" \:;;C\n~ ~\A.~S:b It) fecie.-'rC\ cf t;···'h.tt u~\~~ s~~; ) wJ1ef::Mr ~ cou.....-t af' a;;;VeaJ.r has decJat:ed a. ftc..-.wt:£1 rL~t-e/ 'refjLI}Ct,t;f()n1 OY Olrq /hOI. nett UnCOJnJis/but/IJYrgQjJ Or et.p~etr.r 6o ;.4a, ve m/s carnstt·\ked ~ Sca.\L~ t.eJ V"U)~.u I ;t;JL1Ja~{t:Jn1 ov- oYdtYJa~r~c.e; . (e) W het;h~.r ~h,_e JU.)6/C.er 01f' eJ Co/...,1 Jr C o/' C/;:71?e~JS h,CLV'e. dtJ.qg;~·e&l on q mt:t ter~~a.s dl! 2 1.4es6'"'•, Q P }Q.w n-ecesYetry 6-~ ~,ie court~ dec.lfJ:r::n,~· q_,?e/ (c;({) w h ~t- k" c.. Co\..N"~ " .r o..~r~cdS hC\.s Sa fo..v 'deF rteol fr.oh1 -\:. ~ 0\. c..c.e.? ~eol o.. ~ u.suo.\ Co\.A.""".re a+ Juoli c...{ G\l 1? Yo c..e-e~~hc.3sJ o·--r soh" .5cA..'<\c...\:.\o~e.d. sue~ c.. oA.epe-..-.r~'\~lb~:Ct lowe,.r C~ciu.,r\::.l C\.S \:.a cev\\ -toy- c...,~ exev-c\se. o-P t'~ Cou.v-t- a.; I Cv--,~~\ Vt, ppecvl~' pc:>w'e.." d f SLJ.f-e~v,'t\'tJ'f\,. Rule: b ht 4. Poe LAW\f!tJTS 7tJ }!)ze> 1)gc..nZdtJ . . ( 0 ) . AqlAir-i n-':l Doc.u.~~"\:S, 7he.. Cou.r~ "F Cv\Yv\,\-\o..\ Y+ppea-ls- -or Ov""'( ~uc:./.9e o~ \Shct Cov..,v-t.-mo:y aYO!.e...- the caut-t 0 {' ~ppecds c-eYk \::;o l~"oM.pt.\y ~e-~ t:~t ~ilow,·'!\tjS \;;;a \:;·\.e. Co'Ar-t -\"' Orolerr ~0 a\·cl &t i\a ol.ec\ol.ahs W ~/;;'~¥" tO 'd'rCl.t'r\~ ot)SGr-e/e~l·lJ~ ~'r y re v,'ew*, (~) ~h-e evppellCttG€ r--ec.orJ; tl) a copy Cl~ t::M 0?/h/.?n a./' ~;(e cot.Jrt t:7p appet:J;ls;c.,o:) (S) a. Co fY t:::11 l:;'~e YY1 0 t'IO h s I/ I ed ' 'h t: h-e. ColA- r t. 0 r . ctprealsi qhd (~) cer- c-r f,~~ cop,·es of o...~y jud9 m~~~ o-v- ""~"" · o.f ~"-e io'\-Vv-~ o + C\~fectl~, · Lb) Reb~v-n e;; l)oc.U'r-1'\-e..-""~~~ Z/2 ol~Sc..-Y.etia'*'.av""_y rev(ew .,'s hOb ca'f'C\.·~~d) thfL ~)~-rk of- -l:;\-J2. 6:;uvt of' ey.,~f~Cv\ f-l-fpeals w,·JI r~&u,-y, t::h..e a;::;peJI~~:.se recov-ol b:" -b--l\.-( Cour-b aP cx.rpeaJs e )e..-k.