PD-0358-15 no. ¥3y/)6 3A 5 IN THE TEXAS COURT PETITIONER VS. OF MAR 30 2015 THE STATE OF TEXAS, RESPONDENT CRIMINAL APPEAW ACGSft, Gi&k MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE PDR TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: Comes now, nt-rnm /<.ert£~j)i/CKc~tf~~, Petitioner, and files this m^o^rfatah "* extension of sixty (60) days in which to file a Petition for Discretionary Review. In APR 01 2015 support of this motion, Petitioner shows the Court the following: L M Abel ^costa, C/erk The Petitioner was convicted in the l^i District Court of tj r€L4 4 County, Texas of the offense of FVAD/A/tf /IM^S T ^//? l/efi/cJt in Cause No. ^3 D(o2 8 .styled The State of Texas vs. U^rrcn /i)Q0i Supreme Judicial District, Appeal No. PL -14- OOP6>Q- Cfr . The case was affirmed on M/1££H 3~T JlD/5 II. The present deadline for filing the Petition for Discretionary Review is nprt I<£. 3-0/5. The Petitioner has not requested any extension prior to this request. III. Petitioner's request for an extension is based upon the following facts: Petitioner was not informed of the decision of the Court of Appeals in affirming his case until mflfiCH tf. c^/fT. Since that time Petitioner has been attempting to gain legal representation in this matter. His attorney on the appeal, £&£> &. Mofatty hasinformed Petitioner that hewill not represent him on the Petition for Discretionary Review. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays this Court grant this motion and extend the deadhne for filing the Petition for Discretionary Review in Cause No. ¥3 003 8 to Jove I, ^01$. •J ' ~ + Respectfully submitted, /ferry*? X&^f ,/)£/£/*#• Petitioner Pro Se TDC3 #/?<&)£ fe Texas Department of Criminal Justice CI CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, f-j&rrzryi fohl JjlMmJ&o hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Motion for Extension of Time to File a Petition for Discretionary Review, has been forwarded by United States Mail, postage prepaid, first class, to the State Prosecuting Attorney, P. O. Box 12405, Austin, TX 78711, and the District Attorney for Cff&QC^ County, Lrma i/^-oo 7~&YMS . on this the MtrcA ^ day of , 2O0£\ Petitioner Pro Se Date:/^/^/-/^ ^v^ Mr. Abel Acosta, Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals PO Box 12308 Austin, TX 78711 Dear Mr. Acosta: Enclosed please find my pro se Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File a Petition for Discretionary Review. Please file this Motion with the papers of this case and bring it to the attention of the Court. Please date-stamp this letter and return it to me at my address shown below. I also request that you notify me of the Court's ruling on my Motion. Sincerely, Petitioner Pro Se TDCJ# /r/JtQ&OX Texas Department of Criminal Justice Unit: eAST&/jb/»l Address: a^t,^ Prise* iZA. */
Duckett, Herron Kent
Combined Opinion